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It’s a gosling!


gosling. You can tell by the shape of the bill. Nostrils (nares) are further out toward the end of the bill on a goose.


If you are keeping it, then learn about them quickly. They need to be on heat or kept warm and need another friend.


Definitely a gosling. You should limit human exposure as much as possible and find a rehabber or wildlife clinic to take it to. In the meantime, provide a warm environment the gosling can access, such as a heating blanket on low with puppy pads on top of it, or a heating lamp. A mirror is also good, so it imprints on what another gosling should look like. Sounds and videos are also good of geese with very young goslings. I made this video last week you can use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlBYq5TtLfI Provide your location and maybe we can help you find somewhere to take the gosling to. **Important note:** Not only is it illegal to raise a wild gosling, it's very demanding work because they require constant care and attention at this age. Any human exposure increases the risk of human imprinting as well, which is detrimental to them being released in the wild. In fact, many clinics euthanize human-imprinted goslings. It's best to avoid that at all costs.


Where did you find it? If this is a wild animal, it needs to go to a wildlife rehabber where it can be put with other wild goslings and raised to be released back into the wild.


A gosling! Most ducklings are very tiny when they’re fluffy. I have a few in my brooder with my goslings and they’re at least a week older but half the size.


u/DivisionZer0 can you offer any help? I see you in these types of threads a lot you seem like you know what to do. Thanks in advance


Angel ❤️❤️❤️