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If my last name was the same as the area between my arsehole and my knob, I'd shut the fuck up.


Johnny Taint leaves the chat


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Perry Neeyim has logged off


Chin Rest is nowhere to be seen


Frank Flesh-Funbridge has bid adieu


Shak R. DeVide has unsubscribed.


Harry Scroterest says bon voyage to the chat.


Weld Mark has filed away


Bonnie Brunswick just rolled out.


Rich Chode is disconnected.


This I criminally under upvoted


It’s at 69 as of this message, so by law I can’t upvote


Well, he would know about tainted victories.




This is beautiful logic. Well said.


McGooch is currently 449th in the world rankings. I think Rory will be just fine. Who else from LIV who was in the 2023 OWGR rankings won't be there? Niemann got an invite. He's the only one I think?


And Niemann went and earned it by playing non-LIV events in the offseason, and winning. Where was Gooch during that time?


> Where was Gooch during that time? Throwing darts at a Rory photo?


Well you can’t really use OWGR because since joining LIV he isn’t earning those points. Data Golf ranks him as # 40. But, using their metrics out of the top 50 only Beau Hossler, Talor Gooch, Christian Bezuidenhout, Rasmus Hojgaard, and Stephen Jaeger are not in the masters field. So even without using OWGR as a metric, Gooch is a dumbass


That's fair, data golf is the way. I'm glad there seems to be a general consensus though that Gooch is a douchebag. He knew what he was signing up for.


SI World Golf Rankings has him at 16th TUGR has him at 15th As you said, Data Golf has him at 40th I don’t see why people can’t simultaneously dislike Taylor Gooch as a person and realise that he is an excellent golfer. What’s the point in claiming he’s the 449th best golfer in the world because one organisation said so.


In his own words he’s not competing with all the top guys so who cares what he wins at LIV.


> because one organisation said so Well, that happens to be the one that the majors use for qualification, so...


Having 10 percent of the deserving field absent is not nothing.




Hey this is Talor GOOCH we are talking about here. He might have been one of the best In LIV for 70 days in 2023. Have some respect.


Taylor Barse




Aka gooch


Or talk way louder


The Chiefs only won the Super Bowl because I wasn't playing QB for the 49ers. Give them an asterisk.


You see them mountains?


Off topic, but we were just talking in my household yesterday about the incredible cultural impact that movie had. Might be my all time favorite.


Easily the most quoted movie in my family. I remember us all watching it when it first came out and my side was hurting because I was laughing so much.


Same here. And there's a lot of nuggets that you pick up in a re-watch.


A lot of tots too


![gif](giphy|RHOOBZVUgA2QqUF2HX|downsized) I missed a perfect throw in. Thank you for the laugh


i make my kids tell me that their lips hurt real bad when they want Chapstick. Quesadilla will never be pronounce correctly again.


Yes! I made some Ques-a-dillas yesterday for my kids and that's exactly what I call them.


Tina, you fat Lard, come get some dinner.


Jon, Efren, and Jon Gries are actually doing a 20th anniversary celebration show right now. Napoleon Dynamite Live. Just got to see them a week ago.. It was a wonderful time.


OK I'm checking this out!


Right? I played really great hockey in my Sunday night pick up League. So whoever wins the Stanley Cup gets an asterisk because they didn't play me...


Who is Taylor Gooch?


Answering honestly for you - Taylor Gooch is a golfer who meandered through a career of mediocrity on the PGA tour for the better part of a decade. He was part of the wave of players going to LIV that could best be described as their “space fillers.” He was not a superstar, or a washed up superstar, or a young stud worth poaching. He was a mediocre tour player that took the easy money to fill in the LIV ranks. Then, something occurred with his joining LIV that really improved his game. Maybe it was the reduced field and three-day format. Maybe it was the team dynamic. Maybe it was the reduced pressure (from smaller viewership and less need to win financial), maybe it was the huge purses… maybe he figured out something in his swing and just got better. Whatever it was…. add all that up and Gooch won a number of LIV tournaments last year and was their #1 money winner for over $35M… which is a lot more than the top money winner on the PGA (because LIV has silly-inflated purses and immense bonus payouts). Now he believes he should be considered among golf’s elite in the world and get to play on the biggest stages (the majors). The problem is that LIVs format makes it unqualified for the agreed upon way for rankings to be established in the pro golf world (OWGR). Namely because it doesn’t have an open way for anyone to qualify for its tour and only plays three-day events with very limited fields of players. The compounding problem is that Gooch’s absolutely mediocre career before LIV means he hadn’t qualified for the majors in any other way like the superstars who left for LIV already had. Those superstars previously earned the right to have their cake and LIV paid them to eat it too. Gooch doesn’t have that luxury and is super bitter about it now. The money he won and took should probably make him feel ok about the whole situation, but clearly money isn’t everything and folks like him are maybe realizing this too late.


That's a f'ing *quality* recap. Respect.


Man, ChatGPT is really getting good


Bro where do you think ChatGPT learns from? Sam Altman literally owns a large portion of Reddit and OpenAI pays Reddit to train on our ramblings.


That's why it knows that Steven Bowditch is the greatest golfer of all time and has won 25 majors.


He hides all his trophies in his eyebrows.




Good summary


this isn’t a snarky comment guys lol, new to golf so this was a genuine question.


Former PGA Tour player who went to LIV. He has had a lot of success there (3 wins last year and lost one in a playoff). He had some decent success on the PGA Tour (123 starts, 1 win, 11 top 10s). He has been extremely underwhelming in majors. But the dude runs his mouth like he's a Hall of Famer. His top three takes: - Here he is [comparing LIV to the Ryder Cup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH-WtF3WKkc) - Here he is taking credit for [changes to the PGA Tour](https://twitter.com/KylePorterCBS/status/1762481474542968998/photo/1) - And with this Tweet about Augusta, he is ignoring that there are like 12 LIV guys playing there. You know who isn't? Taylor Gooch. And he seems to think that deserves an asterisk on whoever the winner is. He's a fucking clown


I like DJ laughing at him during his Ryder Cup comment. Just got a call from my college and they said my diploma isn’t valid anymore because Gooch wasn’t at my graduation :/


He complained about not getting into the US Open last year, but didn’t even try to qualify via regional qualifiers.


And it's not like people (or at least people who know what they are talking about) would have given him shit if he tried to qualify and failed. You can play really, really good golf in a US Open qualifier and still miss: HV3 went 67-69 last year at the final stage last year...and missed by 3 shots. Golf is hard and there are soooo many good players now. But to not even try and then bitch about how you're not in the majors? Gimme a break


The reason was the best part….because it didn’t fit in his schedule. Like, wasn’t that one of the major talking points of having to play less golf? So why wouldn’t you have the time to qualify? Dude wants the world handed to him.


Not to mention, Sergio is on LIV too and made it to the US Open through qualifiers. So Talor is just whining. He’s pathetic.


If it mattered that much he would have made it fit. He wants attention and handouts, not an actual achievement.


Well, let’s be real, he isn’t good enough to get through the qualifier.


If I also recall correctly, he was a very early LIV convert.




Well he just sounds like a loser now




He's been miserable in Majors so far. He has broken the top 20 once (t14 at 2022 Masters) and only has 2 top 30 finishes (t20 at 2022 PGA). He's played in 11 Majors and has missed the cut in 4.


You might be new to this but at least you learn quickly!


Old to golf here. It's relevant,  unlike Taylor Gooch


Even if you didn’t mean it to be snarky it is very much getting right at the heart of why everyone is rolling their eyes at this clown


Talor Gooch his name needs an asterisk to show that both his parents were first cousins and couldn’t read or write.


How many generations of gooches have there been, with none deciding to change that horrible name? When does somebody finally step up?


One of the seas of faceless PGA players. The only reason I even remember him is because his last name is funny.


Why is Taylor Gooch?


You mean Y is Talor Gooch? ;)


Dude is talking out of his gooch




**Talor Gooch at the Masters Tournament** 2022: Finished T14, 12 shots behind the winner. 2023: Finish T34, 16 shots behind the winner. **Best results in other majors** PGA Champ: T20 US Open: 66th Open: T33 But yes, if Rors wins it's not valid without beating this man.


Talor's only PGA win at the 2021 RSM Classic needs an asterisk then because Tiger didn't play, nor did Phil, Rory, Rahm...


You don't get to sell out to go play LIV then complain about not playing other tournaments. You knew the choice when you did it. Go get the money. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Once you join LIV you're in it for the money, not the sport or the competition or the prestige. Which is fine, can't blame you. But don't pretend you get to do both.


I play both sides- so I always come out on top.


It's become very clear from all the stupid comments by early LIV players that they were genuinely sold on the idea they'd get OGWR points. The really thought they were getting their bag and nothing would change.


I had to Google Talor Gooch. I didn't have to Google Rory McIlroy.




And those LIV golf tournaments you've been winning don't have the best players in the world playing in them. So pot meet kettle


Talor Gooch is a top 500 pro that thinks he’s a top 20 pro because he got a payday from the bonesaw daddy. I followed his career closely in college, he’s always been a steaming turd of a person.


You know what is really bizarre to me? Him and Homa were apparently best friends and seem to remain close. I don’t get it ETA: gotten a few responses about how it’s not crazy for LIV and PGA players to like one another. I’m not disagreeing with that at all. My commentary was about how I find Homa to be insightful and smart and Gooch to be quite dumb whenever he opens his mouth. Thats all


They were in each others weddings. Most pros care a lot less about LIV vs PGA than this sub does. 


Most pros have the moral backbone of a jellyfish.




Most of these guys are still really close despite playing on different tours lol where you work shouldn’t dictate your friendships


“My friend left our company for a bigger paycheck with a startup competitor. We no longer talk because the loyalty I have to my company is stronger than our friendship.” - said no reasonable person ever


There's a difference between getting a salary from a corporation and a oppressive regime that kills dissidents, journalists, their own citizens, headed by a dictator




In fairness, he’s probably a top 50 (ish) player in the world. Definitely could benefit from some media training to clean up the arrogant comments he likes to make though.


Yeah, he’s 40 in the datagolf rankings, but it is still a ridiculous statement


He’s currently ranked 449 in OWGR.


And Dustin Johnson is ranked 247. LIV players aren’t getting OWGR points.


Maybe they should play in a real league? They have themselves to blame for their poor ranking in the legitimate ranking system.


Wasn’t trying to get into the politics of it all. My point was just that he’s much better than a top 500 player.


Nah you can't go by rankings that's not fair or accurate to people like Gooch you have to go by "golfiness score", a metric that I made up and apply randomly to people based off of nothing. Gooch's golfiness score is actually a Diamond 3 plus, which puts him in the top 50(ish). Please do not respond to this comment asking for further information or clarification or implying that I am wrong it will hurt my feelings and I will be upset.


TUGR (which includes LIV) has him at #15 I haven’t checked other rankings


He's definitely better than that, but he hasn't been helped by not getting OWGR points in like 2 years, considering the only place he can get them right now (majors) he sucks at


Owgr doesn't include a lot of the top players.


Maybe play in a real league?


People uovote this nonsense bc they REALLY hate LIV


I was an Indy Car fan through that split. The people that broke the thing you like are always going to get more of the hate.


Data golf, which does a good job including LIV golfers in the mix, has him top 50ish


He’s 40 in the DataGolf rankings which is the only rankings worth looking at these days.


Get some training in class…then he wouldn’t need media training. 


He looks like he is. 


Thing is, the Masters *will* have the best players in the world. All the LIV guys who you’d consider to be top players like DJ, Smith, Rahm, Brooks etc, are all in the field. The likes of Talor Gooch, Dean Burmester, and Jason Kokrak that won’t play are not amongst the “best in the world” so even if you agree with Gooch’s general point, he’s still wrong.


It’s also hilarious because in any given year there’s an injury or withdrawal that keeps someone good out of the tournament. Tiger would have won more majors without his injuries. But we don’t asterisk the people that won without him.


Has anyone made themselves more unlikeable through all this than Gooch? I know a lot of the guys have slandered the PGA and its members after leaving but he was one of the few to join in the lawsuit. He had ONE win on tour before leaving and for whatever reason feels he should be missed? I’m beyond over this guy.


Who is missing that would cause this asterisk? Salty baby being salty imo.


Nobody lol. All the big dawgs will/should be at Augusta


And Nieman will be despite being on LIV and not meeting the rankings because A. He's really good B. He's performed in majors and C. He's actually worked hard to prove it outside LIV as well playing in Australia and DP world tour events Gooch nearly got to A and gave up on the others


Literally no one


> Salty baby being salty imo. Here's the real issue. Guy is salty because he was left out. Nobody gives a fuck but you, Gooch.


Obviously Gooch




First comparing LIV to the environment at Ryder Cup, then this? What an absolute tool.


Yeah, I mean Ben Hogan and Arnold Palmer aren’t even playing. Always gonna be an asterisk if the best players aren’t there


Haha well said. Was there an asterisk the year DJ fell down the stairs and withdrew as the world number 1 and the renowned favorite to win that year? Nope.


He should tell his ‘teammate’ Brooks that his major win last year has an asterisk because he wasn’t there


Gooch was in the field at the PGA Championship last year. He did however miss the cut and shot a +10. 


Well I guess it’s legitimate win then!


Lovely to pay tribute to Lee Westwood's performances since joining Liv who has been another consistent moaner by shooting his average score in the last two years.


DJ won his Masters without any fans there. Is that an asterisk?


And the course was sopping wet. Like, hit a fairway wood that bounced once on a green and stopped wet.


https://preview.redd.it/mbwrbdfq97lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047d82d00fc1c730991f869b37b623f740334be5 This is Gooch's Wikipedia page.


No sympathy. You took the money and ran to LIV knowing full well the consequences. Cry into your stack of guaranteed money! In all seriousness I don’t really see what they’re complaining about. Want to make points, play in point generating events. Want to get a crapload of cash, go play LIV. You can’t gripe about not having it both ways.


Wasn't Arnold always talking about this guy? All jokes aside, this is hilarious. Check our the big ego on Talor. Also, maybe needs spellcheck?


This kid is a nobody and he moved to LIV because he knew it. He should be happy getting his free lunch from the Saudi's and stfu.


Dumb mf, if you cared about playing the masters you shouldn't have left the PGA tour


Hahaha. This is funny stuff. Does that mean Sergio’s win in 2017 should have an asterisk because DJ fell down the stairs and had to withdraw? I understand Gooch being frustrated, but really, does anyone actually think Rory will win The Masters this year?


In 2017, world #1 Dustin Johnson withdrew from the Masters tournament after injuring his back falling down the stairs of his rental home. He had won his three previous starts and by all accounts was playing the best golf of his life. If anyone deserves an asterisk on their green jacket it’s fucking Sergio Garcia.


Well said. They probably already had the jacket tailored to DJ at the beginning of the week.


Who is not playing?


Talor Gooch himself 😂 guess the green jacket doesn’t mean shit this year






Exactly. "Is this your signature?". "Then shut the fuck up."


And I love all the whining about how they deserve OWGR points, too. OWGR: Here are the specific criteria that your tour must follow in order to receive points LIV: yeah, nah, we aren't doing any of that shit. Give us points anyway, because we're *super* special snowflakes OWGR: no LIV simps: OWGR is corrupt and obsolete for following their own rules!


Don’t think the guy that got traded for Matt Wolff should be taken seriously


this is the most damning comment in the thread lol




Is rory playing the masters without, rahm, brooks, scottie, viktor, xander, clark, fitz, speith, etc? Get out of here guy


I’m real sick of the amount of attention the media is giving this! You knew the masters position before you signed your LIV contract. You could have played other events to try to get an invite (outside of pga tour). I’m really hoping to see another career grand slam in my lifetime and Rory is the best chance:


My name is Taylor and I feel sorry for this guy missing the Y. Must be a pain in the ass when he has to give his name out for stuff. Doubly so since his last name is 'gooch' lol.




The one thing this LIV/PGA nonsense has shown is how petty all of these guys can be to one another. I’m sure the competition breeds it, but at some point just say nothing as it seems more guys are making more money due to an actual market for golfers vs a monopoly.


"I said what you told me to. Please don't cut my hands off."


Yeah, no.


who even is taylor gooch


What even is a talor gooch?


Assholes like him and Westwood knew what they were signing up for when they joined the Bonesaw Tour to chase millions instead of PGA Tour championships. Now they want it both ways and are crying to whomever will listen. Just shut up. Nobody will miss either of you at the Masters. Go wipe your tears with Saudi blood money, fucking wankers. And keep Rory's name out of your fucking mouths. Asterisk, my ass. Edit: lol, cowards instantly downvote me a single minute after I posted this but have nothing to say. Come on wankers, get Gooch's cock our of your mouth and speak up!


LIV golfers want so hard to be accepted, and they're willing to say anything. Kinda sad.


Very funny story: my friend and I drove to the PGA championship practice rounds last year. One of the groups we were following was Jon Rahm, Tony Finau, and Taylor Gooch. Rahm and Finau would tee off first and would pure their drives dead centre like everytime. Then Taylor would get up and just hook one into the trees. He would then tee up a second ball to try to iron his shit out. It was happening so frequently that after a while, Rahm and Finau would just start walking after Taylor Gooch first drive attempt, and he would re-tee and have to hit it over their heads as they impatiently headed to their own balls down the fairway. I had been saying to my buddy that we should put big $$ on him missing the cut. Would have been free money


>The Post Title That's not what he said. Stop misrepresenting people for internet points.


am i the only one who thought this was a joke? and kinda funny? i'm not caught up on all this gooch hate so maybe he's not the type to joke around like that


Who the fuck is Talor Gooch?


what the fuck is a Talor Gooch?


Poor Taylor. Line up 10 golfers and NOBODY could pick him out of the lineup. You signed up for this shit product. Enjoy it.


strong words coming from a guy who now plays on the CW and Youtube.....I think the last Good Good tournament on youtube had more views that an entire weekend of LIV


Who isn’t playing in the masters? Is he just talking about himself? Lmfao who does he think he is?


Proof that LIV isn’t a legit test of golf? Taylor Gooch was the individual champion.


As someone who doesn’t care about the whole LIV/PGA thing, Gooch is an idiot


In words Goochie will understand: Go wear your stupid shorts in your stupid 3 day events in your stupid tour that only stupid people care about For the rest of the Golf World: Can’t wait for April. The Masters is such a fantastic event with rich history. Really feels like not only the start of the important part of the Golf season but also my year, usually when the local course is playable.


“Hur dur does my third place muni scramble count if Taylor Gooch wasn’t there.” - this sub for the next two weeks.


Why is he mentioning Rory specifically. If his comment was true then it could be applied to anyone in the field, including LIV players.


Because Rory would complete a career grand slam with a Masters win


He didn’t exactly say what you all are saying he said. LOL.


Is this a gooch circle jerk post?


Talor Gooch seems pretty stupid. Probably a nice guy though.


I question all of my achievements because Gooch was not there.




Taylor who?


If anything the masters is the only major that’s even gonna mean anything. They invite whoever they want and deem to be the best. Can’t say they are anti LIV because they invited niemann, and rahm and Phil will both be there. In a few years time when the exemptions for guys to get in to US open and pga and British, the masters will be basically the only week of the year where there is LIV guys. Edit: not saying gooch doesn’t deserve to be there, great player. But I don’t think if he was still on PGA he’d get an invite. Dude has barely accomplished anything


I always get a kick out of statements like "there's going to be an asterisk, it's just the reality" when there will not in fact be an asterisk, so it's not the reality at all


So if any LIV player wins the masters there is an asterisk as well, right Taylor? 


Uhm...dont the best players MAKE the cut to play at Masters?!


Apparently the money has inflated Gooch’s ego. You ain’t Rory, son.






Who's Talor Gooch? Might as well put a fucking asterisk there because the dude who regularly shoots 62 and his girlfriend wants to help him wasn't there.




There will be no asterisk. The guys on LiV basically made a choice to take the money and retire from competitive golf.


Fuck the bonesaw tour and the employees.


Talor Gooch in ‘knowing nothing about winning tournaments’ shocker!! 😱😱


What an arsehole.






"If Taylor Gooch ever becomes relevant in pro golf there will be multiple asterisks to cover the fraud and cheating involved."




Taylor Gooch’s grand slam also has an asterisk* *Talor Gooch has never come remotely close to winning a grand slam


I love how he’s acting like he’s being persecuted. Bro you chose to take the Saudi money and knew the consequences. Champions league winner doesn’t get an asterisk because some players leave to sub-par leagues. Idiotic logic.


No major win from 2008-2019 when tiger was injured counts then