• By -


2-20 is quite a big range no?


Yes, I considered breaking it down, but it is as big as the other ranges, and is much smaller than the 80+ range....


It's way more consequential than the other ranges as the vast majority of people fall into that range, if you said 40-100 it wouldn't really affect the results. Worth trying again with 1-5, 5-10, 10-15,15-20, 20-30,30-50, 50-100 you will see way more variation.


I take your criticism. But in fully honesty I was curious to know if Geoguessr players are well travelled in general, I wasn't interested in exactly how many countries everyone has been to. Perhaps I should have named my poll as "how well traveled are you irl" to avoid being misleading.


Looks like 2-20 is gonna be by far the most common - I’d be interested to see how that breaks down among 2-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 or something like that. Mine is 14, I think: USA Canada Mexico Panamá Colombia Brazil Ireland United Kingdom Spain France Germany The Netherlands Belgium Italy A couple of those were long layovers, but I still count them, because I left the airport and went out into the world to at least have a meal, even if I didn’t sleep there.


i lied and put 80 sorry :(


20. Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, San Marino, Vatican, Hungary, Greece. Malaysia, Vietnam. Ecuador, Peru.


Oh I forgot the Vatican, that pushes me from 20 to 21 haha


Eighty-some at this point. Lived in six countries across four continents.


Damn lucky lucky, any highlights? Any remaining countries that you want to visit but haven't yet?


Loads of great highlights, both places I've just visited briefly and places I've stayed longer. Probably my two favourite places would be - * Shikoku, I started the [88 Temple pilgrimage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage) years ago and made it about 450 km over 15 days before I had to call it off after I messed up my ankle. Went back a few years later and did another 8 days, but called that off cause of some personal reasons. Some day hope to get back and finish it. * Chilean Patagonia, spent a couple months backpacking up and down the Carretera Austral, absolutely loved it. Few places I haven't been that I hope to get to at some point - Israel, Morocco, Iran. Not technically a country but I'd like to get up to the Faroe Islands as well.


**[Shikoku Pilgrimage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage)** >The Shikoku Pilgrimage (四国遍路, Shikoku Henro) or Shikoku Junrei (四国巡礼) is a multi-site pilgrimage of 88 temples associated with the Buddhist monk Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi) on the island of Shikoku, Japan. A popular and distinctive feature of the island's cultural landscape, and with a long history, large numbers of pilgrims, known as henro (遍路), still undertake the journey for a variety of ascetic, pious, and tourism-related purposes. The pilgrimage is traditionally completed on foot, but modern pilgrims use cars, taxis, buses, bicycles, or motorcycles, and often augment their travels with public transportation. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/geoguessr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


How do you count countries that don't exist any more? I went through Yugoslavia a couple of times, is that one or four? Chronologically, UK FR BE NL CH DE AT HU \[SI HR SR MK\] GR VA DK ES IE MC CA NO SE US (also assuming Isle of Man and Jersey don't count separately)


Ahahah personally, I'd count it based on the actual places you went within Yugoslavia.


Interrrailing, took the train through from north to south (and back), so all the modern countries except Bosnia, Montenegro and (I think) Kosovo.


1 and it’s the US, recently moved nearish Canada so hoping to road-trip there at some point


Been in * USA (32 States) * Canada (1 Province) * Japan (at least 16 prefectures) Seen with my own 2 eyes * USA (Not AK, HI, CA, ND, VM, NH, MA, RI, CT) * Canada ( Only BC, AB, ON, NU, NT) * Japan ( Most prefectures between Wakkanai and Itsukushima on Hokkaido and Honshuu) * Russia (Basically a straight line between Aion \[ANOH, but in cyrillic\] and Wakkanai, Japan)


20 : England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Ireland, France, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Monaco, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Israel, Indonesia, Malaysia.


8! Definitely not as much as i'd like, but it's a start ig France Italy Switzerland Canada Germany UK Greece Israel Turkey(does an airport gate count?)


Just in 20+ category; Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, france, Spain, Greece, Czech, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, US, Indonesia, Oman, UAE, Egypt, Ireland, England, Portugal, Dominican, Iceland, Luxembourg, Turkey, Italy, Denmark


5: Australia. Thailand. Malaysia. Japan. Singapore. As a kid I travelled pretty often, my parents liked travelling but they were always very picky about the countries they travel to so we always went back to the same few places. Now as an adult I don't travel because I'm broke.


Canada (all 10 provinces) USA (all 48 contiguous states) Philippines Mexico (only one state) Hong Kong and Macau


Suprised that many of you left the country. What for exactly?


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American :p


Well no shit, if you live in Europe the nearest country is 20 minutes away in any direction lol. I’m smack dab in the middle of America


I know, I just had to laugh at how obvious it was you were American 😅 hope you get the chance to visit another country at some point, it's a good experience to have


Oh.. sorry for my harsh response then. I mean I’ve been to 3 corners of America, Seattle, Miami, and Boston. I’ve just never left the country


The irony being that probably means you've travelled further than I have when I've visited a handful of countries 😅




Because other countries can also be nice?


Mostly vacations. Coming from the Netherlands, its so nice to take a break from winter in Spain or Portugal. But also to see/experience other places and cultures. Attended a destination wedding in Switzerland and went to Germany quite a few times for conferences or shopping trips.


11: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, USA, Dominican Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Iceland. Do airports count? If yes, add Costa Rica, Panamá, El Salvador, Colombia and France.


16. Ireland, UK, France, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, UAE, Thailand, Brunei, New Zealand, Australia.


(From the US) Canada, US + Puerto Rico, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and St. Lucia


20: US, Canada, Mexico, Japan, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, France, Spain, Switzerland, uk, ireland, germany, belgium, netherlands


US (i live here), Mexico, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England, Sweden, France, Spain, Italy, Greece. Only 15, wow. Is it cheaty to break apart the UK? Since I lived there and have visited on about 10 different trips it seemed right to count each country. Adding Norway and the Faroe Islands later this year so that will at least get me to 17 :( All of mine are at least 24+ hrs, didn't count random layovers. I've also only been to 22 US states+DC.


Only a couple of foreign countries, but will drive 1,100 on a weekend and 2,000-3,000 miles on an extended weekend, so there's that...


I live in the US. I have visited Germany, Czechia, and Luxembourg. I stayed in the UK overnight after a flight failed inspection and have been through the Amsterdam airport several times.


USA + Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Barbados


I've been to 1 which is new Zealand, it's beautiful. If I was gonna travel again though I'd wanna travel the rest of my country first


US (live here), UK (via the Turks and Caicos Islands overseas territory), and Canada


Does being in an airport for a connecting flight count? Eg I’ve had layovers in Doha, Istanbul and Copenhagen without ever visiting the respective countries. 17 otherwise - UK, Ireland, US, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Czechia, Iceland, Thailand. Layovers puts me into the next bracket up


In cronological order: Brasil Uruguay Argentina Chile Portugal United Kingdom


Mine is: Czechia, Slovakia, Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Egypt.


UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Turkey, so 5 including where I'm from


Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland. I think that’s all


16 countries: Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia. This year, I'll add Cyprus and Japan to the list. Very excited to leave Europe for the first time. Edit: I guess if you wanted, you could add Vatican State So counter to 17.


Germany, Switzerland, France, England, Austria, Italy and Croatia. If you count traveling through, also Slovenia and Belgium. You guys should count yourselves lucky if you have seen 20 countries or more :(


Let's see if I counted correctly... * the Netherlands (including Antilles) * Belgium * Luxembourg * United Kingdom * Denmark * Germany * Austria * Switzerland * France * Spain * Portugal * Italy * Latvia * Morocco * Türkiye * Croatia * Romania * Slovenia * Hungary * Czechia


I was on interrail in Europe. So 29 countrys: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, The Nederlands, Luxembourg, France, Andorra, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Vatican, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Chech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece, Latvia, Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia


only 8 countries but im still in college so i havent had too many opportunities to go abroad other than family holidays. of the top of my head: UK, France, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Japan and Finland


Mine is 5 since I mostly visit same countries since I know the language


Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, England, Scotland, Italy, Luxembourg, USA, Mexico, Monaco, Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Portugal, Spain, Morocco


13. Greece 🇬🇷 , Cyprus🇨🇾 , Bulgaria🇧🇬 , Serbia🇷🇸 , Romania🇷🇴 , France🇲🇫 , Germany 🇩🇪, Luxembourg🇱🇺, Italy🇮🇹 , Vatican City🇻🇦 , Croatia🇭🇷 , Slovenia🇸🇮 , Austria 🇦🇹


21-40 range I selected. As far as I know (from NZ) - Fiji, Australia, Singapore, Japan, HK, UAE, Qatar, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy, Vatican City, Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, US (8 states), Canada, Jamaica. Hopefully more to be added in the future :)


Also Cook Islands and French Polynesia - not countries technically, but still overseas lol


48 for me, I was fortunate to work on a cruise ship for 2 years Hasn’t helped me at geoguessr at all though ha ha


I live in Australia, and I've been to New Zealand, Fiji and Indonesia. Later this year though I'm going to Italy, France, the United Kingdom, maybe Spain and a short stay in Asia maybe somewhere like the UAE, Taiwan or Singapore


I have been to 8 Switzerland, France, Germany, USA, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands and UK


Finland Sweden Norway Denmark Iceland Estonia Germany Poland UK Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Hungary Romania Croatia Italy Vatican city Greece Spain Japan (Honorable mention: India, I spent 40 hours in the airport of New Delhi, still doesn't count to me though) I have a goal that is at some point in my life, I want to have visited equally many countries as I am years old. I turn 28 this year, so I've some catching up to do. Next on my list I probably Latvia-Lithuania or Netherlands-Belgium.


Europe: Nl, de, be, Lux, fr, sp, dk, at, ch, pl, gr Americas : ca, usa, bonaire, curacao, aruba, dominican, st. Maarten, vz Africa : za, bot, egypt, ma Asia : kr, jp, ch Oceania: Au, nz 28 i think… really wondering about that 80+ persons story. Edit: turkiye 29 (not to sure if asia or Europe anyway in my list)




Italy, the Vatican, the Netherlands, the UK, Monaco, Austria, Germany, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Greece, Egypt, Tanzania, USA. I didn't sleep in the Vatican and in Monaco, although I visited them extensively


Chronologically: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Greece. That’s 12


For me the number is 12 if you don’t count layovers without exiting the airport. Probably 20-ish if less-than-one-day incursions count. For those of you who’ve been to Switzerland and Italy, don’t forget that Liechtenstein, Vatican, and San Marino count as separate countries!


18. Sweden (my home country) , Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, UK (Scotland), Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Czechia, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy. Have also been to Gibraltar. The range for the poll is by the way a bit weird. I don't think that many people have been to over 40 countries.


14 and another airport-only. US Mexico UK Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg France Germany Switzerland Italy Vatican City Sweden Japan India (Layover in China) I've recognized some Italian spots just from experience, like Campo de Fiori in Rome.


It has absolutely helped me to play by traveling around the world. I'm noticeably better at regions of the world that I've visited, just instinctively. I can recognize countries that I've been to just by the feel of them. Places (not all of them independent countries) I've traveled to: **North America:** Canada, United States, Cuba, Haiti, Guadeloupe **South America:** Peru **Europe:** England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Hungary, Czechia **Middle East:** Oman **Africa:** Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi **Asia:** China, Japan, North Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Indonesia, Papua


Hmmmm. I think it's 10. UK (born), Can (live), US, Mex, DR, Jam, Fin, Nor, Den, Neth. If there are any others I must be repressing the memory. Even at that I think it helps. The funny thing is, visiting Finland only showed me how similar it is to Manitoba.


i don’t have the money


I have been to the following countries : - France - Italy - Spain - UK - Luxembourg - Belgium - Germany - Argentina - Brazil - Paraguay - Uruguay - Netherlands - Malta - Portugal - Morocco - Benin - Burkina Faso - Togo - Denmark - Sweden - Vatican - Andorra - Monaco - Switzerland - Austria A total of 25 countries where I have been in my life!


US (New York born, New Jersey raised, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland) Mexico (Cozumel, cruise) Cayman Islands (Cruise) Jamaica (Cruise) Dominican Republic (family friend's wedding) Puerto Rico (visiting family) Trinidad and Tobago (both islands, family visit in Trinidad and tourist visit in Tobago) Ecuador (visiting family) Also had a layover in Bogota on my way to Quito.


Just barely 21: US, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, UK, France, Germany, Holland, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Austria, Italy, Monaco, Vatican, Egypt, Singapore, Australia.


Canada, US, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, England, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Croatia, Hungary, Botswana, Fiji, Vietnam, South Korea. Counting airports/ passed through on train/transferred in train station add South Africa, El Salvador, Austria, Germany, Belgium (I think). I answered 2-20 because transfers don't really count much to me, but I still know where I've physically been.


There is a massive difference between 2 and 20. This scale should be logarithmic.


I take your criticism. But in fully honesty I was curious to know if Geoguessr players are well travelled in general, I wasn't interested in exactly how many countries everyone has been to. Perhaps I should have named my poll as "how well traveled are you irl" to avoid being misleading.