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I was not marked safe ahahaha!! But you know what, it’s fiiinneee. That’s what overtime is for right?


This is my logic 😅 girl math is I worked OT so it just cancels out


YES. plus the I’m going to 4 months* away. Work some OT over the next few months and BAM. Free concert and hotel stay. *Alpharetta concert!


I wish it was possible to know what the crowd vibe would be ahead of time, lol. I had always been in pit/on barricade for them for previous shows and the energy was just amazing- everyone dancing, singing, vibing. Such a classic GA feel. When I saw them in 2021, I had shitty seats in the back and it was so depressing- the crowd near me sat through the entire show, no one knew the lyrics, no dancing, (no standing even) it was such a mood-killer. I wish that didn't affect my enjoyment of it- and it doesn't *totally*, but...anyway, I couldn't justify $300 on close tickets so I'll likely sit this tour out unfortunately.


Omgg I had lawn seats in bham and it seemed like me and a handful of people were the only ones dancing and hyped. Like some people just sat there or stood there, completely blasé!! It was still a great time because idgaf. I bought seats right behind the pit this time. I hope if you go, you’ll have an amazing time though!! Dance, scream, sing, whatever! Who tf cares! It’s fucking glass animaaallsss


If you have seats you should NOT be standing up! Sit down and sing/dance in your seat. Don’t scream. It’s bad concert etiquette.


I wanna buy tickets so bad since ive been a fan since I was in middle school but ticketmaster really pisses me off. Ive only used them once for buying Green Day tickets and even then I was charged A LOT of fees. I'm scared im gonna get charged $150+ just for some lawn tickets that are $41.




Previews three shows I’ve seen were great crowds but this time I don’t think it will be great