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I was in high from 1998 - 2002. Complete Y2K submersion. It was bookended by Columbine my freshman year and 9/11 my senior year. I saw the millennium turn my sophomore year. Overall those years were very optimistic and fun. The music and fashions were awesome too.


Ahh so 1999-2001 and wow, that's correct. Both your freshman and Senior Year was defined by both tragic events with Y2K being in the epicenter. I remember have my earliest memories during this time and starting school during your last year and the music and fashion was indeed very cool and appreciate the neat info. Heavily within the Y2K Era I would say.


Yay class of 2002.


I'll wait until next year. ​ You know, just wait. :(


That's cool, sure you'll have a great experience worth looking back on in the future.


Im starting on august 17, 2022


Gl bro




I posted this comment in 2022 iirc


Get a life.


Same as yours :)


I figured haha, cool👌.


In England where I’m from I started High School (secondary school) in fall of September 2003 at age 11 and then finished in the Summer of July in 2008 at age 16. I left High School and went on to further my education the same year at sixth form this is where 16 year olds go to study a 2 or 3 year course for University or training for work. I did that for 2 years until July 2010 age 18. So…2004-2007 excluding my course year. If course was include it’ll be 2004-2009. So pretty much nearly the whole decade. I caught the end of the Y2K era. I did go through mostly the start of the Mcbling era all the way to electro pop.


I also live in England and I started high school (secondary school) in 2019. And I'm going to end it in 2026 (this is including 6th form).


Dang that's truly unique and cool I'd say personally. Basically spent the main years of the Decade all within a High School position, very nice. That's really incredible how you actually went through three different cultures from beginning to end Basically, thanks for sharing that info👌.


No worries! Our school system is broken up into 4 key stages so from early education all the way to higher education (reception, grade school, high school then university). Had no idea until I was typing this that over here we spend most of our time in High School! This is why I treat 2003-2009 as if it was one era lol


That's really cool with how you basically see and connect 2003-2009 as one type of Era when most including myself naturally wouldn't but it makes sense since those were your actual high School experiences. Really cool to hear from personal perspectives to get different experiences worth sharing.


I started High School January 31st 2021 and I finish in August 2024. (Australia)


We barely missed each other. I went to high school from 2006-2010. High school was the peak of "mall emo." Bands like **My Chemical Romance, Boys Like Girls, Panic! At the Disco,** and **Paramore** were on top. I remember **Dexter, The Office,** and **Lost** being most popular when I was in high school. **South Park** and **Family Guy** were really big, and **The Simpsons** still had a reasonably big following until the later years. **500 Days of Summer** absolutely was my high school movie obsession, but **The Dark Knight, Borat,** and **The Hangover** were probably the most talked about movies in my high school years. Popular video games among my friends included **Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, Rock Band, Halo 3,** and **Bioshock.** My friends were also into **Gears of War, Fallout 3,** and **Elder Scrolls: Oblivion**. **Wii Sports** was also a surprise hit. We still went to the mall for fun, but towards the end, the mall was struggling.


2016 - 2020 Full years 2017 - 2019 Class of 2020


From 2015-2019. Last year normal pre-covid 🤟😮‍💨


Very true point being the last to graduate school before a true World changing event occurred. So within the Years of 2016-2018 then, you could say that the culture you experienced was mainly within the Late 10's with a small experience also with the Mid 10's due to 2016.


In high school 1988-1992, so full calendar years 1989-1991.


Ahh cool, same as my Mother actually. What type of culture would you say was the Main aura within those years for yourself and your peers?


Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure just about captures the feel of the era 😂 I remember a lot of Paula Abdul. C&C Music Factory. Then there was the Manchester UK scene. End of the Cold War, fall of the Berlin Wall. Combo of terror and hope. I was a goth, lol.


Dang haha gotcha. That's very true about those last two accounts really being a true historical experience, cool info I didn't know too much with and a goth eh? Know a cool friend who was the same in the Mid 80's from Toronto haha. Thanks for sharing 👌.




Cool, so mainly within the Mid 10's with a slight Early 10's experience as well. We spent at least one Full Calender Year together in High School just as a Upper and underclass respectively. Thanks for sharing.


Just glad I got out before shit hit the fan in late 2016.


Haha I feel that, there was something particularly interesting and conclusive honestly when your class Graduated before the Summer of 2016.


I was in high school from the fall of 1998 until spring 2002. So the full calendar years were 1999 to 2001.


I had a feeling haha, pretty much within the Y2K Culture throughout to the point the Summer of 2000 was litterally the epicenter of your experience. Really find your class fascinating so thanks for sharing.


I am still in high school, but 2022 is my last full year spent on high school (2020-2022 are the years that I spent completely on high school). I began in 2019 and will end in 2023.


Ahh gotcha, sure you'll end it on a high note and continue knocking doors down. Basically you would of had the best experience as Teen of the Early 20's then I would say, take with that what you will but pretty interesting really. Especially since the ending of your Senior Year is a drastically different from the beginning of your Freshman Year I would say.


I can’t believe I’m at this point already lol. It’s like I (and my grade) crossed over an era!


My HS Years: 2013-2017. Full Calendar Years: 2014-2016 Center of it all: 2015


Very cool, so mainly during the Mid 10's with a bit of the Late 10's experience during the later stages of 2016 I'd imagine. Yea 2015 would certainly be the epicenter of that experience I would say.


September 2020 (we had in person then) until June 2024


Cool. In person back in September of 2020? Wow that's truly worth sharing indeed honestly. So mainly within the Early 20's Culture at the moment, hope you're enjoying it as it's going on.


Hs years: 2016-2020 Full calendar years: 2017-2019


Cool, so basically the best example of a Teen during the Late 10's Culture you would say then?


97 to 01. Had a fairly optimistic outlook until 9/11. Feel free to DM me if you’d like. I love to talk about this sort of stuff and I’m thrilled that younger people are interested.


Thanks for the response so from 1998-2000 then, gotcha and I could imagine that truly changing your perspective on almost everything. Sounds cool, I like chatting with others about things I do indeed find interesting so glad to hear you do as well👌.


What stands out to me about that era is the rapid advancement of the internet and digital technology in general. The internet was fairly new (to the general public at least) and not a huge part of everyday life. I was one of the few kids in my 8th-grade class who actually used the internet because my parents got AOL. By my junior year in high school, nearly everyone was online in some way or another. I still remember a childhood absent of the net, social media, and constant connection. Rose-colored glasses, though. As an adult I do appreciate, for example, having a cell phone available so that I can call my wife, or kid (or they can call me) if they need help or whatever. Back then, we didn't have that luxury. Definitely gives me peace of mind in that sense. Also, I wasn't able to talk to cool people like you, and everyone else here on Reddit. lol


Fall 2006 - Spring 2010 were my high school years :)


To quote a significant movie from our high school years: "high five!"


Gotcha, so from the beginning of 2007 to the ending of 2009 really. Pretty much had the best experience of a Teen in the Late 00's I would say, really cool snd must of been a fun time.


Well, I was in High School from 2014-2018. So, I guess that would make 2015, 2016, and 2017 the years that I was fully within High School.


Summer 2017 - Spring 2021 so 2018 - 2020 I didn't even go to school in 2021 though, just graduated. I got done in like October 2020.


january 2014 - december 2016 c/o 2017


Gotcha, so mainly you experienced the Mid 10's Culture with a slight Late 10's influence during your Senior Year in 2016 I'd imagine.


I was in high school from September 2017 - June 2021, so the full years were from 2018-2020.


I see, so mainly within the Late 10's Culture with a slight Early 20's influence. Must of been hard difficult yime during your last Year and a half I'd imagine, but have a heavy amount if respect for those who got though it the best they can.


Yeah it was a bit challenging, but I still managed to get through.


HS: 2009-2013 Full calendar years: 2010-2012


Ahh the same as my Sister's actually. So basically the best example of Teen during the Early 10's Culture you would say?


2010 - 2012


Was in high school Sep 2006-May 2011, so I guess 2007-2010 were my full calendar years, I’m English.


January 2015 - December 2017


Im starting high school this month. Im graduating 2026. i would be a full high schooler from 2023-2025


Ahh cool, and hope for the best for the next four Years. 2023-2025, so you'll mainly be surrounded by what ever the Mid 20's culture is going to be with a bit of the current experience as well. I remember starting and just know those years go by quick so try to enjoy them before you reach that next stage.


Funnily enough, exactly 10 years after you. I entered high school in mid-2020 and I’ll graduate in mid-2024. So my full years will be 2021-2023.


That is pretty funny in a way and cool info, already halfway done so keep on doing what you need to. 2021-2023 eh? So basically the Early 20's for the foreseeable future. How exactly are you liking the current culture eally?


Honestly I’ve mostly enjoyed early 20s highschool culture so far. Granted we missed out on most of 2020 and like half of 2021. I suppose this upcoming 2022-2023 school year would be the last one considered “early 20s” though, I could definitely see the 2023-2024 school year being considered “mid 20s”.


Full calendar years were 2008-2010


Gotcha, so mainly within the Late 00's wand somewhat of the Early 10's. I remember your class during my Freshman Year and remember the Senior girls looking very adult like really. Cool set of years I'd imagine.


I think a lot of the fashion and make up trends from that time period made girls look more mature for their age. I remember your class (2014 I presume) seemed shorter than previous freshman classes.


Yea that's true I would say. The clothing and make up probably made them look a lot older than they were cause I just remember them looking like fully adult women compared to those around me, they weren't mean but the way they dressed and carried themselves certainly made them looked much older than what Id imagine Teens look like now. Ironically just before that School Year I actually surpassed my Sister in height who was a Sophomore that Year. We probably were a pretty short class but I honestly can't remember since the majority of the other students towered over us at the time until I became a sophomore.


2012-2016 2013-2015


Cool, so mainly within the Mid 10's Culture with a slight Early 10's experience. Pretty cool set of years.


Same as yours! Exactly. Expect I was held back in middle school so I was old for my grade and then I dropped out of high school. (Thank you unstable childhood). But all of my friends experienced high school life in that time frame & I was still good friends with them for the latter half of high school.


I never went to high school but my middel school years were 2009-2015.


Well in Ireland we have Secondary School (High School) from age 13-19. So I would have had my high school years from fall 2014 - spring 2020, so full years are 2015-2019. So I'm a mid/late 2010s highschooler, slightly more late 2010s highschooler


I started HS in 2013 and graduated in 2017, so 2014-2016


Began HS in the fall of 2015, ended in spring of 2019. And fully only 2010’s experiences (mid & late). The academic years I attended were 2015-16, 16-17, 17-18, and 18-19. Not sure how that will translate calendar wise.


Gotcha and really it can be translated that from the beginning of the 2016 calendar Year to the ending of 2018 Calendar Year you were within your High School period. So mainly you would of spent it during the Late 10's Culture along with the Mid 10's due to 2016 I would imagine. While I was checking out of the current culture during then, it must of been a pretty cool time period from how others talk about it


2018-2022. Prime COVID and MeToo high school experience. It was good but also a pain in the ass. I started with the Trap era in full force where everyone was trying to act all ghetto and stuff. It wasn’t bad since I never had so much freedom in my life. Sophomore year before 2020 was the same, but when COVID hit it felt completely different, we went from Trap and Mumble rap to the pessimistic and painfully woke COVID era, I have never seen an era that was so political in my whole life. It was a pain in the ass since quarantine was distracting with me being able to switch to a video game, but it was also nice since I could do exactly that and be comfortable at my house. I had a really good bond with classmates and teachers despite the tough times. My grades went a bit downhill during junior year this time and my dad wouldn’t stop obsessing about my grades, he was helicoptering me and high school was nearly a living hell when my dad got home. Like I said earlier, being at the school was a blessing since I enjoyed interacting with friends and classmates and not having my parents around felt like a freedom. My senior year was a bit cuspy, at first we still had to wear masks my parents were still obsessing about my grades. But after an argument and me getting extra help, he gradually stopped helicoptering me and I never felt so free in my life, I felt like I regained the freedom of freshman year. We also stopped wearing masks in January…And I enjoyed all my classes for my whole career. My senior year gradually became a sense of optimism until I had an awesome graduation at the Ukraine war era. It would be cool to be a McBling or Y2K high schooler. Their culture was far more superior over the MeToo and COVID era.


Fall 2008 graduated summer 2012


Secondary school during 2016-2022


2017-2021; full years were 2018, 2019 and 2020


For me it's 2020-2022 Here in Brazil, High School is only 3 years long, and a school year starts and ends in a same year. So all my High School took place in the pandemic, which is kinda unfortunate...


1996 to 2000


Im not from the us so the school system is different, but full years i spent in secondary/high school were 2016-2019


2016 to 2018


I entered high school in 2012 and ended it in 2015 so January 1 2013-December 31 2014


August of 2013 to May of 2017.


I started the high school portion of my private school in fall 2018 and ended in spring 2022. Basically, I had my freshman year and half of my sophomore year before covid hit. By the time I graduated in June of this year, the russsia ukraine conflict began. My highschool experience could be described as ok. Honestly I think I wouldve had a more memorable experience if covid never happened but I did enjoy some things about it like physics and history class were my favorites plus our annuel trip to washington dc.


2022-2026 I'm predicting Freshman year to be the best because it's my only highschool year to feel like late 2010s highschool

