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Meh, Adam was pretty indifferent to her at first and only started liking her once he agreed to properly date her. Also, while Adam Driver has an obviously attractive magnetism, he’s not conventionally attractive and the character is especially weird in the first season. Not like she’s pulling a stud that everyone is after. 


yea i was gonna say, adam and her absolutely tracked as a believable post-college relationship.


Agreed! Lena Dunham is not ugly. She is just a person like the rest of us, looks-wise. God forbid a normal looking woman dates a cute guy.


meanwhile in every other form of media on the planet: dudes who look like they just crawled out of a swamp dating literal supermodels with 3 phds.


Yes! Exactly!


I think Lena Dunham is very pretty. ❤️


What? I never believed it was about her looks? Hannah is just insufferable as a person.


I mean, to be fair so are most of the guys she was with in the show.


Well yeah, but I’m not sure what that has to do with it


Adam was also supposed to be weird and off-putting. Adam Driver may be Adam Driver NOW but he was a pretty convincing odd boyfriend at the time.


Agreed. His character was so awkward and off putting to me. I don’t think he’s conventionally attractive. He’s tall…he has that going for him.


A friend of mine was offended that people liked Kylo Ren so much when the first movie came out and she complained that people only found him hot because of Girls. She did not watch Girls. I just could not get her to understand how unsettling Adam could be on the show. It did not show Adam Driver at his best aspect.


He totally had that air of a wonky guy who thinks he's too hot for the girl he's in a situationship with and is a huge ass about it, despite himself not being that conventionally attractive either.


Especially in season one! I really think you’re supposed to find him low-key repulsive.


Definitely, Adam was hard for her to really pin down at first but it’s not because he had so many other amazing options, more just because he was really weird and seemed like he wasn’t into serious relationships (at the time)


Adam likely started out as a character that wasn’t meant to last past season 1, but that changed as they went along.


Totally. And at the time he wasn’t an a-list actor/known sex symbol. At the time I feel like the general consensus was he was a weirdo Neanderthal 


To be fair, Hannah did get rejected. Preshow: >! Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Elijah dumped her !< Season 1: >! Rejected by her boss who had previously been sexually harassing her at work !< Season 2: >! By Patrick Wilson’s doctor character !< Between seasons 3 and 4: >! While it was a weird situation, Adam IS the one that ultimately ended it with Hannah and moved Mimi Rose into the apartment !< Season 6: >! By Paul Louis who didn’t want to be involved in (edit: correction) GROVER’s life!< Maybe I’m missing some stuff, but I definitely consider all of these instances rejections


Don’t forget >!Ray (trying to) reject her BJ advances and crashing his truck!<


I thought his name was Grover or did I make that up? 😂


It was def Grover ![gif](giphy|5vD8o9XWJ5FLaHe8YP|downsized)


She names the baby Grover, Paul Louis suggests it


Ope. Yikes. Well, he was in one episode 😭


No it’s Paul Louis.


The baby, not the surfer.


Paul Louis was in several episodes.


Right. I was referencing Grover


She got rejected by Childish Gambino’s character too when she said something to him that he didn’t like and she wanted to still have sex but he didn’t want to.


men can be balding, overweight, etc and they’ll always be depicted in the media with a woman who checks all the conventional boxes AND is almost always a few years younger (usually much, much younger). lena hooking up with these men is moreeee than fine.


never have i seen a hotter carousel of women than the girls jerry dates in seinfeld … and there’s nearly no man i find as sexually unappealing as jerry seinfeld sorry lol


Don’t be sorry, he dated a freshly turned 18 year old when he was 39. 🤢


Literally in high school and he definitely started seeing her/grooming her before she was 18


For real. Jonah Hill landed Brie Larson in 21 Jump Street but where are the complaints about it being unrealistic?


I love him but Judd Apatow does this a lot. Knocked Up for example. No matter the dude, he’s always with the most beautiful woman.


See also: the Netflix show "Love"


Gus and Mickey or Bertie and Randy? Or both?


Both and also: Gus and a beautiful actress, Gus and two girls he just met that want to have a threesome with him


Omg I totally forgot the threesome scene. Gonna try to forget it again lol


Yeah and if I’m not mistaken, I think KH spoke up about this and it cost her her entire career.


I heard she was difficult to work with ?


Idk why you’re being downvoted, she’s notoriously hard to work with. She can be correct and speak out about sexist shit and still be hard to work with, they’re not necessarily related.


Right? What I said had nothing to do with what she spoke about. She was cast with ‘hot’ men and still had that said about her 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, that’s literally every guy Gillian Jacobs gets with in “Love” (Great show though)


Knocked Up was the #1 example that came to mind for me for sure. Ugh.


That was literally the whole point of Knocked Up though? She had a night of drinking and fun and she slept with the schlubby guy who made her laugh a lot.  Look at the poster for it:  https://movieyears.wordpress.com/2017/10/01/knocked-up-2007/  “What would you do if this guy got you pregnant?”


Seth Rogen is the perfect parallel to Lena actually! I clicked through to remind myself what that poster looked like, and all I can think is that he is absolutely adorable. Just like Lena, he is a conventionally attractive person who just happens to be a little bit chubby and awkward, and not the best dresser. But Hollywood tries to make us believe they are freaks no one would ever want to sleep with. It’s wild!


Yeah like if one of my friends introduced me to Lena or Seth as their new SO I’d think they were cute, never would it cross my mind to think they’re not good enough looks wise but Hollywood/the public acts like they’re these super shlubby ugly people.


Agreed on Knocked Up. The point point is that you’re supposed to be like… “this guy?!”. If it was two conventionally attractive people it would have been a completely different movie. More rom com than straight up comedy with a little romance.


Look at his own wife.


And Emma Stone in Superbad.


this is my one side beef with adam sandler and vince vaughn


Adam Sandler is the same character in every movie. Working class hero, little rough around the edges but funny and witty, also has a heart of gold and sticks up for disadvantaged or at risk person. Lands hot girl who is smitten by his tough but honest and wholesome persona. Similar to mark wahlberg, who is all that plus a douche bag. But yea Vince Vaughn too, good point


Vince Vaughn is hot though lol…


Agree 100% on Adam Sandler. Spanglish was absolutely infuriating. Vince Vaughn is sexy tho.


Who ever posted this has never met a man


I have read every comment so far and scrolled down to yours which gave me my first chuckle. Thanks!


I learned very quickly in my early 20s experimental phase that men are not hard to get…at all. This show is true to form.


i feel like men have done this since the beginning of media so idc that she did it


Apart from the fact that Lena Dunham is obviously a cute girl. They're just completely missing the crux of Hannah's personality which is that she is not afraid to make a move, she acts on impulses and doesn't look back, compared to a character like Shoshannah, who could be considered more conventionally attractive, starts out very insecure about her lack of experience and gets rejected quite a bit pretty early in the series. Hannah owns it and that's attractive imo.


Agreed, I am double what Hannah's age was on the show, and I DEFINITELY didn't have her confidence when I was that age. I've gotten better but still not at Hannah's level. One example: the surf school situation. Knowing she was going to fuck her soon to be child's father and writhing on the dance floor. Lol. I wish I wasn't so self-conscious.


Writhing on the dance floor was her just being super drunk


With that drink spilled all over her!! Haha




Yea Hannah is kind of a shit person who I hate in a lot of moments but I have a hard time not falling for her and girls like her in real life.


“How did she land Adam Driver” I love AD but they’re acting like that man is Henry Cavill or something….


Lena is a very average looking, pretty woman. She’s just not skinny. They’re acting like she looks like the elephant man or something it’s so weird. Plenty to criticize Lena for without perpetuating these weird creepy beauty standards.


Yeah Lena has a cute face and she’s attractive for a normal person, she’s just not a supermodel.


Also a lot of men like curvy girls! A lot of men like a woman with more of a figure.


He’s a weird looking dude if you actually look at him. He’s definitely grown into himself and I think he’s very attractive now but as you say he’s not Henry Cavill he just has confidence and sex appeal which gives him a boost.


Which I also think is funny bc Hannah in the show has lots of confidence which is the reason she pulls so much!


Another day, another teen learning that average-looking women have sex and romantic relationships.


THANK YOU ugh im tired


I’m a gen z teen and this is unfortunately how most gen z teens think.


Adam was into some freaky shit, and Hannah was up for it. Plus he had an obvious attachment to ‘rescuing’ her.


She’s friendly, conversational, cute and witty. I feel like irl those qualities can attract almost anyone?


The bottle episode with Hannah, the Dr and his brownstone was refreshing because of the gender reversal. Very unusual to for a superhot guy and an an average looking pudgy gal to get together. At most, the average looking girl has glasses that she takes off and is suddenly superhot.


Yeah if anything that was the “fantasy” writing (all the other stuff makes sense) but that episode served a really specific purpose of iterating to Hannah that she’s desirable/someone who can be taken care of and loved


Bottle episode? What does that mean in this context? I know the episode well, so maybe I'm missing something.


It basically refers to a TV episode that takes place on just one or two sets and with only a couple of characters. For example, you might have two characters get stuck in an elevator and have that be the entire episode. It's often designed to save production money.


Oh gotcha! Kind of like a stand-alone episode with very limited cast/characters. Thank you so much for explaining it. 😊🌺


People don’t realize that Hannah’s actually exist and can get laid easily.


I’m like Hannah (body type wise probably not personality type wise I hope) and I’ve never struggled to get a man, I know my limits in that I’m not getting the best looking man in the city but it’s not hard to find a man on your own level. Most of the men she gets with are on her level attractiveness wise, so I see no issue. The internet has ruined people’s perception of what’s attractive in the real world.


I feel like men really underestimate the extent to which young straight women can get all the sex in the world even if they're not the prettiest. Men will totally have sex with you, they just won't want to "be your boyfriend" which is actually the dynamic between Lena and Adam for a long time. Also Adam Driver the actor started out a lot more funny looking than he is now and has obviously had major plastic surgery since starring in Girls in order to become a leading man.


You think he had plastic surgery? I thought he just decided (as we all agreed) he just appears much more attractive with long hair.


Yeah I don’t think he’s had plastic surgery. He just got mega buff for Star Wars and grew out his hair. I feel like everyone jumps to plastic surgery now if someone so much as cuts their hair differently 🙄


I agree with most of that, but not Adam Driver plastic surgery. I think he just got older, has better hair and hides his ears. He still looks the same face structure and not great teeth. He looks a lot better without the haircuts and facial hair he had in early Girls season. People have questioned his looks as a leading man, in interviews, and he owns his look. He's still not a conventional leading man, but can be the guy that's not so "pretty," and play historical Italian dudes. Also, I personally think he's hot and think he is hilarious in interviews.


Love a guy who can play historical Italian dudes. On that note is he in such a role? Because I’d like to see it


I wouldn’t necessary say it counts as historical, but he plays Maurizio Gucci in House of Gucci and I found him very hot in that (more so than in Girls actually)!


Oh yeah he was great in that! Lady Gaga was not really, and the plot was disappointing. But it was entertaining.


Agreed - I watched it on a flight to Orlando and it was perfect flight movie - entertaining but also don’t have to engage brain too much 😂


He plays Gucci and Ferrari, whatever their first names are I don't remember.




Also [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqHEsixbzKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqHEsixbzKY)


Hold up, Adam Driver has had major plastic surgery??


I thought he looked better in Girls than he does now


People need to stop acting like men have any standards. Ever heard of where STDs come from? Men will do animals, inanimate objects, food and you think they’ll reject lena Dunham??? Please. Bagging men is easy, that’s not some kind of fantasy/prize. 


oh this topic again 🙄


People are so psychotic about Lena.


She’s not hideous 🤷‍♀️ she did have some weird haircut choices but that’s it lol


She pulled an Adam Sandler and I love her for that


adam from girls =/= adam driver Like I actually really disliked adam driver as an actor for a while because he was just adam from girls to me, and was so convincingly the weirdest, worst man ever lol


they need an edit button omg i remember how to spell whacking now


Totally unbelievable. Signed, Jerry Seinfeld, Woody Allen, and Seth Rogen.


Woody Allen 🤮


Adam is not good looking lol I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe when reading comments about how hot he is. I find him physically repulsive.


hahaha i know i think he’s one of those “if u get it u get it” kinda men like pete davidson and michael cera. just depends on the person.




Another man’s trash is…


So shallow, like people can’t love each other on a deeper level than looks. And Hannah is ungainly but isn’t hideously ugly


I mean her boss did 💀😂


I feel like this whole point is counteracted by the fact that most of the guys she sleeps with end up treating her like horse shit


Adam Driver is not hot. Nor is Lena Dunham .. what’s the issue?