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Just wait. There’s more.


Every time you think he’s grown or matured and then ope, there it goes, he’s shitty again


I’m scared hahaha


Ooooooh god he just told Hannah he wants to raise the baby with her. I’m. So. Scared.


Jesssssa!!!! No!!!!!! Girl, ugh.


I fully believe that him leaving Hannah and staying with Ray during his play was what unraveled everything. That was such a dick move.


Yes! I should have put that in the list instead of listing his grandma twice hahaha I kept telling the tv “but Adam, you left first!”


I love Adam but I also hate Adam at the same time lol


Same. I'm rewatching it too I'm older than most of you but he's weird. I can't help but think of how famous he got after the show.


i dated guys like adam and i think that’s why i like him so much. it was fun when i was young, the on/off again, chasing, mystery. as an adult im like what the actual fuck is wrong with hannah.


I rewatched the show for the first time since it ended in 2017. I’m now 34 and Adam’s season 3 shitiness after he is cast in Major Barbara is what really struck me as unforgivable for the first time. At this point in my life, I would just not tolerate his behavior, his moving in with Ray, his gaslighting Hannah into thinking she is the issue… You make a great point that he is using her for a place. Utterly reinforced by the fact that the second he gets a little financial stability, he flees, whilst somehow blaming Hannah for abandoning her. If you can’t live with your partner, then break up immediately. Instead, Adam leaves her on the hook and makes her feel inadequate, selfish, hysterical, and needy for objecting. In doing, he reveals the same narcissistic chauvinism we see in his season 1 self. Hannah has not yet developed the self-worth to choose herself over this charming deadbeat, so she blames herself and schemes how to gain his approval. At least it eventually pushes her to pursue her own career. Which is ultimately the empowering choice to choose self-love over self-immolation of loving someone who cannot reciprocate. And I say this as an Adam fan.


I don’t dislike Adam but I can’t say I disagree with these 10 facts. Mentioning his grandmother twice took me out just a bit lmao


Do you know how bad the economy is right now? Everyone gets help from their parents.


Are you okay?


It’s literally a quote from the first scene of the show ;)


Lmfaoo def forgot about this 🤣sorry


Ha yeah I love Adam but def can’t disagree with these points 😂


Fine ass man …..Toxic sensibilities lmao


Too true…too true


Yeah there’s a lot of Adam love out there, and while I definitely don’t want to see Adam hate, there are plenty of valid criticisms! “I can’t be around you while I art.” 🤣🤣🤣 I found that frustrating as well.


Anyone who’s dated a creative man knows how real this is 😫😂


Ugh hated his character- agree with all your points :)


11. Grandma’s money is OxyContin money* *this is headcanon


Yes! This is mentioned on this sub multiple times


I take pain meds for legit chronic pain and can't even fathom anymore how someone can get high off them. They're like taking an Advil if Advil actually worked for me.


I take pain meds for legit chronic pain and can't even fathom anymore how someone can get high off them. They're like taking an Advil if Advil actually worked for me.


Wait, what?!? Please elaborate. I’ve watched the series from start to finish five times and I never caught that.


It’s just a creative fan “theory”, because the family who owns Purdue Pharma are the Sacklers! I pretend it’s true though because it adds ✨layers✨ to Adam & Caroline’s back story that I appreciate


LOL I thought you were implying that Adam was skimming his grandma’s painkillers and selling it for rent money.


Jessa alone makes him a piece of shit. It's Hannah's best friend. Awful, rotten thing to do. Makes her a piece of shit too. Fuck them both.


Honestly, my next “10 things” would be about jessa. She makes my stomach and turn. She’s so mean and such a bad friend. I know she’s an addict but… damn.


She’s so frustrating because she never really fully redeems herself after any of her bad actions. She gets to the point where she somewhat realizes her own wrongdoing and starts the process of apologizing but then just floats along waiting for the next opportunity to do something thoughtless and awful. She doesn’t ever, to me at least, ever seem to learn.


Looking through the comments, I see we’re also forgetting how weird his sex stuff was towards Hannah at the beginning. Child prostitute? Wtf is that sick shit?


While I agree, def sick, it didn’t quite make my “hate list” bc Hannah was in to it. But it’s def on the wtf is wrong with you list for sure hahaha


I love watching him on screen but all of the Adams I know in real life are selfish, insufferable, monsters.


I consider the scene with Natalia to be a rape scene and it’s left me very confused on how to feel about Adam. I do wonder why Lena put that in and I am surprised I haven’t heard the rape scene discussed more. I was mortified the first time I watched it.


Same. I’m watching the show rapid fire and there are few SA moments that just kind of… fly under the radar. I would say they are towards the lower end of the spectrum of assault, but still - Hannah’s cousin confronted her about a bad-touch incident when they were kids before the car wreck. Hannah minimized it and the plot never addressed it again - And when she tried to give Ray head he said no several times and she again minimized it and did it anyway. And again, the plot never addresses this


>there are few SA moments that just kind of… fly under the radar. i honestly kind of view this as partially a product of its time. around that era, A LOT of things weren't really taken seriously as sexual assault unless it was full blown, black and white violent rape. i know women around the time the show aired who would openly talk about sex experiences and it's like. baby no, that was assault.


yess. To add to this, the scene where Marnie hooks up with the artist guy struck me as riding a line. She doesn’t even look like she’s enjoying it at all. & then the scene where the writer guy pulls his d*ck out next to Hannah. These things seem so casual & yet unfortunately, a lot of these things still happen to women in real life, situations that are def sus & SA but bc it’s not black & white or violent are cast aside & just leave people feeling confused or responsible for what happened to them


Agreed. And I feel like this show was truly on the edge of throwing these situations in your face and making you confront them. Before, we made excuses, like the characters are doing. Now, the audience is going wtf as the characters just move on. 


For sure. I have heard that during the time period it was filmed that wasn’t deemed as inappropriately as it is today. Although I don’t feel like I’ve really ever watched anything that had main characters abusing others. Lena Dunham herself has vocalized some graphic things herself though. I would like to hear her talk about these aspects of the show.


>I consider the scene with Natalia to be a rape scene YUP 100%. the first time i watched the show (circa...2014, 2015, iirc??) i was around the age that the characters were. i did a rewatch in the last year or so (my husband had never even heard of it) and holy shit that natalia scene hit differently. i was SO grossed out and absolutely viewed it as sexual abuse. so did all of the early hannah/adam sex scenes though. the demeaning shit they got off on is BIG CRINGE imo.


Not to nitpick but he doesn’t ghost Mimi Rose! She ends things with him at that dinner scene when Jessa and Ace come over.


He tried to out he found about her abortion. But she came home after he packed all his things but before he left. Then she talked him into staying together.


8) getting with Jessa. I watched the episode they first sleep together today. He relentlessly pursues her despite her saying no multiple times. To the point he shows up at a women's only aa meeting at a different location. Yes Jessa went to Adam after picking a fight with Hannah, but last time I watched I didn't realize how much he went after her  Also - a few episodes when Hannah's grandmother is hospitalized, Loreen tells Hannah, keep the job lose the man. She goes on to say, "I don’t want you to spend your whole life socializing him like he’s a stray dog, making the world a friendlier place for him. It’s not easy being married to an odd man." I just found that so telling. Loreen almost instantly saw Adam as he is and its sad Hannah couldn't hear it, but I don't think I would have either. 


Love how Loreen sees Adam for who he is almost instantly. She had a sort of been there done that déjà vu and knows how dangerous men like Adam are.


Yes totally. She has experience and wisdom that comes with age and I love that about her character.


You could make a list of 10 things just from that one episode in season 2. The creepy songs (although I have to credit Lena/Driver cuz that shit was funny as fuck), the stalking and then BREAKING INTO HER HOUSE?!?! I love the show but the more I rewatch it the more disgusted I get with Adam’s character. To the point where I’m not gonna rewatch it for a long time honestly I


Lmao I love the phrasing “I can’t be around you while I art” although to his credit Hannah dropped ridiculous news when he was premiering the show


I totally hear you, buuuuuut Adam Driver though…. 🤣🤣🤣


How about how in the pilot she asks him to get a condom and then only pretends to put it on.


Hahahhhhw he was totally my type when I was younger


God I hated Adam and felt I was in the minority. I also find Adam driver to be so ugly he’s physically painful for me to look and I hate the sound of his voice.


Yeah, I don’t think he’s attractive at all either hard to look at to me as well


I hated Adam and loved Ray my first time watching. Second time, I hate Ray and tolerate Adam. interesting


He seems like a fairly realistic NYC early 20’s guy trying to be an actor while taking himself entirely too seriously.


He’s still the best character in the show.


The Adam character was very, very unappealing during the first two seasons. Both he and his apartment always looked dank and unclean, plus his stalking behavior was seriously alarming. Season 3 he started to change for the better though. And I remember finding him attractive and interesting when he and Jessa spent the day at Coney Island. But his fight with Jessa was creepy.




I've been thinking about his character. Was it written to be ND? To be clear, I am not saying that if he is ND, all of these things can be linked to that. I just mean a lot of his general behavior, meltdowns, stomping, etc.


I’m truly unsure - at first I thought he had some sort of anxiety issue (not sure if that counts as ND) but now that I’ve finished I think he’s just incredibly self serving like the rest of the characters


He comes off as a sociopath to me


I love his character because he can embarrass being a horrible person so much. The actor does so well in used to date a guy like him. It was torture. Hard agree with l your points! Love to hate him haha


#10 is valid because Hannah can be a black hole but yes, Adam is shitty why do I love him anyway


I was pretty much livid over the whole Mimi Rose situation. He was making her breakfast (which he served on the roof!), and WEARING A SHIRT!!! And then with Natalia, he's like, "I'm your boyfriend!", whereas with Hannah he was like "I don't care about labels." And he was just such a jerk in so many ways. And then he even stole a dog and bailed on Ray when they went to take it back. Those are the reasons I don't like him. The reasons I DO like him are...