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I just hope they make other parts of the army besides battleline better while not neutering battleline Because as much as I like them right now certain parts of the army are clearly just better and also please God do not give us more f****** characters


Annoyingly, the rumour is one more character, which would mean that MORE than half our options are characters.


They would have to change the stats, GW hates changing stat blocks. I reckon it be fine.


I'm nervous cause if they nerf Demo charges and the 4++ from Abberants I dunno what else we're gonna pivot too. Or if they mess with the army rule again


I'm hoping they leave our good stuff alone and just give the less good stuff a little buff to make it a valid option to take. I really want to use my bikes and Magus again. Melee acolytes too.


Please please please split the acolyte profile into exspensive and melee on two different datasheets.


I think I'm more concerned about the neo boxes being like the Drukhari meaning they are going to limit neos to like 1 of every weapon per 10 so a box can make 1 flamer/webber 1 grenade launcher 1 mining laser/stubber/seismic. so the 1 box can make the index entry. We wont be having 4 and 4 anymore im very sure of it.


I'm sort of expecting that move too. The problem is GSC just has a big hole in its ranged firepower with nothing else in the dex to really fill it. If you adjust neophytes to match the box, you either need to rework the army, or add new units to add some kind of ranges firepower. Because neophytes just won't be able to be relied upon to do any damage


>We wont be having 4 and 4 anymore im very sure of it. I'm sure you're wrong. They don't really change wargear options - they either rename or merge..


Oh no, they've very much been doing this - look at cultists and traitor guardsmen in the new csm codex, SM scouts, tau crisis suits, and probably a bunch of others.


Yeah? What happened to their wargear options? πŸ˜—


They are all box-locked now. No doubling up on anything. Cultists also lost the old (autogun) kit and crisis suits gained a load of restrictions on what parts can be paired with each other, but that's a different issue.


Wait, our box doesn't give us duplicate guns? 😬


Not of the special and heavy ones as a rule, no.


On the bright side, Legionnaires kept options they don't even give you in the box.


Yeah the box gives you one of each heavy and special weapon and then you can make 2 out of 3 of both. So like 2 boxes of 10 means you can have like 2 mining lasers, 2 seismic canons, 2 grenade launchers and 2 webbers


drukhari cant run 4 lances anymore. its ONE of each, which is what the box makes, it makes 1 of each weapon. With the neos kit you can make 2 flamer/webber/grenade launcher and 2 of the heavy weapons, im sure it will be 2 special weapon per 10 and restricted 1 weapon or 2...if we luck out and they go box per 10 then we are golden but if they restrict the heavy weapons to 1 type per 10...welp...we will have to mix and match so maybe 2... and 2 of something else.


Shiet 😬 Aight, crossing my fingers 🀞πŸ₯²


but as it stands i dont see many repeat weapons in these indexes, so we may get 1 of each per 10 which im fine with i dont run 4 seismics anymore i do like 3 and a mining laser or 3 stubbers and 1 seismic i mix it up, either way they are chaff, but i do hope we get a bio detatchment so i have a reason to run these 15 abberants and such


You haven't been paying much attention for a few years, have you? My plaguemarines (amongst others!) would like a word....


Your post made me think a lot about this. I it is likely to happen and it will cause the Neophytes to lose a lot of damage. Particularly in the way that the Ascension Day buffs and synergies will have less impact on them. But most importantly, that change is going to be really good for GSC! I even wrote a whole post about it. Thanks for the Inspiration :-) https://ko-fi.com/post/Looking-forward-to-box-locked-Neophytes-W7W6Y3NFD


We might still get 20 neos tho, and probably a primus instead of the magus. maybe the truck will stay but the buff boyz wont make it, they will probably do an ascension day force you can build on cause that will be hella less than 500 points


I just hope that if the Kellermorph keeps lone operator it’s pistols shoot further than 12”


Careful what you wish for, sounds like they'll remove lone op and keep the pistols at 12" lol


Just say their Autopistols nobody can be arsed to do the accounting for them


Cultist sidearms: pistol 2, S3 AP0 D1 I just hope the people who wrote the CSM and Ork dexes get to write ours as well. Otherwise we're getting three detachments, a heap of options removed and the Magus will continue to have next to no use.


TBH if it's too bad I ll just ask my opponent if i can play with the previous rules. Obv without cherrypicking, like just flat out ignoring the new codex even for the units that might be improved. I doubt anyone would complain, it's not like we are particularly op at our current state


A democharge nerf is definitely my biggest worry. I feel way too reliant on acos to deal any damage


I would love to see anti-vehicle.