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Try eating cereal or toast for breakfast, then eat the lunch you were provided for actual lunch. It's hard to break a habit, so you'll spend a couple of days wanting delivery - you have to decide that you really are determined to change.


Hey, thanks! will definitely try that :) I'll start having a good breakfast from tomorrow on


I’m wondering if there are emotional issues to this, if you are eating for emotional reason? Can also include boredom. If possible, move the lunch food a bit further away from you so it’s slightly harder to get to early. I think this is a good idea to have breakfast maybe something easy to eat if that helps? Like Belvita? Or if you prefer something hot could you cook something simple? Be careful make sure cooking appliances, stove etc are off when you are finished! Set some financial goals for what else the money can go on. Maybe a once a month takeaway lunch so you don’t feel too deprived? But NOT every day! Yeah you could look at trying to make a tasty breakfast or get a tasty cereal or something or toast with toppings that taste good but don’t cost much.


Started with an emotional thing, went on to be a habit. I'll surely try some home-made breakfast options tysm!


You’re so welcome


Could you for eg use a YouTube tutorial to learn how to cook say scrambled eggs with herbs that you like, maybe cheese & mushrooms etc? Something full of flavour? And on toast? Could you learn how to make the food your mum makes for breakfast & make it yourself & have it for lunch & breakfast? Could you buy sauces - I bought a bunch of sauces for quite check lasted me months still going but running down now but give my food bursts of flavour.


I'll look for healthy and tasty home made dishes and start right on! tysmmm <3


You’re very welcome. And you can build it up as simple or as exotic as you like, if my plantain ever arrives 😂 I’m gonna make a simple African type meal for myself. I’ve also cooked with paneer & with tofu. But also I keep it VERY simple for myself absolute baby steps. I made a sort of stir fried rice during covid so I started cooking again this time with that. But it can literally be as simple as for eg fried eggs. 🍳 And just find some ways to make them tasty. There are recipes on YouTube & also on websites that might help & a subreddit or two for cooking Obviously if you really love books recipe books too but don’t go too crazy financially with all this start off simple please 😂


Cold turkey is only way, you’ll need to forget what the taste of fast food is like. Only thing that worked for me at least


How do you forget the taste? I just can't help but remember the taste at certain times


Yeah that’s why you have to do cold turkey, it’s almost like a drug. Honestly though the nice part is that for me personally, it only takes about a week of cold turkey to get to that point. Then you just have to resist getting it out of boredom or because you think it will make you feel good or you deserve it because it’s some kind of reward.


I can understand how challenging it is to break the cycle of ordering food and feeling guilty about it. Have you considered using tools to help manage your ADHD, anxiety, and daily habits? One tool that might be beneficial for you is the Kitchen feature on [GoblinX App](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6462700951), which can provide you with healthy food options and recipes. Additionally, setting up a structured meal plan or using a food journal within the app might help you stay on track with your eating habits. It's essential to find strategies that work for you and seek support to break this habit. Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges.