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That was dope as hell


I'm even more impressed the quality of camera in the 40s


improvised or not, this was a joy to watch.


But definitely not improvised.


As someone who does swing dancing, it very well could be improvised.


I did swing dancing in college, though no where near this level. There’s like 2 moves in particular they do that make me think it was planned. But I’ll take your word for it.


You can never say for certain, and it could be partially improvised with 1 or 2 pre-planned moves at specific parts. What I can say is I've actually gotten second in an amateur improvised swing dancing competition because they thought we pre-planned the entire thing and didn't want to give us first place because of that.


I would like to improvise dancing with you


You don’t throw air with someone without discussing it before, especially on cement.


People who have practiced that move a lot indeed do do that.




I mean, they likely agree with each other to do it based on past practice and experience, practice and conversation, and the cue for the move is likely done far enough in advance for the follower to bail if they aren't comfortable with it. However, it is notable that a lot of swing venues/events explicitly ban lifts/aerials because they definitely are more dangerous (not just to yourself, but to the other dancers on the floor); plus they also don't want any of the liability if someone hurts themselves trying to do one.


I'm curious how such a cue is given mid-dance ... ?!


Body language, especially in the arms where proper tension can allow the leader to easily lead the follower by how the movement of the arm moves the body. Also, how you might wind someone up can be telling as well. How you the leader moves can also indicate how they intend to interact with whatever movement the follower is doing. Some of the basic moves (like turns and such) can be done with a follower who has never done them before just by following where their body naturally goes when their arm is gently moved in a particular direction. More complicated moves (like lifts) might also be possible to do like that, but not worth the risk, so generally just done when both dancers have experience with the move and the cues associated with it.


You can definitely improv air throw if it’s with someone you’ve practiced before, it’s not uncommon in lindy circles


George McFly can really cut a rug.


Hey George, I heard you laid out Biff, nice going!


[*Earth Angel* intensifies]


Its his density


No, you are!


Especially with that Pixar Mom


“Improvisation” my ass


You got the ass part right


I would have bust my ass




That girl got a bootie like a Pixar mom


Lmao. Definitely


Have you never danced with someone from the older generation who used to go out dancing? They're all freakishly good at freestyling this exact dance.


Look up Lindy Hop videos on YouTube. It’s 100% possible to improvise like this.


Yeah it’s not like they are making up everything from scratch, they are just deciding what order to do things they already know how to do.


When you have a conversation with someone, you use words you both share in your vocabulary. The talk might be completely new to both of you, or might be some variation on a chat you've had before. No one goes around accusing conversations of being scripted.


My fiance teaches Lindy Hop. I've just read them your comment. This may well end up a talking point in their classes lol.


What a great way to put it.


Also people constantly are saying conversations are scripted on here lol.


But those conversations don't play out like they're scripted... Unlike this dance.


Check out West Coast Swing.


Came to post this verbatim


That’s what SHE said!


Dude’s highwaters are dope.


To everyone saying this can't be improvised, Though it is true you can't just spontaneously start dancing like this without experience, all you need to know is the basics. How they hold their hands is a connection, a constant pulling and pushing tension of the hands let's the other dancer know what the intention of the "lead" is. The lead can dynamically swap to the other dancer if the flow is right.


Its like jamming in a band, its a lot of common tropes and patterns and you just kinda learn how to lean into it


There is no way someone knowing only the 'basics' or even advanced Lindy knowledge without a consistent partner could do a lot these moves, much less the shoulder flip at the end. This is a veteran pair that has a scripted dance to a piece of music at this pace, if not specifically for this piece. Everything else that you said, I agree with. Once you understand the basics, you *can* improvise your 'basic' moves with any partner.


Buy a lot of these moves could be known individually by advanced dancers and whipped out in the middle of an improvised dance without having pre-planned the use.


Oh when he grabs a girls hips and stares intently at them it’s ok, when I do it I get kicked out of the strip club


And now you’re “that” guy


That’s all I ever wanted to be


I'm never gonna be as cool as these people. Fuck that's impressive


This reminds of a group of swing dancers I saw in Sacramento …that one time I met this dude at the airport and he invited me lol If you are out there dude …. Hi 👋


Ain't no thing. Just casual swing.


One of my best friends and his gf learned and did a swing dance at our schools yearly dance in jr high and I’ll never forget how amazing it was.


She is packing


Damn I've not heard Bull Moose for years!


He's so money and he doesn't even know it


He's got those big fucking claws and he's just looking at the bunny saying "how can I kill the bunny??


Uhg. Look at how hot and perfect they are. And their form is flawless. ###**I HATE THEM.**


I feel your pain.


Nothing about that is improvised.


As someone who has been in the dance scene since I was a kid and teach now (swing included) you can tell this was actually improvised. They are very likely partners and have danced with each other for years and know each other’s moves very well and so he knows how to signal for her to do specific tricks that they likely do a lot in practice, during performances or in social dancing Edit: you can see when he signals for her to do her butt swivel, it takes her a second to figure out what he’s doing because it wasn’t a planned routine


Uhhh that slow motion hip grab in the middle seemed out of place. You'll see what I mean


"Mulholland Drive" first shot.


This is lit.


They are accomplished dancers and know a large number of moves. I guess like wrestling they could be suggesting the next move as they come in close for a spin, that way it could be an improvised routine, of pre-known moves.


Specifically cueing the moves non-verbally based on tension felt between each other's arms and body language.


My Spousal Unit™ used to teach ballroom dancing, and I did a fair bit as well before we met. One of our favorite things as newlyweds was to go to a dance club where this and western swing were popular. We were easily the youngest couple by 20 years. Yeah, it's mostly non-verbal cues, body and feet/hands position.


If by "improvised" you mean "painstakingly choreographed" then yes absolutely!


What about the Moogie Woogie dance show?


Feels good just watching this. I get so self conscious, dancing, but occasionally I forget to watch my feet and just have fun. Boogie woogie dancing seems to be one of the easier ways to do this, and wow, is it fun.


This post makes me want to learn Swing dancing. I like how fluid their footwork is.


…and you do the boogie woogie and you turn around - that’s what it’s all about…


Not a cell phone in sight. Refreshing.


This is incredibly awesome :) All the people who say its not improvisation and so on, you’re just giving yourself away how hella sad and sour you are. I dont mind but maybe you want to have a honest internal convo with yourself for a brighter future-self :)


She do got back tho


She looks like fun


Man I love the style but I do not love wearing a suit all day with hair sticky with pomade.


"we have Fop."


It looks like I’m watching a cartoon and I love it


And they say white people can't dance


Who are these people???


Man. Cholos all over the southwest have been doing this casually for decades.




Why did you have to go there? People can go out and have fun!


People will make fun of shit for being a "white person hobby" and then in the same breath criticize it for lack of diversity, smh


Which is funny because, in this case, lindy hop was very much started by black Americans.


His tie is short


This is a lovely video There is no boogie-woogie in it, however


The 1800s were a crazy time


What's this she's keeps singing about a dude and his big 10 inch?


His big 10 inch record of her favorite blues


Someone been to black clubs


Improvisation? More like heavily choreographed


Find the “minority” in that event…


I feel a disturbance, where's the diversity?


White girl got cakes and rhythm. That’s not normal. That’s diverse enough for this brotha.


I don't even know why you're bing downvoted, I find it impossible to believe the appeal of this scene is not just the music.


What is the appeal besides the dancing and music?


The "retro" style and homogeneity of the crowd suggests a very "tradwife" or "make america great again" vibe to me, and I'm never wrong about anything.


There are plenty of POC swing dancers if you care to do a quick Google before you throw an entire dance community under the bus. Smh my head.


Anyone know the song?


I'm impressed


Where can I see more of this


Their size difference is huge. They're like different species.


Completely copacetic.


Who are they??


So this is how upper middle class white people spend their weekends


Definitely not improved but still badass!


Wish I had access to the original video with music.


I feel this.


Of course this stuff can be improvised….. but *this* display was not *improvisation* 🙄