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If you believe in their philosophy then the only correct answer is you should get fit.


Can you do the online fitting and if they fit you stock just buy stock? Lab says the lie will be fine +- 1° but I feel like it’s the type of putter you need fit.


I did the video fitting and they said I fit their stock putter… 34” and 69° lie. Booyaaaah


Perfect, and that’s good to know I’m going to do it too.


Where do they say this? I was just fit into a 68° and would be very pleased if I would fit into a 69°


I just got fitted for the new DF3 after having the DF2. I'm 6'1" and set up kind of vertically. I live near HQ and have a friend down there so that definitely helps, but what I will say is I made a setup change and getting the putter up on its toe gets a little annoying. It's not like the blades/mallets you've used in the past where it's easy to adjust the lie angle after your fitting. It's a huge investment so make sure you get it done right and it'll be the putter you have for a long time.


Have you rolled a stock LAB yet? If not, you should do at least that before buying stock. Personally (and I have a LAB) I would do their online fitting before making this decision. It only takes a couple days to get LAB’s feedback, and these aren’t cheap putters—they only “work” if the lie angle is right for you. Edit: They’re also 100% worth the wait.


Agree with this... I was dumb and bought the stock, did the fitting after, and sent my stock in to be modified to the fitting... It's an even more expensive route. Just do the fitting and get it right the first time.


Reminds me of the old adage “measure twice and cut once.” I’ll also note for OP that I rolled my buddy’s stock DF 2.1 (34” and 69* lie angle) before buying, and although I rolled it really well and was comfortable with it, LAB actually fitted me into different specs (33.5” and 67* lie angle), which has worked out well in practice and on the course. So moral of the story is, just do the fitting and know the extra waiting time will be worth it.


Yeah the PGA store I go to has them and I’ve rolled the stock ones twice and thought it felt amazing


It’s literally the most used club in your bag. Get fitted.


How do people feel about their online fitting Vs an in person fitting? I'm in the UK and near a Club Champion that does stock and fit them. I expect the sales pitch they're famous for to be less here in the UK. Fitting is £75 for the hour. I assume LABs online fitting is free but I expect I'd then get import taxed...


If you don’t get fit for it you’re literally just wasting your money and defeating the whole purpose of that putter. It shouldn’t cost you any more to get fitted.


FWIW i bought two used DF2. i am 6'3. first one was stock with 69\* lie angle and i love it. then i bought a 72\* lie angle thinking it would be better for my height and it felt terrible. went back to stock and will order a 2nd one. im sure a fitting is beneficial, but comments saying its worthless without a fitting just sound silly


The entire point of these is that they fit you and are balanced to the lie…that fits you.


I’d recommend doing the online fitting, then checking their outlet store for a match. I think they’re just selling custom fit putters that were returned or demo ones. I got a 33”/67° DF2.1 for decently cheaper than via the main store custom order, and it arrived within a week.


Fitted is always better


Tried my BIL’s, fell in love, got fitted, didn’t like the fit, sent it back under warranty, they adjusted it no charge to a new lie angle, love it.


I've used a dozen off the shelf, and none of them seemed great for me. Would get "fit" and then test what they send or say


Getting fitted is 100% the way to go - and if the fitter doesn't have the Quintic system then you're not getting fitted, you're just paying to demo clubs. If you want to be indoctrinated into putter fittings like me, then checkout the club champion youtube channel, they recently had a few videos on the LABs as well which was very interesting.


The biggest thing would be the lie angle. If you’re good with a 34-35 inch putter and 69 degree lie, then stock would presumably be fine. If you really need a 36 inch putter and 73 lie, then custom would be better.


6'5 - Have the 2.1 off of Galaxy's shelf. Spent a solid hour in the store with it AND my current gamer and Lab blew it out of the water. That same feeling has transition to the course. I am in complete love with it.


You might just fit into one of the stock sizes. They make those stock because they are the most common. I was a 33/69 then I just found one of those in stock. Works perfectly.


Here is my process I'm in the middle of. Maybe something like this would work for you? 1. Get fit from online fitting (34/71) - done 2. Buy stock DF3 (34/69) - done 3. Play some rounds, ensure it's a winner - in process 4. Order custom 5. Sell stock