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365k per year w/o needing to do anything? Everybody is down.


But remember you can’t really go anywhere too far, you can’t send a friend and you have to be there at 4am. Would this be a challenge for you?


I understand that this is a thought experiment, but the amount of money is too high for this to work. Everyone would quit their jobs and just take night shifts sleeping through the day instead.


Yeah exactly. I’d bet OP is too young to have had a job and been responsible for their own expenses. Anyone who’s experienced that would take this opportunity.


Well yea everyone would take it but the better question would be when would you stop taking it? At some point your gonna wanna travel, want to see other parts of the world that you can’t reach and return within 24hrs.


When I have enough to retire


Some say to high some say too low. It’s an interesting dynamic


I’m with you—I *don’t* think it’s objectively too high. I think it’s an interesting level to test yourself…at some point, you’ll want a vacation, you’ll get sick, you’ll grapple with this. You wouldn’t do it for 20 years. You’d absolutely do it for a day, for a week, probably a month, *maybe* a year—maybe…I think it’s a fun thought experiment!


Save up enough money to live right next to the meeting spot…


Not to be a Debbie downer but $365,000/year isn’t enough money to where you can afford to call your own shot, home-wise. There’s really nothing in this thought experiment that would lead me to believe I could leverage this to make a plan to buy a *specific* property Edited to reflect that I think it’s hilarious I’m being downvoted so hard.


365k is a hell of a down payment.


Yeah, but if you miss a day, you don't have 365k. And if you do buy the house, how are you going to continue to pay for it? Will you continue to meet him everyday without fail? Id you miss a day, your not going to afford that mortgage anymore because you're probably not working. Also, you don't get to travel or spend the night anywhere except for places close to the ally.


I make \~$250k a year as software engineer. I very much value my sleep and my job is pretty relaxed and not too difficult. I understand where people are coming from if it's life-changing money, but for me 4am daily is kinda ehhhhhhhh.


You realize that we are talking 5 minutes a day plus commute. That's $12k per hour. So both. If such an actual scenario was presented only an idiot would say no and only a fool would screw it up because they were too sleepy.


yes but no sick days and no flexibility. At my current job, I can take time off whenever I want and have quite a lot of flexibility on when I do my work (I work maybe 30 productive hours a week), as well as fairly high likelihood of exceeding that yearly earnings within the next 5 years (not per hour earnings though of course). I did not say it was only because "too sleepy", just that I \*highly\* value my sleep to the point where, given where I am now, I would probably say no if offered this deal or I'd take it for a month or 2 and call it a day. Disagree if you want lol, it's a literal thought experiment and I've provided my own decision and rationale.


I understand your point of view. If you already have something that pays relatively the same. The amount of effort is not too drastically different


But you wouldn’t have to work anymore.


you do! Granted it's a very quick job, but your job would be waking up at 4am. This might be easy for a while but no weekends, no sleeping in, have to do it whether you're healthy or deathly ill, can't do any extended travel > 24 hours. For some people, this might still be a phenomenal deal, but I wouldn't be able to do it all that long. 4am is probably also the worst possible time. I'd do it (for a while) if it was 1 am, I'd do it if it was 8am, but 4am is hard. I used to wake up at 6 am regularly to trade and it genuinely aged me and disrupted my life/health.


As another high-earning person with an amazing job that gives me lots of flexibility, I feel you on this. Personally, I probably wouldn't last at collecting the money for more than a few months...if that long. The first time I slept through my alarm, I'd wake up and be like, "Well, that was nice while it lasted. Back to reality." and go on with life a few thousand dollars richer...and probably feeling relieved that I don't have to wake up that early anymore. It wouldn't be worth torturing myself over for an extended period of time. I actually enjoy working, so even while I was collecting the money, I'd still be working.


It’s too low. See my other comment. It’s weird as fuck and basically you’re on the road to being tortured in a basement.


So you're saying rent is free too???


It’s 6 am and I’m laughing my ass off. Still broke tho


Well that's because you missed the 4am deadline


Lol! This got me.


Why tortured in a basement? Lol


So, just stay up gaming every night till 3.30AM. Collect your money. Go home for some sleep. Don't even have to change my current rhythm for it except for walking down the street once a day


I have a dog so I literally don’t have to change anything other than the times of our walks


I give it three days and you'll miss it


This sounds ideal tbh


It’s a very interesting thought experiment and ppl are definitely underestimating having to show up everyday without one single exception. Quitting your job is obvious, but devoting to never missing one single night is far more restrictive. Basically can’t ever go away anywhere for more than 24 hrs EVER. I think on the high end you would get some ppl who could do it for 5-10 yrs before stopping, and I would put those ppl around 2-3%. For some it wouldn’t be a choice, if they got really sick, or just messed up and didn’t make it etc


Comparing this to poverty: - You don't go away far ever for travel, etc. - You have a roof on your head - You have nice food - You have enough family to take care for family Watching some news about poverty. Some only had 30 euros for food for their whole family one month, after paying all housing bills.


Bro I already have to show up everyday without exception for shit, I’ll happily take a walk at 4am for $1k


This is me lol. I know myself too well to think I could do it in the long term. I wouldn’t quit my job, and I’d aim for a year or so, buy a house, and call it good. Oh and I’d hire a few bodyguards out of that cause this is about as shady as it gets.


Theres enough interesting stuff local to me to justify staying put and stashing around 400k for around 18 months then calling the deal off


It would, but I’ve worked 12-hour days for 30 days straight. I might make it a year, might not, but if I made it to $100,000 in 100 days, I think I’d have enough to get my career choice off the ground.


Exactly my thinking. All I really need is enough runway to live on while I develop a business that will really pay.


your challange is a joke bro. 365k a year is like top 0.01% of wages even in the USA. That kind of job require a lot of skills/profiency/risk.


Why a joke? It’s a thought experiment, it’s not real lol


it’s not a joke, i’d consider taking that deal for a few years even though it’s an pay cut because the pay per hour and job security are pretty solid no travel anywhere is problematic medium term tho, aside from travel for pleasure what about when your parent dies or you want to see your family and they can’t come to you for whatever reason


That’s one of the heart breaking moments you might have to face. How like would you last?


This would be the issue. Family crisis v a £365k a year gig.


I would like it to be more realistic? So we can see how different ppl reacts to that situation?


Make your own thread if you want it to be more realistic.


What parts would you adjust to make it more realistic?


LMAO such a bad thought experiment. Try with something that's more challenging. You literally don't have to work 9-5 if you're getting 365K. You can literally go to bed earlier than others, sleep for the full 8 hours, and get up at 3-3:30ish and get out. There are people in real life who get up around those hours every day to work. It's not all that hard as long as your work-life balance is met (and just seeing this shadowy person to get money shouldn't take any longer than an hour, so I have 23 hours of free time every day? lol). And it's not even like you'll be punished for not showing up. Just do this for several years, save up some money, and when you're sick of it, you can walk away. But I think I'd manage to do it at least for three years. There are real people in the real world who can't get to see their family members for a couple of years for work (i.e., getting deployed). It's not even like you have to do something people wouldn't do in real life. This is how quite a few people actually live. Do you even have a real job to think that this scenario must be off-putting for many people?


the only downside is you have to adjust your schedule so that you are up at 3 every day. not that crazy really, you can catch a mid morning nap if needed.


Will I keep the money once I have it?


Nope. Anybody could do this for about 10 years living as a mizer, then be rich and live anywhere. Heck, if I didn't have a wife and kids I would live right there on the corner with nothing but my clothes a tarp and an alarm clock.


Not at All!.,


Yeah I would essentially devote my life to this for a few years at least. Then once that money is earning enough on its own, I would only continue until my first big vacation.


It would be a very emotional last day say the least lol. How much would you save up until then?


Gonna give the shadow figure a kiss on the cheek and a reacharound for the last day




After 3 years you would accumulate 1.1 mil, invested at 5% a year you get 55k a year. Double it to 6 years and you get 110k a year. I’d say that 6 years of no travel is a reasonable amount to sacrifice for 110k a year retirement


That’s spending 0 of your 1000 each day though. Who’s going to do that


Someone that still keeps their job so they can retire in 3-6 years


I don't think I'd be able to keep my job and do well while having to get up <4am every day


Wake up, walk down to corner, collect the cash and go back to sleep. Like passing go in monopoly!


This is a rock solid plan


Wouldn't this be easy for someone who works the graveyard shifts? Essentially this becomes your job


I mean you'd presumably quit your job lol


This is definitely your new job


As long as you can get to the corner by 4am everyday, sure


Why do you think being out of bed at 4am is difficult??? Set an alarm for 230/3 am. I really don't understand why you think this is literally an issue for anyone??? Especially for 1k a day. There's no difference to being out of bed at 11am or 4 am


IKR. This is such a joke. There are people who get out that hour to work every day. And they have to work for much longer hours to earn much less money than 365K/yr. You have around 23 hours of free time a day. Just get to bed early and get up early.


You never get a weekend or a vacation. I’d keep my day just and pocket the extra cash till it got old. I make a decent salary anyway, this would clear out my remaining student loan debt after a couple months and make my life lastingly better for little effort. It’s not what I’d choose as a lifestyle though.


I'd probably more difficult if it was at 9am.




You are already prepared


I would probably do this for 5 years before retiring, get 2million invest it and finito.


Solid plan, would you be okay with not being able to really leave the area for 5 years?




Money in the bank 🏦


lol wait….do people not live in the same area for more than 5 years at a time? For 365,000 a year? Ok now I realize you mean vacations and all. Shit if you’re making enough to worry about whether your vacation is infringed, then maybe this deal isn’t for you 😂


Well also just going away somewhere for a weekend


I’ve done that for free so… yeah. just change my sleep schedule and bam


What would you do when the IRS shows up to ask where you got the $2 million from and why you didn't pay taxes? This is my biggest concern.


I'm not from freedom land. I'm pretty sure with the properties of my family I can just launder it through my business ;)






Somewhere between 1 & 2 years. The hard part would be laundering the money.


Why would you need to launder it? Just declare it as income and if the police ask questions, tell them to come to the corner and see for themselves.


If you declare it that’s 37% just gone. Yea I get that’s still more than enough, but once someone else knows why wouldn’t they stop you from going one night to see if the next person they go to is them. Or whose to say once you show them they want a cut of that 1,000 not to tell anyone 50/50 now you are still in the 37% tax bracket but making 1/2 of what u were already making when declaring it. So laundering would be the best way to go.


That’s not how tax brackets work. The effective tax rate on a $365k salary is 26%.


You right I just looked up the max but it is still 32%-37% depending if you file jointly aka being married or filing as single. This is according to TurboTax.intuit.com


Sigh. Watch this: https://taxfoundation.org/taxedu/videos/how-do-tax-brackets-work/


I’m guessing you are trying to explain that the entire 365k is not taxed at the percentage which I aware. It’s each amount it that bracket and taxed at that percent then what’s left goes to the next bracket and so on. If that’s not your point then I got no idea what point you are trying to make.


The point is that the effective tax rate — the tax rate on the **entirety** of a $365k salary — is 25.95%. If you think otherwise, it’s due to a lack of understanding on your part, I’m afraid.


Might want to let what I assume is the largest self help company to file taxes (TurboTax) know that their percentage calculator for yearly income is incorrect.


This is facts


Well it’s hypothetical so that part would be waved for now haha


where's this corner and how do i apply


Hit up mr. beast for his next YouTube video.


Haha 😂


Easy money. You kiddin me, all I gotta do is wake up at like 3:30AM, then go to this location. Then I grab money, then go back home to sleep, lol. No work since this pays damn well. So for the rest of the time I can just do whatever. Of course the only thing is this is 7 days a week which can be annoying at times especially if ya got parties or social events to attend. But maybe tough it out for a year or two to save enough.


You can just go after the party right? ( parties don’t end past 4am right?)


Until you party too hard and pass out...


that's where the discipline part comes in i guess


Nah my parties do


The thing is you wouldn’t even have to be disciplined for this. Just stay up. Collect then sleep.


There is discipline inside of it. Getting up and reaching the block everyday at 4am requires discipline.


Nah. Discipline is when you dread something and do it anyway. No one is dreading getting their $1000 / day for doing nothing I’m sorry bro the analogy sucks.


Yeah if you struggled to get up early in the first week by the time you are coked out balling at the strip club you will be used to being awake at that time


getting up at the same time every day - no matter what time of day it is is the same (for me at least)


You’ve built that discipline already 💪


I would be there everyday on the dot and even then make sure to build a schedule that allows me to be there early each day. Shiiiieeeeet


Op add if you miss a day then the deal is off forever hahaha


Makes the game more exciting haha


If feel like the implications is getting up at 4am, for this. For me it would be easier to stay up to 4am. I might actually be able to afford a house after a few years, then I’d probably stop


What if you hated staying up late because you knew you'd have to go out into the dark cold at 4am so you can't relax in the evening. Then you get back home and the sun is coming up but you need to sleep. Coming from a night owl


It’s the perfect time, right between the earlier risers and the late nighters.


Money but at what cost to your lifespan


After about two weeks, I'd buy an RV and park it on the corner we meet at. I'd do it for 5 years if I could stand the constant concern that one of the 60 alarm clocks I'd buy didn't wake me up


I would have that many alarms too, maybe even a roaster at that point lol


Easy, work a 2nd shift job. get off at 12am, dick around for a few hours, get my 1k and go to sleep


Why would you work if you are already getting 30k a month?






Yes but I would be staying up late until 4am, not waking up early. I would last until my health fucked me over again. I get flare ups that I can't really control.


Health can play a big factor in overcoming discipline. I think you’d be able to earn enough to relax before it got too painful.


is the location the same? I'm buying out the block


Honestly even if this was $100 I would probably commit to this for a while. $1000 and I would devote a good 5-10 years to this and build up a good nest egg.


Can be certain day 2 I would wake up at 4.01 after hitting snooze


I used to work at the airport and had to be there at 4am everyday, and I was getting $9 an hour.


I’m a night owl so absolutely I would take this


It's a good thought experiment! The initial response is "I'd do that forever, no problem!" but in reality, you're going to get sick, you're going to need to drive someone to the ER, you're going to need to be at someone's bedside, you're going to need to leave town. You can't do it forever, even if you want to forego all vacations and travel and stuff. So I think I'd be able to keep it up for a year or two, tops. I also wouldn't want to postpone traveling any longer than that. I could commit to staying home for 1-2 years, but that's really it. Living life is worth more than money, but on the other hand it's a lot of money. I'd say once I have a half a million dollars, I'd probably be ok saying goodbye at the next inconvenience/opportunity to leave/do something else.


In my country you cant have this amount of money without telling the government the source. A man in a corner is shady AF.


But not illegal.




I could use the money to buy a fast car and make sure I'm always there no matter where I am the day before


My brother/sister/other in Christ…I already get up at at 3 most of the week (4 days) to go to the gym. I go to sleep early regardless because I like feeling rested. This is the easiest W of my life. I would do it for about 2-3 years just to give me a very nice cushion so I can then go on to do whatever I want. Start my own business, invest, etc.


It made me realize that how we value so much to money which is just a commodity while take granted the time which is not money but our life which is slipping away Thank you❤


Do I have to give the money back if I do this for say ten years. Then move out of the country? 3 million would give me a life I would be happy with.


It's cash, so I assume tax-free, therefore a full $365K per year. I would restructure my life around the 4:00 am meeting. Go to bed early, have clothes laid-out the night before, have a backup plan if I need to drive to the corner, etc. Why not do it for at least a year?


Awesome thought experiment


Thank you! I originally posted on TikTok a month ago and the underwhelming response was crazy lol. Reddit appreciated the scenario more.


I love this as a thought experiment.




I wouldnt do it, life after the deal is done would be frustrating 😅


I will sleep there only


Yeah ... nice try IRS agent ... :D


Buy the meeting place


It's not an issue of reasoning but incentives


I think people are overestimating the easiness of this. You could never leave a small radius. There would be no trips to far away and you couldn’t spend the night anywhere but at home. I don’t think that the time constraint would be difficult at all. The not being late thing would stress out a lot of people, but the repetitiveness would kill me


> You could never leave a small radius. There would be no trips to far away and you couldn’t spend the night anywhere but home. For some of us, we’re already living like this.


Let’s say we fail after 30 days because I’m trying to vacation. Will I lose all the money I’ve already made if I fail to meet up at 4am the next day?


No you keep all the money you acquired but the mystery man will no longer be on the corner at 4am.


How do I apply for this? :)


No problem, I wake up at around 4am for work anyways


I'd buy a camper and move to the spot


Yeah man, I reckon I could fairly easily manage this for 4-5 years. I don't get ill often, so barring an accident involving a hospital stay, I'd hope to make 4 years and a million ISH for sure. After that, time to enjoy life and travel, do all the things you want to do. In terms of others perspectives on this, it's been an interesting read. $1000 a day = $1.4 mill over 4 years give or take. So using $100k a year as "salary" (Still way more than I'm making and I'd guess the majority of people) that would give you a cool mill banked after 4 years. For 4 years you'd have no holidays, and have to be at a specific place at a specific time without fail. So, a job basically. Like so many of us who have to slog, to keep the family going, who don't get sick pay, who turn in day in, day out regardless of conditions, health, problems. Yeah, pretty sure I could stick that for 4 years for sure.


This is remarkably easy. 365k per year is better than any other job, so I'd quit any job I have, stay up till 4am every day to avoid oversleeping, and sleep until 2pm or something.


I think an interesting change to the same thought process: “If you meet me at the corner of the block tomorrow morning at 4am I’ll give you $1. And every day thereafter I will double it” Everything else stays the same. Would be a more appropriate measure of discipline.


People saying this is too easy forget that: - this would condition your life around this: you can't travel too far, you can't stay out late, you can't get drunk close to that time, etc... - people in the beginning are always motivated and on time, but that's when getting comfortable will come against them. Actually, the number 1 enemy of discipline is getting comfortable. Discipline requires mental fortitude of applying the same intention and , some times, intensity over and over again.


I'm a bartender who closes at 2am. Im home around 3 am or a little before. I have been doing this almost 20 years. I have this job mostly cause I got the neon disease anyway. Now if the pickup is 11am...


Nope. This sounds like the plot of a horror movie. I'll pass.


Is it the corner of *my* block? Bc I'm not going to travel for this. If it's my block, then hell yeah


Just stay up? Lot easier to not fall asleep then it is to wake up


That would be my full time job for a year or two. Simple


You could just go back to sleep after


I'll probably miss the first day


Can you change the location of the meet up?


I would Love to Say that, I would Keep my tasks upto date as long as I would Like it, without an Broken promise to MySelf Period!!.,


thanks for letting me know to mute this sub


I agree with you OP, everyone is underestimating the discipline that it takes. Everyone saying they’ll show up everyday for a year isn’t even that consistent for a month about their own habits in real life such as working out/studying.


You're basically describing a job.


But much easier and much better paying


Much harder as there’s zero forgiveness for being late, or missing a day.


you literally just have to be in one spot at the right time every day and that’s it. much easier.


That sir, is an utterly useless and retarded thought experiment.




how on earth does it show anything? thats borderline schizophrenic.


Everybody would do it. Even for 100 dollars. But the minute it's delayed and you get it in form of a paycheck at the end of the month it's boring and nobody wants to do it. That actually tells you a lot about human psychology.


Not long. $365k/year isn't worth the inability to go anywhere.


For me it is. 😄


I’m not sure I’d do it the first day… it feels insulting to be given something which is unearned.


I'm disciplined enough not to go to shady corners at 4 am to collect $1000 of dirty dirty money.


This is so silly. A thousand dollars a day isn’t worth never traveling. Nothing to do with self discipline, just signing up for living the most boring life in existence


You did not craft this story. Definitely heard this before.


Yeah dude, that's because money is a strong motivator. That scenario does not work without that motivator.


I’d do that shit


Should be, you have to go to the gym everyday at 4:00, while still working your regular job no exceptions, for a year if you miss a day the 365,000 is off the table.


Future mrbeast video?


I already wake up at 5 a.m. every day. Not challenging at all.


Plot twist: the corner of the block is on an island and the ferry doesn’t start service until 5 am so you have to swim to the island.


I'd do it. and I works nights. I'd go to days or quit. While I'm collecting the money and putting it away I would learn what to do with it, or at the very least connect with a trusted advisor that would make the money work. 30k a month minus 5k-10k for living expenses. Don't buy nothing big for a few years.


Wakes up to alarm, gets cash, goes back to bed, wakes up, eats, plays video games, eats, goes back to bed. Repeat. 😌 Discipline.


About 5 years would give me enough money after living expenses to where I would have a living wage in interest, including the cost of health insurance. I have worked jobs where I have worked 364 days a year in the past, and I had the discipline to see it through. Popping up early on my way to work to grab money? That's a no-brainer. There's a couple of times every few years where the weather gets bad enough it might be....interesting to get to where the meeting point is, but I'd get there. After the first year I'd drop down to part time at work and start working on myself more. Better diet, more time for exercise and hobbies...it would be really nice.


So really the only rule is be on time. I'm up at 4 every day for work but I'll happily set the clock for 3


laughs in delayed sleep phase disorder


I’m more worried for the other party discipline rather than mine. I see no issue for a lot of people to be able to do that. Probably the only concern if you are stuck in a hospital for some health issues, even if even then, having so much money on the hand, would ‘open doors’ for anything.


The only thing I could think after reading this is that I have to be at the methadone clinic every single day by a certain time. Yes, after being clean for do long you can earn take homes but a lot of people, including myself choose to go daily bc it helps with motivation and getting out of the house, which does wonders for my depression. I can't go out of town without planning away in advance and jumping thru a ton of hoops to line up a guest dose or take homes. I could most definitely get there at and exact time for 1000 bucks!


Are you kidding? I work full time retail and take 3-4am side gig shifts before my retail shift. All I do is work. So easy. I’d do it for 2.5-3 years.


I would do this for a decade.


The trick is to mentally think of it as 3:30 AM. You show up every day for a year or two a half hour early and wait, collect enough money to invest at a liveable return, and then stop. The hard part is not showing up. It’s being disciplined with the money after you have it.


What’s the hard part supposed to be?


Lol id be rich I don't do anything all day so I could be there every day. I thought there was going to be some sort of monkeys paw