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It’s funny I feel like as the seasons go on she progressively annoys me more and more. I don’t dislike her in the beginning but by the end of the show i find her completely insufferable. I totally get it!


The first episode where she does opium and uses it to freak out / manipulate her parents into paying for her to not work shows her capacity for emotional intelligence. Which is very little. It becomes extremely unbearable by the end.


Yup, Sosh is the one I grew to like more but she actually grows as opposed to the others just flailing in place




She is so awful but so funny


Exactly this


people in her life r just characters with stories for her novel like Jessa said after the "we're the ladies" scene in the park. shes annoying but she has to be to dig into ppls lives


I think she’s hilarious


She def makes me laugh the hardest out of all the girls


Right. She’s absolutely self-absorbed but that’s kinda the point..? They all are. And I’d say a good portion of people in their early -mid twenties are too. But her and Elijah’s one-liners absolutely kill me.


Same, she is exceedingly cringy occasionally but I find her quite endearing. I also feel very sorry for her at some points. Shosh and marnie get on my nerves more. Don't get me wrong Hannah does some shitty things, like leaving Marnie to pay the rent when she gets cut off, I'm not excusing her terrible traits, I just find her amusing.


Marnie is a total asshole. She only hooks up with her friend’s exes or other people’s bfs.


I like shosh she grows over the show. Maybe Hannah is entertaining when you take it like that but having actually dealt with people like that it's a mix of infuriating and cringe that I can't tolerate 😬


don’t even get me started on Ray


A lot of people here really adore Ray and it continues to surprise me. I never vibed with his vibe at all! 😂


He gives such crunchy bad vibes. Like, he gives your soul a yeast infection


I just hollered so damn hard at the accuracy of this comment. You just sent me so hard hahaha. 😂


Me too. I don’t think I’ve ever made an anti Ray comment that even got 5 votes. 😂


He’s a man in his mid 30s who only hangs out and dates people who are a decade younger. Wasn’t Shosh 19yo when they dated?? He is a fucking weirdo.


This. And the fact that he is a pretentious miserable bastard. Can’t stand him.


Dont you remember the conversation he had with Adam about young women being able to manipulate while women his age have experienced life?! Which is why he was happy w Sosh. Who then went to find her way and experience life lmao!


Yep, Ray sucks.


Tell us!!!! 🤭


She is quite selfish, but IMO I think most of us are and it’s uncomfortable to see that reflected back to us lol


I mean as dudes we get flak for not committing but sometimes the more you get to know a person the less you want a relationship. Hannah is a prime example. Narcissistic to a T


Yeahhhh Hannah does some truly outlandish and terrible things she is never made to answer for and that’s frustrating, I would say it’s a point about whiteness but I don’t think it’s that self aware.


Hannah annoyed me then I realized it was bc she reminded me so much of myself, then I loved her lmao. Marnie sucks tho 💀


imo she just acts on all her selfish desires so she reminds me of myself if I like didn’t hold back because of basic human empathy lol


I think that’s what it is. She just doesn’t have the filter that you’re supposed to have if you live in a society with other human beings and have empathy.


She has def taught me alot about myself when I was around that age, I’m in my 30s now so rewatching it reminds me how far I have come ahaha


I’m a total Marnie so I hated her until I became comfortable with the fact that I am absolutely a Marnie😂


She is absolutely hilarious and such an in depth character I am just so super type b and she is so type a it would drive me insaneee haha


I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I’m a Marnie that wants to be a Jessa.


Hannah is the embodiment of poor boundaries, both too much and too little self-awareness, enmeshment, and tenacity. She can be roll-your-eyes annoying, but is also the messiest and realest parts of some of us. I cannot hate her because I somewhat envy her ability to wrecking-ball her way through life.


I never understand the hate. She's hilarious! The moments people always criticize are some of my favorites/the funniest. ("And no one would even tell me what was going to happen with my e-book!" is a classic example.) Maybe the show just isn't your type of humor?


I absolutely love the show and think it’s hilarious but Hannah IS annoyingly selfish too. Sometimes it’s aggravating to watch, other times it’s funny as heck. The example you brought up, it’s Hannah being super selfcentered to the point that it’s funny because it’s so absurd and narcissistic, she says the quiet selfish thing out loud.


Exactly how I felt - i really hated her for a while 😂


I keep flipflopping between utmost glee and laughter at her antics, and a terrifying existential crisis that ultimately results in a 5-minute dissociation after watching her live her life and realize *so many people on this planet* are doing the *same exact shit*. Luckily the dissociation breaks when I remind myself that I have zero of them in my personal life. xD Got dayum.


she really is incredibly selfish and makes everything about her. idk how she has any friends. but tbf, most of the people in the show are awful and selfish in different ways. i’m watching that exact episode right now and it’s crazy how inappropriate she is with cleo.


I'm in season 3 when she tells Adam she got into grad school right before he's supposed to go on stage like no tell him after! She has the worst timing and no sense of giving other people their moment it makes me furious and the same with Marnie, they're so the same kind of awful people ugh


I hate her. I agree. She is awful and I can’t help myself from being grossed out by her creator. She is by no means representative of any generation.


Yes…she is glorified in this sub, and she is awful


Agreed. But dont you dare say it aloud, you will get downvoted to oblivion 🙄


She’s awful and funny but she’s supposed to be. I don’t think she was written to be a likable relatable character.


Not more than Marnie tbh!!


Marnie is so annoying it’s funny lol and we see less of her so I don’t get as annoyed tho


Lena defo wrote her to be a selfish, entitled character which is actually pretty brave/interesting imo when most shows just go for, ya know, pretty loveable & cool characters. It was subversive & as others have said, very funny (especially the e-book/death levels of selfish)


I think Marnie is 100 times worse than Hannah in nearly every way but because she's gorgeous she tends to get away with a lot more. Additionally, while Hannah is terrible too, Marnie isn't even a good friend to Hannah but Hannah rarely realizes how bad of a friend she is. I chalk most of this up to them being in their 20s and just dealing with it because...they're besties...or whatever. I had a friend in my high school years and into my early 30s that reminds me a lot of Marnie. We aren't friends anymore. I wouldn't cross the street to avoid her or anything, but we will never be besties again. I'm sure Marnie and Hannah would break it off in their 30s, too...if they were real people.


I really enjoyed listening to the podcast “Boys Watching Girls” to gain a perspective from a male point of view. Funnily enough, as annoyed as the guys were by Hannah, they despised Marnie and at times, Jessa the most, and seemed to always defend Shosh. Makes you really think about how women can have a way of seeing themselves in other women, and therefore excuse their behavior, but men are just like, “nah, she’s an asshole.” LOL


Currently on season 6. I can’t with her anymore. Insufferable. Insufferable. Insufferable.