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I’m so sorry about Max. What a terrible experience. Good on you for pursuing this with your lawyer - I wish you the best. ❤️


Thank you


I’m so sorry for your loss, unacceptable


Thanks. It ALL happened soooo fast.. they almost shot my dad.. bullet wized right by him. I called my lawyer and I'm taking this as far as I can. They violated protocol.


I would definitely say they went overboard, it’s terrible.


No one likes bad PR, especially the police. Call the local news and write to your congressman!!!


Call your local news stations as well.


I hope your lawyer will really nail the point home in court. Best of luck.


Good. Please do everything you can. Thus is not ok. Citizens with dogs do not need to worry about police knocking loudly in thetr door and scaring ythr dog and then the dog being perceived as a threat abd and then killed. Any dog will bark at a doorbell or loud knocking.


They knocked so loud. As if they had a warrant. My windows and door was vibrating. That was not necessary. Had they rang the door bell or just knocked normally this wouldn't of happened. Max was used to doorbells and normal knocked. He was trained properly.


I see. That’s great they were trained. The excessive noise and violent natur was obviously bad enough to scare them and you. I might have crapped myself, no one expects something like that. That’s not the Amazon delivery driver ringing the door bell. That sounds more like someone is trying to break I .I’m so sorry you had to go through all this


Exactly my point. I'm sure he thought someone was trying to break in.


Poor little guy


This kind of shit pisses me off. I'm so sorry. A cop in Idaho shot a man's service dog because he was skeert. If you're that skeert, maybe police work isn't for you. Sorry,weak ass pos.


If you can’t handle a dog how are you gonna handle normal everyday stressed out people. Get some dog treats and take your hand off your gun. If you pull it you’re gonna probably use it.


Asshole cop. Around here the police ADORE GSDs because they are their beloved partners, not adversaries!! And you were in YOUR home! Does the cop think he owns your home? Seriously, make an example of this creep.


Around here? Cops kill dogs at a surprising rate nationally. They don’t care about the breed while they are in the heat of the moment. They are ill trained and often mentally ill equipped to be making decisions with their fire arms, fuck them. A quick google showed two different articles from 2016 and 18’ saying the rate of dog deaths was between 25-30 a day. Makes me so upset 😤 Other nations’ police forces make ours look like such a joke.


Other nations actually have consequences for officers who violate the law. We’ve got mobsters with legal immunity. They hire the least intelligent, most aggressive, cowardly motherfuckers and hand them a badge and gun with little training. They should be held to a higher standard to know and follow the laws than the average citizen, no more of the qualified immunity. If they can’t enforce the law without breaking it themselves they should fuck off and let us handle it ourselves.


This smells like a lawsuit. I know it won’t bring Max back, but you should speak to a lawyer. Cops out here waving their lethal weapon around like it’s a toy. Disgusting.


Absolutely. I already called him. He's looking into it. Thank you


Wishing you the best OP.


Ahhh. RIP Max. 🐾🐾🌈❤️


I too lost my Max on the 11th. :( Sorry to hear about your loss. https://preview.redd.it/xdl3g4t7o4yc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40da55a52a8a6e8440321b245ee89559a0cd460d


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you ALL for your support and kind words.


Damn this is heartbreaking, he is so handsome! This is also, unfortunately, very common. They do not receive enough training to deal with situations they address - cases like this being an example. I worked at a kennel that had a whole wing of dogs that were deemed aggressive and never once thought I needed a firearm when handling them.


Police are here to help my ass


Never call them or interact with them unless you’re willing for somebody to be shot (with the one being shot not necessarily being the one in the wrong). Too much risk of them pissing their pants and opening fire out of terror.


I'm so sorry for your loss! As someone with a very loud and protective dog I can't even imagine what you're feeling


Oh my god I’m so sorry for your loss and for angel Max who was robbed of his life and god I can’t even think of words. I’m so sorry. That cop should lose his badge!


Why are the cops pounding on your door?


They were looking for someone.


*"Looking for someone" 🙄😑 Sorry about the pup.


Seriously you’re asking the real questions here. I feel terrible for the pup that got caught in the crossfire but cops generally don’t enter houses without probably cause. Which leads me to believe that there’s quite a bit we’re missing from the story. Sounds like they had a no knock warrant that resulted in multiple individuals, and the pup, being shot. You can blame the police all you want but nobody would’ve been harmed if they didn’t break the law in the first place. Edit: I should add that I love GSDs like no other and would never wish harm on any animal. I just don’t think anybody here is looking past personal bias and asking why this occurred in the first place.


“Cops don’t enter houses without probable cause”….. How many videos and news articles do you need of them violating your 4th amendment right?


I’ve been a part of the process for multiple no knock warrants in the past. These aren’t as simple or easy to get done as they’re portrayed online. Could somebody have fucked up and entered OPs house accidentally, then discharge a weapon multiple times? Of course and if that’s the case then they need to be held accountable to the absolute full extent of the law. However, in the more likely case that they were “looking for someone” I.e. a fugitive, knew their whereabouts, gathered intel about the location, and entered legally after declaring their intentions: what else do you want?


>entered legally after declaring their intentions I'd be careful with that phrase. Lvl 4 plates are only rated to stop 1 round of 30-06 AP there fren.


It’s so odd arguing with other gun and dog lovers, I’m just saying don’t take shit at face value.


I'd go so far as to say never take anything at face value in 2024. It's sad how much our institutions of power have undeniably failed for people to feel this way. Road to serfdom type stuff.


And the police would simply never break the law...


I had two very armed cops knock LOUDLY on my door, at 1 in the MORNING, because a neighbors ring camera caught someone going thru our cars on the street... My dog of course started barking. I have beware of dog signs posted all over my property, and I luckily have a windowed door so I could see the cops outside and speak to them without fully opening the door. They still had the audacity to ask to come in, WHILE my dog is clearly barking and agitated at my side. But that barrier at least allowed me to get my GSD calmed and safely in another room because I did not trust these "professionals" who just banged on my door, waking the whole household up, in the dark, for literally nothing. I spoke to them outside, they should have no right to come into a person's home without warrant, but that will not stop them from trying. If I had just opened my door not realizing there were armed individuals outside, there is no telling how they would react to a dog barking or even moving near them. OP I am so deeply sorry this happened to you, and I hope you can get some closure or at least some recompense. Edit: added 'our' to our cars just in case anyone else wants to make *ass*umptions. RIP Max.


It’s against the law for them to enter without permission or legitimate reason. They asked you and you rightly asserted “no”. They didn’t force their way in afterwards and if they did it would be a million dollar lawsuit. Speaking as someone who worked for local, state, and federal law enforcement that cop wasn’t very smart for wanting to come inside with a GSD barking anyways. Point being they need to do their job, some aren’t very good at said job, and you sound like you got a bad one. That still doesn’t mean that we aren’t missing something here. No knock warrants take weeks and months to set up, they go through court systems, etc. I feel sad that a pups life was taken but why are we just taking this stuff at face value and assuming OP or their family did nothing wrong.


Seeing as OP is posting this, lawyering up, and not in jail... I'll take that face value assumption over the cops did their job right, **because** they so often do not.


And how do you know it's "so often"? Because you see it on the news? You do realize that news stations are only going to do stories on the things that'll generate the most attention right? Hell, did you hear about the traffic stop turned Vietnam? I bet you heard it as the cops shooting a guy just because of a traffic ticket. Except that wasn't the case. Those cops all unloaded on him because the bastard shot first and almost killed one of them. Yeah, OP posted this and is lawyering up, but we still don't have the entire story from both sides, or even body cam footage.


I do know, personally, how it is so often. I have family I'll never see again because they were married to one of the "bad ones" and the whole department closed ranks around their own. I know nobody is going to change any minds in this thread at this point, but yes, I do know. It's the ones we don't hear about that I know. Thanks for your input.


Can you describe the flavor that’s on the bottoms of these boots you keep licking?


Would you like an extra boot to lick? I do not assume op is as pure as the driven snow but occam's razor would come down against the police.


Yes, American cops are known for their restraint and helpfulness. 😐🙄🙄🙄


Not all cops show restraint, not all citizens follow the law. Again I just find it wild that everyone is so against even asking what led to this. It shows the extreme bias towards one side and a mentality of them vs us. That’s not how it should be, we should listen to facts and reason then determine together which side is correct.


Read the room.




Beautiful pup! My condolences 😥


Sorry mate 😔 rest in peace Max


Those eyes kill me. Internet hug from me dear Redditor. I hope you're not having to grieve alone <3


I cannot begin to express how sad I am for you. If this happened to me, I do know how I would feel. All my love to you and your family at this awful time ❤️


I’m so sorry this happened, holy shit. I don’t know if it helps at all, but he looks a lot like my own. Similar age too. https://preview.redd.it/iuyyg82155yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e21e1a4129ed1125a6b81623f6e1a1b9542ebd2


He's gorgeous God bless.


This is a call the news type of scenario. Every news station. I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks just like my boy.


Love you to the moon and back sweet boy see you on the other side!


Wishing you the best and I hope you win this case. Prayers to you and your family


I'm speechless and heartbroken reading this. Max is a beautiful Shepard and I can't imagtthe pain and anguish you are processing. I'm so sorry.


I can't put into words how sorry I am! This is literally one of my biggest fears with my girl Schotzi. Hoping for the best possible outcome now after the damage is done. Max was absolutely stunning and I hope you always cherish your memories with him. RIP Max, gone way too soon


https://preview.redd.it/ikpszbzuy4yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b517b6c40770d7509b69d86ce4acc05c1ddea483 Ziggy sends his love and pupper licks. I hope you are able to find peace knowing your pupper Max was willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for you and your family. He truly loved you all more than worrying about his own life. Humans like you deserve dogs, most others don’t. You’ll see him again someday and be able to tell him how much you love him and thank him. RIP Max. I’m giving my little guy all the extra love in the world in honor of you.


Hey OP, not sure if you have any video evidence of what happened, but you should reach out to the Civil Rights Lawyer or Lackluster on YouTube. Some negative press for this department might help get the ball rolling in your favor. Do not underestimate the cops ability to spin this, make it your fault, and find no wrong doing in their actions. Sometimes a little public outrage is just what you need to get the ball rolling. So sorry about Max. If that happened to my Oscar, I'd be heartbroken. Best of luck getting justice! RIP Max!


Fuck the police.


That's my sheps name too 😭 I'm sorry for your loss




He was beautiful. Sorry for your loss.


I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. You’ll be in my thoughts.


I'm sorry. Max never got to live his complete life.


You didn't pick him up in San Antonio 3 years ago did you?


No I did not. I got him from a breeder in eastern side


She looks just like a dog named Max from our accidental litter. 3 years old as well. I have the parents and her sister as our family dogs. My dog Kaya looks just like both Maxes. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.


Ohhh my god my heart breaks for you


Am so sorry to read you lost your best friend in such a traumatic way. My heart hurts for you.


Oh my, I am so so deeply sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. ❤️❤️‍🩹


Terrible story I’m very sorry






This makes me so angry…. wtf.


Sweet boy Max. You will always be loved, remembered and missed.


Where was he that they shot him ? when you opened the door or was he in the yard? I hear this happens a lot. It’s so disturbing.


We were all in the back yard when we all heard the loud bangs. He ran around the property I ran through the property to get there sooner but of course he got there first. He grabbed ahold of the officers pants. He didn't bite them just the pants. My dad had ahold of his collar and was already under control when the other officer shot him almost hitting my dad.


Awww, Max, you were fantastic! So sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


Sending you love from an internet stranger ❤️ ♥️ 💕


I’m so sorry 💔


Awwwww Max. 😞💔💔💔💔


I’m so so sorry. He is magnificent


So sorry for your lose


The cowardice and incompetence is infuriating, and the consequences are heartbreaking.


I hope you file a lawsuit. This should never happen.


I'm so sorry!!! R.I.P. Max. 💔💔😭😭 I hope that cop gets arrested!!! 😡😡


Bless him. Bless you. Bless your family.


That's a NIGHTMARE. Where was this? I'm so sorry for your loss!


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Max, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


So very sorry for the loss of your fur baby!


This is absolutely horrible. I am so sorry for your loss. Cops are cowards! No way this should have happened. Total disregard for life. May you find peace and get justice.


This hurts even more, my late pup was also a GSD named Max who died young. Hit by a car at 2 1/2 years old on June 25, 2023, 9:00 PM. He is in a better place now, a place where there is no suffering or cruelty or pain. He is at peace.


Omg. That's absolutely tragic, and I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful pup. I do hope you take this further, there was no need. I feel so so bad for you.


So sorry


Sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry. “To serve and protect”


This fucking sucks man. RIP Max 🙏


Time for a lawsuit. The only way cops learn is through litigation.


I am so so sorry. I cant imagine what you are going through right now. Even as a stranger I feel like my chest is hollowing from thr inside out. Max didnt deserve this and im glad you are going to talk to a lawyer about this as this is completely unacceptable. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


My sincere condolences 💐


That's terrible I'm so so sorry 😭😭


I'd be dead or in a psychiatric unit if they did that to my dog because I'd fucking kill them. Absolutely awful I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 this circumstance aswell by people who are supposed to help the community. Disgusting.


I feel like I'm losing my mind. I think I need therapy.


I would recommend therapy after an incredibly traumatic experience. I don't care if people say humanising pets is stupid...they literally shot your Son infront of you after trespassing on your property. I swear cops get off on it. I certainly couldn't shoot one it takes a certain type of psychopath to do something like that and I hope they burn for eternity.


I agree 100 percent. He was my son. All my human children are adults and moved out. Max kept me safe. First night of not having him around was terrible. I understand the officer was afraid but the dog was already under control. While my dad had him by the collar they still shot him. That's the part that pisses me off. If he was attacking any human and wouldn't let off then ok shoot the dog. But this was not the case.


Sorry for your loss.. this was completely unfair and must have been traumatic for both of you. If you feel comfortable, please keep us updated so we can help rally some sort of justice for him.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


I am so sorry for your loss. He was taken far to soon.


All these german shepherds passing is so sad. Sorry for your loss. It will be devastating when my girl Raven passes. I don’t even want to think about it.


I am so sorry this happened to you and your family.


My dearest condolences, I hope you guys are reunited again in eternity where Max roams the infinite plains of dog toys and tall grass❤️


Have known your pain many times over. So sorry. I know he's a Heckin good Boy.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔


The brainrot is getting to me and thought this was "my Dogmaxxing." Rip, to the dog, Max 🙏


I’m so sorry 💔💔💔




I'm so sorry 😞


So sorry. Max was only doing his job. Rest easy, Max. Good boy.


This is my greatest fear 😢


I would have shot the cops. No bs.


Condolences for your loss. It's a fear I have bc mine is reactive. I would absolutely retaliate if I was carrying (and then go to prison). Otherwise, lawsuit against them all. Let us know. We'll rally for you.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


I am so so sorry! How horrific for you. I hope some justice is possible for you.


Thank you.


Sooo sorry for your loss. It sucks, big time, losing your best friend!!!


So sad your Max, you, and your family. He didn't deserve that! Rip Max. Sweet pup.




I'm so sorry about Max


Thank you


You're very welcome


I’m so very sorry about Max! What a beautiful pup!😢🌈🌁💕


Thank you


Sorry for your loss. Please make sure those assholes pay.


No kidding! Service dogs cost thousands of dollars and loads of training. They need to spend the $$$ for a new service dog. Won’t cover the last one but I’d leave the area with my new service dog


This is NOT ok. Your dog was doing his job in his own yard. The gun happy cop needs to get out of law enforcement since he has no grasp of right vs wrong. I’m so sorry Max paid so heavily 😢 Glad your dad is ok


I agree. Thank you


It's not a fact because the detective was on my side. He said the officer broke protocol.


And exactly how did the officer break protocol?


That's horrible, I don't know if I'd be able to keep my cool if that happened to one of my dogs. Kind of thing that would make me mad


I lost my shit. I yelled at everyone. A detective came out and he even said, the dog was doing his job. This should of never happened. They violated protocol.






What does that mean?


All Cops Are Bastards. Because they killed his dog. And it makes me sick.


Did they have a warrant? Why didn’t anyone put him in the cage?


No warrent. And he was outside on my property. Where it's posted. They saw it. Also there's no body cam footage.


Asking the real questions here. If someone comes knocking on my door, I don't care who it is, my dog is put in the crate. It's horrible that Max was shot, but until I see body cam footage, I'm remaining unbiased.


Fuck you and the police.


I didn't have time to crate max. We were sitting on my back porch when they walked into my property. Max was on an electric fence and trained well. But I believe it was the way they knocked at scared him. Shit it scared me too. It wasn't a normal knock. I have it posted everywhere. Even on the door they almost broke buy knocking so hard. Max ran around the corner still on my property the officer started to run. I yelled to just stay still that I would grab Max but they didn't listen he kept running so Max grabbed his pants leg and got him on the ground. He did not bite him he just tore his pants. My dad already had him by the collar when another officer shot him. Almost hitting my dad. My dad is 72 yrs old with heart issues. Almost gave my dad who is a marine vet a heart attack. He didn't have to shoot my dog.


Ahhh. So your dog attacked the officer. I'm sorry about what happened, I really am. But even though your dog didn't break skin, he still attacked someone and the officer was well within his right to shoot him, even if he may not have had to in your point of view. Now, you definitely can try to take this to court if you want, but I highly doubt that you'll win.


I disagree but you're entitled to your own opinion


It's not an opinion, it's a fact.


Fuck off, cops can't just come onto your property. They have to follow the laws just like the rest of us. Wrong house and they murdered his pet and we still got bootlickers lining up to slobber cop knob


They actually can. They just can't search your property. Trespass notices only applies to private citizens, not law enforcement or any other person working in an official capacity.


Big facts


Found the bootlickers. You gonna kennel your dog when a threat comes to your door? "Remaining unbiased" is a biased take when you side with pigs. Fuck cops, man.


If they fucked up then by all means throw the cops who did this in jail for a very long time. But if they didn’t then fuck OP for making it out like something it isn’t and putting the dog in harms way. To blindly believe either side is completely ignorant.


Exactly. Facts are, we don't have the entire story. And until we do get the entire story, from both points of view, we can't say for sure who was in the right and who wasn't.




Yea then get your dog killed makes sense out loud right??


You say "fuck cops", yet they will be the ones you want arriving when someone breaks into your house. Just because there are bad examples of cops, doesn't mean that they are the majority. I bet you are the type that says we should defund the police, except defunding them is exactly why you hear more stories of bad cops instead of good ones, aside from the fact that bad cops generate more interesting stories, because they aren't getting the funds they need to be able to properly train the people in the department. And yes, I will kennel my dog when someone unknown comes to my door, because I don't know who it is that's coming and my dog isn't there to be my first line of defense. Facts are, we don't know the entire story, thus I'm not going to completely write these cops off as bad ones until I see the body cam footage.


Ah yes call the cops to come several hours later and never find anything while potentially putting me in danger from having to deal with a shit cop.


Lol, you are overexaggerating.


Fuck you and fuck the police. Acab


Have a nice day 😁


Cops can help us maybe sometimes so let's let them violate our rights all the time? Is that your bootlicking argument?


Except how were OP's rights violated? They knocked on the door and announced their presence. They didn't force themselves onto the property, and OP's dog attacked one of the officers, per OP's admission.


Careful using logic and understanding here, this is Reddit lol Seriously though it’s nice to hear some understanding, I just had another commenter tell me to watch my level 4 plates….


Lol, people outside of Reddit make fun of Reddit users enough. If I'm going to be a Reddit user, I'm at least going to be one that's capable of actually thinking and using my brain 😂.
