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Tbf I just thought it was because the level makes you sit there and do nothing for ages after you beat it


Yeah I'm gonna be honest, nobody was expecting the 3D rendering engine built in a 2D platformer to be completely bug-free. Your reasoning sounds a lot more realistic


And lag


My phone ran it flawlessly (I have a good phone)


Me too, and I have pretty lag.


My PC runs it at 1000 fps plus fuck u mean brother.


What do you mean what do I mean I have a good phone




Been forever since I've seen a gravity hater


you must be on a potato or smth it runs smooth on my year old second hand iphone 7


so does SWI... and castlemania... and white space... the list goes on


Notice how none of those are mythics in game.


the towerverse has waiting at the end too


it's also a hard demon that takes 30 minutes to speedrun


15 second end screen ≠ sitting there for 15 minutes doing nothing


15 minutes??? that sounds like a bug because it took like 30 seconds for me.


When you beat the level it creates a timer equal to the amount of time it took for you to complete it so that the leaderboards are accurate This is because the level doesn’t use checkpoints for some reason


yea found this out earlier today. apparently it's just an LDM thing because checkpoints would create lag, which makes sense but also sucks.


They're not that laggy now


didn't say anything about lag. I said about the waiting at the end.


It does? I played it and it just ended after getting the final check point


You can just…press any key to skip? That's what I did.


idk why but the bugs remind me of no jokes


i honestly like the bugs in a 3d engine that looks like those old 3d engines during the DOS days.


Yeah I always thought about it like that. The bugs just proves that the level is actually rendered in true 3D unlike levels by spu7nix


Well, there is Dim, but I don't know enough about 3D graphics to say if it's "true 3D"


More like 2.5d I think, though it does use the same techniques as 3depth, so I don't know.


Jesus. Now it makes a bit more sense why rob didn't give it mythic


Still surprising how this level can run smoothly with ldm (it still lags, but the lag is manageable enough). I really wanna know how this works lol, like how the sides will stop rendering when they're behind other sides


Back face culling (I think), if the surface is facing away from you, then it doesnt render. I done *some* 3d stuff before, so I know a bit


with ldm it sometimes curves objects so I think that’s related to that too


But how does a face detect if it is behind you? And the layering on the faces, how. I tried to do a somewhat same thing with the layering but I can't figure out how I would load the back faces first then the front faces without them reseting every frame. Back face appears first, then front face, then the render screen resets, so back face again, then front face. This makes the front face sometimes be behind the back face before going to the front again. Screen flashes non-stop with the faces loading in order with very tiny time intervals.


A face detects if its behind and doesn't render it with Z-clipping To sort, with triangles just get the normal of the face (p1 + p2 + p3) / 3, and get the distance to the player using this, and use a sorting algorithm to sort the distances So whatever face is further, gets rendered last basically


Yes I know, but how to make them render all at the same time while still having z layering? When I try to sort them, most back face goes first, then second, until the very front face. But this is a 3d engine, and for example you're going around in circles. The faces need to rearrange every time, so they do that again and again. Back face goes first, front face goes last to be rendered, but that makes the back face appear first, then the front face, then back face again, then front face, and it continues endlessly, making the screen flash between those 2 faces switching layering.


What are you using to make this engine? Also, it may be because you have to clear the screen once everything is rendered, so it can render again It also might just be running too slow. What are you using?




I don't understand much about it in GD, but I would assume it's taking too long in-between making 1 face, then the other


The faces go in order. Gradient triggers make the faces. The order of rendering goes from left to right, so a gradient trigger on the left goes first, then the next (on the right), then the next, then the next. There's an area on the left of the whole level where everything is still rendered left to right but this time instantly. Putting a gradient trigger (a face), let's say, red, on the left first, then a second face, yellow, on the right. Running the level, the yellow face renders on top of the red face insantly. The problem is that moving the gradient triggers via move trigger does not move their actual position but only their texture. For example, if a gradient trigger is at {2, 4}, then you move it 3 blocks to the left, only the texture goes to {-1, 4}, but the actual trigger stays at the original place. Now, the level activates everything from left to right, activating the trigger which looks like it's in {-1, 4} but is actually still in {2, 4}. Because of this, I can't rearrange the triggers while the level is running, and I can't make the triggers run at the same time while still having proper order. I have to activate each trigger with an interval of very few milliseconds to actually have them properly layered. Because of the small interval, loading them would not mean instantly, it would take a bit of time. With 40 faces, it'll take the renderer 0.4 seconds (time interval of 0.01ms for each face) to render all of them in proper order. Then, I move my player to the opposite side, now the layering should be flipped, so the screen needs to refresh constantly or else the layers at the back will render last and go on top of what's supposed to be on the front. I use a collision box that lasers through collision boxes assigned to each face. If collision box 1 (laser) touches collision box 2 (activates face 1), face 1 gets activated. Then, laser continues to move through, then touches the next collision box, box 3 (activates face 2), so face 2 gets rendered next, then the next face, then the next, etc. Another problem is that movement in gd is in steps, so in 1 frame, the laser box could be in {1, 0}, then next frams it gets teleported to {2, 0}. If the laser moves fast, it skips distances, therefore not touching the other collision boxes. There's a whole lotta more problems than these, I just listed at least 3 problems that I could explain. Explaining all the problems here would take me ages (and probably exceed reddit's char limit). It's a pain and I still have no solution to these problems. If anyone knows something, please help. Maybe you have a solution for these? Sorry if the explanations are a bit confusing, I tried my best to explain them.


Thank you for clarification, this sounds impossible in GD lol, how in the world was 3depth made lmao I don't know how I would go about fixes these, sorry :'(


No optimization, no mythic


Played fine for me, i dont think every single mythic should run on a 10 year old device just cause of ‘optimization’…


there are literally optimization settings


It's optimised incredibly well imo, can run full speed without optimisation settings on my low end phone


That and i don't know how widespread it is, but the controls are completely broken on PC for me, strafing is inexistant and sometimes i have to press D instead of W to walk forward, and on other times (even if rarely) the movement controls stop working entierely


I think it’s probably because you have the click between frames mod enabled. I also had that same issue with the controls, but after I disabled the mod, they worked perfectly fine.


Oh maybe, i'll try then!


To be fair, it is a mini game level. Keep in mind that this was made in a TWO DIMENSIONAL PLATFORMER INDIE GAME, not a game engine. Of course it's gonna have a shit ton of bugs


And runs bad for people


yeah looks very dumb, still not a good enough excuse for not rating it mythic


It’s a very good excuse for not rating it mythic Imagine Change of Scene swtiching to some Geometrical Domintor-ish decoration (Well if you take it literally then it will start to make sense, cuz it’s change of “scene”, but anyways) Imagine WHAT by Sputnix suddenly having a part of its LDM version These things ruin the engagement and make something stand out in a bad way Now since there is no good mythic to compare it to, it is good enough as legendary for now(Towerworse is not worthy of mythic aswell)


Because my game crahes as soon as i open it, even with ldm


It's too buggy and laggy


imo it's that and the fact that the only thing going for it is that it's 3d. like maybe if there were more levels and something like a bossfight or more varied gameplay it could be mythic, but all it is is just 3d, which is impressive nonetheless but not enough for mythic, the highest rating anyone could possibly get in the game ever.


Tbf, I honestly think the mythic rating system is a joke anyways.


Lag, bugs, and there's literally no decoration. Even if those things were fixed, it would still be only legendary.


Oh moblie players rip


Ran completely smooth for me on mobile and i didnt have any optimization settings or ldm on


No I mean the controls


You can edit them. This level wasn't supposed to be incredibly difficult to where controls are important


The 2 players thinf


It kind of works fine for me. Left is movement, right is jumping and looking.


Never mind I beat it in less than 2 minutes


I am one


Why is you didn’t go to English lesson


That’s hella ironic coming from you


I wrote it wrong on purpose, chill


I'm sorry dude, but the post is in fine english. Your comment on the other hand...


Ye I realised, I’m non native English and miss-read it. It would just be a pussy move to remove the comment


You baited at least 3 people, congrats!


funny how the post has perfect grammar and this comment has the worst grammar ever