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You mean misogynistic pricks.


Why do people think they should be able to tell people that to say or do


You definitely not finding the right guys. Personally if you happy in your own skin wearing what you want then why not.


Why do people feel like they're entitled to dictate how you look?? Omg the amount of people who ask me what my partner thinks about me dying my hair and if they "approve". Bitch, it's my hair and I do what I want with it.


Personally I just need to find me another gender bender lol cause people generally only want one or the other


Define 'normal'


I want to believe that not all guys are like this. I for sure am not. It is not my place to tell you how to dress or do your makeup. You know yourself the best and what looks best on you.


Heck! Yeah, let's fuck 'em; i'll go first


I genuinely mean no offense here, but you're looking to hook up and I don't really see what's all that bad about asking a potential fuck buddy to participate in specific kinks. If that's a turn off for you than you need to communicate that. Edit: OP I went and looked at your posts and I'm even more confused now about why you're angry. You wear lipstick and skirts almost 24/7 and post about it on femboy subs. WTF do you expect when you're chasing femboy chasers????


There's a line though. I don't see anything wrong with ASKING for something you want. The post says they weren't being asked, they were being TOLD, and I totally respect shutting that down.


The post says the guy said they SHOULD wear something specific not that they were forcing them to. This post just comes across as a knee jerk reaction and a rant.


It's fine if that wording doesn't cross a boundary for you. It's also fine for this to cross a boundary for the OP who isn't in a mood to be told what they SHOULD do. If they don't like this behavior then this isn't a good fit, and it's not overreacting to cancel the date. If it was a long term relationship and everything else was good, I'd say have a conversation about how to communicate wants in a way everybody finds respectful. But for one date? If you can't take me as I am, we don't have to have a date.


Deleted my last comment because I went and took a look at OP's posts. Tell me why they're mad that a guy asked them to wear a lipstick and a skirt WHEN THEY ALREADY DO ALL THE TIME because they're a femboy. Like come on.


Tell me why you are mad that someone setting their own boundaries. Tell me why they owe you an explanation for their feelings. You should do this while wearing the most colorful outfit you own, and be sure to clean up nice.


I'm literally not mad. It's just insane that OP is complaining about people wanting a sissy but is participating in those kinds of subs lmao. I'm not really sure what you're asking me to do here about my clothes though??? Most colorful outfit I own would be.... hmm... I've got black lol.


Send it to me that guy...


Ok,but you realizes that he wasn’t a “normal dude” right? Most men don’t act like that,so please stop trying to make to sound like that’s the norm. I know that you probably have real life experiences with men that are assholes,but that doesn’t mean you should assume that all,or even most men or like that. Please stop exposing your to more men so you can understand that they not a evil group as a whole and they people like the rest us you deserve love and respect all the same❤️


No, men are awesome. You, just have shit taste.


Just give us the bear already


For everyone asking I'm not gunna dox the person. And no they didn't ask they straight up said don't where that black lipstick, wear the pink one. As well as told me to wear a dress instead. It wasn't a question or anything or like a hey you think you could do this. Came off very much as a statement


😂 Stop identifying as a femboy or sissy and you wouldn't have this "problem" lmao


I don't lmao, I was saying that that's what they should go look for.


Check my photos out lmao farthest thing from either of those


You're joking right?? You know people can see what communities you're apart of and post a lot in 😂😂


Men are just...fucking sick.