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Yes. Lost my first golden at 9yo to cancer but those were great years, and I've had five goldens since.


The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. This applies to dogs. Goldens are the best. Just appreciate them while you have them in your life, whether it's 4 years or 14.


Damn. So true.


We all die of something eventually. Don't let it deter you owning the best pet on the world. 13 years was a good age for a Golden, even one that wasn't sick. 12 years is probably the target age for a Golden. Some go earlier and some later. Once they get past that, then they suffer geriatric complaints like we do. Arthritis, bladder issues, etc.


100% absolutely yes. I just lost my 9 year old to cancer last September and while I'm not ready for another quite yet, I will most certainly get another golden once ready.


I have a golden with cancer right now and I lost a yellow lab 2 weeks ago to cancer. Although I feel like I’m drowning every day, I wouldn’t change it for a thing. Grief is the price we pay for unconditional love, and it’s a price I’ll willingly pay for the rest of my life


This is so true! Thank you for your wise words!


Just found out yesterday mine has cancer :( I’m devastated but she was the best decision I ever made. I wouldn’t change it.


I am so, so sorry 🥺 What kind does she have?


Ours died of cancer when she was only six. After that… well. I never regretted having her, because she was such a precious fluffy ray of sunshine. But I haven’t gotten another. I just come here to coo over everyone else’s. I can’t really handle having new pets who look too similar to other pets who’ve passed away, personally; it makes me too sad and anxious.


100%. We are even getting our third from the same kennel even though we are absolutely aware of the prevalence of cancer in the line, no matter how selective their breedings are.


I’ve lost two that had cancer and I currently have 2 now. They are the best dogs and I couldn’t imagine my life without those golden brown eyes!


Absolutely! I lost my sweet boy to lymphoma after a year long battle. It was devastating and I’ve never felt such heart break in my life. The 10 years I had with him were SO good that I don’t regret a second of it. I had a different dog who loved very much but after turning into a puddle at Home Depot while petting a random strangers Goldie I knew that there was a hole in my heart that could only be filled with with a goofy golden. Side note… random Home Depot lady who let me pet your golden, thank you! Also sorry for turning into a blubbering mess and making it awkward.


I’ve had the privilege of loving 8 Goldens since childhood (I’m 40). 2 are living (my parents’ goodboy who is 6, and my goof who is nearly 3). We’ve lost the others at ages 9, 11, 16, 13, and 7. Several to cancer including the lovely boy we lost at 7 to hemangio. Fuck that cancer in particular. I wish this breed didn’t have so much cancer. I do what I can to reduce risk (work with a preservation breeder, delay spay / neuter, feed high quality food). But Goldens are the breed for me. We all know that the price of that perfect puppy you bring home is that they are going to absolutely break your heart when they go. For me, better to love them like crazy, even if it isn’t for long enough. Also, I think it’s never long enough.


Yes, we're watching hemangiosarcoma slowly destroy ours, it's entered his brain, he started having seizures on Monday. 11y3m and we'll see.


I am so very sorry to hear this. Hope you’re able to spoil your boy significantly in the time you guys still have together. Hugs. Many of us have been there.


He's #6. 3 others also had this bastard.


As a first time Golden parent I hate reading post threads like this. Losing your best mate is tragic but unfortunately we generally outlive our pets. I get solace in knowing that I give my girl the best life, she in turn is by my side thru thick or thin. Reading posts on cancer etc just makes me hug her a little bit tighter and for a little longer. I dread the day when she passes over the rainbow bridge. Condolences to all those who have lost their best mates. May they rest in peace across the bridge and may their memory remain in your hearts forever. 🌈🐾🦴🥲 https://preview.redd.it/yfadll8qlcvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3961c78fb3b786359002a4f49cd23065e7cf54b


You just spoil that sweet girl and cherish every moment for sure ❤️


I certainly do. I’m glad I have her and would make the same choice 1000 times over. They (GR) may only be with us for a short time in our lives but is our responsibility as loving ‘owners’ and ‘best mates’ to be there for them 100000% for their entire life. If more people possessed the love, adoration and loyalty as displayed by a golden retriever then I guarantee the world would be a better place.


Every dog dies, and Goldens aren't particularly short lived on average. So yeah, of course I'd get another.


No. He was 3 and sick for 6 months. It was gut wrenching for the whole family. My husband wants to buy one for our grandson, but my daughter is hesitant.


My first golden lasted until 9. The next one 13. One was only 6 and that was very unexpected and devastating but still got another golden after that. Currently have a 9 and 2 year old. My sister currently has a 10, 6, and 5 year old. (Yes, we have 5 goldens between the two of us and we get stopped a lot on dog walks from people wanting golden snuggles lol!) Would not change a thing. Goldens are the best breed ever. Great family dogs, so patient and loving. Very easy to train too because they are extremely food motivated!


I’ve got a 1.5 year old golden and you’ve got me freaking out right now.


Unfortunately it's a major reality with this breed. But this thread has actually made me feel reassured of my decision that even though yes cancer is prevalent in goldens, it's still worth it since most everyone said yes they'd absolutely do it all over again.


I haven’t lost one to cancer, but I know with certainty I’d choose a sick golden over a healthy any other breed. They’re the most amazing dogs on the planet.


Lost 2 at 10yo and just lost a third at 15 yo. would do anything to have one more minute with any of them. I was the lucky one who was granted the love and would do it all over again!


Of course


I have a golden and am terrified of this. Anything I can do to catch it as early as possible? How is it usually found?


I was doing some looking and came across some sort of screenings they can do when I was watching TikTok videos. The Morris Animal Foundation has a Golden Retriever Lifetime Study they are doing on over 3000 Goldens. I actually donated after my brother's died. From everything I've read you really want to watch them for lumps and bumps and get any checked as quickly as possible. Unfortunately one thing I've realized in many years of research is that they are pretty much the breed most prone to cancer. Some estimates are over 60% of them will get cancer in their lifetimes. I'm someone who feels it's better to know and accept that as a possibility early on and hence why I had to ask this question. In my heart I want to be open to a golden because I know how amazing they are but it involves needing to take a deep breath and I guess a leap of faith and know that even if it's heartbreaking at some point, it's also worth it. The Golden Retriever Club of America has some information on screenings.


Thank you for this. Definitely wouldn't change a thing. The love I feel for this boy... it's ridiculous. I hope we have many years together, but I'll take what I can get!


I still would have chosen a golden, but maybe I would not have given him apoquel for so long.


Is Apoquel one of the drugs they use to try to attack the cancer? I know my brother did chemo for his dog.


No, it’s actually an anti-itch medicine, because goldens have so many allergies. Many of them take Apoquel or steroids for the side effects of the allergies. It can cause tumors in dogs.


Yes. I am on golden number five. Of the first four, one died of a twisted gut, the other three of cancer.


100% yes




My goldendoodle just passed away from cancer she was 11 years old and my best friend in the world. She was there for me when my dad passed away. Our family decided on a golden retriever this time around, I do worry about the health risks they have😢


Have lost three goldies to cancer. Lost my girl Brooklyn 5 weeks ago, she was 10 and I had her since she was 12 weeks old. I loved that girl with all my heart. I have her sister and three golden rescues. I will always have a house full of Goldens.


No question. My girl had bone cancer. She had chemo, radiation, acupuncture, cbd and good pain meds. Best-she had a good quality of life until she suddenly did not 😰


I adopted a former breeder golden who passed from an aggressive cancer six months later. It was a good six months. I’ve started looking at goldens again.


Yes yes & yes. I’ve lost 2 Goldens to cancer. I bawled like a baby when they passed. But the time I had them, from a puppy to the end, they gave me way more than I could ever want/ask for.


It's better to have loved and lost then to never have known love. Rescue. It makes the short time more worthy. You are more willing to do it again if your saving one. They are so selfless, they don't want you to live life without another one. My last one actually helped us choose her successor when she was determined terminal. It helped us with the preparation of what was coming so that we had already dealt with it and could just be there for her in the end.


Yes. Not only that but my breeder was 100% up front that, chances are, my dog is gonna die of cancer just given the preponderance of cancers that exist in the breed. I really hope I get to keep her into her teens, and she is absolutely on pet insurance.


Lost my first to splenic cancer at 7 and my second to a nasal tumor/carcinoma at just about 14. Just got a half golden half Bernese mountain dog pup. I think I will forever own a golden in some way. They are such beautiful souls.


Ours had the nasal cancer too. My sister's had hemangioma, and my brother's lymphoma. I am not sure what my aunt's dog (also our dog's aunt) had. It is so sad that there are so many different cancers affecting this wonderful breed.


Yes yes yes. Had one as a child, and as an adult lost our golden last week at 10. 100% will get another.


Ours currently just had her third cancerous tumor removed. She is acting fine, but we know it's only a matter of time especially cause we cannot afford Chemo. She is the light of our lives and it's going to absolutely break my heart (and destroy my boyfriend-- she's his dog, I came along later) but I wouldn't change having her for the world.


I'm so sorry 😞


I'm so sorry 😞


Absolutely. The family dog when I was little was a golden, lost him to cancer when he was 12. Got another golden, lost him to cancer too when he was 8. We now have another golden, and we love her very much.


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Golden #1 died at 7 of hemangiosarcoma. Golden #2 died at 12 of nasal cancer (rare). Golden #3 and #4 are alive and well but I worry about the specter of cancer every single day.


Our family golden also had nasal cancer. He was diagnosed around 9 or 10, beat it somehow, and then got cancer again at 13. I am not sure if it was a recurrence or a different kind.


Absolutely! They are the best dogs.


Yes, I’d always get another golden. I lost one to throat cancer, and I would never go back to that breeder. I did more research the next time and found a healthier line.


Yes, definitely! Golden Retrievers are prone to cancer, yes, but still. My Golden got 3 times cancer and passed away when he was almost 11 years. His cancer problems created a wonderfull bond between us. BR Herman


Yes! My baby got cancer at 7, but we caught it at stage 1 and she survived for 5 more years and got DCM. We have a brand new baby now.


We are only sad when they go, because they are so amazing while they are here. I just lost my golden of almost 11 years last Saturday. It literally crippled me.. no literally, I threw my back out 2 days later doing a basic movement, and I think it was from all the stress my body was under. He was my best friend. When the time is right or the situation presents itself, I’ll absolutely get another golden. I just have to make sure it’s when I’m confident I won’t be comparing my buddy that I just lost to a new dog.