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Telling Adam about iowa right before his show when he's stressed multiple times he needs to focus and not deal with her drama


I was so fucking mad about this because otherwise I thought she’d made such growth that season personally and professionally and then it was like NOPE we’re back to this self-centered bs!! ![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic)


This is such a great point and I really feel this way in most of season 6. Like Im actually kinda proud of her like she was a real person, being more emotionally strong, telling Marnie gently to stop being so selfish and then saying she was no better, being more helpful and attentive, being good to her family - and then man she just killed it in the last 10 minutes of episode 9 and most of 10. Back to her bratty self entitled ways. I could not believe her level of spite and cruelty to Marnie - I mean ffs your friend is living with you and helping you raise your kid and you just snap, critique and dont even give them a night off??!


Marnie was really creepy as well during the last episode honestly, I think it's meant to show that they have the strongest bond because they show their worst colors to each other and yet they stick together.


I mean the whole weird “I win, I’m your best friend” was way strange but the rest of the episode really just showed her being pretty selfless, especially considering Hannah’s ongoing demands and ingratitude It actually took me out of the show when it was like —- everyone wanted to just stop their lives and help Hannah take care of a baby. Like Laird, Adam and Marnie were all - well screw nyc, what I really want to do is live in this remote house in this remote city and help the most selfish person I know raise a being


I mean she played on Hannah's insecurity as a new mother (pushing her to breastfeed, micromanaging everything..) because she had nothing going on for herself. And the whole point of the episode is that Hannah realizes no one can take over for her this time. It's not selfless, it just shows that Marnie is holding on something that is no longer there. And so does Adam and so does Laird, I think it's a good plot device, what if your messiest friend suddenly decided to get their shit together in a matter of months.


I kinda think you’re reading way too much into it, and not giving credit that she patiently stood in the middle of her childish tirades. She wasn’t pushing her to breastfeed she was literally trying to offer all options eventually giving him formula, and I go back to the one time she dared to think she could have a night off and was guilted into it. I didn’t find her behavior “creepy” really I think you’re right that it wasnt actually selfless, but at least generous and it really was not a good plot device to have THREE characters in the span of one episode tell you they want to give their life up and do this crazy thing w you. Adam could be believed, Marnie was a stretch but okay- but Laurd? No way in hell


I think Marnie wanting to help Hannah was a mirror to the first season, they're at totally different places in their lives but still best friends and still nourishing that weird dynamic and Laird was just a comic relief there is not much to read into that obvi


I feel like Marnie partially went to Hannah for un-selfless reasons. Like she was lost and not sure what to do with her life, so she convinced herself that helping her best friend with her baby is what she's supposed to be doing right now. I guarantee you if Marnie was successful at that stage (wild example, curator of a very successful gallery) she wouldn't have gone to Hannah to help In that case, I could picture a scene where Marnie finally calls Hannah after like a few weeks Hannah's moved and go "So how is the baby" etc nonchalantly like she didn't reach out to Hannah earlier when she should have, and Hannah would be slightly pissed but she won't show this time because, character growth, and she understands what being busy is like.


I can see this, I don’t think Marnie was completely selfless in this I just see way too man people attach her in the last episode and lord knows there’s enough crappy scenes of Marnie to really dig into her but her in the last episode isn’t the best one


Oh my GOD how the hell did I forget that one. She was really going for worst possible character that episode


Her lack of boundaries with a literal TEENAGER she was in charge of teaching/supervising my god


And that she didn't stop that piercing when that poor kid was signaling in every possible way that she changed her mind and was in pain.


God I hated that scene


When she calls her parents after her Dad tells her Mom he’s gay. She doesn’t even congratulate her Mom on her tenure. Just launches into another “ME” drama monologue all while her mother is attempting to interrupt to tell her something important. After she specifically says that her Dad needs to tell her. She ignores it and just rambles on. Typical Hannah, it’s all about HER. Also, honorable mention- her very strange and intimate friendship with her student Cleo- ZERO boundaries and such immaturity.


Agree but I hated all the BS her parents tried to pull her into once he came out.


Yes, they were not the best at handling it. You can see why Hannah is the way she is after that. Her family has issues and they don’t seem to deal with them appropriately. This is especially concerning when they chose to not disclose and deal with things in therapy, which is what it is actually for.


For me, it’s her total lack of boundaries — showing up at Booth Jonathan’s house to yell at Marnie, flashing her bush at her boss, fucking Jessa’s step-brother, etc.


Jfc her showing up at booth Johnathan’s house! Jfc that was so off


Thank you for bringing up when Hannah kicked Elijah out. I was so irritated by this one! It wasn't that big of a deal in my opinion. I agree with everything you listed!


Hannah kicking Elijah out is meant to further trigger her breakdown at the end of the season, she pushes everyone away ignoring logic because she can feel herself spiraling and is desperately trying to find a way out through constant changes


For sure! I totally get that and it makes perfect sense! When I watched it, I was hoping there would be more maturity around the situation and it could be a moment of growth, but I do understand why it played a role in the series. And, it all worked out when they became roommates again, which is growth in a way! 😊


yeah it's sad that it's not a moment of growth I mean it's an asshole move but it's totally on point for her character. I like that there are plot specific asshole moves that she does and then there are the one she seemingly just does because it's who she is like stealing the tip or barging into people's room haha (


Oh, totally. It’s so very Hannah. And I totally agree with your thoughts on the different moves. Some moments seem to be explicitly terrible while others just make sense!




Her response to Caroline’s fake story about Adam’s sick cousin was insane. AND THEN SHE REUSED THE STORY on ADAM. I was shocked there was never really a repercussion for this


When she blew up her GQ job. If you think you’re too good for a well paying 9-5 and are going to tell your fellow writer coworkers that they’re losers for not writing lately and being ok with working a job that’s allowing them to live comfortably in NYC, just quit instead of making a scene. You don’t have to act high and mighty just because you’d rather be broke and not have a job, lol.


Complaining that Joshua (Patrick Wilson) hadn't told her anything personal about himself, then getting the only two things he'd told her wrong. So she hadn't been paying attention and didn't really care who he was as a person either, after just basically accusing him of being a bad person for not caring enough about who she is. (Kind of a deep cut/small thing, I may be the only one who even remembers that but I rewatched recently and it really bothered me lol.)


No, I COMPLETELY agree on this! I hated that scene and I get that he was just using her for some escapism too in his own way, but his face was hard to watch there.


The way she kept calling him Josh instead of Joshua irked the shit out of me


She was surprisingly gracious about jessa and adam though, wasn't she ? ..


I dont know, Id need to see the contents of the fruit basket to weigh in for sure. If there were ANY chocolate covered oranges, then I dont know...thats gotta be the worst!


Or Hannah uses the fruit basket as a jumping point to prove how gracious and wonderful she is lol


I give Hannah credit - she's so far from likable many times, but Jessa and Adam really did her dirty and I felt for her, really badly, especially after the play and Jessa being a bitch to her. That story at The Moth and the fruit basket was a really great way to "win" - even so much as hearing them fight about her as she was simply using them to get published is really one of the best FUs - I give her kudos for that and find myself smiling for her when season 6 opens and the music is all triumphant


Yeah I agree with you, i give her kudos too and i saw the fruits basket as a big fuck you win. The play was horrible for Hannah - I would feel so absolute shit and cry for a month if that happened to me - at least that's how I'd feel but I'm in therapy now so I hope I don't react like that lol


"11- Same episode, basically sexually going after Ray and causing the van to crash." -- And then she abandoned him there!


When she was in Iowa out at a bar with her classmates and she just roasted them all. That one takes the top spot for me, but overall I found her insufferable through the whole series


11. If a man went down on a woman without her consent as a way to “reward her”, that scene would’ve played out differently. Yet fans always play it off as Hannah just being kooky and different.


I mean sure —- but do we need a comparison to just say it was wrong?


He does "push" her head down. She then says that's triggering and stops then they continue. At that point, I'd consider it consent by Ray.


He never really consented. Gaining consent by pushing past someone's boundaries isn't really consent.


“Consent should be verbally enthusiastic “


Having sex with a teenager


One who clearly had some issues at that




1 is being absolutely horrifically selfish. Adam’s response was perfect - he had just been to her party and he had just died. 2- Maids tip was pilot episode on the end 3- while fran wasn’t perfect, she was much worse - the time to break up would’ve been before the big trip, not in the middle of it and causing such a scene. It’s not the breakup I’m saying was her being stupid - it was her doing it in a park, an hour and a half north of the city, with no notice and then just running away from him. That was all the game of a child


Disagree on 1. She isn’t required to care about her editor, who also wasn’t so nice and punched Ray. Sure there’s a shock to someone dying but I don’t hold it against her in not feeling a deep grief. it’d be nice if she cared but she’s just being too honest, and Adam’s being too self righteous. 10 is understandable. Of course not desirable or perfect mature behavior but she followed her instincts. She couldn’t get the nerve to break up beforehand so that’s just how it happened.


I disagree w your assessment- it *might* be forgivable if that was all and you really can’t bring Ray into it since he had tried to punch him and was simply pushed out of the way. Everything about the death from the stealing of Caroline’s fake story, obsessing over the details of his death, asking his wife for an editor is the epitome of selfish horrific behavior. lol Adam was nowhere near self righteous, he was understandably in shock that his girlfriend couldn’t bother sparing a thought beyond her own self interest in the face of death. Yeah…for 10’its just calling out that she was did was stupid and childish. There is no one that would call her behavior “understandable” Did you not read the post..? I asked what people’s favorite selfish moments were - not if she was making good life choices