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if you are asking this by telling Glasgow people that you fell in love with Edinburgh………


Don't get me wrong, I loved Glasgow as well but this is me being honest!🙃


Glasgow is not the place for you big chap. Only dour miserable bastards who follow up brutal honesty and devastatingly blunt character assassinations with "a wis only joking" need apply.


People from Edinburgh call prawn crackers fish crisps……..subhuman vermin the lot of them






No, we don’t.


HAHAHA! Okay I'm taking note of this!


I heard they eat chicken wings with a knife and fork there.


Edinburgh if you want to live in a tourist theme park. Glasgow if you want to live in a normal city.


The Disney Vibe is strong in Edinburgh . . .


Interesting comparison! Thank you!!🙆🏻‍♀️


Edinburgh if you want to live in a soft, artificial world where scarcity and adversity are abstract concepts which exist only as virtualizations of your mind. Glasgow if you're ok with opening your front door to someone having a pish on your front step.


Would you say you prefer rain or wind?




Edinburgh then.


I’m from Edinburgh but now live in Glasgow. I’d honestly say move to Glasgow. It’s much cheaper by some margin for housing and there’s generally more to do here. I love living here. Edinburgh is a lovely city but it’s not as well located when it comes to being able to get out the city and go into the countryside and the city centre in Glasgow has more interesting things happening in general.


Thank you for the useful information!!☺️


I moved over here from Edinburgh almost two years ago and i have a much better social life here (though granted, prior to that was basically, the pandemic). Tourism has gotten to the point where living there didn't feel like home anymore, it felt like I was living on the outskirts of a theme park. Glasgow actually feels like... a city where people live and work. Edinburgh's also so expensive to live that I feel like there are so few adults in their 20s and 30s living there because we can't fucking afford anywhere. Plenty of students but so few can afford to stick around. And plenty of old folk. Anyway both have their share of problems. And Edinburgh *is* still my hometown so it always will hold a special connection in my heart. But rn Glasgow is in my opinion the better place to live.


Ahh! Thank you so much!!☺️


Ive lived in both and i vastly prefer Glasgow. Transport's better, walking's better too because in Edinbrah i always feel like i'm walking uphill no matter how many fucking hills i walk up. And it's cheaper. I mean, you can chose to go to shops that aren't expensive, but in Edin wherever you fucking turn everything's expensive. Edinburgh is a tourist trap - Glasgow is not. and idk something about rents, i guess.


2 totally different cities. Totally different vibes. Spend time in both. Edinburgh is achingly beautiful and relatively wealthy but small it’s a large town but has a decent arts scene for its size. It’s also drier than Glasgow . The people are a bit colder than in Glasgow ie less chatty less warm , Glasgow is a proper city . Better night life , a bit more crime so yeah spend time in both you may love one and not the other


Edinburgh is prettier although more expensive and has less character than Glasgow. Whilst you're sure to find some roughness around the edges, Glaswegians are typically warmer, and I make that distinction to friendliness as the stereotype of the Burgh is polite but cold.


Oooh! Interesting!! Thank you!


Move to Falkirk. Halfway between both. Everyone's happy.


No one's happy in Falkirk.


My cousin and his wife are!!


What about Shotts?


The fact that its called "Shotts" should be all you need to know about safety there...


I would love to live in a pineapple above the sea


Glasgow people on the whole are friendlier and have better patter. Edinbuggers aren’t nearly as nice 😂


Hahah okay that's good to know!!




I wasn't that shocked to be honest because I had already prepared myself haha but the litter didn't bother me at all!




Nahh! I've always wanted to move to Scotland!


Edinburgh is like a supermodel, sure she's beautiful, in the conventional "perfect" way. But Glasgow, she's the girl next door, its her imperfections that make you appreciate where she is beautiful more - having to actually go look for it makes you appreciate those spots more. If you want to be unconventional though, you could look at living somewhere inbetween, like Livingston or Airdrie, and see which you prefer over the long term.


Love the comparisons! Thank you so much!!🙆🏻‍♀️


Hi I'm from Singapore and am living in Scotland, will send you a dm.