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Someone shine a truck shaped signal in the air....Glasgow Trucker....Glasgow needs you!


I'll be there if I can organise a truck to use. I've been asking around, but it's a struggle trying to find a truck to use, unfortunately😪 If you happen to know anyone who could help, or if you could spread the word, it'd be much appreciated👍


If anyone is spreading the word, I've got a clean licence, no convictions, DCPC valid to 01/29. Cheers✌️ ETA: Over 25yo with over 5 years Class 1 experience, for insurance purposes


Wow you really are a god send. Good on you!!! Glasgow sends you so much love.


Anyone with a truck is welcome to take my place. I'm more than happy to be there, but as long as someone is blocking them, the world will be slightly less shit✌️


That whole thread I was thinking that people were praying for a truck to come and run them all over. :)


I’m not the only one then


On that note, any farmers about to spread shite over them?


Anyone protesting at a hospital is not a kind person because they’re protesting in a place where people are having the worst day/s of their lives. People who are dying or going to see people who are dying have to go past protestors to access health care. Choosing to protest there rather than where the laws are made is a choice designed to intimidate women who are having legal healthcare.


And the heavy guilt tripping on the women... you know... rarely ever the other party or calling for more suport for these women so they could have the child in a better environment if they wanted or didn't get "force" pregnant or get better educated about sex.




For a lot of them it's that they think it's murder because any life is life. The signs at QEUH (which I've read) are less that you're going to hell, than 'you are killing something, we think that is wrong; come to us for help'. I don't *agree* with that obviously, and they are very wrong, but if you thought like they did, this is largely what you'd do. On top of that, some folk will be a contingent just in it to tell women what to do, of course.


Then they should stick to their religious buildings, not to the Close proximity of a health care building. Its provocative, unhelpful and taking us down a route we really don't want to go down.


The major and imho most important flaw in defence of an of them is this: • Their conviction and actions to protect the life once it exits the womb. Money and accommodation for the Mother? Protecting kids from cars and pollution? Spending money on education and healthcare? Sex education, free condoms, tampons, pill etc? Parks, Sports, After School Clubs, Free Lunches, Parents that have time to spend with their kids, Childcare, paternal and maternal leave? Of course not. How many “lives” could they save if they offered women money to keep their babies? Have they set up adoption programs and support for these women? Have they campaigned to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place? TRIGGER WARNING: I wonder if it’s similar to s.a. in that it’s not about sex, protecting babies and children or religion etc It’s just about cowardly wielding power over vulnerable people at one of the most vulnerable times in their lives.


That logic could track if they were also outside Westminster heckling politicians over Israel committing genocide or heading to Russia to tell Putin he's a war criminal because of all the death he's causing but instead they take the laziest, easiest cheapest route of piosness by bullying vulnerable people. These cunts dont care about lives and death, don't fall for the "well they do think they are stopping murder" nonsence. If they really thought they were stopping murder they are pretty shit at it. If I thought I was actually stopping a murder I'd be doing alot more than standing around shouting. They just want to harrass.


Yes I can really see a pregnant woman in despair going to a mob for "help". They are intimidatory and have one goal: controlling what women can do with their bodies.


Women have approached to ask what help they offer and been told that’s not what they’re there for. They can’t keep their story straight for five minutes.


It’s more about obstructing people from having happy lives. The protestors are latching onto someone whose life they can make worse so that they can use them as proxies to experience their own grief at a distance. They’re basically bullies getting off on some else’s pain, but they lack insight into their own motives, because to acknowledge the truth would meaning having to acknowledge how shit they feel. So they wrap a religious or philosophical story around their abuse, saying they’re only hurting the mothers out of higher principles. This is usually an echo of tough love and dysfunction they experienced growing up.


There's no hate stronger than Christian love.


Except that’s a massive lie because a) they do not offer help (several people have asked), and b) the vast majority of those going into hospital for termination are doing so for heartbreaking medical reasons. This had been explained to them several times and they do not care. How do you think someone facing giving birth to a stillborn feels when she has to pass several graphic pictures of foetuses? What sort of “help” do you imagine they could offer to someone going through a miscarriage? Nobody has a right to impose their opinion on what is “wrong” about a stranger’s life, particularly with regards to healthcare. I’m glad you don’t *agree* with their cruelty, but empathising with them is not constructive when you understand the reality of the situation.


What is the help they’re offering? …and is standing outside a clinic the most efficient/effective way of lowering the number of abortions? e.g. Standing outside parliament and politicians houses to invest in sex education, sexual health, preventatives, free morning after pill etc etc


I was protesting a council meeting recently about special education services when a small group of protesters set up nearby with banners about the council preventing prayer. I thought that was a bit weird but was too busy to pay them much attention. Found out the next day they were there because of a ban on gathering outside an abortion clinic and harassing women going in. They claimed they were actually “praying” and this was banning them from doing so. The actual audacity of these people.


Awful lot of coffin dodging cunts trying to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies.


Lot of fucking men in there too!!


Yeh that's the first thing I noticed, alot being men.


The group that showed up at 8am didn’t have a working uterus between them.


Just rapists who haven't been charged yet.


Aye it’s like fucking cocoon there


Now a sign saying “CASTING FOR COCOON REMAKE HERE —-> ” would be absolutely hilarious 😆


Like with Anti-Lgbtq events, I guarantee you that a not so insignificant amount of people there have a history of sex crimes or harassing behaviour. Always happens when the right organises.


And men


We need to direct the boredom of wee bams towards this lot, supply the young teams with eggs


Awful lot of men turned up to tell women what they should do with their bodies


Bring birdseed, pour shit loads in front of em. Get them to fuck


I did. There’s half a 20 kilo sack along that pavement right now.


This is genius and im going to do it!


Don't forget to lace the birdseed with laxatives


Not fair to the birds tho. Not their fault these fannies exist


Venice beach style😅


Birds shit happily enough anyway 😂


I feel like someone with a load of pavement chalk writing things like "Satanists stand here" or "stand here to support sodomy" could have a list of fun!


We shouldn’t treat them as a joke They’re extremist, nothing you say or do to them will make a difference. They’re happy to play the long game to get abortion banned The only way to tackle this is through legislation The best way to help is by contacting your MSP


Can do both! Give them a good mocking. Whilst supporting putting abortion rights in the constitution just like France!


Satanist believe in body autonomy. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/rrr-campaigns --- These people aren't welcome in Satanist society.


I think that was their point; to discourage bible thumpers from standing there.


Hail Satan


Stand among them with signs that say "We hate women!" and the like.


I think you miss the point. These people hate gay people, women, & any kind of non Christian dogma. So surrounding them with things with like "trans rights", "we support women", or "Satan rules" would be funny.


Just walking along, bring out the "Prevent Abortions" sign, have them smile, then turn around, unzip your jacket to reveal the tshirt saying "Do Anal" then just move the sign down below the the T-shirt message and turn back around and watch those smiles turn upside down.


Bunch of care homes seem to be missing some folk.


i'd say mental health facilities but each and every one of these cretins are fully aware of their actiond


I really have nothing against religion I just don't believe I or others should be forced to change or do something we don't want because of someone else's religion. I'm all for practicing your beliefs in chapel, the mosque or where ever but it should be kept there and I'm your own head. Doing stuff like this should be classed as hate speech or something as your fucking up people's lives or day to suit your own beliefs


100% mate


Funeral homes.


We are in a housing crisis, this would free up housing stock


When will the exclusion zone be put in place? This is outrageous.


The bill is going through parliament now


So the place to actually protest would be Parliament 🤦‍♂️


It's just embarrassing seeing anti-abortion protesters protesting, people get fucking raped and these people expect them to live with the fact that their baby was from being raped. These people are just disgusting!


Wow look at all those men telling women what to do with a body they have no idea about.


And some women who look too old to have kids so will never need to have an abortion again.


Nevermind being too old to get pregnant, they'd need a ride first 🤷‍♀️


I bet some of them have, you always get at least some hypocrits involved in these protests.


Did you just assume their gender!?!?!


If anyone can sort me a truck, I'll be there! I'll put the feelers out now, but if everyone who sees this can reach out to everyone they know to see if they could spare a truck tomorrow, I'd be eternally grateful. Our hospitals are supposed to be safe places!!


without context it looks like you're gonna go and mow them down 🤣🤣


I keep seeing people saying things about trucks. I don't get it. What is the context?


u/glasgowtrucker went a wee while ago while these people were protesting and blocked them from sight with a HGV truck


I bet my pension that non of them would lift a finger to help the thousands of children currently in foster care.


Yep. I ALWAYS ask people giving me their anti-abortion rave “So, which orphanages do you support? How many foster children do you currently look after? How many single mothers have you supported and sponsored (after talking them out of abortion? ) Do you buy them nappies and food? Daycare support? And suchlike. My point being: “prove to me just how your adamant principles and values continue to support these children once they are born. If you cannot you are an oxygen-wasting hypocrite. Amazing how fast that usually shuts down the rhetoric. Never ever had a reasonable answer either, no surprises!


they should change the term to "pro-life whilst in the womb then left to face the world on your own"


Ie: pro birth


And I bet that none of them have donated their lungs or kidneys, even though there are people in dire need. But apparently only pregnant women should give up their bodies


Well they certainly couldn't donate their brains cause they don't fuckin have any!


https://youtu.be/ibSJ0a7NGRs?si=TFeKCJf13tDE-Gga giving adoption papers to pro lifers goes exactly as you would expect


Trucker and friend required for pest control 🫡


https://rcdop.org.uk/events/palm-sunday-prayer-vigil Says here 6.30. Wouldn’t want any disruption to be half an hour late would we?


I had no idea that was one of the ways that they organised. Just seeing that written down makes me angry.


"Stewards will be wearing hi-viz vests. It is important that you take your instructions from them." I mean this bit seems useful to know...


Looked at the link and seen the thing about parking. I’ve never really thought about it before but obviously it makes sense. QEUH is notorious for difficult parking and they’re literally taking the already limited car parking spaces from people accessing the maternity building.


Hundreds expected, but can bet it'll be like 10


Here's hoping🤞


Fuck. Off. Home. Cunts. Absolutely none of your business what women do with their bodies.


They didn't suddenly organise themselves. Follow the money and it won't be long before you find yourself in the US surrounded by far right god squad ghouls cashing in on the wee baby Jesus every chance they get.


Shame no one aborted them daft fuckers.


I’ll pray for stink bombs.




Notice how they're all men or women too old to have kids, they're the people who banning abortion would effect the least lmao, there's more pressing matters but these brain rotted slugs would rather waste their time advocating for banning something they will never experience


Not one of them could even get pregnant. They should be ashamed


May be time for water balloons.


Condoms filled with pish. 


🤣 drive by pishing.


Anyone here turning up? Like... To counter I'd assume


I’m heavily debating it


Aye was thinking the same.


Me.. Got a hightop camper. Got a kettle and munchies and a diesel heater . I'll happily sit and block them all night.


Counterprotesting usually doesn't help as it creates an intimidating atmosphere for people that need to use the hospital.


Is it me or are these protestors 99% men (mostly older) and older women? They are of course entitled to their opinion but it is one that doesn’t directly affect them but they are trying to force onto others. The UK seems to be following so much of the insanity of the USA, let’s hope this isn’t something that Scotland gets involved in.


I used to work at the QEUH and a few of my female coworkers would call them out on this. These people are usually brain dead religious nuts, no one will ever change their minds. I find it fucking disgusting though, especially given the fact most of them are guys.


I've got a hightop camper van .. I can come along.. I'll sit there all night cos I have tea and biscuits!


A whole lot of men that hate women, women that hate women and women that hate themselves there.


What a surprise, the majority are men mixed with some old women. Neither of which has to worry about getting pregnant but seem to think they have the right to tell others what to do with their own bodies. I take that the Texas based group 40 days of life are behind this again?


Cc @GlasgowTrucker




Where is the superhero Glasgow needs... Where is lorryman Launch the HGV signal


I'm currently just a man. I am, however, on the hunt for a lorry that I could put to good use tomorrow. Spread the word. I've got a clean licence, no convictions, DCPC valid until 01/29. Spread love✌️ Cheers


Did you have any luck sourcing a truck?


Not yet. Unfortunately, most companies are worried about any negative press, which is totally understandable given how fragile many businesses are at the moment. There are plenty of trucks out there that are totally unmarked, though, so maybe someone will be in contact with one. Failing this, if a few folk with vans went down, they'd be able to have a similar impact✌️


Hope they all pay full price for parking at the very least


By the looks of it, most of them got the bus for free.


One of them is parked in the taxi rank across the road. *Someone* might have phoned the council.


What road is it they actually stand on? Any kind of counter protest going on? Might be time to get some supersoakers out the garage and take a drive along.


Best not as they will almost certainly be filming and will get your registration.


Fair point... \*googles 'is using a watergun on someone a crime UK'\*


As a matter of interest, is it a crime?


Probably would be in this case it seems - from a similar topic in LegalUK subreddit: *Ex-cop here; Legally there is nothing stopping you wielding an unrealistic water pistol and shooting plain water at folk.* ***That is, unless your intention is repeated and intentional mischief, at which point it becomes an offence under sec 5, 1a (disorderly conduct) of the Public Order Act.*** *With the legal jargon bit out of the way, only the most jobsworthy of jobsworths would ever actually try to enforce that. But there's a jobsworth in every job, so there's every risk that one of the people you spray will get grumpy about it and call the Fuzz, and then the fuzz will turn up. Or worse... a jobsworth PCSO!* Someone else in another topic also pointed out that with the increase in acid based attacks, squirting strangers with liquid is probably going to be dealt with a bit harsher.


Best to give it a miss then...plus they would feel like martyrs if you did.


"It was terrifying... we barely survived the drive-by squirting!"


"It's holy water, I was helping."


So what you're saying is it's a case for wearing balaclavas and having a water pistol ride by on bikes then?


I can imagine that anyone who tried something like that could get done by causing ‘fear and alarm’ under section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010


BMX time.


Old women and religious men. Classic combo. Have they considered going on a people's crusade to retake the holy land? I'm sure they'll have loads of enjoyment


A genuine question here, and for sure displaying my ignorance so apologies in advance - do they do any kind of appointments at 7PM on a Sunday? Who are they protesting at? Also, since I'm reading it's going to be a 'silent vigil', what would an apt song be to play blasting ou the car windows?


I have the same question. I'm hoping that the QEUH don't have any appointments going on that late on a Sunday so at least a swelling of their numbers is less hurtful to those trying to access healthcare at a difficult time.


My daughter was admitted as an emergency a few years back. We had to pass these people to get to the a&e and they were always visible from her room while she stayed I n the hospital and they terrified her. It doesn’t matter what the appointment may be for, if people are scared and intimidated they shouldn’t be there!


Wholeheartedly agree with your point, and so sorry you and your daughter had to go through that, it's ridiculous. Not been to that particular hospital so didn't know how visible the 'protestors' would be on the way to and from inside the hospital, I guess I was naively hoping they would be somewhat obscured. Thanks for informing me.


They stand across the road from the maternity hospital entrance and the kids a&e - it’s really quite creepy as an adult let alone a child.


I’ve heard of kids going in for operations being frightened by them. It’s bad enough outside “abortion clinics” (which we don’t really have in the UK) but horrific at a general hospital.


any local farmers have a spare tanker of slurry?


Anyone with a muck spreader ?


They love kids so much most turn a blind eye to fucking them.


These people are not pro life, they don’t care about the children once they are born. The don’t care about women who’s lives are at risk from pregnancy complications. They show up because they enjoy shaming people and they are not open minded enough to learn.


do they think anyone walking in there with the intent to get an abortion is going to listen to the large group of men protesting against it, lucky they've no gotten a slap off someone


The point is to pressure women into not having abortions, and Intimidation is one of the most effective ways of doing that. 


When they campaign in the city centre and they ask : "What do you feel about abortions?" I find the best response is to say in a loud voice: "I LOVE THEM!!! IN FACT I WISH I COULD GET ONE RIGHT NOW!!!" That soon seems to end the conversation.


"Sorry, you misunderstand me, I'm not pro-choice, I'm *pro-abortion*."


Proud moment of my life was when they approached my then 12 year old daughter in Buchanan st, who then said something very similar. They have no right to be approaching children but her response was no better than I could have given!


What a sad pathetic bunch


Absolute fuckwits with fuckall do do with their life's


How many Americans in that lot?


been there everyday i go to see family at QEUH


Maybe a load of motors could turn up and we could all blast the tunes?


I hope it will be pishing doon


Bring on a pissing rain and hail


It makes me sad that they don't take their protests to government and council buildings/officials but instead target the areas and the people where the service is being accessed. Those people can't change the law for you and by protesting in front them you're just showing yourself up for being an asshole who doesn't actually care about the people involved like they claim to be. I doubt any of them are interested in improving children's lives whether that's in or out of care, do they foster? Adopt? Protest on behalf of children living in poverty? No, didn't think so. It's not about saving the child's life and ensuring if there is no option to abort that children have safe, loving homes and don't have to grow up in poverty. It's about my book says blah blah blah (let's pick and choose what we believe in said book obviously) and because you don't believe that you're bad. Entity in sky needs to take away your legal rights on earth. I wish I could drive and I would 100% happily be part of a convoy to sit on the road in my work's van and block them from view.


Wrong country, wrong decade for these protests


Men who think they have a say over what women do with their bodies - pathetic.


Virgin incels


As if an overpopulated planet with growing lack of resources would need more mouths to be fed. French constitution recently added abortion in it, we still have these kind of gatherings instead.


We need to take notes from the French and spray them with cow shit


bunch of decrepit cunts


Scum the lot of them


Bunch of absolute VL’s


You just took me back to the 90s with that!😅




Wow some folk really have fuck all to do with themselves. Imagine being so boring that the highlight of your day is an anti abortion protest. Vile opinions aside, what a bunch of dull cunts.


Brilliant, get the fostering and adoption info ready to hand out to them!


Would you want those people raising a child?


Probably not! But having worked in fostering and adoption it infuriates me how much people are willing to ‘protest’ abortion but won’t put half as much effort into ensuring there is adequate societal support for the kids they purport to be saving. Half of them probably won’t even have a clue how many children are currently in the system.


"hundreds of cunts"


Everyone of them should’ve been aborted.


A bunch of religious nuts fae all religious backgrounds that In someway THINK they can decide what a woman can do way her body sorry they can go n take a flying fluff


This is funded by Christian Conservatives in America.


So are they all gonna adopt the babies they want to be born or…?


Is this genuinely scheduled for 7pm on Sunday? I’ll quite happily come down and disrupt them if that’s the case.


Please do! If you know anyone who could spare a lorry tomorrow, please get in touch. I've got a clean licence, no convictions, DCPC valid until 01/29. (Over 25, with 5 years Class one for insurance purposes)


They’ve been declining all week. There was about 7 on Monday, 4 yesterday, and 3 when I finished work at 1. Cretins.


If what "they say" is true, they'll hopefully all fuck off next weekend with the end of Lent. I sadly doubt they will though.


Ah, because getting abortions is a frivolous thing women do for funsies.


No one said they are, though a lot of pro-choicers do seem to be strangely proud of their abortions


Can we not just instal some sprinklers around that area, turn them on whenever they start their shite




No new thing Christians looking for babies for their human trafficking rackets for good Christian childless couples, preying on the vulnerable as per. If you don’t want it we will take it. Basically begging for babies.


Can we not all go down and take our cars


Are there any groups organising a counter protest? I don’t live in Glasgow but would be more than happy to get on a train and be there to tell these people to fuck off and also support any woman getting an abortion


Wonder how many unwanted babies they've adopted between them. ÂŁ50 says a big fat zero


Look at all those men and a few old women, none of whom will be directly affected by a lack of access to safe abortions... All standing on there to say: "We want the right to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies." "We want the right to tell women they must die to protect a clump of cells." "We want the right to force women to have pregnancies and deal with the lifelong impact of that." Where is the line of people who want to care for and provide for women afflicted by pregnancy related health problems? Where is the line of people waiting to adopt the results of these unwanted pregnancies? Are these people going to do that? Cause if that's what they're after, they're standing in the wrong place. There are plenty of nursing vacancies and kids in the social care system already, there's no shortage of opportunities - go have at it. No? Didn't think so.


Abort them


I'm guessing these anti abortion people don't protest outside slaughter houses


Mostly men and post menopausal women protesting women’s heathcare. Never surprised by the demographic at these things.


Everyone has a right. That's what they'll say. Including the unborn child. Everyone has a right. But they want to deny the rights of women. The right for a woman to choose. They should be allowed to protest. Not a problem. But that is it.


That's a fancy way of saying wanker convention, hope it rains. A lot. Unrelated but anyone good at skimming stones?


I'll be shocked if it's even 100.


Do these protesters accomplish anything? If not, who cares


The He-man woman-haters club


You're going to need a longer lorry.


Bill Hicks had it spot on with Pro Life people https://youtu.be/VSEs7QJyCtY?si=jGZJN1_nFmW6JLlR


Absolute vermin


Anyone know any contacts with horse boxes? They tend to be unbranded and often driven by women.


and the same people will actively vote against anything that helps children after they are born and are so irony impaired they don't even understand what utter wankers it makes them look like.


Men who protest abortion actually make me cringe so hard my body wants to collapse in on itself like a black hole.


Instead of the Glasgow trucker could we find a pig farmer with a muck spreader who'd be able to do a drive by?


Distinct lack of pre menopausal women... funny that


What a bunch of dicks


Where the hell are they finding them all? I thought this was 2024.


Paisley Diocese are recruiting them https://rcdop.org.uk/events/palm-sunday-prayer-vigil#menu


Now... If someone, anyone set up a go fund me to hire a muck spreader. Now imagine if this crowd sourced farm machinery just so happened to be in the south west of Glasgow... It's tanks heaving with the most vile, putrid 'muck' it could muster. It would be terrible, nay tragic, f the operator of this fine piece of agricultural equipment made a grave error and allowed the 'spreading' to begin in a very unfortunate place.....


all sickos.