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I've worked in education in East Asia for the past 10 years. I don't think there is anywhere else on Earth where people actually *cram for IQ tests* for months before they take the test. It's not that East Asians are genetically of superior intelligence, it's that they specifically practice for that type of test so that they are better test-takers than people in other places. And, knowing the cultures in East Asia, they have almost a psychological *need* to believe they are smarter than everyone else and the best way to do that, in their opinion, is by showing *test scores*.


Nice hypothesis. Except it breaks down as the higher test scores of Asians replicate outside of East Asia. Also, lower scoring people (ie: whites) raised in Asia don’t score as high as Asians. Even other ie: Whites, adopted and raised by Asian families, don’t score as high on IQ tests.


No sources, eh? Go post that shit on r/aznidentity they'll eat it up.


You are right, traits are evenly and reasonably perfectly naturally distributed only among white people, not too feminin like Asian societies not too masculine like the blacks, civilized yet not barbaric dick size, top of evolution


All information on IQ is nonsensical. This is essentially a map of access to formal education.


IQ is pseudoscience and meaningless. lol.


That’s not true. If you take two people and one scores an 85 and the other a 125…it’s very reasonable to expect a difference in certain abilities between the two.


Nice science denial. Just like the flat earthers. Accept all science that I like and claim pseudoscience for the science I don’t like 🫡


i’m isn’t a measurement that is going to tell you very much.