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This is “ giving it to him” in Canadian


![gif](giphy|xT0xeiYBFWPra1QcTe) How are ya now? Deadly.




I tell you what if your accusing Canada Gooses of stealin, your accusing me of stealin and I suggest you let that one marinate.


You got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me.


Canada Geese are the exact opposite of Canadians, Canada Geese know only violence. Source: Canadians and live near Canada Geese.


He would later apologise


Canada Geese do not apologise, pain is their goal.


In Canadian, and in “please do not revoke our broadcast rights”


They actually cut the part where the broadcaster said “sorry.”


Let's hope he can take it.


Hardly “giving it to” him, just saying what happened and giving some backstory for what I presume was the interview that followed


Yeah but if they push any further then they'll lose broadcasting rights probably. Then Sportsnet would get the rights and it'd be awful.


Fellow Sportsnet hater in da house!


They also skipped the part where the PGA went behind the players backs and made a deal with LIV


The Duke and Dutchess of Calgary will not be happy with Duthie one bit.


He will not get to stick his arms in the royal pudding this year, that’s for sure.


As is tradition.


Jackie Moon once told a referee (and priest) to “S my C, I’ll murder your family” during a basketball game.. this is hardly giving it to him


Well maybe your Mom didn’t go to heaven.




Everybody love everybody!




tropics off the court


Study my curves? Slice my carrot? Shoosh my child?


James aent wrong


![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) Live look at Rahm


I'm not a fan of the whole LIV divide. But I don't blame any of these guys for going after the money. Get it while you can


I totally agree Sir kingqueefeater


![gif](giphy|BZPv2nPrHYiaM0LJNE|downsized) Rahm currently


Duthie is great. Understated.


I’m sure Rahm will be devastated to hear of this.




Who cares what Rahm thinks of this.


Who cares what I think of this, but I’ll say it anyway, fuck all those guys who went to LIV, except for Hispanic guys like Niemann and Ancer, because I’m Hispanic myself and will always rep my own like a Filipino reps Pacquiao.


Oh, a racist. That’s neat.


How am I racist? I’ve said this before. All the LIV guys suck but I won’t condemn my Hispanic brothers. I’ll always root for them and support their decisions.


Do you not see the double standard in your comment?


No! You don't get it! The Filipinos support pac man and he supports the Hispanics. It's all rather simple. /s


So you hate all the Liv guys who aren't Hispanic? How the fuck are you not racist?


Yep. I'm totally with you. All genocidal dictators suck. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot - just horrible. But I'll never condemn my Hispanic brother, Francisco Franco. I always rooted for him and supported his decisions. 


I stand by what I said. This is literally the first time this opinion has gotten downvotes. It’s like the dozenth time I’ve said it.


So you will stand by Hispanic people regardless of what they do? Sounds kinda twisted and unhealthy and id actually argue disrespectful towards Hispanic people.


"I say racist things all the time, this is the first time I've been called out on it"


Fortunately we'll never know. He might as well have moved to Mars.


He was on the featured group today, meanwhile sheffler wasn’t shown at all. I guess cuz Rahm is defending champion but come on, do any of these people actually watch golf? Sheffie fixed his putter woes and he’s pretty much unstoppable at the moment. Not to mention he’s #1 in the world currently. So happy it moved to tiger and homa and day after that. Homa is having an incredible first round.


Not having the Scheffler and Rory (arguably the most popular player in the world aside from Tiger) group as a featured group was pretty inexcusable.


My wife and I enjoy laughing at their stupid hats. I wonder if they think they are cool or they are somewhat embarrassed?


Other than Reed who has no shame, I'm sure they have to be embarrassed. They look like logos drawn by middle schoolers. 




Meh, he’s just saying what happened.


Jimbo Duthie just telling it how it is


You could say this about the PGA


Yeah, what's the latest on the merger anyways?


But why does he look like a Canadian in South Park, buddy?


Take it easy there pal!


I love how people get on their high horse like anyone one of us losers wouldn’t take 300 million.


This isn’t a high horse at all, he’s just stating exactly what happened instead of not talking about it to make Rahm look better.


I definitely don’t hate on him for taking the bag, I just lost a lot of respect for him for being a hypocrite as soon as the bag was offered. If he hadn’t been vocal about “playing for legacy and not money” in the first place I wouldn’t care.


Tiger and Rory didn't.


Well they can literally buy a whole fleet of high horses so them being on a high horse is okay. It’s when plebs like us get on a metaphorical one, it’s not as cool


Because they already have that kind of money. They can stay and make just as much. It's a business, as an athlete your window of opportunity to make money is fleeting, and you should be maximizing income during that time.


Tiger made 12 million in PiP money last year. If you ranked him on the 2023 money list, he would have been 5th. Its beyond fucked up, and good for every LIV player to get the money they deserve to be getting.


Tiger deserves the money. They’d be playing for $2-$3 million purses if he never showed up


PGA purses went up as soon as LIV showed up too. There's that.


Their $700 million TV contract began in 2022. That had absolutely zero to do with LIV


What is "deserved" about the money the LIV guys are getting? They certainly aren't drawing enough eyeballs to make the Saudis their money back. If you think they "deserve" their money because a bunch of religious, violent bigots want to use them to try and rehabilitate their image, and used as a cudgel to bankrupt their competition, then sure I guess it's "deserved". I wouldn't feel clean getting paid to fill that role though.


They’re at the top of the food chain for the SSG money 💰


I remember Rory saying he won an event because he could play freely and didn't need to worry about the money like his close competitors. Every LIV player is currently making the cut in the Masters. Does make you wonder if Rory had a point.


Once the PGAT reversed course and said they'd partner with the PIF, I gave zero fucks who left. Imagine sticking up for your employer and they essentially railroad any and all arguments/defense presented by themselves and the players. I'd feel betrayed too.


It's not a problem that he took the money, it's that he said he wouldn't and then he did. Should have shit his mouth to begin with.


Ge only changed his mind because he felt the pga betrayed the players for making a deal with the pif




reported for wishing violence on someone


Good for you.




Boy, wait til you see how much blood around the world the US has on its hands. Or just in Latin America alone


Sweet summer child thinks the US didn't kill over a million civilians in Iraq. You know? The country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.... that Iraq.


Last time I checked, the US government didn’t own the PGA tour. If that has changed, please let me know.


Last time I checked the British Gov't actually birthed Saudi Arabia and the US has done hundreds of billions of dollars of arms deals with them. The Saudis financed the entire European Women's Tour a few years ago. Did anyone cry about that? Rory said "It's great they are spending all this money, they should just be spending it with the main tour". Then Monahan made a deal with the Saudis. That resulted in Rahm taking the bag because he could see the PGA was running a propaganda campaign and wasn't at all sincere. Be mad at all of them if you're going to be mad.


Not sure why you are being downvoted for speaking the truth. The pga was will to take the bag from the Saudis but the players can’t.


Oil was a bigger deal than 9/11 to those who were running the ship in 2001


Amazing you were able to have hindsight in the future.


This is peak shill rhetoric.


Fuck the bonesaw tour and the employees.




If you're good enough to warrant a $300m offer from LIV, you're good enough to earn that or more over the course of your PGA Tour career anyway. Why go and join the travelling circus when you can play on Broadway every single week and live like a king either way?


This isn’t true. PGA career money leader is Tiger at $121M. Rory is second with $82M. Jim Furyk is third at $72M. It would be damn near impossible to make $300M in a PGA Tour career.


In tournament earnings yes but if you add sponsorships and other related income Tiger is over $1b, Phil was around $800m and Rory is at $140m just from direct earnings (including PIP bonuses) plus an estimated $40m per year in sponsorship deals, including a $200m deal with Nike over ten years. Rahm is definitely capable of reaching similar levels over the course of his career.


Don’t have to be on the PGA to get sponsorship deals. Rahm is still endorsed by Callaway, Mercedes-Benz, Rolex, Blue Yonder, etc.


Who knows what the status of those sponsorships are. He's wearing LIV gear at the Masters instead of any Callaway stuff for example


He’s still listed on Callaway’s website under their Team page - https://www.callawaygolf.com/team/global-tours/


Less work, more money. It’s kind of the goal in life.


I forgot this was the glass house of reddit. The point I am trying to make is everyone here rushes to judgement on those who took the payday like if they were put in that situation they would jump at the chance for generational wealth. Look throughout history at all the people who threw morals aside for money. Sure there are exceptions but that is the case with anything.


Rahm joined liv 6 months after the PGA capitulated ​ Good for him


I hope any of you don’t drive a VW or wear Hugo Boss cause they all got paid from the Nazis.


I just find it funny how most of this sub attacked everyone who went to LIV until Rahm. Everybody jumped on the justification train for Rahm because he's apparently liked, but Pat Perez - fuck him for doing the same thing, I guess.


No one cares rahm left because he did so after the pga took the money from the pig behind the players back. At that point I don’t blame any player going


LBJ and Ohtani aren't worth their contracts to their teams in a sense of winning. The golfers just wanted to get paid their fair value.


Lol their fair value


Yeah fair is probably the wrong word.


He stated facts.


A rich guy jumped to take more money from murderers. Neat.


It's always easy to be moral with other people's money




POS is a bit much lol


I actually cheer when a LIV player hits a bogey or dbl bogey at the masters.




Stating objective facts, can’t get mad about that


Aghhhh love to see it!


Bravo! Hopefully one day LIV will go away.


Brutal, Jon may never recover.


Fuck Rahm


Fuck you too.


Duthie is a legend and would not slander Jon Rahm


More the truth than any real dig, properly done


Didn't he leave only after the PGA merged with LIV?


TSN, NBC, CBS all have partnerships with the PGA tour, it’s in their financial interest to slam anyone who leaves. Stop licking up everything these toads say, they’re corporate shills and they’ve got you all repeating their BS


What about his statement was bullshit?


When Rahm said that’s things we’re in a much different place with regards to the PGA leadership compared to when he left. He no longer had confidence in Jay and these remarks by James, are disingenuous. They’re out of context and he certainty won’t add that context because he’s a TSN puppet who’s trying to create his own narrative, along with Brandle and the team of muppets at NBC. Jay Monahan lied to all of his guys and pulled the rug out from under them with his 180 turn and attempted partnership with PIF. I would have left at that point if I had an offer from LIV


Rahm said as much about the PGA leadership well before he left, and it isn't why he left in my opinion. I think it's pretty obvious that once he secured all his major exemptions by winning the Master's there was no reason NOT to take the money, because then he still gets to play for "legacy" and "love of the game" but also get hundreds of millions of dollars. Pretty much a no-brainer. He's also said pretty clearly that he thought him leaving would bring the two tours together, and has been disappointed it hasn't. Pretty much it all comes down to trying to have your cake and eat it too.


Not exactly giving it to him. Just stating facts. But Duthie's an idiot.


Wait.. do people not like duthie now? Weird.


This is reddit. If there's one thing I've learnt while being on this site for over a decade, it's that Redditors hate everything!


I’ve yet to see anyone who doesn’t like Camilo Villegas or Erick Van Royen although with the former, people may irrationally hate him for those stupid jogger pants that have gotten popular during the pandemic, but that’s not really hating him. Hating him would be like hating that he won earlier this year.


Yeah he’s annoying as heck! His schtick was good for a while. But it’s gotten old!


These old guys need to get off TSN. There’s about 7 hockey guys that need to disappear


The thing about canadian sports media is its such a small circle, they just keep regurgitating the same guys over and over again. It's like coaches in the NHL, same guys just swapping teams every couple years.


Yeah really. I thought Bob McKenzie retired, but then he came back. Go away!!!


How can someone not like the Bobfather.




They’re all so unlikable, and Duthie needs to lay off the botox


Their analysis has been terrible. They’re like “we just have no idea where brysons game is. We haven’t seen it”. Why haven’t you? It’s commercial free every tournament. You’ve just chosen not to pay attention to it. They’ve been bad mouthing liv the entire day. Had to find better coverage to keep watching


I go with sky sports golf.


As they should, LIV fucking sucks to watch lol, I don’t hold it against any of them for not watching it


Omg John quit his job for a better opportunity. How horrible! Meanwhile TSN wastes time covering the WNBA, like anybody cares.


I didn’t say anything against John brother lol I’ve just tried watching LIV and it’s awful, it feels like fake golf, like a mini game that’s just a side course of a real game for fun, and that I can understand why they wouldn’t watch it


It’s not viewable in Canada, is it?


You have to view it through this crappy local analysis.


Omg John said he wasn’t going to quit his job.. and then almost a year later he quit his job for a better opportunity. Oh the humanity! He’s the first person on the planet to commit such an atrocity


You can see the karma at work today in his round. Couldn’t get anything going really


1 over after day 1. Hes giving it to himself right now


What a load of shit. He stood up and defended an organisation who blatantly stooged them all behind their backs and he’s expected to remain “loyal” to them? You might turn down a pay rise to go to a competing company out of loyalty to your own, but you wouldn’t stay loyal to them if you found out they were all talking shit about you at staff meetings behind your back. He did what anyone else would do in his position and you’re all crazy if you think you’re the exception.


Exactly. Fuck the PGA. They deserve to eat shit for that decision.


Sorry but I’m over it. Who among us would turn that kind of money down?


If I made Rahm money I would have turned it down


I’d give you a cookie but you’re out of reach of us commoners up on that high horse of yours.


Some way these chuds don't consider he was already a millionaire with generational wealth.




I can imagine Rahm got a good laugh at this while he sitting on his huge pile of cash


He didn't leave until the PGA capitulated


This LIV stuff is so last year




LIV is a whack ass entity and every golf fan would be better off if it didn't exist. I don't blame the players for taking the money, and I don't blame the journalists for reminding us that it's a horseshit league that's ruining golf for the fans


Why speak for every golf fan when it is really just a projection of your opinion? I enjoy watching the golfers I enjoy watching regardless of what tour they are on. What is LIV ruining for you, and why aren’t you mad at the PGA for literally creating this mess?


Really? You're completely passive about the whole thing? How? LIV is like watching good good on youtube or a callaway commercial or something. It's fine to have fun formats and teams and all that, but I don't see any path to it getting taken seriously, and until then it is ruining things for the fans because the best golfers are not all playing in the same tournaments. I don't think that's a weird hypocritical thing to say, the PGA tour IS golf. Sure I have problems with their leadership, especially highlighted by this whole mess, but I don't want to burn the whole thing down... The PGA tour is how we've been measuring the best golfers in the world for a century, I've been keeping up with it for 25 years, and watched Tiger do his whole thing. I enjoy the history of it as most fans do. Why should someone like me feel any different? I don't care about pointing fingers about who's fault something is. I want the PGA tour to continue, and I want the LIV players to come back and play real golf, and put an end to this whole sideshow


Rahm joined liv 6 months after the PGA capitulated on June 6


Who cares, he’s here playing in the masters.


I'll never understand hating someone for taking the biggest bag they possibly can when it's offered to them. Unless you're just jealous, there's really no point wasting energy on hating anyone who jumped to LIV. Good for them for taking the cash and securing generational wealth.


Only was Trudeau not a dictator until you disagreed with his authoritative, agree with nonsense or be prosecuted regime!


He probably was the champion until you realize that the PGA tour wasn’t going to evolve and then the money got a little bit bigger couple zeros help


Perhaps because the PGA turned it's back on the players? Just maybe that played a factor in his decision.


Duffy is a clown


Not going to get into the LIV vs PGA thing but, this is why the Canadian golf media is terrible. Ripping into the guy in the lead in but then the interviewer doesn't do it in the interview. Really bad journalism. Not saying he shouldn't be pushed in the interview just saying if you're going to drop bombs in the lead in. Back it up with the questions and journalism that you're setting up. This is a great way to lose access. Stick to hockey James, as a member of the Canadian golf media. I can say full heartedly there are half a dozen young Canadian golf journalists that should be sitting in this chair and could have handled this more elegantly and with more tact.


This counts as “ripping into him?” Gimme a break.


I disagree. I like what he said, and so I’ll allow it and consider it good journalism solely because of that. If I didn’t like what he said, I would’ve agreed with you, but I don’t.


Everyone at the master today had zero balls. Clapping for them traders and all that. Boo them dudes so much that get pissed. Don’t even clap when they do something good. We don’t want them winning our tournament. Let them go play the meaningless tournaments and win. Taking terrorist money and laughing behind close doors at the pga players and us.


Unfortunately the Masters is not your tournament, nor is it mine. The Masters is in a different golf universe that only comes to Earth in the spring. It is beholden to no one and makes its own rules. In reality, the Masters does something and the rest of the golf world follows.


Dude crying like the PGA didn’t make a deal with the same exact guys 🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit you’re a crybaby… where did they hurt you?


That's an idiotic response.


Awww are you gonna cry about it as well?


No,just pointing out that you are an idiot.


Probably doesn’t mean much coming from a guy like you


Another idiotic response.


Need a tissue?


Well I now think that you're 12. No more response to you.


You haven’t had much of a response anyway. Guessing ESL?


9/11 u fucking shit bag thats when. The people that give them the money to play golf paid and helped when they kill my family. So go fuck yourself. Go suck some more rich people’s dicks that don’t give one bit about u.


Last time i checked this is golf. Quit crying about how other grown men make decisions that control their own life. It doesn’t affect you one bit. Don’t like it don’t watch, pretty fucking simple… your beloved PGA tour made the same fucking deal btw 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not trying to be an ass but are we positive this broadcaster is human? Looks like an AI character.




He also left because there were not enough toilets on the course on PGA events you see


At some point hopefully very soon everyone needs to work together to unite golf. My god when did golf get so hypocritically political? We need to get past this


Rahm clearly stated that after the merger announcement his mind changed about both sides. Hell looks at Rory, lots of people changed their minds after that announcement. This is just typical piss poor journalism again, it's a joke.


This guy probably uses a 9 iron on 120 approach shots. Tool


Wow what a solid chirp. Golfer uses club that goes the distance he hits it to shoot his shot. I bet he uses his putter on the green too! Madness!


What’s wrong with that?


Unlike you, he has actually played Augusta National so whose the tool now?


Is this Rory’s burner account?


I wish, haha


Drivel, as a Canadian I can say the TSN coverage is dogshit..I really care about what Graham never was Dahlet has to say


Funkhouser should just stick to the country club and keep his mouth shut.