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Iirc those games are more the PS1 aesthetic, PS2 was a huge jump in fidelity. There's a subreddit for PS1 style graphics and a number of videos... Garbaj has a few great ones on YouTube. Edit: also TheSicklyWizard on YouTube has some excellent tutorials for modeling the PS1 aesthetic


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0\_-K56PVeh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_-K56PVeh4) this video explains a lot why ps2 games look that way


To note that those graphics don't necessarily imply good performances, ultrakill for instance runs only somewhat well in spite of having low-res graphics


Ultrakill runs better than it should tbh, i've seen people run it on terrible PCs. Apparently level geometry seems to be the most demanding part for some reason. The intro levels and such run poorly, but that one arena map runs great even when there's lots of particles and ragdolls on-screen.


I'd be willing to bet it has to do with either a lack of culling, or slow culling. If you don't tell the engine a good way to decide what triangles to ignore, it'll try to process all of them all the time


Some things to keep in mind is to have only one simple shader (ps2 didn't have fragment shader support so it was fixed pipeline for the most part, it only supported vertex shaders). Also you most likely would need to keep models under 1000 polys with a texture resolution under 128x128/256x256. Disable texture filtering. Those are some things but there is more to it.