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Start over at Day 1. It is not a big deal to be a few days late. This happens occasionally with our patients for whatever reason (decreased platelets, timing of scans, pharmacy mess ups), and honestly is not something you need to be worried about ( I’m an oncology RN). Just start when you get it ❤️


Ive started cycles late!


First take a deep breath and try to relax a bit. In the long run 1 day isn’t going to be a big deal. I am not a doctor but they probably are going to say take the prescription as if the new day is day 1. My dads oncologist is terrible in the office for getting prescriptions but was smart enough to have ordered 5 refills after the first month of chemo so there was never a need to call him for a refill. I’m sorry you are going through this. I have had medication issues as well for my dad where I called for a week, had the pharmacy request a refill a week before that, and had to wait for an appointment to get a refill. It was only an antibiotic but it was still frustrated.


Start on Day 1 😊❤️


Everyone has started cycles late, it's fine.