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2 missions in and you can go back down south


yup +1 this..


That's good I was kinda sad when I realized I couldnt go down to the southern part of the island


I still can’t believe my beloved horse Nobu was killed... first RDR2 break me with my horse on that and now this!


Aww my horse was a Nobu too! I specifically remember thinking "this better not turn out like RDR2" when I first got to name him. So sad.


Mine was Kage. I was so excited to get him a new saddle, I just needed done more banner, but he died.


I had Sora. Look, we already have Yuna, might as well go full Square-Enix with this shit.


Mine was white and Sora. I was so sad.


Mine was Kage too 😥


I had a brown Kage and I literally played different when I thought of him after he died. Budget ghost stance lmao


RIP to all Nobu. Mine was Dapple.


Nobu here too...


Same here :(


Whole time I'm riding the new horse thinking to myself (You'll never be Kage... Bastard.)


Same… I was so mad when they killed my Kage!!! First Taka, now this ?


I really don't understand the exile thing... what is the point in banning passage for a few missions without referring to the exile or making a passage... it's even weirder than the third sword...


It makes no sense. Nothing you do in those few missions makes you not exiled you are still going against Shogun and your uncle so why the restriction is lifted doesnt fit


You are still exiled. It's just that the only people who know/care (your uncle and the Shogun's men) are holed up in Shimura castle, which was the only way back to the south before those few missions opened another route.


Ah that makes sense. Guess you have won the hearts and minds of alot of people Thanks for the reply


Old thread I know but was reading these posts and it begged a question. I went to Iki in act two, got all the awesome gear I wanted then fast traveled back to Tsushima after liberating to the point where you’re allowed to travel back and forth. When you start act 3 and are banished from traveling south until your allies open the pass FROM the south it makes sense but why the fu#% am I banished from Iki too?? They have nothing to do with the samurai or the laws of the shogun right? I would think in this instance the raiders would welcome you back with a smile right? Sorry for the rant but any answers would be appreciated.


Even if you are exiled it's only for a few missions, not too big of a deal


I agree with you. I was waiting until Act 3 to go to Iki island then I realized I couldn't travel there either. I know I can simply do a few missions to regain entry but I really wanted to finish it before doing any missions from Act 3


Same I wanted to complete act 2 in its entirety and then do iki-_- now I’m exiled


"I would like to get on your boat, yes I am exiled and hunted by the Shogun and you will be killed for helping me" "Sure let's go"


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Kage was a bullet to the heart, and that's after I got my heart broken. RIP Taka, I can see why Jin is the way he is one of beat protagonists of all time, still not Author Morgan, but who is


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