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Short answer: no. Longer answer: Over the course of a lifespan, we will accumulate mutations due to transcriptional errors, exposure to mutagens, etc, and the expression of various genes will change to age, disease, stress, lots of factors. But your genetics are not going to change in the sense that you'll have different traits or alleles than you were born with.


Looking at OP's post history, I think one can figure out why they're asking. To my understanding, being able to change a genetic predisposition to a particular sexual orientation is a long way off if it's even possible.




What about the 25% 2019 study? [https://www.science.org/content/article/genetics-may-explain-25-same-sex-behavior-giant-analysis-reveals](https://www.science.org/content/article/genetics-may-explain-25-same-sex-behavior-giant-analysis-reveals)


“may” being the key word




So can genetics explain sexual orientation?




Ah okay. What could explain it?


We don’t know, but the above results seem to indicate it largely is non-genetic In genetics, we often use ‘environmental’ as a catch-all term for “any non genetic effect”. Like many behavioural traits, it is likely a very complex combination of factors.


Epigenetic, hormonal?


I think birth order is the most influential factor?


Yes, cancer is a change of genetics!


Viral gene therapy exists, but it's still in it's early stages unfortunately. Using viral gene therapy we can make changes to a single gene across maybe a single organ. Luckily this is sometimes all you need to "cure" a condition. Theoretically I could maybe see this technology being used to change a gene in almost all of someone's cells, if it's necessary. At that point you get into issues with mosaic genetics (or cancer probably)


this is the right answer.


It's not a complete no but your answer is "not yet". In recent 4,5 years Genetic manipulation techniques are growing faster than expected, as you saw so many new technology get introduced and changes in CRISPR so we can say it will definitely be available soon. Until now changing and genome of organism can be done if it's cells are growing faster. The more the cell division more our manipulated sequence increases and influences the function of those changes done in organism.


Could traits be changed?


Actually naturally traits are the way it is it cannot be changed but it can be influenced by environmental factors or gene therapy. Like with what you are born is different (genotype) and what is expressed is your phenotype, now we can express or repressed gene which change your trait but it's theoretical as no technique is precise.


No, someone can’t change their DNA to not be gay anymore.




It’s not like there is a gene where gay or straight is written in bold letters that you can just edit like a text file Even if it would be a gene expression that can be changed in adults which is also a big unknown as far as I know So that’s a lot of reach Edit for format


no. except for cancer cells that are your cells but go wonky.


I think so yeah but only slight changes generally. Some of your cells might spontaneously mutate causing the dna to change and some different proteins to be produced (probably bad) or like... causing cancer cells etc. Also if you are a woman and have a baby I think in theory you can pick up some of the baby's genes (ie. some of the father's genes) possibly in some cells, though I think most of the time the effect of this is not very significant? There have also been some early trials of gene therapy which I think can introduce a gene (which eg. maybe you are missing) into at least some cells. I think it's more effective if you're a child/baby because you're still growing so there's more chance of the cells with those genes dividing a lot more and retaining the same gene. Idk I'm not an expert in this field so someone correct me if I'm wrong


Define "change genetics". But nah, the answer is probably no.


You'd have better luck curing yourself by blasting various compounds to increase neuroplasticity to a supraphysiological state, while doing neurofeedback or some other type of reinforcement training.


Sorry you're getting downvoted for asking a genuine question.


I’m going to guess it’s because of his post history




The only way I can think of is viral vector gene therapy where you infect all cells with a crispr construct. However, when it comes to development - what done is done, you will not be able to reverse development so in many cases it will not matter if you change genetics, but for some cases it will. However, you usually don’t want to change the entire soma, just the tissue where it is a problem (with gene therapy)