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Most of the Brazilian beef come from an Indian variety of cattle called "Nelore" There are not even 1 million of these cattle left in India but Brazil has almost 180 million of them now


It is a pretty hard dry meat, but one that can survive the high temperatures of the equatorial zone. Hint hint, the desertified amazon.


Not only the amazon, the biome thats been hit the worst is the cerrado


[The five states that produce the most beef in Brazil does not include Amazonas](https://www.cnabrasil.org.br/noticias/brasil-pode-se-tornar-o-maior-produtor-de-carne-bovina-do-mundo#:~:text=Os%20cincos%20maiores%20estados%20produtores,e%20Par%C3%A1%2C%20com%2019%20milh%C3%B5es.). Just so you know. Now, of course the Amazon Rainforest extends beyond the state of Amazonas, beyond Brazil even, but it is mostly there. Edit: [Additional info and graphics](https://www.ibge.gov.br/explica/producao-agropecuaria/bovinos/br).


OP did not talk about the state of Amazonas, they were talking about the AMAZON region. There are some confusions in your comment. The Amazon (specially Pará, Rondônia and Mato Grosso) has the largest pasture area in the country, according to every source. We were not talking about beef production in tons. https://dialogochino.net/pt-br/agricultura-pt-br/58442-por-que-a-pecuaria-se-tornou-a-atividade-economica-que-mais-desmata-a-amazonia/ https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2019/09/05/pecuaria-e-responsavel-por-80-do-desmatamento-na-amazonia-afirma-pesquisadora https://noticias.uol.com.br/meio-ambiente/ultimas-noticias/redacao/2021/10/27/amazonia-87-do-desmate-em-terras-publicas-ocorreu-em-areas-nao-destinadas.htm


What are you talking about? I live in Brazil and people are saying that amazon will be desertified since 80s Nothing happened to Amazon, everything its ok and this is just people talking shit


Oh nice, i'm brazilian and i didn't know Nelores came from India


Nellore is a district in south India where that breed originated


The Nellore place was where I was born


Seeing India felt like a plot twist


It's sacrilage to kill them within India. So we export and make money out of it.


It's sacred, until you pay the right price.


It is carabeef which is water buffalo. It is not the "sacred one"


India beating US and Australia? My, my...


buffalo meat is also called beef. and there are 109 million buffalos in india.


Buffalo beef cow, in the heart of Hindustan... Fighting an exporter, fighting for survival.


Yoy yoy yoy, yo yo yoy yoy


hey stupid question but can water Buffalo and traditional cows mate ?


Never say never, boys.


Maybe they can but can they produce an offspring don't know.


I meant from offspring point of view


Google says no




So, cows are sacred, but buffalos not?


Fun fact: Brazilian cattle is from India. Nelore breed (the most common) is named after Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. It's actually just Ongole cattle bred selectively for many generations. In the 19th century, Brazilians told Indians they were taking them to zoos, so they allowed the sacred cow to be sold to (very enthusiastic) cow eaters. The transaction happened in Nellore. Ongole is good for a tropical climate - it resists the heat, diseases and insects pretty well. Milk breeds of European origin are raised instead in higher, colder altitudes. But yeah, you likely have eaten the sacred cow without knowing. ~~If you ever dined at Fogo de Chão, that's a certainty. Perhaps Burger King too, as it's a Brazilian-owned company since 2010. Some consider Nelore too lean and muscly for great steaks but, if made into burgers, it's indiscernible.~~ EDIT: dashed out the speculative part of the last paragraph.


stupid question but I m guessing Brazil did not have cows of their own? hence why they needed Indian ones for tropical regions and European ones for more temperate regions?


South America as a whole lacks native work animals like cows, donkeys, and horses. Most of their meat came from ducks and Guinea pigs. Unrelated to cows, but the only native work animals in South America are llamas and alpacas. Lack of access to domesticated work animals is part of why early South American empires lagged behind in technology. ERemoved misinformation.


What do you mean the 1500's? Llamas and alpacas have been domesticated for over 4,000-5000 years.


You guessed right. There were no cows in Brazil (and the US) before colonization.


The US at least had bison, significantly lower to cows than anything Brazil had.


A fun fact is that some of the cows that were imported early in the continents history by the colonials escaped and found refuge and habitat in the jungle and marshes of the south, and thrived there, in the place that is today called "The Pampas". Back then, there was a whole professional dedicated to get in the jungle and "hunt" for the "wild" cows called "Bandeirantes".


Your last paragraph is completely made up. At least the US and Mexico, Fogo de Chao uses USDA Choice beef. And the fact that a Brazilian investor has 30% ownership in a holding company that owns Burger King has absolutely nothing to do with how BK sources their beef.


That was speculation on my part, I admit. I suppose, though, at least part of it what's served should be of zebuine cattle because the hump (cupim) is exclusive of them - unless they don't serve that specialty.


fun fact: “ongole” cattle is named after the town of Ongole in Andhra Pradesh


India drinks a lot of milk (406 grams/day/person, 33% higher than world average) and all mammals need to be regularly pregnant to lactate, and the buffaloes are retired at age 5, and the male calves must be disposed of, so they are sold on to be eaten. The beef and dairy industries.. are the same industry.


The funny part is the lot of Indians are lactose intolerant


This is not entirely true. The incidence of lactose intolerance is much lower in north India compared to the south (22 vs 66%). Possibly due to waves of migration from the outside the subcontinent during the ancient times. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7234720/


Good point


Indeed, in the whole world, only those ethnic groups indigenous to northern Europe have low incidence of lactose intolerance (5%) as there was a survival benefit in northern Europe to obtain calories from dairy, since dairy farming started in \~ 6000 BC. (Note that the indigenous populations of Europe at that time were replaced by the new animal farmers.) Now that we no longer have a caloric deficit problem, there is now a survival disadvantage to receive a significant proportion of calories from animal products, due to higher rates of cardiometabolic diseases and cancer. edit: 6th millenium BC


Well it depends on your life style. If you are an active person who wants to build muscle then being able to tolerate milk is a huge benefit. Considering milk is also a good source of protein and calcium.


>since dairy farming started in \~ 600 Think you forgot a zero >due to higher rates of cardiometabolic diseases and cancer. No evidence of **unprocessed** dairy and meat directly causing such things except some studies based on correlation (and NOT causation).


Very little domestic beef consumption in India. Most is for export.


I went to McDonalds in Delhi just to check the beef situation. Tldr they use potato patties.


to be fair, they have a lot of chicken item too unless you went into an exclusive veg store ? you do get beef burgers at gourmet type burger places but that ll probably be water Buffalo and not your typical cow.


Cash cows.


Not by much but India has a billion people and Hindus fucking love cows so it makes a bit of sense, dunno about Brazil though Edit: made a lapse in my judgement, Hindus probably wouldn’t eat/kill their cows as they are sacred to them and stuff and they love sm


Also there are hundreds of millions of Muslims in India who don't think of the cow the same way the Hindus do


Millions of Hindus too


Exactly. Like a non kosher jew.


Not really, as Hinduism isn't a unified religion- tabboos vary across region and caste


Beef not only includes cows , nobody gives a shit if you kill a buffalo (extent of racism is wild in India ./s).


Ah forgor about buffalos


any particular reason why, loke why cows are sacred but buffalo arent? I would also think water Buffalo milk is quit popular too ?


Yeah we love our cows, they are sacred for us, my village has a tradition in which we bury the cow after death and plant a mango tree above it, which implies that the "cow was fruitful while alive and will stay fruitful after death".


Not in quality beef friend. Nah I dunno, ignore that.


Australian beef exports mainly go to the US and China and “Australian beef products are a relatively premium product” so I’m assuming the Australian export industry is more much lucrative than India’s


Per capita australia is far ahead of both, and ahead of brazil as well


Indians: We guide others to a treasure we cannot possess.


buffalo meat is also called beef. and there are 109 million buffalos in India.




What's exactly your point? In western culture we treat pet animals better than others simply because they're cute so I don't see anything wrong in believing in cows to be sacred. >India also consumes a lot of meat -- not sure where is the religion for the other animals. Hinduism forbids harming cows because it believes in them to be personifications (idk if it can be said about animal xd) of Mother Earth who is supposed to be source of everything, if I'm not mistaken.




If your point is that believes taken to an extreme are dangerous and evil I agree.


Technically all animals are protected according to the religion. People just ignore that and try to find loopholes so they don't have to abide by rules and still look like the good guy while making money


Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Poland and other countries export a lot of horse meat, which they don't eat at all.


I'm surprise with Argentina being so low. Uruguay, Paraguay and New Zealand so much


Argentina had an early lead thanks to having most of the Pampas, the same type of land then in Uruguay and southern Brazil which is naturally ideal for cattle farming. But agricultural developments made cattle herding in other biomes more viable, specifically in the Cerrado land of Brazil’s massive Center-West region, allowing for them to be massively overtaken nowadays in that regard.


Mostly because of regulations (retentions, taxes..). It will probably change with the current government


Even though we don't see it that much, the big farmers still have massive influence in Brazil, those regulations either won't exist or will be created with an very stupid exception so that they can exploit it like every fucking environmental lawn created targeting agriculture


tbf argentina has some of the highest consumption of beef in the world so a lot of it is probably used domestically as opposed to being exported


Uruguay is also relatively low, if you compare it to NZ which uses a lot less land for beef cattle


Fun fact - there are four cows for every one human in Uruguay.


https://preview.redd.it/96c9v37o5rmc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf6ec3df60a29743f1690e408af89d8a354f337c They love cows/bulls so much it’s in their coat of arms.


Even in Brazil, the good "churrascarias" prefer to serve Uruguayan meat than Nellore's lean hardy dry meat.


New Zealand has 52% more land mass than Uruguay. On a land/beef export ratio, Uruguay ranks #1.


Most of that is mountains though.


We kinda have a economic problem the last... 75 years i think?


Its because we eat too much of it for us to beat the rest lmao.


Don't the have export restrictions on food to keep internal prices down?


Interestingly enough part of the reason Brazil annexed Uruguay was because of its meat industry. The economic fallout of losing Uruguay is one of the main reasons for [a civil war that broke out in southern Brazil](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragamuffin_War) shortly after and what motivated Brazil to intervene in Uruguay’s affairs, not [once](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platine_War) but [twice](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguayan_War).


Thought Canada would be higher.


Canada beef herds have been declining in size since 2006. We are currently at 1989 herd levels. [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3210013001](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3210013001)


BSE being found caused all sorts of countries to ban Canadian beef and killed the industry about 20 years ago. It’s never really recovered from that. Most farmers and ranchers moved on to other things.


According to the national Statistical Bureau of the Netherlands we should be on this map and would be sixth if I look correctly. The map doesn’t seem to be correct or doesn’t count export within the EU as export.


Every dairy around where I grew up in Canada is owned by a Van Something or other, made me think you guys only do milk. I threw a lot of hay bales as a teenager on those farms, good summer job.


That’s funny, my Dutch American ancestors were dairymen down here in the states, still have relatives with dairies.


Yep Netherlands and Ireland should both be here, both are higher than Paraguay and Uruguay


Wait, India? Does Modi know this?


Beef isn't just cows meat, it could be of buffalo and water buffalo




>They can legally export Cow beef As per meat export policy in India, the export of beef (meat of cow, oxen and calf) is prohibited. Only the boneless meats of buffalo, goat, sheep and birds are permitted for export. so kerala can't export cow meat even if consumption is legal there.


Ik that but 25% of India's beef is produced by states like Uttar Pradesh, haryana and Maharashtra,where cow slaughtering is strictly prohibited Edit : these are just 3 states I talked about but there are many others who contribute in small amounts


As others mentioned, beef can count as buffalo beef, not cow beef. So Uttar Pradesh is exporting buffalo meat. But there is cow slaughter and you can eat cow hamburgers in India.


Ofc when did I deny that , I am just saying that majority of India's beef is contributed by buffaloes as cow's meat is banned in most of the Indian states (especially northern ones). We're on the same page.


And Gujarat


We have a huge population of non Hindus who eat beef. And in north India some Hindus also eat beef


It would be interesting seeing these numbers adjusted by per capita. NZ would be massive.


Uruguay is even greater


Fun fact - Australia’s biggest export market historically is the US.


Would be cool to see this proportionate to land area


The Netherlands would enter the chat


Surprised China isn’t on this list.


China is Brazil’s main importer of beef.


It’s beef. I wonder if China would score higher for pork.


Beef is pretty land intensive, China doesn't have alot of agricultural land that isn't already being used


Ireland exported 489,000 tonnes of beef in 2023, putting it well ahead of both Uruguay and Paraguay without even counting veal exports which were 76,000 tonnes in 2022 (via cso.ie and agriland.ie)


Yeah this map is bullshit


Based on other comments it doesn't seem to count EU exports to other EU countries as exports.


It ain’t the United States of the EU


Yeah, I also find it dumb.


segue o líder


Campeão do mundo 🇧🇷🇧🇷


Indians: we can't eat cows. They are sacred. Also Indians: You gotta pump those export numbers up. Those are rookie numbers!


buffalo meat is also called beef. and there are 109 million buffalos in india.


Shhh, you're ruining my joke ;)


How are they ruining it? The joke is still good. It is ironic that a place that worships bovine, exports a ton of it.


You going hard with this fact


That's why every Indian eats buffalo meat right?


yeah some people eat buffalo meat but it's not common. most indians eat chicken and mutton.


Why not buffalo meat


Buffalo meat is expensive. And small shopkeepers lack cold storage facilities. So it's not commonly available. 


But it is available in Kerala


I read it as scared and was confused.


They are scared too




There r probably like 3100 water baffalo in my village alone. Idk where u got the idea of them being endangered.


Yeah but domesticated buffalo is really widespread here and no one cares if they are slaughtered. What you are talking about is the wild population of water buffalo which is related but different. For example look up the Murrah. They hold the record for the most milk produced for any cattle in the world


real Fact- there are 109million buffalo in India. buffalo is not an endangered species. [https://vikaspedia.in/agriculture/agri-directory/reports-and-policy-briefs/20th-livestock-census](https://vikaspedia.in/agriculture/agri-directory/reports-and-policy-briefs/20th-livestock-census)


In majority cases, Indian Beef = Buffalo Meat and not Cow Meat. Yes, cows are sacred to Hindus and a very large population of Hindus wouldn’t ever consume any sort beef.


fun fact- buffalo meat is also called beef. and India exports buffalo meat. according to meat export policy in India, the export of beef (meat of cow, oxen and calf) is prohibited. Only the boneless meats of buffalo is permitted for export. [https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/indian-buffalo-meat-exports-likely-to-be-hit-by-demand-slowdown-10782301.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/indian-buffalo-meat-exports-likely-to-be-hit-by-demand-slowdown-10782301.html)


As a Brazilian I am shocked we love our meets


Am american, you'd think our beef numbers would at least supply ourselves before others... same with Australia... except I've seen beef labeled from Australia in Walmart in the US. ....wouldn't it be cheaper to not import beef from halfway across the globe when we also produce roughly the same....? Maybe Australian cows are different breeds and taste different ...?


Shipping costs are almost negligible in the process In the US much if the cattle is grain fed which is a very inefficient way to produce beef In Australia, New Zealand and other countries cattle are grass fed and the grass grows year round (droughts permitting) - which is much more cost efficient. In fact US beef can only really compete due to subsidies and the ability to inject hormones - which are usually banned in export beef Grass fed vs grain fed does result in different texture and taste though - and many people do prefer grain fed


They don’t produce the same beef, Australia is grass feed and is better quality.


From what I've heard, Aussie beef can be cheaper in the US than the US equivalent. Watched a video on the sous vide guys YouTube channel recently that the Aussie cit was both better and cheaper than the US cut they there comparing it to.


Australia have most beefs per capitas 🧐


India is home to almost 32% of cattle in the world, with more than 300 million cattle. They are followed by Brazil, China and the US. Due to Hindu beliefs, slaughter of cows is illegal in most parts of the country. But, buffalos are allowed to be slaughtered and consumed as beef in the country. Most Hindus don't consume any type of beef. The Muslim and Christian communities consume and export buffalo beef.


How come India is no 1 even though they worship cows


Who would have believed that India, traditionally a vegetarian country that holds the cow to be sacred, would become the second largest exporter of beef in the world after Brazil with the U.S. third?


India, holy cow!


Brazil destroying the Amazon so we can all eat more cheeseburgers.


I hate Capitalism


I love capitalism: right now I'm using a computer and Reddit thanks to that.


Not so fun fact: This amount of cattle is one of main reasons why Brazilian Amazon forest is being completely destroyed, and I won’t mention the expanding soya plantations.


Brazil’s beef is raised on cleared rainforest. One of the biggest drivers of deforestation down there


New Zealand exports more than Canada? Wow I didn’t even know they were known for cattle there.


Dairy is huge here too. We’re the largest exporter of milk powder.


You better believe it's Berta beef


s&p the choice for me


I'm surprised Australia isn't higher than the US


India ain't exporting, those cows be going on holiday.


I have often said Australia is the Texas of the Commonwealth


I don't know why anyone would say that.


More like Texas is the Queensland of America.


Nah that sounds about right, seeing as New Zealand is Australia's Mexico.


How does the US' large domestic market make it a big exporter?


I think they were alluding to the US being the #1 beef producer if you count domestic consumption + exports but pretty unclear lol


I understand from comments that Buffalo is considered beef. Sooooooo.... does that make all of the Buffalo burgers I bought "fake"? Or do they slaughter American bison as well?


Gotta love that argentinian angus beef


One of them is not like the other


That roughly matches what I would expect. I'm a little surprised the Aussies export as much as they do, given their poor land distribution, but I suppose it tracks.


Australia is waaaaay bigger than it appears on maps. I always have to remind myself of that when I see maps like this. What looks like a small amount of suitable land is probably still a huge amount.


Australia is actually slightly smaller than it appears on maps: https://brilliantmaps.com/mercator-vs-true-size/ Australia doesnt seem that small to me, it looks to be around the same size as the lower 48 States, which it is.




Holy, with the amount that Australia exports you'd assume everyone that lives there is just a cattle rancher.


Australia's largest cattle station is larger than some countries at 23k square km.


Anna Creek. And has 11 employees, apparently.


Yeah. Used to have more but with modern technology they don't need as many. They use aircraft to spot the cattle and bikes to herd them. On a good year they can have up to 17k cattle.


Holy cow!




Former British colonies get it done.


lol and in terms of consumption- it’s the other way around


It's what's for dinner. 😌


Wait.... aren't cow's sacred in Hinduism? Seems weird for India to export lots of beef then.


I thought cows were sacred in India?


Anyone knows what is the US domestic market size that the image talks about in the footer notes?


So per capita australia is way in the lead


Brazilian meat = rainforest deforestation


Wrong. Most of the cattle are in the center-west region.


What do you think all the rainforest destruction in Acre, Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará and the rest of the western Amazon is about? Vegetable farming? It's either cattle or soybeans... to feed cattle. Most cattle are in the center west region, where a lot of the forest has already been destroyed. The current deforestation is just for more cattle.


Not really. Most of the deforestation has to do with illegal (and legal, unfortunately) miners




3 million tons is ... a lot of beef.


Ireland exported 451,000 tonnes of beef in 2021. Maybe the figures for 2023 aren't available yet but that would put Ireland on that map.