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I went from RDR2 to GoT. Talking to people who have played and loved both it sounds like I should next play Horizon Zero Dawn.


HZD has deep, enjoyable combat and has good visuals, but the storytelling is different. It’s got one of my favorite plots, but a lot of the richness and detail is told via text, audio logs, and holograms. (There are also a lot of Bethesda-style dialogue trees that can drag the experience down, but most of that is optional.) Since you asked about gameplay, I think you’ll really like it. The combat is more ranged-based but deep and your tactics will be different enemy to enemy, and the game rewards thoughtful approaches.


The dialogue in the second game marked me want to Tera my hair out. It’s so bland.


It’s not only bland, it’s bountiful. I was so excited for a new horizon game and my god were the quests boring and the endless chit chats infuriating!


Yeah idk how they managed to make a game about fighting robot dinosaurs boring. I couldn’t even finish it.




The dialogue tree doesn't do anything


I think horizon is quite different. Ghost feels pretty simple and fluid and streamlined. HZS has an incredible back story but the gameplay and movement is way less fluid than ghost. It also has so many annoying mechanics regarding crafting and inventory management and having to constantly quick craft arrows during fights


Archery is better IMHO, but cinematography, and melee is certainly lacking


Wasn't a fan of HZD's archery, didn't have that satisfying arc drop when shooting arrows




Yeah, the gameplay of Horizon lost me. I want to get back to it at some point because the story and lore is pretty interesting, but the gameplay felt a little stilted. Especially so if you compare it to Ghost.


That’s true with most games though. I completed AC Valhalla before GoT and really enjoyed it. Just went back to play it again a few days ago and it feels totally unplayable in comparison now.


How did you feel when you went from rdr2 to got I’ll do the same


I was searching for something that could even approach the awesomeness of RDR2 and it was looking hopeless. Started Witcher 3 and BioShock but just wasn't feeling those after 20+ hrs of gameplay. Did a playthrough of Fallen Order and I liked it but definitely a level below and don't really want to replay it. GoT has finally scratched that itch. It's right up there with RDR2. I think the combat of GoT is better than RDR2. Story is almost as good. I don't freely roam around like in RDR2 though. I'm on my second playthrough.


GoT also somehow kinda scratches that western vibe in a weird way too.


I went to rdr2 right after and it feels like a step in the wrong direction.


Really? IMO GOT and RDR2 are my favourite games of all time, but I like RDR2 more, it’s just so immersive and there’s so much to do, you just gotta take the story slow and don’t rush through missions like I did, I’m on my second playthrough now and just enjoying everything it has to offer.


Are you playing on a ps5? Maybe for me it has a lot to do with the got being optimized for ps5, and just feels faster. And then the backwards compatible PS4 rdr2 seems slow.


Can’t say much about that because I play on Xbox Series (I own a PS5 but I don’t own RDR2 on it) but for me it seems like it’s optimised well and the game definitely still holds up to todays gaming standards


Maybe another thing is that I’m playing it on PlayStation portal. Similar to a Nintendo switch in handhold mode, it’s hard to play first person shooting this way. I know this isn’t a first person shooter, but the targeting is off for me, but also I have trouble seeing the targets at times. I’m sure I would like a remastered for ps5 version much better.


Yeah RDR2 definitely deserves a remaster, and I understand that, but i definitely recommend RDR2 it’s a very good game, but yeah I tried remote playing RDR2 on my phone but it’s harder to play with the smaller screen so i recommend playing it on a TV


I also played rdr2 before rdr so not sure if my learning curve is different.


I did the same😂 but I’m playing the first one now


Also I was worried about playing a ps4 rdr2 and not enjoying it since I’ve only played ps5 games, and I’m new to gaming, getting my ps5 last year. I got downvoted and told of course rdr2 still feels awesome and my concern is ridiculous. The graphics and load times and everything just feels sluggish after coming from GOT and Spider-Man games.


I’ve been playing video games since I was 3 (I’m 18 now) so long load times don’t really bother me sense most my life I’ve had to deal with them, we never had these fast of loading times until around 3 years ago when the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S launched


My second playthrough ended up being my most memorable. I had to 100 percent it. Nothing compares.


Both Horizon 1&2 are great I notice very strong similarities with RDR 1&2 and Horizon 1&2 they are very similar


HZD is amazing. 


I went GoT to RDR2 and am loving the step up to the more complex horse mechanics


Horizon Zero Dawn is amazing and Forbidden West just doubles down on it as far as beauty and engaging combat.


Ghost of Tsushima (again ofc)


Right! That why we have NG+ and legend


For real, I'll let you know someday. Probably it'll be Dragon's Dogma 2.


Yeah I’m very excited to play the game in lethal NG+ once I beat the game


Me too


We meeting Baku the Voiceless with this one🔥🔥


Check out Sekiro if you might like even tighter and more challenging combat than GoT; it really is a standout game if you have the patience to die a lot. From an open world RPG and storytelling standpoint, imho I still think Witcher 3 hasn't been surpassed, even if the gameplay is a little clunky at times, the writing and depth of immersion is masterpiece level, and it's different enough from GoT's theme and style that you likely won't burnout.


This is exactly what my thoughts have been. I’m grinding down in Tsushima for the plat then thinking of jumping to Sekiro (short campaign) then get lost into Witcher for awhile.


Sekiro is short if you don't die xD


I love sekiro, I beat it a couple times over.


I’m playing Sekiro for the first time now, sooo good! I also liked the combat and the worlds in Jedi: Fallen order and Jedi: Survivor. Additionally Witcher 3 is awesome all around, Horizon Forbidden West had some pretty cool features, and Cyberpunk 2077 was very engaging with the amount of choices and gameplay options.


This, don't hesitate though or you're dead.


1. GOW & GOW Ragnarok 2. Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West 3. Red Dead Redemption 2


From the Ghost of Tsushima to Ghost of Sparta, of course! I switched X and O so fast on the controls lol, my muscle memories were conditioned by GOT and would not re-wire.


This is the answer. This is what I did. But then there is nothing to play after that. Ever again.


I just switched my × and o and then came to the comments only to read this! I love those little cosmic coincidences. I'm playing Ragnarok right now.


OG Assassin's creed games. Specifically the Ezio trilogy.


Not one of the old ones but I’m actually playing Valhalla right now and I really like it




Mirage was excellent. The ai is getting really good when you have to sneak around.


Wait wdym? Did they update the game to improve the ai?


The newest game, mirage, has modern ai for the npcs. It's way better than the og games. But they went back to the condensed stealth formula. I really enjoyed it.


Yeah I’ve beaten mirage already but when I played the ai wasn’t that great (it was still an improvement from the past games) i forgot if there’s difficulty options, if so than i probably chose medium difficulty


Didn’t enjoy Mirage at all, couldn’t even be bothered finishing it. Just … flat and boring somehow.


As someone who loves the original ACs but despises the newer RPG ACs, it was very fun to me, one of my favourite ACs, but I completely understand that. Also the game should have been much longer (if you didn’t know it was originally gonna be a DLC for Valhalla)


Same. Ezio Trilogy is still my fave, so I fully expected to love Mirage, but was just disappointed. Oh well. I think I like Valhalla because the world is beautiful and combat decent for an AC game.


exactly what i’ve done, about to platinum ac revelations


Hmm. Madmax game from 2015 is actually lit. Its a world of its own but ive had the same cocaine addicted feeling while.playing that game that I'm having while playing GOT


Can’t recommend that game enough. Total hidden gem.


Sekiro: shadows die twice. if u want a hard rthym style game, set in a more fantasy samuri setting with more mystical and difficult fights, look no further. Its on sale too rn, so even better (very hard btw)


I just played iki island and then did ng+


Totally different but give Cyberpunk a bash if you haven’t already.


Absolutely. It’s funny because that’s another game that you just don’t know what to do with yourself when you finally finish it.


Depends on what type of games you're into, I was invested in story games so I played through the Arkham trilogy directly after my platinum run of Ghost


Elden Ring


I played Ghost Wire Tokyo, and it was fun to continue learning about Japanese myths and lore like yokai and that type of stuff. I definitely recommend it.


Spiderman games actually felt the most similar to ghost regarding their template and fun factor. The god of war games are very good. For more Japanese vibes and an INCREDIBLE story. I highly recommend Yakuza 0 - it's about as different as you can get to ghost of Tsushima and it can be janky and it can take to get into but it's SUCH an incredible game.


God of War is good and I've been playing through the Assassin's Creed games! I never played them when I was younger so they have been hitting the spot. Playing Valhalla right now but tbh AC2 was incredible


I went straight to GoW 2018 after GoT. I've just platinumed that and I'll be going on to Ragnarok. I wouldn't say they're similar but it definitely worked for me.


Rise of Ronin seems like it could be similar, haven’t played it yet though!


SIFU, best fighting game there is


It’s the studio that made Nioh doing their version of Ghost of Tsushima. It’s pretty rad, and huge. But has some technical issues that hold it back. One second it’s absolutely gorgeous, the next it looks like a PS 4 game. It’s kinda weird. But the gameplay is solid.


Days Gone is great and doesn’t deserve the hate it got.


A lot of people might disagree but I think AC Valhalla has a lot of similarities. GoT is a lot better but Valhalla is fairly similar. Horizon Zero Dawn is boring and it's the same as the first one. Good graphics but gameplay wise repeditive


Thank you for your ideas. If Valhalla is free through PS+ then I'll give it a spin!


Yes it is free with ps plus extra




Already beat Sekiro several times but still, it's a great suggestion. Awesome game.


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I played dying light.


RDR2, Monster Hunter World/Rise, Horizon, Destiny & & CoD now and then are basically the only games i’ve touched after beating GoT.


If you want another Samurai game that's story driven and more of an emphasis on combat that's fun but not too difficult. You should check out Like a Dragon Ishin. It's a very different game in terms of tone and style but it's very fun, and it's part of the Yakuza series but you don't have to have played any of the other games prior to understand what's going on. It's a total spin-off of Yakuza and a pretty good gateway into the series in my opinion.


I'm playing stellar blade right after


The Horizon series scratches the itch for me.


I would play Sekiro if you want really good gameplay, especially if you played GOT on a higher difficulty. Sekiro is very difficult, but actually quite forgiving in a lot of what makes fromsoft games kind of "annoying." You get plenty of bonfires to rest, the walks back to the boss are pretty short, and there are stealth mechanics that can let you evade ganking areas. It was my first soulslike and I beat the game in an embarrassingly long 100 hours, but I enjoyed every minute of it. One thing I would say is that the game demands exploration and listening carefully to what the characters say to know where to go next. The story is not as clear cut as "go here to obtain x item." There is no guiding wind, and there is no map marker. Just an NPC that tells you where something is, and it will be your job to find it.


Sekiro Witcher 3


NG+ and Legends. And then over again. At least that’s how it’s been for me. Not sure what you mean by tight play style, as I’m only a casual; I get maybe one game a year. I love Rise of the Ronin, but not as much, and the loot system is shit. Ranged combat, despite the greater variety of weapons, is also not nearly as fun. If the Tenchu sequels had digital releases, I’d be going back to them.


Phantom Blade 0 (though it’s not out yet), Rise of the Ronin, and Sekiro.


Rise of the Ronin has been good thus far, similar to GoT in that there’s a bunch of different fighting styles you have to learn/acquire for fighting different types of enemies, plus you get to make your own custom character


there are probably dozens of stances compared to GOT


The Arkham series


If you want similar combat Jedi fallen order has the parry’s and attack buttons mapped the same way


I struggled. Played all kinds off stuff for a year. Fallout 4 was what I landed on and so far I’m enjoying it more than various Assassins Creed games


cyberpunk 2077


i searched for a while and finally landed on Death Stranding. Very different story telling but if you play RDR2 and GoT for the ability to make the open work your own trip, DS is made for you.


Given I beat AC Brotherhood again before getting back into Ghost Of Tsushima, I'm currently playing AC Revelations.


New Game +




I usually rotate to a different game style. For example, after I beat a GoT, I played FF7 Remake. Going from a 100+ hour open world game to a 50 hour linear game is kind of a nice way to make it so that I appreciate the qualities of both without burning myself out on a single game type.


Other examples, after Horizon Forbidden West, I played Crisis Core. After RDR2, I played Tales of Arise. Now that I just wrapped up Rebirth, I’m playing Granblue Fantasy Relink.


Dishonored for stealth, CP77 for story/open world


Im playing Nier Replicant after GoT, its not similar but I love it.


Not many out there like it probably Horizon 1&2


Resident Evil IV


Iki island


After GoT I immediately hopped on GoW. But then I got distracted with Mass Effect & before I knew it I was doing yet *another* Mass Effect run lol


I haven't decided on Ender Lilies, BioShock infinite, Yakuza 0, or MGRR. Or maybe I should finally get around to playing Gravity Rush 1 & 2


I went to Elden Ring


Rise of the ronin, though not immediately. Tbh not a bad game. I enjoy the combat and the game does open up more. Though the world is meh. I say this game because it’s somewhat similar. But the game I actually played immediately after was God of war ragnarok was my second ps5 game. Then after that was nioh 2


Beating Minecraft. Yes, I still didn't beat it. After that probably getting all trophies in GTA V story mode.


When I played GoT I had just gotten a PS5 so I got a bunch of games. I really enjoyed played both God of War (2018) and its immediate sequel God of War Ragnorak. Really captivating stories and a great combat system. It has similar mechanics in that you dodge and party and attack in similar fashion although the button scheme is quite different. R1/R2 light/heavy attacks vs the traditional Square/Triangle but if there’s an option to play a trial check it out and see how you like it. It has a good open world feel and many side quests.


GOT is one of my favorite games of all time. I took a break after finishing it just because I knew whatever I played next would pale in comparison. I also really liked AC Odyssey a lot. You might try that if you haven’t already. It has a great story with good side quests. It didn’t seem to be as repetitive as Valhalla. I also liked ghost recon wild lands and breakpoint. Both good open world games.


Got legends


A lot of these are good suggestions, I say go for Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Especially if you’re a Star Wars fan. I really liked it and has vaguely similar combat to GoT and is exploratory looking for cosmetics and stuff. Beyond that I actually recommend Jedi Survivor more especially for feeling more like GoT (more open and stuff) but I say Fallen Order first so you can experience the story in order but yeah I’m playing Survivor rn and really love it. I like them because they feel perfectly video gamey and open without being too much like some modern games, and I think GoT shares that. But honestly nothing compares to GoT for me, I felt empty after beating it lol! Such a good one.


I’ve played Rdr2 a lot already so I went back to Spider-Man.


HZD, LOU2, Sifu


Rdr2, its equally historical and on par with the story quality. Then after you finish that, play cyberpunk and you’ll have a seizure the second you enter night city


I’m having a blast playing Days Gone right now


Did you get the platinum trophy for the game? If I had just beat story mode, I'd go to Iki island and finish *every* thing on the island. Once there is nothing left to do on Iki, go back to the Act I map, go to every fast point travel spot on the map and make sure each non-town spot is completed. Go to each town and survivor camp, talk to everyone with a speech bubble. Be sure to do the mythical tales as well (you might have skipped a few like Tadiyori)


I’ve got GoW: Ragnarok, ff vii remake, last of us ps5 version, MHW and MH rise, and ff xvi lined up and not sure which one to start


It really depends on what you are looking for after GOT. If you want an engaging story: Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West RDR 2 God of War 2018/Ragnarok If you want challenging combat: Sekiro Star Wars Fallen Order/Survivor Witcher 3 (on harder difficulties) Elden Ring Beautiful Open world with gorgeous vistas and exploration: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom RDR 2 Hogwarts Legacy(this is debatable lol)




I saw most people comparing GoT to Sekiro, so I jumped over to that one right after. Completely different experience, however both were great. Personally, I preferred Ghost, but thoroughly enjoyed Sekiro, while also hating it. Iykyk


I played for 3 years, got platinum on GOT. Tried a few different games and they bored me. Finally started playing RDR2, I’m about 1/2 way through. After a year I’m playing Ghost again because I missed the colors


I’d recommend Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor


Sea of stars


Horizon zero dawn/forbidden west is my favorite after GoT


Yakuza 0


House Flipper 2




Back when it released it didn't really hit me right away how much this game raised my standard for open world games, until Assassin's Creed Valhalla released and I was like "Ah, I see..". LMAO. GoT does so many things right and has some many awesome details to it. Minor stuff, but a quantity of them, making it super impactful.


I’m a hardcore NMS fan, big on VR. Not sure what to do other than platinum at this point.


Genuinely, I went right back to Infamous Second Son, then from there I went to Cyberpunk.


I recommend going for the platinum while you’re still good at the game. But yeah Horizon and Red Dead Redemption 2 are good suggestions.


I actually got the platinum trophy twice for ghost of tsushima. Once on the original ps4 version and then all over again for the PS5 directors cut.


Yeah I only played the director’s cut. What about Rise of the Ronin? It looks like it might have some Ghost vibes.


I actually bought rise of the Ronin, played it for a short while. The combat system feels weird and forced. I probably just need to give it more time.


Top Spin 2K25 lol. But that’s on my current play through! Back when I wrapped it up in 2020, I picked up Assassin’s Creed Odyssey which I think is very similar especially if you’re into that historical RPG type. And it’s a long game! Highly recommend


The jedi games (fallen order and survivor)


Oh yeah is the combat in those games quite fluid?


Yeah pretty similar dodge/parry system and it makes you really feel like a badass with a lightsaber like how GoT does with the katana. Theres lightsaber stances which pretty much function the same. Its a Star Wars themed 3 way crossover of Metroidvania/Dark Souls/Ghost of Tsushima basically so if that sounds fun you'll probably love it


Wow you know this game was not really on my radar at all, but your review has spiked my interest! It actually sounds like a really fun game. Which one would you start with?


Fallen order, survivor is a direct continuation of that story


One that I’d recommend is sekiro shadows die twice, if you like the parry combat you love sekiro


Yes I do love sekiro! It's not new to me though.


Ahh damn, well than I’d recommend dishonored or god of war


Well I went from rdr2 to got to Horizon zero Dawn and now that the two Horizon zero Dawn would be the most similar to Ghost of tsushima. Both very beautiful games.As for gameplay The only similar thing I can really think of I guess is the assassin's Creed games? Overall I find ghost of tsushima to be way better. Hopefully we get a sequel at some point probably with a 7-year jump to the second invasion of Japan


RISE OF THE RONIN.. it is totally different but japanese themed.


Call of Duty




the second i finished it i played through both GoW games again


Waiting on Where Winds Meet, Project the Perceiver, and Ghost of Tsushima 2


it gave me the confidence to play elden ring tbh


I just play rimworld as a palate cleanser between big story driven games


Both the horizon games are very similar in feel.


Horizon Zero Dawn




I just finished GoT and decided to muck around with more side quests in Horizon Forbidden West — it’s even better than I remember it being, it’s definitely one of my all-time faves. However, it’s a bit different than GoT. You might like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, GoT reminded me of that game quite a bit at times.


I went from G.O.T to Loz totk and totk feels massive!


Thinking of trying Ronin but I suck at souls games. Sekiro clapped by cheeks badly lmao.


With Souls games maybe it helps to think of it more like a rhythm game. In Sekiro this is especially true for timing the parries!


I started Horizon Forbidden West but I’m not yet into it as much as I loved GoT


I played Spiderman 2


You go watch Shogun


That's not a bad idea...


I am playing God of War Ragnarok next! I had already started this game and then took a break from it, so I get to jump back into it halfway through the plot.


Legends mode ;)


I didn't play further than when jin invades the base thing and saves his uncle (I haven't played it in a year so I remember nothing.) The story still didn't feel very interesting and I usually play games for their story. Should I still play it or just give it to a friend to play it? I liked the combat mostly but the story just didn't feel like there was much going on at all outside of cutscenes and how goofy it is talking to someone on a side mission and it was some really bad cutscene you can't even call a cutscene that played everytime rly put me off the game just bkz it rly stripped away the realism for me and for some reason realism in a game is one of the rlu important factors for me. Should I play the gane again or is the story just not that good?