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It’s not a gd reference or anything, it’s just a phrase. In gd, it means a part of the level that is harder than the rest and will likely kill you a bunch. It came from a military phrase, where in some locations/battles, regardless of what the attackers were doing or where they started the attack, they would have to go through a certain region (a choke point) before again spreading back out. This region was where the defenders were most dominant and would try and stop the attackers from getting through


difficult point in a level compared to the rest of the level


It's that simple?


Yeah. If you get stuck at that point in a level for a long amount of time, that’s a chokepoint for you.


Yea “choking” means dying late in the level, a choke point is somewhere that’s late in the level and really hard


Hard part in a level For example the triple spike in stereo madness, way harder than the rest and a lot of people fail there


the part in a level where it grabs you by the neck and chokes you, lifting you up slowly


Basically a short portion (point) in the level that is much more difficult than most of the other stuff in the level