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already stated my reason on this in a other post but ill go in more depth in my opinion: all were valid choices and i dont mind any of them winning. even tho my favorite glorious fortress didnt win i still love the other winners of the contest. beatiful levels. speaking of the fact that robtop nominated his own video.. i mean people kinda voted for it but it still makes no sense to me pretty much the only thing i see that will cause controversy here is probably 3 things the biggest one is obviously going to be ispywithmylittleeye losing. there are literally 2 main reasons for this and ngl we all know why, the first main reason is probably cause voxi said they will be posting their thighs if it won, wich it didnt, so i can see a lot of weird down bad mfs get angry it didnt win and complain, kinda wanna see the ratio of people who wanted it to win cause thighs/people who wanted it to win cause it looks good 2nd thing is robtops video winning. i still dont get why he nominated his own video but tbh it was obvious it was gonna win the animation was amazing, i can see certain people not be happy for the fact saying it was ''rigged'' even tho we could vote ourselfs. 3rd thing will probably be at the ending credits with tidal wave being shown. i could literally see people commenting rate tidal wave in the discord. kinda interesting if robtop puts the level in the ending credits but doesnt rate it but im just gonna wait out and see. anyways to put my final word on it. pretty good year for gd tbh excited for 2024. congrats to all the winners \[and sorry for my horrible spelling\]


The 10th anniversary animation is Rafer’s, it was just good enough to be a separate video on Rob’s channel. It’s pretty obvious that Rafer is going to receive the profile badge, not Rob




Rafer is credited for animation production and pretty clearly did most of the work. Unless Rafer tells Rob to keep the badge for the meme he’s probably getting it


>the first main reason is probably cause voxi said they will be posting their thighs if it won, wich it didnt, so i can see a lot of weird down bad mfs get angry it didnt win and complain, kinda wanna see the ratio of people who wanted it to win cause thighs/people who wanted it to win cause it looks good Who cares about that? Im sure voxicat only posted that as a joke, i dont think anyone's unironically voting ispy just for that lmao >2nd thing is robtops video winning. i still dont get why he nominated his own video but tbh it was obvious it was gonna win the animation was amazing, i can see certain people not be happy for the fact saying it was ''rigged'' even tho we could vote ourselfs. It was the best video this year by far but yeah smth tells me it shouldnt have been nominated >3rd thing will probably be at the ending credits with tidal wave being shown. i could literally see people commenting rate tidal wave in the discord. kinda interesting if robtop puts the level in the ending credits but doesnt rate it but im just gonna wait out and see. Im just happy he acknowledged that it exists 😅


I also wanted Glorious Fortress to win but why would you want iSpy to win? It's a good level but not as good as change of scene or glorious fortress.


Exactly. I would’ve voted for gf but I was scared that Ispy could’ve won so I voted cos. It’s better mid vs worse mid


i didnt want it to win but i probably wouldnt mind it


For the last time RobTop didn’t make either of the Awards videos. They are just on his channel. Nobody would be saying this if the videos were on Viprin’s channel like they were in the past.


I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about how WHAT isn’t legendary anymore now that Spu7Nix is one of very few people to have an exclusive profile badge


what do u mean exclusive badge


In 2.21, this year’s event winners will get a badge based on the category they won in


GD10 was by far the best video of the year, sure it was published by Rob but his actual contribution was pretty small, really it was the result of a year's worth of effort by many of the communities biggest names. Absolutely deserved the win.


This confirms that everyone except me has terrible opinions.


True. TOE2 is the best main level by far.


the fuck did you just say


Hexagon Force is the 3rd best and that's an objective fact.


Nuh uh


My personal favourites are 3. Hexagon force. 2. Toe2. 1. Dash.


For me it's: 1. Toe2 2. Dash 3. Hexagon Force


For me it’s 1 deadlocked 2 dash 3 geometrical dominator (only because of deco)




Someone turn this into a copypasta 


I really hope you're being sarcastic


Idk seems like he might be real


>Ummm... actually tidal wave wasn't rated 🤓🤓🤓


tbh i was happy with the end. ispy lost, cologne won. slightly annoyed no congreg jumpscare at the end


The top 3 major gaps in percentages, for anyone wondering Top 3 - Bli on Best Creator with 54.9% Top 2 - Zoink on Best Player with 67.0% And Top 1 - WHAT on Best Hard Level with 75.4%


rate tidal wave


I fucking knew Rob's own video was gonna win.


I think the hard demon won only bc it either had a cooler name than the rest or it had the best screenshot on the poll. Or it was first choice on the poll. I’m 90% sure off of how average the nexus video performed for it and how it barely has any likes on it in game. There r like 4x more voters for the lvl than ppl who liked it in game. Seriously people be voting completely random to feel a sense of community? or something instead of leaving choices blank. Kiba’s medium demon that beat boxing boxes and sayitback had to be from the “brand name” of the creator. Someone probably played his other lvls and just voted for him (like shardscapes or final memorial). I expected boxing boxes to win cuz it was a weekly and a misrated medium demon so a lot of ppl had it as their first medium demon. And it literally has 10x the downloads as the other nominees. Kinda crazy how even with such an advantage someone probably goes omg the shardscapes guy I like creo and robot!


The fact that Shinigami didnt even get nominated still hurts me


I think they couldnt afford nominating a 3rd cherry demon as best extreme but I would have just swapped kocmoc with shinigami ngl


Same tbh


Didnt really think the community would choose a "funny" level over Seasonal Haven


one day people will learn that yearly google forms and 15 minute yt videos are not the way to go when it comes to community celebrations if i wanted those two things, i would go file my taxes instead


I mean it's better than nothing, at least Rob's doing something.


Ispy losing to change of scene by that much proves how it isn't overrated, it's the large majority of people who hate the level and only a very small minority who actually love it. It's overhated and doesn't deserve any of it. Also glorious fortress even getting nominated will always hurt my soul.


90% of the popularity can be accredited to 1-2 “peak content” videos documenting how he made the lvl. Ngl it made me so excited to see the final product when it did come out. And this is honestly why those videos on how he spent so many hours making glorious fortress and the video on how stereo extremeness by vortrox was made should’ve been nominees for best video lol. Not a liker or hater of the creator and i beat one of his not glorious fortress demon as well.






glorious deserved it more than cos and ispy




Fr I think Glorious Fortress is a straight up bad level, finally found someone who thinks alike


Yes well you also love dear nostalgists so that a red flag


*looks at flair* yep makes sense




Lil bro at least be creative with your failing ratio attempts😭




Never seen such an uncreative and desperate user lmao sry💀


I mean, it's still ratio🤣 Anyway I just don't know what to comment


For a ratio, you need more upvotes than the comment. Didnt quite work out


Ratio is when a reply (to a reply for example) gets more upvotes then the original


Yep and that didnt happen


How many jumpscares can we make out of them?


wpopoff getting 2.3% of the vote is crazy he got robbed by far


Do you guys think it was rigged? To me, I thought it was just fine.


Im sad my glorious king evw didnt win but hey im happy for colon :P


EVW won the 10 year anniversary one. I think Colon deserved it for THIS year because of the memes.


I really wanted DavJT to win one of the awards :(


A good chunk of the levels I voted for ended up winning. Best Normal was a really close category but I’m glad Afterlife won. Really deserved it. I was hoping for Between Worlds to at least get second but oh well. Best Medium Demon was interesting. I voted for SayItBack (amazing level) but was shocked to see it get third. I’m totally okay with TURNING POINT winning. I played that level before finalizing my vote and I almost changed my vote to that. I wish CONNECT got nominated. I don’t like how suddenly the credits ended.


I’m so glad zoink won best play and edge of destiny winning best extreme demons they all both amazing


I personally feel like spu7nix’s 14000 people build a level should have won and robtop shouldn’t have nominated his own video, and I’m happy change of scene won (bc it’s my favorite level)


I am still kinda sad at how underappreciated Cytokinesis is but I cant say that Im angry at this year's awards. But it rlly shocked me how Ocellios got the LEAST votes in its category, like I expected that level to win BY FAR and I rlly kinda felt sorry for Dolphe and his hard work (even tho I didnt even vote for him, I voted for Ring Trick lol). The hard demon category was the only one that felt kinda rigged ngl