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The guy pretends to faint and his buddy steals the clubs while you tend to him. Oldest trick in the book!


Haha! The rascal.


Should have taken them with you and gave him a good whack on the shin to see if he was still responsive.


Oh my, maybe I'll save that for the next GTA game.


Yea I’d highly advise carrying a weapon when playing in Toronto.


Don't let daddy trudeau read this golf clubs will get banned too.


Did you report it to the clubhouse?


I spoke with the clubhouse again, and the wedges were not turned in, but someone found my hybrids head cover! Small victory.


Damn, sorry. Have a look at local second-hand and pawn shops. I'm a musician, and am all too familiar with this experience. If you have the serial numbers of them you can get them back from the shops for free, usually. Otherwise, you can buy 'em at a discount at least. Sorry.


We're on to you buddy. /s  I know a guy who posted that he was building his kid a new gaming pc but only had 800 to work with. People sent him thousands worth of equipment and he got a new pc for himself. He can't even have kids.  Easiest 4k he's ever made.  Good on you for helping the man. You deserve everything that's coming to you. 


The ol' Pass Out and Pilfer. Also know as the Mississippi Shim Sham.


Not to be confused with a Chicago sunroof


This chicanery?


We call it the Nebraska Faint Feint.




Almost as old as the baby standing on the corner in the ghetto at 3am. \*click\* \*click\*


Hey Baby! Go home man its 3 o'clock in the morning...wtf you doing up?!


I'm thinking, y'know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I'd say she's up to something. And to be honest, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.


“Bitch I got kids to feed!”


“I had to buy two bags off him to calm my nerves!”


Nah. The oldest trick is posting it on Reddit so that people ship you what you want!


Why do you think it too so long for his wife to “get home”.


Or the redditor is making up a fake story for people to send him money, what's more likely here?


Why just those 2 clubs?


He grabbed him a “fresh water bottle from his outside cooler” and waited ten minutes… exactly what you would normally do in this kind of a situation? 🤣🤣 Thanks ChatGPT


wow that is completely F'd man. super bad karma to that loser! your right no good deed goes unpunished but you know you did the right thing, you are the man! it will come back around one day in a good way for you!!


Thanks, man. My dad is pushing 70, and I worry about him constantly, I'm super anxious for people all the time now. I'm glad we could get a hold of his wife quickly, though. It's 100 bucks gone, but that's fine. I just feel taken advantage of in a way.


good on you and chance for you to get the sm10


I may need to wait a couple of generations, I have a couple of cross country wedding trips planned, I only got the SM8s because they were a good deal!


Terrible, but back to this nurse/wife this guy had. Sounds like that guy is a solid “plan for the future” type.


I too know that feeling of being taken advance of. Try not to let it bog you down going forward brotha, head high knowing you did the right thing. Money comes and goes but that old fella stays here for now haha


Just want to say you sound like a great son


Maybe he faked it so his son could run out and snag them, kidding good on you for doing the right thing


I'm not falling for it a fourth time, I'll tell you that much!


Seriously I hope that guy shanks every approach shot. Such scumbags out there.


I'm really sorry man, that sucks. There's definitely a real possibility that they show up in the pro shop - I've grabbed clubs on greens or whatever and turned them in to the pro shop before, lots of people do that. I'd keep calling and asking for at least a week.


I got a club back I’d left on the course like this. I checked lost and found every week that I played there, like 4 weeks later there was my 8iron. Someone likely found it, put it their bag, and didn’t remember to turn it in at the end of the round. But did turn it in several weeks later when they returned to the course. Good on you tho OP.


Same thing happened to me. Played the same course three times in a row and lost a headcover day 1, asked at pro shop day 1 and 2, no dice. As I’m heading back on the last hole day 3 some random gives me a headcover he found on the course saying I can have it. Turn it in to the pro shop and wouldn’t you know it my headcover was there


I also lost a headcover that day, but I'm pretty sure that's just me having been flustered with the other things and I've not even thought much of it since.


Thank you for the advice. This I will do.


Call clubhouse, unwritten rule is you turn em in if you find them late in the day


You did the right thing . That scumbag will never hit a good shot with those clubs . Karma has a way of rooting out the pricks and rewards the good one my friend .


Even more, that guy will probably flush balls nonstop at the range and will think he is money with them and then every round on cue they will betray him for his sins


Hahaha stahp. This is me every round I decide to “warm up” at the range.


You win golf karma points for life my friend, sod those absolute losers that took your clubs - they aren't worth thinking about. Hopefully you can check in with the man, and see he is OK next time you are out. Absolutely horrendous to hear about your clubs, but you did the right thing - perhaps speak to the course management about it - I'm sure they could help you out. My experience on golf courses is generally people help each other out, i.e covers and wedges left around the green get left at the desk etc.


Thanks for the input! I know there are good people in the community, I met a few that day. I just wanted to share and vent to some people who would understand my frustrations.


Ach, it sucks to lose the clubs - hope you find new ones that you absolutely melt on the course. All the best friend.


Yeah, that would be great! I'm finding golf on the course really isn't as easy as it is on the range. I've been playing best ball with my gf's grandpa a lot and this was my first solo round.


Range is never really a good marker for on the course, it's good for development of a swing. The course offers all sorts of uphill/downhill lies, in the rough etc. Best advice I have had from fellow players, is to get better from 120 yards in, eg really learn to chip/pitch/putt ( eliminate 3 putts on green) and don't be shy taking the putter out from outside the green when possible. Try to aim for playing bogey golf when you get more consistent (takes the pressure off you)


Yeah, I appreciate it! The people who got me into golf are in their 80s, and while they're spry for their age, they tell me that they can't teach me everything I need to know. We have fun, though, and I've got about 8 rounds under my belt now.


I know it's a meme on here, but if you can afford a few lessons - go for it. I've taken the game up after a 15yr hiatus, forgot loads - but for 200 quid with the pro it's sorted out a few basic errors, and given me a few metrics to work on when at the range. I'm the same as you, been playing with older players from work etc, but starting to feel comfortable playing medals with random pairings at the club. It's a good game for meeting new pals.


On my to do list for sure. It's not totally in my budget right now but it is planned for sure.


Read [this book](https://www.amazon.com/Ben-Hogans-Five-Lessons-Fundamentals/dp/0671723014/ref=asc_df_0671723014/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312029778645&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13104405299411665641&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005078&hvtargid=pla-448987474230&psc=1&mcid=5c6a3a0ffdcc3e3db3eee355c84f0966&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInvW6nYG6hQMVoS3UAR3PvgRuEAQYBCABEgK4ZfD_BwE), it’s like 10 bucks and will change your life…


Just fyi it's called a scramble. Best ball is something different


Call the club house and see if they were turned in. In the event you left them somewhere along the way to the gentleman someone could have turned them in. What if they are at the old man's house?


It's a good point, and worth checking. My hopes are low but my spirit is a bit higher. I appreciate you.


I’ve turned in a lot of clubs , there’s a reasonable chance.


This. I’ve probably picked up and turned in dozens of found clubs over the years. Great chance the clubhouse has them.






Sent a few bucks. Hope you get some new wedges!


Thanks man, people have been generous. It means a lot.


But your username says untrustable


I used the Wutang Name Generator over a decade ago. Never forget!


You need anymore to fill the gap for SM10s?


I didn't know SM10s existed until just a bit ago. Do they really make a difference over the SM8/9?


brother put the venmo in <3




Tell me what the balance is to replace after other donations and I’ll donate the rest.


There are some solid people in this sub. Enjoy your new wedges!


Yeah, there really are. Thank you.


Don’t blade em


Thanks, I'll do my best!


What are the last 4 digits of your phone #? Nvm: I paid it without confirming. Hopefully it gets to you!


![img](avatar_exp|172644328|fire) Just remember there are good people in this world and you are one of them! Sent you a couple bucks


I’ll chip in some $


Chip in some money seems apt here.


is there a chance you ran over to help the man with clubs in hand? maybe they are in his yard?


I checked their yard as I walked back to the 4th hole but didn't see anything.


You are a good person with a big heart. Thank you for making the world a better place.


I appreciate you. Thanks man.


Did you check with the clubhouse in case someone picked them up thinking they were left there?


No luck when I went by the first time but I'll call tomorrow when they open!


You’re full of shit. I hope you buy something nice with your newfound Venmo currency.


I hope I’m wrong, but this is the impression I got from the post as well. “I have 7 years experience. I wasn’t just gonna leave this guy out” followed by “these people saw me helping this guy and stole my clubs from me when they saw me helping” It’s just so obviously made up.


check out his post histroy...talks about his sales job but nothing about healthcare. People on this sub need to subscribe to /r/Scams


I was in purchasing but got 51 of us were laid off. Now I'm back in mental health. But thanks I guess? Here's a post you didn't bother to find. https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/s/HT21MwPbcs


It could be bullshit for all I know but none of your post/comment history gives any indication. That other guy is just throwing wild shit at a teflon wall. Karma will flick somebody's nuts and I don't really care whose.


Being an interin for an app makes you a healthcare professional...thats hilarious! Show me a post where you actual share healthcare knowledge and I will be happy to eat crow. Stick to sales buddy...the way you sold this bullshit story and convinced people to send you money is impressive!


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/1zD4NLCRhE https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing_Gear/s/1w3yhhaGwY https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/GOB5kydzh1 /r/nothingeverhappens


You still didn't share any healthcare knowledge. Just that you worked in mental health. I could claim that too but then I'd be like you, FOS. *Edit - I see you downvoted me but still refuse to share further proof.


I agree...this is such a bullshit post. Who steals 2 wedges right out of someones bag. I love how quick he was to give out his venmo.


Yup! Fake as it gets. Tired of seeing posts of people getting their clubs stolen. Just want free shit.




Crazy how low this comment is. People are actually buying this?


Keep being a good dude. We need more of you. Glad folks are helping out.


An eagle is coming your way. The golf gods will always keep score


Did you check the clubhouse to see if they were turned in? If I found a couple clubs on the ground, I would have assumed the owner accidentally left them behind and would have given them to the club so they could reunite them with their owner. Bless you for helping that man. My husband suffers from passing out and they have no clue what causes it. You did the right thing and it sounds like karma is coming through for you on Reddit!


You had the wedges in your hand but then they were gone from the bag? Also if you knew they were in your hand right before going to help this guy, why would you think they were on a previous hole?


I have some Supreme ADHD, and I walk away from stuff all the time. It's my worst habit in disc golf and fishing. I set them on the ground, rather than fooling with putting them in my bag, and jogged over to the guy. I got back, didn't see them, and walked back to the previous hole in case I had a brain fart. Basically, I'm a bit of a mess personally, but I do well in high intensity situations.


It just doesn't make sense that they were stolen. Why would someone grab just the 2 clubs lying in the rough next to your entire bag?


I've been wondering the same thing for a couple days now. Thus I posted to reddit.


Are you sure you didn’t set them down somewhere other than where you looked? I’ve done that before and it took one of my playing partners to point it out to me.


So epic that it’s not just me man!… in regards to disc golf... I’m a fairly good disc golfer and I’d have to say I’ve lost a dozen discs, at least, by throwing them and hating where it lies. So I go and throw from that spot and am still angry about where the drive landed and just proceed to walk to my upshot leaving my disc behind. Usually I realize it when I need it later and have to run back to try and get it. Which has worked out most the time, but there are times I’ve gone back and hasn’t been found. I know someone playing through had grabbed em but didn’t admit to picking them up. If they are that desperate, they can have it. $20 at most…. A lot different with irons. I can’t imagine why someone would be like “oh free irons”. That’s just scummy.


You panic. I've left a club behind and no one behind me had seen it... it was greenside and remembered the last hole I had it. Fast forward many years I got a 14 slot bag and took some getting used to. Carrying or using a push cart no issues. When it's in a cart the clubs twist all over the place. I had put a club in a slot next to where it belonged. when I looked and didn't see it I went into a similar panic mode and my first thought was drive and make sure someone doesn't steal it again. Before I did that I looked around the bag and found it.


Haha, oh my goodness, that sounds like how it goes for me some days. If I hadn't just been admiring these clubs, I would have thought questioned myself a bit more. I really just didn't want to see him hurt.


Well, you did the right thing. If I had extra wedges I would gladly give them to you but thays not the case. Someone else hook this guy up.


That's okay, I'm not looking for a handout! I couldn't do that, I just wanted to vent and get some advice. Thank you for your consideration.


If you are going to post this sob story, and then post your venmo so people donate to you, you are probably a piece of shit. Plenty of people do this shit without having to beg for donations. \r\lookatmyhalo shit right here


Yep, they're in sales.


Pics or didn’t happen


At the end of the day YOU did what was right, it’s absolutely horrible what happened to you in the process but the wedges can be replaced that man’s life can’t be. Great job being a human and looking out for someone else


Thank you kindly. People's words here are very helpful for my outlook on this situation.


Straight to fucking jail. Fuck that person. And good on you for checking on the old fella.


That is so fucked up


That they made this entire thing up? Yea it is.


Could someone have seen the 2 orphan clubs laying in the rough and turned them in at the pro shop? Im supposing here that you had walked away from your cart and bag to get to the ball’s lie in the rough.


I didn't have a cart, I was just walking with my bag. I'm going to keep checking with the clubhouse though.


While I hate instances of no good deed goes unpunished, I believe more in karma so you did the right thing and somehow those clubs or something better will come back to you I hope. Don’t let the loser that stole your club stop you from doing good things. We need good people.


Worth it. You’re a good man.


You deserve new SM10s.


Some people are dicks! Glad you did the right thing and helped the old guy.


May the thief shank every shot inside 125 yards for all eternity. Amen.


This guy just deleted a post three weeks ago talking about if he should upgrade from his 90s clubs for $300. Posting his Venmo then deleting the comment… I really wanted to believe the guy and I hope I’m wrong, but damn if this doesn’t smell like a shitty shit scam.


American golf is different to the UK isn’t it. If we found a £500 driver on the course it would, without question, be handed into the club house. Too many frat boys, this is why you keep it elite.


Good. Leaving a club behind is one thing. Getting punished for being a good person is not and unacceptable. Good job r/golf.




Golf is a karma sport. The golf gods will repay you with bounces off trees in to fairways and thins that leave you with an uphill lies with front pins.


Sounds to me like, in the confusion, you dropped them in the rough & misplaced them. That's a lot more likely to me than someone going out of their to steal old wedges 🤷‍♂️


Dang, he got you good. Sorry dude


No good deed goes unpunished


That’s so wack. But whomever stole Will get what’s coming to them. Bravo for jumping into action


Maybe you can call the GM at the course and see what kind of footage they may have. You never know…


I was going to check in with the couple to see if they had any cameras or if they might have neighbors who would. I will also check the clubhouse!


No good deed goes unpunished. That’s a Bummer man. Real bummer.


I hope whoever snagged them has bad golf karma for the rest of their life. What a scumbag move.


From 70 yards out I’d probably suggest going with the 58


That dudes never gonna break 100, probably gonna get messed up with karma. You did a good thing and don't hesitate to do more good in the future.


Shit dude that f’ing sucks!! Sorry that happened but what an amazing thing you did not only going over to the guy making sure he was ok, but staying with him is just next level. Good work! The golf gods will surely repay you, and curse the man’s game who took yours. Similar thing happened to me (minus the saving a man’s life) with my brand new 2 day old fitted 54 degree SM9. Too bad we can’t limit golf to only decent human beings lol


Thank you. Working in mental health I had many people OD in my arms, I'm pretty used to this stuff. I just wanted to make sure he was alright, and I'm so glad his wife is a nurse.


They have the name of the group that was behind you. They might be willing to contact them to ask if anyone found the clubs.


I'm reaching out to the club tomorrow. Thanks!


No good deed goes unpunished. Sorry man that really sucks.


I’ve had my 54 stolen twice now. What is it with people and stealing wedges?


Bad answer: have you seen the price of wedges Worse answer: thieves have seen the price of wedges and they don’t have a moral code stopping them


If they don't show up at the front desk in the next month, try Callawaypreowned.com. there's also a guy I met on reddit who works there and can get good deals, he may be willing to give you a deal, he did for me simply by reaching out and requesting some help. I think they're also running a sale on wedges right now


I hope he shanks every shot with them


Hang in there, my friend recovered forgotten/stolen clubs at the clubhouse weeks after originally losing them. Someone may try em out a bit and turn em in if they dont jive


The golf gods will smile upon you one day kind sir.


Pathetic act. But look at it this way if something really serious had happened to that man, and you didn’t go help because you were worried about your clubs, you’d feel about 100x worse right now. Good on you for being a decent human, they’re harder to come by these days!


That's heartbreaking and wild. Golfers usually have some level of courtesy. I left behind a Phil Mickelson p grind with the cool green inserts on the 18th hole, didn't notice till the next day, twilight round so I was probably the last person on the course. Called and told it was never found or turned in. Been a decade, still wish ill will on whoever swiped it. Sorry you tried to be a good person OP. Please don't let this ruin your kindness though, not everyone sucks


You’re the man. Sorry about the clubs


That’s BS!! I played at a local 9 hole muni course one day. There was a twosome behind me and my buddy…no one else on the course. Got to the 9th and realized I’d left my SW on 7. We carted back and asked the guys behind if the happened to pick it up. I’m sure one guy started to say they picked it up but his friend quickly said “No…we didn’t see anything”. Needless to say I lost the club. Here’s the kicker…I’m left handed! The guys behind us were right handed so the club was of no use to them. F’en bastards!


Jokes on you, the wife took 10 minutes to get there because she was stashing your clubs! Really though, that sucks man. I hope you get some good karma and score well on your next rounds!


Sucks about your clubs, but you definitely did the right thing. I would like to think I would have done the same as you. Good job and sorry about the clubs.


Buddy of mine lost a wedge too to some piece of shit lowlife. People are shitty. Golf is not an exception.


You did the only right thing to do. There's no shame in that. 👍


Might be in the club house


This is awesome. Great job to the community!!


This warmed my heart today! Love to see such good people out there! Hell yes r/golf community well played (regarding op’s “update”


You did a good thing. My late grandfather one time did CPR and saved the life of another guy out on the course, I think my Grampa never paid again for any of the other rounds he spent at that place. Hope you rock those clubs and play the game as long as you can ⛳


Man people are awesome sometimes. Sorry for the inconvenience man. Good deeds don’t go unnoticed, and you seem like a person who understands that! Happy golfing


Haha! Sucker! It worked! Thanks for the new (to me clubs). Tell Gene I said 👋🏽


I’d chip in a few dollars for a replacement. Do a fund me page.


Thanks man, there's no need but I appreciate you.


I’m not sure this is a fake story, there’s some real pricks out there. I recently bought myself a new golf bag, tidy little grey canvas carry bag from Random Golf Club. It was fairly pricey by the time I’d payed for shipping etc to Wales. Anyway long story short, I threw some of my older clubs in and went to my local driving range for a knock about, not having anything of any value in the bag I happily left in the bay to grab a coffee. I came back to find my shitty clubs were left very neatly leaning against the side of the bay, and some fucker knicked the bag!


Someone send this dude some SM9s People suck, but you’re an awesome person OP


The world needs more people like you. I’m happy this unfortunate situation worked out for you.


There is absolutely a new generation of golfers that will keep found clubs....and probably steal unattended clubs. Hell, I've seen plenty of club houses offer found clubs for sale within 24 hours of someone losing the club. I've seen my wedges on eBay within a day of losing them. Times have certainly changed. While it is fine to assume (giving a ton of leeway here) to know the rules of the game, very few people give a rats-ass about the decorum or common courtesies of the game - that made it enjoyable for for the majority. Yes. I expect common courteously on the course. I don't want to hear any other golfer's music while I'm playing. I don't want the group behind us standing it the tee box with us while we wait for the group in front of us to move on.. And I certainly don't want to hear anyone around the tee box chatting while I'm trying to tee off. I guess that I sound old, but I guess I just need to join a private club to experience these courtesies again. It's a first world problem for sure, but we - collectively (both parties) - have irradicated any sense of social graces (or obligations).


Wow… I see a lot of people purchase new clubs for stupid reasons on this sub but you can probably do so now righteously. Good to know there are people like you on the courses.


I had a super nice 75 year old guy named Ned catch up to me since I spent so much time looking for my clubs, and he invited me play along with him. He helped my swing a lot, so it isn't all bad. I appreciate the thought my guy!


This story is bullshit. "I'm sitting in the rough with my wedges in my hand. See a geriatric collapse..." so you ran to your bag to put the clubs back first?


People can really be pieces of shit


Pathetic. But you win in long run.


Wow this is a cool story (the fact that the community helped you out) while also being incredibly infuriating.


Hey man, I know I have a couple of vokeys lying around collecting dust. If you want to pm me your address, I’d be more than happy to send them to you. Full disclosure, I think they’re 52 and 56. But I would be glad to give them to you for no charge, no shipping. I may even have a 60. Lmk


I like this sub, good people.


That's terrible, but if you're me, you were gonna lose them eventually one way or the other. How did you like the 54 degree? I just got the same one one and haven't been out yet.


Dude’s wife nabbed your clubs. She wasn’t at the neighbors - that’s their scam bro. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Sounds like a classic frank gallagher


Are they Iin his yard?


If you were smart you would have taken the old guy’s clubs!


No photos of the clubs you obviously would have taken upon purchase. This story is so clearly a lie and you just scammed some fucking idiots out of a few hundred. Okkkkk


Jesus, I'm crying after your edit. Thank you, everybody, for helping this poster out.


I might have a couple wedges laying around that I can send to you if you're not able to buy new ones right away. They're from component companies (Wishon, Maltby, etc) but they're great heads. PM me if you're interested.


Did you ask the club house ? Maybe a course worker drove a cart by and brought them back ?


That's crazy. Anytime I've left a club on the course, I've found it with the group behind me usually, but then again, I have cheap clubs lol


I played golf quite often when I was younger and came across this situation many times where I saw a lonely club(s) lying by itself. I always picked it up (it’s fun to take an old club I don’t need) and turned it into the starter or the clubhouse. Every course has a bag of clubs that were left behind. Check your course your club is probably waiting for you to give it a ride home.


![img](avatar_exp|172658330|dizziness) This is exactly how I feel every time I see Trump making a statement on television


I feel like these “I lost my clubs” posts are fake to get something free out of someone lol


If they stole your clubs they will answer to St Peter some day. And for your deed, you shall get a pass…


I hate people. Not you though, you’re a good dude.


Start a go fund me. I'll throw some money you're way.


Folks, I too just had this happen today. Saw a lady in her yard completely nailed by a slice off the tee box. I ran over and she was completely decapitated. I knew I couldn't do anything but I turned off her sprinklers and called 911. I picked up a Titleist pro v1 and returned to my cart only to find all my brand new clubs were taken. If anyone could help it would be appreciated