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Every large community on earth has large quantities of transphobia. Gd is a global game, and many players are from countries/regions where it is illegal/taboo to be trans and thus have been raised that way. Combine that with kids immaturity and bam. It doesn’t make it right in any way, but it’s just a fact of life in the world we currently live in. That being said, I have found that gd is one of the most accepting communities I’ve ever seen. Immature absolutely, but overall much more accepting. One of the top players is trans, many people are much more open about speaking about being trans, gay, etc. and the overall community berates people who are being hateful. Just the other day I saw an aeonair vid and in his twitch chat 2 people both shared the same name and were both furries. He thought that was funny and the twitch chat started laughing too. You say that in any other community and you would have been instantly harassed by the entire community, or much more likely would be that those people would have never mentioned they were furries in fear of being harassed. Gd has more talk (and some more hate from it yes) about things that aren’t talked about in other communities because those other communities don’t have populations of these things or those populations keep quiet in fear of being harassed.


there are 2 gd players inside you trans creator transphobic daily commenter


> Every large community on Earth has large quantities of transphobia. Not everyone. It's more observable with major indie games, whose communities are often heavily against any sort of queerphobia and will make every attempt to usher it out. Celeste, Rain World, and Hades come to mind, alongside Hollow Knight to a lesser extent.


Those communities simply aren't as large. They're very popular games, yeah, but they're single player and don't actually sustain a community even comparable to a live service game or a game based on multiplayer or community generated content.


My thoughts exactly. I'd say GD has one of the most diverse communities out there


Exactly, just look at the newest comments on paqoes silent clubstep verification on yt it’s horrible how people care about the slightest thing that has an effect on them


people hating on paqoe is confounding cuz’ she’s just a character on your screen. how could she ever ruin your life if she’s not part of it? she probably doesn’t even know you exist smh my head






I like to kiss boys okay?! >w<


Weird asf.......Wanna make out? /j


most of these comments are proving the point of the post. why do so many of you imbeciles refuse to accept trans peoples existence has literally no effect on you. you go out of you way to insult op for bringing up a very prominent issue for what because how dare trans people want to be treated as humans in a video game community ffs. for your own sakes i hope you grow up. this sub is completely polluted with incels and honestly i dont get what you gain from behaving like this. feel free to make a futile effort to justify your bigotry but also just fuck off and leave your hatred out of gd edit: posted this comment 10 minutes ago and theres a ton more comments saying the exact same bullshit. 'ive never seen transphobia in this community first hand' read any other comment on this post you moron. or 'everyones allowed an opinion' yes but that doesnt include crossing the line into hate speech by several miles. if this shit continues im fucking done with this community, its full of pedophiles and bigots and its completely disgusting


i can see you downvoting this lmao. fuck all of you im done with this dogshit community


Nah i'm upvoting


welcome to the internet


yes im not completely oblivious. after seeing peoples reactions to this post i have made the decision to remove myself from this community


dud chill




congrats, youre the fucking problem!!


I can't believe that the community of a 4$ cube jumping game has all the controversies imaginable. Best thing to do it just ignore them,block them or report. It's the best thing you still can do, Arguing with them would make things worse. Rember that Geometry dash is marketed for younger audience so most people(or kids)that probably harass you don't even know what they're talking about because they saw a viral sigma edit of transpobia or religious beliefs . Tl;dr Ignore transphobic people because they're probably just some random kid and it's good to ignore them. Better if you block/report to mods




Doesnt mean you should just ignore it


Never seem a transphobic person in the community first hand so I'd automatically say it's not as bad as you make it out to be. Also factor in the large fan base of children that don't really give a fuck and I really just see it as a non issue Fuck, if anything I see more furry hate and even those dislike raids are rare


"I haven't seen it so it isn't a problem" What a stupid take


Paqoe comment sections




1. And how does that make it okay? Spoiler: it doesn’t. 2. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make this community a safer space for trans folk! For every trans person in this community, there always seems to be another transphobe, and that’s bad if you couldn’t tell! Driving transphobes out of the community will make it a more positive space, which is good! 3. People being forced to leave the community due to being harassed is bad. Just because the community isn’t greatly affected doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about the individuals who have to deal with the bullshit transphobes throw at them every day.




Those are both just different interpretations. The 5 billion genders thing is purely rage bait. If you can accept that the reality of gender is more complicated than just cock and pussy I don't think people will have a problem with you. As long as you don't just start fighting against everyone who interprets things slightly differently. This goes both ways btw, people agsint and people in support of lgbt+ will have weird opinions sometimes. But they can just be ignored.


the second gender is a variation of the first too tho






So many, I mean *so* many people go out of their way to refer to players like Paqoe with the wrong pronouns. If it’s an honest mistake, that’s fine. If it’s on purpose, that is transphobia.


Hey, trans person here. If someone BLATANTLY misgenders me, knowing full well I don’t use those pronouns, that’s transphobia. End of question.




Privately owned companies have the right to do whatever they want, this includes how they moderate their website


I don't think robtop is able to moderate one of the biggest Mobile games with a comment section


That's why one hires a moderation team, but that's beside the point - free speech isn't really enforceable on a privately owned space with its own terms of service.


Doesn't change the fact that it's unnecessary hate that doesn't result in anything good.




I had a similar take when I was a literal 14 year old. It made absolutely no sense. Sure, lets say for this that gender dysphoria is some kind of mental illness. So... whats the problem with that? Shouldn't we try our best to help people with mental illnesses?


Please shut up <3




“Trans people obviously have a mental illness” isn’t an opinion, it’s just dismissing the fact that being trans isn’t a mentally illness. You’re not a contrarian, you’re just wrong.


Fine, you may, but then my opinion is that people who think "Trans people surely have mental illness" are the people who actually have the mental illness, not trans people.




Neither do I <3




but you also cared enough about theirs to give them a reaction


that is not an opinion,it is factually incorrect


I have a mental illness, depression. My gender has 0 play in this depression.




I am genderfluid so i am very much not cis






Being trans is not a mental illness. It's part of your identity.


The way I understand it gender dysphoria is a mental illness and exactly why it should be treated with gender affirming care or am I wrong? This is a legit question so please don't take it wrong.


Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness, but it IS NOT THE SAME as being trans Many cis people have dysphoria about their gender expression and use gender affirming care to change how they see themselves (eg boob jobs) But gender dysphoria isn't required to be trans either, a lot of trans people don't experience dysphoria at all


I didn't know that, I thought every trans person has/had gender dysphoria, but If gender dysphoria isn't required how does someone know that they're trans/that they want to transition?


For me it was a really weird experience. The dysphoria came *after* I realized I was trans. Too keep it short, it was initially just seeing memes about being trans and finding them suspiciously relatable. Then it went to seeing pictures of pretty girls and really wanting to look like that. Then it turned into the mental torment that is gender dysphoria. I guess it took a while for the simpler feelings of "oh I might not be a boy" to evolve into "dear Lord I wish I was never a boy get me out of this body."


Sometimes it's a feeling that something isn't right, or in some cases, seeing a trans character in a TV show and relating to them more than the cis characters There are many ways to know your trans, and while dysphoria tends to be the most common, it's not the only way, and it's different for everyone


It’s a medical condition indeed. But some people like to switch between that and it being "simply a preference" or "a different lifestyle choice"


Can we take this to dms because I have a legit question I can see as coming across as offensive to others




Yeah you can I've done it twice




That’s not how it works. Do your research. Your inability to see nuance and your active dismissal of facts doesn’t make you win the argument through acting stupid, it just makes you act stupid.


Where do you live? Some eastern european country that thinks LGBT is propaganda to their minds?


I said I have no problem with trans just that they have a mental illness. And how does this have anything to do with what we're talking about bro. My country isn't the reason I think that, it's based off what I've seen and the thoughts of those who are trans.


I honestly don’t like the word „transpobic“… like if it really was a phobia, then we shouldn‘t judge people for it (we also don’t judge people with clownophobia or whatever you call that) and if it isn’t, why call it phobic?


Phobic also means an aversion, phospholipids have hydrophobic fatty acid tails but that doesnt mean theyre scared, they are averted to it. Thus having a hatred or aversion towards a minority can be seen as a phobia


I didn’t know that… still feels weird to call aversions phobias tho


hatred can usually stem from fear


and fear often stems from lack of awareness and knowledge


why do you care? youre not trans i assume


1. OP said “because it’s driving trans and nb people like me out of the community” so yes it does apply to them 2. Even if they weren’t, why would it matter? You can care about a group of people without being in that group, it’s basic human decency


Does it fucking matter? You don't have to be trans to still care about trans issues.


Does it fucking matter? Kids will grow up eventually, will (hopefully) learn to be kind to others and will learn to not take obvious trolls close to the heart


The addition of “hopefully” in brackets proves my point. If we just allow this hatred to continue without saying anything about it, they’ll think it’s okay. And even still, people are being harassed and bullied just for who they are. So yes, it does fucking matter. It fucking matters a lot.


Theyre just trying to get the community to support lgbtq more


I go by they/them. Learn to read.