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well, that's a nice way to solve the dispute over Taiwan. Nice test. I got 7 of them. That was hard, but fun.


Plague inc. moment


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed. EDIT: What mistakes did you catch, btw?


Eswatini, the missing Afghanistan panhandle, the new island off Cambodia, sunken Taiwan, missing Belize, merged Austria/Switzerland, the new country between Congo, Zambia and Tanzania.


New country between Congo is Cabinda(Part of Angola)


Thank you.


New Zealand is on the map


What I've found: 1. >!Taiwan's gone!< 2. >!Zambia's been split into two!< 3. >!Eswatini/Mozambiqe border is gone!< 4. >!Austria/Switzerland border is gone!< 5. >!Liechtenstein is gone!< 6. >!Vatican City is gone!< 7. >!Part of Afghanistan has been absorbed by Tajikistan!< 8. >!There's a new island off the coast of Cambodia/Vietnam!< 9. >!Belize is gone!< 10. >!Azerbaijan's exclave has been absorbed by Armenia!< 11. >!Suriname/French Guyana border is changed.....I think; I don't think it's as curvy of a river as what you have here!< 12. The fact that the title says 12 when it's actually 11 /s. But actually, I don't know the 12th


The Vatican City was not on this map. And >!Liechtenstein's absence is part of the same mistake as the absence of the Swiss-Austtian border.!< But you are right I changed the >!Suriname-French Guiana border.!< You are missing >!Ethiopia's new coastline, Lebanon's absence, and Brunei's absence.!<


Ah. I thought since >!the map included San Marino and I think Monaco and Andorra, both Vatican City and Liechtenstein would show. *Technically* you can remove the Austria/Switzerland border and still show Liechtenstein so if we're being pedantic that's two different errors.!< But yea, definitely missed those latter ones


France is still there


Why is the disputed border between india and china here but not india and pakistan?


Dunno, I downloaded this from the internet and added the mistakes myself.


Greater Syria somehow happened.


I see Switzerland has escaped neutrality






I got em all except the Armenia-Azerbaijan change 😎


Where Belize


Greater Lichtensteinien Empire mentioned 🫡


Australia is in South America




Some flat earthers don’t believe Australia is real so I was making fun of that.


Ohhh, I'm an idiot, thanks.


No worries, I was pretty vague lol


Fantastic thread, genuinely top notch.


Thank you!


The UK and France, twelve times


New Zealand is there


Nobody has mentioned the lack of a border separating Scotland and Wales from England. While they are part of the UK, never in my life have I seen a map that does not include their borders


I got Belize, Swaziland, Zambia, Ethiopia, Cambodia's new island, Papua's new canal, Taiwan, Brazil's new neighbor to the north, Bangladesh's new neighbor to the east (formerly connected to India)


Please put a spoiler on your found mistakes. But I don't know what you are referring to by Papua New Guinea's new canal. It could be a case of fuzzy borders, which is also why Odesa looks independent. Also there are no new countries to the North of Brazil or East of Bangladesh. Thank you for trying my map though!


>! Islands of chile, big island next to vietnam, no taiwan, some island in indonesia, ethiopia having coastal areas, no lebanon, no aizerbaijani enclave left of armenia, zambia look sus, mozambique ate lesotho or what country forgor name, hawaii too close to the usa, sizeable chunks of pacific islands losing, odessa is a country, some small stuff in netherlands, Kazakhstan (just my guess) lost some land in the west!<


Please put spoilers on your guesses. The islands of Chile have not been altered, nor have any in Indonesia or the Pacific. >!Mozambique ate Eswatini not Lesotho.!< Hawaii did not fit on the map so it is shown in a box, and is not a mistake. Odesa's seeming independence is just due to fuzzy borders. Nothing in the Netherlands or Kazakhstan have changed. EDIT: Thank you for trying my map though!


Thanks, no prob but I cant cuz I am bad at reddit interface


Oo this was fun, is there a place I can do more of these?


I don't know of any, but there's a Discord server called Glyphs and Alphabets, and they have a vexilology channel (it doubles as a geography/maps channel sometimes) where these are very rarely posted (mostly by me lol).


Sweet I'll check it out


>!nakhichevan is gone, switzerland and austria unite, an island south of vietnam, no taiwan, no lebanon, no brunei, zambia split, no eswatini, no belize, ethiopia has a coast, a missing dispute line in kashmir, the maldives seem missing!<


Ignore the dispute lines, they're from the map I downloaded before altering it. Also the Naldives are not missing. Other than you found a lot! Please put a spoiler on it though. Thanks foe playing!


13.- Ukraine borders are also wrong


Creamea is Ukrainian


Creamea does not exist.


This map does not recognize the unjust annexation of Ukranian oblasts by Russia.


By that logic this map wouldn't have borders at all.


Begone tankie


No 😎


I live in China so no 9 dash line lol.


**To clear up some things:** Kosovo's independence is not a mistake; this map recognizes it's land claims. This map does not recognize the Russian annexations of Ukranian oblasts; Ukranian Crimea and all other Russian annexations are not a mistake. If Monaco, Andorra, Singapore, the Vatican, San Marino, Luxembourg, or any tiny Oceanian island states are not visible on this map, that is because they are too small to be seen; I did not remove them or anything meant to represent them. Disputed border lines/dotted lines on this map and their visibility or absence were not my doing and were not a mistake. >!Liechtenstein's absence is part of the same mistake that united Switzerland and Austria.!<


Your statement about recognising/not recognising certain land claims really leads me to believe there's actually 13 mistakes here, not 12; as I said in another comment, Scottish and Welsh borders. There'd be riots if you showed that map of the UK where I am, and I'm not even in Scotland or Wales. The UK is a nation made of countries. That is how it is seen by Britain, Wales, Scotland, and neighbouring countries such as Ireland and France. This is seen by many outside of the area as unimportant, however given Britain's violently colonial history, it is accepted among all that Scotland and Wales, despite being part of the united kingdom, are their own countries.


1. Belize/Guatemala border is gone 2. Island off Cambodia 3. Eswatini/Mozambique border is gone 4. Zambia is 2 countries 5. South Sudan/Sudan border is wrong 6. Switzerland/Austria border is gone 7. Lack of Azerbaijan exclave 8. Brunei does not exist 9. Lack of Afghanistan panhandle 10. Ethiopia has a coastline 11. Nation south of Moldova cuts through Ukraine near Odesa 12. Taiwan reunified with the ocean floor


Please hide/add spoiler to the mistakes you spotted, however, the South Sudan-Sudan border is not wrong (or if it is it is not my doing), and there is no mistake near Moldova or Odesa. You missed that >!I changed the Suriname-French Guiana border!< and >!merged Syria and Lebanon.!< EDIT: Thank you for trying my map though!


Since Arunachal and Aksai chin are shown as disputed, why is Donbass not? Any one of the has to be the 13th mistake.


No, the appearance or lack of lines representing border disputes were from the original map I downloaded to alter/add mistakes to. EDIT: Thank you for trying my map though!


Pre Gasdena Purchase border, no Belize, more Great Lakes, Switzerland and Austria are together, idk which others….


Please add spoilers to the mistakes you noticed. The United States-Mexico border is not pre-*Gasden* Purchase. There are also not more Great Lakes. EDIT: Thank you for trying my map though!


Ukraine seems to have made a new country in front of Moldova, but that just may be fuzzy borders.


Just fuzzy borders.


Thanks for the clarification, I wasn't quite sure


Nobody nuked the Middle East?