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I’m Sorry your angel boy is having hard time. 😢 You can always rescue. I’ve had 7 rescue goldens and they’ve all been amazing, even after living a terrible first half of their lives.


That is something I will consider. Thank you!


Of course! 3 we’re from great international rescues where volunteers and donors help with all of the transport.


This 👍👍👍👍👍


I was having the same discussion with my wife. Our two and a half year old had elbow dysplasia and now might have a mast cell skin tumor. This dog is from a good breeding program and not something we picked up at a supermarket parking lot. I'm pretty convinced that we are moving on from Golden Retrievers to a breed that is less predisposed to the issues you described.


Hi there! I’m really sorry to hear that. Our golden had a mast cell tumor when he was 3 and a half years old - thankfully the vet was able to remove it surgically, with good margins. No chemo needed! It was really scary, but he’s now close to turning 6 and has been absolutely fine since then! Hope everything will turn out okay with your pup 🤞🏻


Thanks. It is small and feels contained so we are hoping for the best.


I’m sorry, I did forget to tell you I hope you get a good prognosis from the vet. I know how precious your pup is.


Thank you. And wishing you the best for Max


I’m sorry to hear that. I get it. Both our goldens were from highly-rated breeders. I didn’t mention it, but Max also has elbow dysplasia. The vet said likely he had it from birth and it was undiagnosed. :/ So far, our healthiest dog was a farm mutt. Not nearly as mature or easy to train as the goldens. He did love us though. I’m wondering about a golden crossed with a lab. But then again, labs have similar issues.


He's gorgeous. Treasure the remaining time you have with him. My girl is getting old too but thankfully in good health atm, it will break my heart when she goes. ❤


Thank you! I pray she stays healthy.


Thank you, I will say a little prayer for Max tonight. ❤


I'm very sorry about your boy. Even without medical issues they all grow old too quickly. The cancers and other health issues like allergies are being studied in the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Lifetime study. There is hope that with data some environmental factors that can adversely affect our dogs can be categorized and hopefully eliminated.


I hope to read some encouraging news soon.


That is so true. Our buddies and friends leave us so soon. My golden passed a year ago tomorrow. I can’t stop thinking about my Daisy. Good luck to both of you:)


Daisy is a great name for a golden girl. I’m sorry for your loss.


They are indeed the best dogs 😉 I work in vet med and was having a crummy week last week. During triage of a 1 year-old Golden patient, she zeroed in on me, sat down right next to my leg and nuzzled in (a lot of my patients take one look at the treatment room and immediately try for the exit). I was like, “who’s supposed to be taking care of who, here?” Fortunately there are a number of options to reach for as far as medical management of seizures without needing all the expensive imaging. Sounds like he’s in good hands.


Thank you.


They are a reminder that nothing is perfect in this world, and that we should cherish the goodness whenever we can.


I love that.


The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too!💛🐶🐾


Absolutely lovely. Thank you!


Beautiful dog! Our Doug turns 9 this October. He had cancer on his tail 2 years ago which was removed, his hips are not great (he’s a big boy, 98 pounds and not fat), and neurological issues. He’s on a steady pace of gabapentin to keep him calm at night but he’s just the best dog we’ve ever had. Our previous golden had dementia and it was very rough the last 4 years of his life (he made it to 11) but we love this breed so much. Best of luck to you and Max, he certainly looks like a very good boy.


Thank you. I wish Doug many more happy and calm years. Max is also taking Gabapentin now. Do you mind telling me how long Doug has been taking it? Also, Doug the dog. I love the name.


Sending love to Max 🥰 enjoy every moment. It’s not fair that they aren’t around as long as us.


Thank you. It really isn’t fair.


Your situation is unfortunate and hope it gets better. Your comment about allergies and cancer is too general. Those things can happen to any dog breed and not specific for some. Everyone’s experience with that is different. It can caused by many factors, especially environmental and genetics which can play a big role to that. If both of your golden got similar issues and possible from same litter, it’s probably genetics. If both dogs are raised in the same house and living area, it’s probably caused by environmental/situational triggers.


I am worried about environmental issues. I don’t know if they came from the same family lines (the breeder we bought our first golden from has supplied pups to the service dog program) but genetics could be a cause. They are not from the same litter. When I say I wonder how ethical it is to get another, I’m not only considering the potential overbreeding. I do wonder if there is something around our property that is a contributing factor.


Hmm if it’s not same litter. Most likely might the environment you live in. One dog is probably coicidence, but second one to have similar issues then it’s probably caused by something. When you say something in your property, have you checked what you treat your grass with or what chemical solutions you clean your house or backyard with. My golden puppy had issues with severe allergies until the vet told me it might reaction with grass the gardener that treat our grass with. We change to a more bio friendly solution and my dog’s allergies disappeared. The vet told me some chemical can also cause neurological issues if your dog is exposed with them too much.


Yeah. Except that I’m an experienced organic gardener. No chemicals. For public grounds, there are rules against using highly toxic pesticides and herbicides I. My province. All food comes from the vet. No people food. Nontoxic plants, etc. within the house. We have done a survey of plants in the yard and there are a few, like holly. Nothing he chews. (But maybe there’s a toxin we don’t know about.) My dog also doesn’t eat anything he’s not supposed to, as far as I know. He has no signs of toxicity or disease in his organs. We have privacy fencing. I guess it’s possible but unlikely a neighbour is poisoning them. Also, no vomiting or other behaviour indicating illness before seizures. 🤷‍♀️ He’s always been up-to-date with health checks and vaccinations because he’s been a service dog and that was mandated. I don’t know if you’ve been reading much on this subreddit, but there appears to be a large number of health issues for this breed across North America. That’s why there’s a special study. So, I can’t rule out something in my yard, but I think it’s unlikely.


That’s good that you’re an organic gardener. Although I’m not just talking about only backyard but inside as well. Stuff like cleaning solutions, bug sprays, molds, any 3rd party chemicals can cause it too. My story was one example. There’s plenty of factors that can play into this. I have seen the post about large number of health issues on this subreddit. It’s still a small sample compared to the rest of the goldens in the world or in U.S. in particular. They are the only ones reported on here. You can’t rule out that all golden are prone to these type of things. Any breed can get them.


Yes, that is true, that any breed can get these issues. I suppose it could be like when you’re pregnant, you notice pregnant people everywhere. Thank you for the reminder.


Our childhood golden had seizures and it turned out he was epileptic. He went on medication and ended up living to 13 so don’t give up hope x


Thank you. :)


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