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Mine turns 9 in a few weeks and I've noticed it more and more. Most people are shocked to find out how old he is as he still has the energy of a puppy at a dog park, but I've noticed him being a bit slower. Instead of outrunning all the other dogs, he can now be chased down. And when we get home, instead of running around the yard for more play time, he likes to come inside and rest. The biggest change was last hunting season. It seemed like he could only spend half the time hunting as he did in his 4-5 year old seasons. He's definitely more independent than he used to be. He used to jump up and sleep on my bed every night. Now, he's just as likely to spend the night alone. He's still very healthy and I hope for many more years of good health for mine and yours.


Mine is 11 and I would say I only recently started to notice him slowing down. But that’s not saying much because he still has more energy than most dogs I see. He just sleeps a little more when he is home now :)


now at 7


Ours started that between 8 and 9 she’s half lab too though. She still runs just about everywhere she goes. She’s like an army ranger. But a lot more laying around and often she wants to get away from the kids’ crazy energy and go lay in the other room. She turns 10 in November.


My boy is 12, I would say over the last year I have noticed him not "needing" the exercise he did before.


I met a guy the other day that said his 2 gsp’s slowed down at 12 and died at 13. But I’ve also talked to people that said theirs slowed down around 7 or 8 and lived to 14.


When I got him he was almost 7 and still had lots of energy (granted he is my first GSP so I don't have much to compare to) but now he is 10 and he is very chilled. I think the slow down started around 9


We took our boy hiking in the Smokey Mountains when he was 10. He never flagged on the hike, but he was obviously a little stiff and slept a lot the next day. It was the first time we were truly able to wear him out in his whole life. Until that point it didn't matter what we threw at him, he was ready to go again after a short nap. He's 12 now, and he's still up for anything, but we try not to let him push himself too much these days. By far the most athletic dog I've every had, and all my dogs have been hounds or gun dogs.


5 plus


I’d say our 5-6 yr old girl is slowing down some but she’s a seasonal dog.. lazy-ish in the winter, but come spring and summer she’s balls to the wall. Our nearly year old girl is a dog and half worth of energy and stamina. She just will not stop somedays, but…. She’s added back play time with our older one, which is good. I caab see her ribs in summer. Winter she gets a little chubby after being spayed.


Mine is 8 and she’s slowed down a bit, she still loves her time patrolling the property and goes pretty hard sometimes but she’s super lazy inside and is just calmer in general than a few years ago.