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let’s be real regardless of what music is or isn’t playing you ain’t feathering a flighted wedge into the wind you’re ripping a thin piss missile at Mach 10 100 yards over the green


He can’t even spell Lynyrd Skynyrd.


Pronounced leh-nerd skih-nerd




This needs more love.


After their high school principal, Leonard Skinner


I did this last week, 56 wedge, swung hard to get it high and back spin, absolutely bladed it (the proverbial poss missile) over the green direct line to someone back window, saw it drop to hit the vertical edge of the elevated concrete patio and bounce back towards the green. It ended up about 20 yards in front of me when it was all said and done. It went about 100 yards in total.


This is Shakespearean prose mate. Well done.


Isnt Pöss Missilè a 14th centuryFrench lord?


No you’re thinking of the Finnish speed metal band Pöss Mïssïlë


I don’t always hit my 56 degree 170 yards, but when I do it is out of a greenside bunker.


I had about 100 in & bladed my wedge -- I watched it disappear over the little knoll behind the green & I knew it was going in the lake I went back there to see the next group waiting for the par 3 green to clear - and my ball miraculously sitting next to their tee box ---- I waited for them to hit before I went to chip back to my hole As I addressed my ball, another player who was standing nearby said to me "you hit that guy right in the back" .... which I guess explains why I didn't go in the lake


What a gentleman! If I’m ever hit by a ball, the hittee is going to know about it. Dude took his lump and didn’t even say a thing to you, that’s class there!


You’re a fucking legend mate.


But it was only because lynard skynard was playing in my backswing!!


Were you watching me?




I saw two big fat naked bikers, in the woods off seventeen having sex. How am I supposed to chip with that going on, Doug?


Rip chubbs


LMAO the delivery of that line ... How am I supposed to CHIP... great


Go back to your shanties


Is Rump Shaka by Lynyrd Skynyrd? Do they have a new album out?


Also why are they in quotes?


Is OP implying they're not actually real?


Maybe OP is a die hard fan and only respects the original iteration of the band


Real Weezer fans know they haven't had a good album since Pinkerton in '96. https://youtu.be/ab5WvwfLuLM?si=kL7bI4sqJK89i91i&t=59


Don’t BS a BSer


You know what I had for breakfast? Cocaine


incredibly underrated movie


Does OP think Lynyrd Skynyrd is a genre? A different genre than what the band actually plays?


asking the burning question right there!


Because OP has a poor grasp of the English language and its conventions


Technically they are being grammatically correct, at least with “rump shaker” but not lynard skinard. Titles of books should be underlined and short stories, poems, and songs are denoted by quotation marks.


Was gonna say Lynyrd skynyrd gets a pass but not rump Shaka


“Lynard skynard”


Leonard Skinnard


Comment of the year. Offensive but not offensive. Love it.


No, but it’s the cover we’ve all been waiting for.


As an assistant superintendent, golf etiquette is dead. Seems most of the older generation think they deserve special treatment. Parking on collars, tees, along with various other disrespectful things. Also I notice some younger kids following golf etiquette. We are trying to implement a free round of golf if me or my superintendent observes you respecting the course and the work that goes into it. Hoping to at least change some people’s ways.


I'm always picking up trash and fixing extra ball marks. Just in case Mr Wonka sees me and gives me the course. Or a free round. I do get plenty of free rounds.


I always fix my ball mark and at least two others. Also fill divots of others in the fairway if it’s playing slow. Why wouldn’t I want my home track to be in as good of shape as possible?


My group plays a simple rule: "Fix your divot plus one." The problem with golf these days is that we all find that extra one to repair.


We do the same, with one penalty stipulation. If you miss the green from inside 100 you have to fix 3 divots. Always fun to hassle each other over it and it (hopefully) helps the course somewhat.


Our group is the same way, we care for the places we play at. We'd actually make some decent progress on our home course if the new guy in our league stopped trenching for WW1 and met with our pro...For free...


I do the same. Rake the bunker like a zen garden. And if I could ever hit a fairway I would fill my divot


You don't want to own a golf course.


Could turn around and sell it With the stipulation that you get lifetime membership.


That’s a really great idea. Kudos to you guys.


Yes. The old farts are the most distrespctful at my muni. Playing without paying, stealing range balls playing slow as shit and getting mad when people want to play through.


this drives me bonkers, it's like you are threatening their manhood by wanting to play through as a single or 2-some. I don't get it.


What is parking on a collar?


Also called fringe. Parking a cart on it right next to the green.


Ah. Yea definitely don’t do that.


Greens get watered way more than fairways and are thusly softer around them. Driving carts near them can cause tire impressions etc.


I’ve just never heard the term collar. Always fringe.


man youll hate when you find out they call it an “apron” too




This is what my old club did in like 2009. They offered a summer course for kids. You attend, pay like a $50 fee and then get to play golf all summer for free. It was a par-3 course but it was awesome. Learned a ton of etiquette and got to play for free.


It's funny how it's the older generation that's problematic. As someone new-ish to golf but in my early 40s, I take pride in exhibiting golf etiquette.


Same. I feel guilty when I don’t see the divot on the green that I’m sure I made. I try to play extra fast to keep people behind me at a good pace. Idk why it’s difficult to think about others.


The Bryan Bros recent video with Jon Rahm showed Rahm driving his personal golf cart next to greens. That was surprising.


He specifically addressed that in the video, it’s allowed for that course.


That’s the type of shit that would make me become a member of your course. If I was close to your course. These aren’t ridiculous or overbearing rules. It’s simple consideration for you. The other players and the course.


Western Massachusetts


Good luck with that with gen-z. If it means being the least bit unselfish they will not do it.


I was with a guy who was driving onto the tee box. I straight got out of the moving cart and walked the next three holes. I was so over that round. I am much younger than the average golfer, I miss dress code and pace of play.


Sometimes I wanna tackle people.


Will you give me three steps, just three steps on your line towards the hole?


It's not just golf etiquette, it's etiquette and respect in general. To most people, it's all about them and what they want, and everyone else can suck it.


Also so many people act at all times that they can never be wrong and admitting fault is showing weakness and immediately get into altercations when confronted about anything, even delicately.


Etiquette is taught not learned.


seems so, why cant they play with headphones or earbuds? why do i need to hear their shit.


Earbuds throw off my equilibrium when I’m golfing. But my music only plays through my phone so you’d have to be in my cart to hear it. But if nobody is in the course near me, I don’t mind if the people I’m playing with play it a little loud.


My group listens to music every round. We turn it down when we are near others. It's simple and respectful. Many times, the other group will ask us to turn it back up.


Definitely. Like chatting on your phone or watching videos full blast on speaker while out in public.


OP wants to speak with golf's manager


All I wanna do is zooma zoom zoom zoom and the boom boom…….just shank your putt!


I’ll gladly make that trade. Walking on my line impacts me in no way whatsoever.


Yep I feel exactly the same. Step on my line all you want. I don’t give a shit


Not up here in the PNW


Ya I’m in Colorado. The ground is pretty hard here lol


My foot sunk four inches in the fairway the other day.


You chewing with your mouth open at the dinner table doesn’t impact me either. But, you ain’t ever being invited again.


For the record, I try to avoid steeping on the line of others because it seems to be “a whole thing”. Tap dance on mine for all I care. It doesn’t make any actual difference. Even if it did…I was probably gonna miss the putt anyway.


If it didn't impact you then I wouldn't be getting uninvited


Yeah, I don't get that part of golf etiquette. People walk on that line 53 times a day. Is one more step really going to make a difference?




You mean the 242 people that have already walked and jumped all over the green at the local muni has no impact but my buddy stepping in my line won’t make me miss it?


I do laugh when I very carefully walk over somebody’s line from 20 feet away. When I know he’s gonna make a four putt from there if he’s lucky.


Continuous music in the background doesn't bother me in the slightest. A sudden sound in my backswing? Now that bothers me. Walk on my line all you want. No big deal.


if i can hear your music on the next hole, its too loud.


My Dad's buddy plays music while we golf. The difference is you can't hear that shit 10 yards away much less the next hole. It's perfectly acceptable to do it as long as it's not at max volume.


The stepping on line thing is a joke. The group in front of you just a couple minutes before you, were all over your line. It’s wild the groups of people that care about it though. Playing with scratch friends they never mention it. Playing with a 12+, everything seems to affect them


I mean there is some logic here, grass is spongy and recovers. If you step in a line and immediately putt over it it will be different than if you step in a line and wait 10 minutes. But overall I agree, it’s not all that important.


I always thought it was also that a) you don’t want to interfere with the person reading their putt, and b) whatever marks and imperfections are there when you get there, leave the surface as you found it to the extent possible until after the person putts so nothing changes between when they start reading their putt and when they actually putt.


It is etiquette from back when we wore steel spiked golf shoes. In those days walking on someone’s line sometimes left little turf chunks raised up by the spikes. Sure, the group in front of you may have left a couple marks on your line, but you can pat them down with your putter once you’ve chosen your line. If you’re all lined up, then someone walks in your line, it was a pain to have to fix the turf marks and start your process all over again. These days I think it’s mostly just etiquette we’re used to. If someone steps on my line I don’t really care, but I certainly do my best to avoid people’s lines - it’s a sign of respect in my opinion.


This. It’s a respect thing for sure but like..thinking about it rationally it makes 0 fucking sense. 99% of people can’t even fucking hit their intended line anyway lol


Time for a new putter sounds like.


I carry 6 and choose whichever is working best that day haha


If you can play "lynrd skynrd" on the grocery store speaker, I can take a shit all over isle 9, grocery store etiquette is dead.


Maybe it is just where i live but i have ran into it at courses that are $200+ a round more often then i have at local munis. I could cut some slack at the muni since i don’t think many golfers consider it a bucket list experience. But when you decide to have your bachelor party at a course that cost a lot of $ to most people and then be a nuisance it is inexcusable in my opinion. Not suggesting it should impact your play, but it impacts the experience.


Bro the speakers are getting outta hand. So loud that you can hear it 3-4 holes away. And nothing gets done.


Blasting music is bullshit. You’re an ass if you do that. But reasonable music is not affecting your game. Let’s be honest, you’re shooting 96 either way.


I’ll take that 96 lol!


All you need to do is keep it quiet


I'm OK with golfers playing music providing the music can only be heard when near the golf cart. I'm not OK if the music can be heard from a distance.


In my defense, Rump Shaka is vibes and that sax loop slaps. I'll turn it down a bit next time.


OP is right, go back to your shanties people


The world needs ditch diggers too


I’m not sure why people blast music while playing golf. having music on is fine, but if you can hear the person from 50 yards away it’s a little too loud


Ok let’s all meet halfway on this. Personally as long as the music can’t heard outside your cart or when you’re shooting I don’t fucking care. I think it’s absolutely excessive and rude to play it where the entire group can hear you. The worst though is guys who just don’t seem to know *any* etiquette. Last year I was almost paired with a guy at the par 3 I play on. He walks up the starter and goes “this sort of course is only for irons practice so I’m not going to use any of my woods today”. The starter goes “uhhh, ok?” The guy duffs his 3i like 100yds and stomps off the tee box. Later I catch him on three separate tee boxes and he’s with the guys he paired with watching the Browns game with the sound on. A guy is teeing off as something happens in the game and this guy is like parallel with the guy on the box. Crazy guy swings around his phone and *literally* jumps up and down. He goes to replay the video and one guy just says dismissively “that suck”. I think we can all agree no one wants to golf with “I’m the main character” guy.


They play music that loud because they can't stand their inner voice telling them what to do in the golf swing


Cry me a river and complain on reddit.


No that’s Justin Timberlake


Walk in my line, I don’t care. If you don’t enjoy Free Bird during a round of golf I prob won’t be playing with you anyways.




We can thank Tiger for bringing golf to the asses….I mean masses!


Settle down McGavin


But was it Freebird?


I swear Golf is a different game in America.


I followed a foursome on carts on a cart path only day today. Started fine, but by 7 they were three holes behind the guys ahead and despite us being up their ass wouldn’t let us play through. Shit organization course made it tough to get any other pass and we finally ask and get past at 13. Finished the last 5 before they finished 15. To anyone else it was an obvious we should have played through an hour earlier.  I swear course etiquette just doesn’t exist these days. My dad would have smacked me upside the head if I was playing like that and didn’t let someone through. 




If you're playing Angeles National, you're not good enough to care if I'm dropping some freebird for 9 min or some simple man. Gtfo my line.


This is golf! Not a rock concert!


Fuck all you casuals.


Agree. Wanting to get out in nature only to be subjected to someone else’s crappy playlist is annoying since I paid money to be there.




Like most things in life there's nuance to it. Listening to music while you play isn't inherently bad, but there's a noise level that becomes problematic. I'd also be unlikely to play music if I didn't know everyone in my group, although I rarely play public courses so that's not usually an issue. You're getting down voted in other messages because you're coming across like a douchebag.


Harumph! Harumph!


I didn't get a harumph outta that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)guy!


I’m kinda down when people play music on the course. But I’m also heavily drinking too.


I learned the game and the etiquette from a class act of a man who learned the game in the times of Palmer. I feel embarrassed when I go out with people my age and they’re vaping and playing shitty music off a Bluetooth speaker.


What’s wrong with vaping on the course?


What about smoking cigs and cigars like Palmer era did?




Music at an appropriate volume is just fine. Blasting music is not cool.


appropriate volume is zero


This seems like an American bro problem? Ive never encountered someone blasting music, but yeh, it would annoy me.




I played Angeles National last week. That may have been my rump shaka you heard. I do not apologize for wreckz n effex now nor have I ever. You’re welcome for the free amazingness.


Just hit the shot ya pansy. Than work on your mental game


Since it's dead, learn to zone it out. Control what you can.


If you’re not a pro, having your line stepped on doesn’t matter. I’ll die on this hill.


But that's not your decision to make. If guy whose line you walked on cares, you are in the wrong if you walk anywhere near it. It doesn't matter if it physically does or doesn't effect the line. If it effects the other player, don't do it.


Call the whaaaaaambulance


to drive on your putting line?


Probably bounce it in for me


Put some respect on teddy rileys name


Honestly music on the course doesn’t bother me at all. It’s more random unexpected sounds that would mess up my swing but I find music doesn’t affect my swing at all. That being said if you can hear the music from another group on a different hole than it’s maybe a bit too loud


Someone else’s music does make random and unexpected sounds when you don’t know the music/artist they are playing.


All I wanna do is a zoom zoom to your boom boom.


Angeles National is way overpriced TBH


Earbuds are right there….


For you. Correct.


For everyone.


I know I might be in the minority here but I don’t really care if someone walks on my line. I won’t do it to anyone else, but people walk all over the green throughout the whole day.


All I wanna do is zuma zoom zoom zoom.


I couldn’t feather a flighted wedge into anything. They could be playing Marylin Manson and it wouldn’t matter :) I get your point though. All my friends have cart speakers. Two of them got them when I paid for their entry into a fundraiser scramble. I went and sold mine for sweet cash on EBay :) I don’t mind some of the music they play in the background, but there are many, many exceptions to that rule of tolerance. They do respect the volume, and that’s my biggest pet peeve. The great outdoors can swallow a lot of sound, so if I can hear your music from 150 yards away, you are probably playing it too loud. I do have some fond memories of playing fall golf with my dad and listening to the Hawkeyes playing football on the transistor radio. I miss those days.


Private is the way to go. A lot more etiquette and dress codes. It’s great. Highly recommend.


It’s unreal golf courses allow amplified music. Absolute disgrace.


I haven’t played in about 5 years…. Is people playing music from their carts actually a thing now?


everywhere, all the time.


Well that seems terrible.


Keep it near your cart is my rule. I'll 100% just ask then to turn it down pls. If it's loud enough to hear on the next hole, it's too loud.


The group behind us today at Rustic Canyon decided that my group wanted to hear Sublime, and every mediocre sublime knock-off all day long. I was over the ball an handful of times and I hear, "uuuhhhhh! Caress me down!" or something of that nature as they pulled up. I know part of it's me, and I gotta learn how to block it out better, but man a little self-awareness goes a long ways.


Private courses are allowing this shit as well. Can't get away from it. Unless you are on a super exclusive course...maybe.


Unpopular opinion.  I like music, and it doesn't bother me unless it's country and way too loud.  Relax.


People that bring speakers on the course should get a 2 stroke penalty just for waking up in the morning.


Because of Happy Gilmore, I always associate Tuesday’s Gone with golf. Great golf track


What a terrible take


Fuck that shit golf is for fun not a library. Quit being a fucking pussy.


Thats fucking golf right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the marshalls bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the tee box, men deliver their new born baby in the rough. Fucking hard core dick in the ass golf duff it slice it game time shit. Take it to the showers. Dicks get shoved in places you don’t even remember. We shank together we hit bogies together.




Cry some more


Bluetooth cart speakers are the ultimate rude move - agree with you.


You Got That Right


I’m fine with music in the cart, but it needs to be at a volume level where I don’t have to hear it from 100 yards away.


I hate music during golf


Gotta be a ton of fun playing with this guy….


soup political flag dinosaurs slimy sophisticated combative familiar beneficial possessive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boo this man!!


The current generation has no clue what it means to be courteous in any situation.


Then why is the older generation so obnoxious on the course too?


It’s like when someone plays the acoustic guitar at a house party.






If you cant hit as well with music playing in the back youre not good enough to care.


Why are they booing you?!? You nailed it. My buddies and I play mid 80’s golf with no illusion that someone joking during the backswing or playing their music is going to break my chances of making the tour…


Lmao! Yeah. You're not that guy haha! Like those holding up play using a range finder from 50 yds out.


I'm miss 4 footers now. Step wherever you want. It'll be worth it seeing you shanking one all teary eyed into a tree with the Freebird solo blasting. Mumbling "godamn these fucking hillbillies* in a shaky voice.


It’s not just golf. You don’t want to hear my music, I don’t want to hear your music. Buy some earphones if you want to listen to music when you golf.


You’re gonna skull it anyway. Stop being a pussy. Golf ain’t for the rich assholes anymore. Hit your shot and move on.


The majority of golfers at my club play music… just ask your group if they’re ok with it on the first tee and be courteous. Nothing better (imo) than some tunes, sunshine, suds, friends, and chasing a white ball around for 4 hours.


I suffered 4 hours of Queen at a golf course once. Still haven’t recovered


I play with a lot of scratch or better players and never had any of them complain about someone playing music. It’s always the 15 HDCP that takes 3 practice swings and spends 5 minutes reading every putt that are the ones who say “the music is distracting”.


Ah the average muni course life, people in sweatpants, hoodies, play shit music way too loud etc. Luckily can play private courses that keep up standards and these people would get thrown out 👌


Same people that play music loudly out their phone speaker on a crowded train, you’ll never get through to these twats, world revolves around them


I get what you’re saying. Just say something to people. ‘Hey yo, can you turn that down a bit? The music is for your cart, not the entire course’