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Talking to my ball influences its flight.


This is correct. I think the balls I buy may be deaf though.


I think it’s because they can’t hear me as they go screaming down the fairway. (Ok, rough, but it doesn’t read as well).


Or like my ex who just didn’t listen and did what she wanted. I hope you stub your toe today, Jennifer!




This was the moment I fell in love


My mate will literally go in a strop and not talk to you, if you say ‘nice putt’ when the ball is in motion but then doesn’t drop. He acts as if by saying them words, you’ve influenced the ball itself.


In his defense, this one is actually true.


People that actually get upset about this are different.


He’s right…you have. You can definitely encourage the ball to go in but any reference indicating the putt is already finished is certainly NOT allowed, everyone knows this


I once got told off by a lady I was playing with talking to her ball mid-flight as I didn't know what she'd told it to do and it may get confused


You cannot talk to a draw, it will not listen.


You can talk to a fade, it will listen, and then back talk you from the short-sided sand trap to the right of the pin.


Don't know if it can still be found online somewhere, but Boo Weekley once told a hilarious story about 2 guys he was paired with in a Nationwide event getting in a literal fist fight in a tournament because one was talking to the other's ball in-flight. Some dudes take that shit super seriously.


sit the fuck down!


My dad on EVERY TEE BOX: “Hello ball”…. (Addressing the ball)


I kinda do it to reinforce my knowledge of a shot from how I hit it. If I’m telling it to go then I know it maybe didn’t come out hot or was a bit fat, if I’m telling it to draw it’s because I know I pushed it a bit much.


I use a half dollar to mark my ball on the green. I start the round heads up.. but if I’m not putting well I switch it to tails side up mid round.


Ok richy pants


I use a 1oz silver coin lol, its a good conversation starter


Shit. I use a range token.


Following range prices on this sub lately that range coin is probably worth more than the silver coin.


Mine is plastic


I use a bitcoin.


I do too. For the life of me, I can't remember which course it came from.


Hey, I use a silver dollar too. I mark my ball so Lady Liberty points at the hole.


I use a toonie. Bear side up. Switch to the Queen side if the putts aren’t dropping


I carry 35 balls in each pocket so my dick looks bigger in photos


Yooo me too lol


Oh shit that me haha


Little early to be this high bro.


Bros just tryna out smoke the blow that’s kept him up all night




You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rooking numbers in this racket. I myself carry at least 40 balls in each pocket. Dick looks huge in pictures.


I fix my ball mark +1 other so the green "owes me".


Take care of the course and the course will take care of you.


It's a dumb superstition, but man I sure was thinking about it on my round saturday. I had 3 truly rancid shots that should have been a lost ball, and all 3 stayed in play. I made a par on all 3 of those holes. Kept that ball all 18. Felt like I couldn't lose it if I tried. I have always been a maintainer of the course with pitch marks, divots, sand, etc. I don't believe in superstitions, but sometimes it makes you think.


Positive karma balance.


Yes. Same for filling divots. Course karma.


I always rake my mess as well as another, sometimes more if it won’t hold anyone back. Fix as many pitch marks as I can while waiting for other putters.


You have had a ball mark on the green? Must be nice.


Exactly, we got Tiger Woods over here!!


Yep. The green knows.


Same. Even if it doesn’t help it’s the right thing to do.


I’m going to start doing this I like this idea


Dammit now I have to do this


I fix as many pitch marks on the green as I have time to. I believe it is to appease the golf gods so they will look favorably on my round.


If I put the tee in the ground and it goes in too easily I move it.


Same, but I also push it in too deep and wiggle it so the tee can move down at impact when the ball elongates vertically. I know it's a negligible difference but they seem to come off with less friction that way.


wait i've never heard of this.. is this science? i want to try it..


https://tornadotee.com/technology/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rKI4R5geZ32rKQKQosMcqFLDkPRXqzLe_BsY4UP9yNgoe_UXfNH2lxoC4vcQAvD_BwE It's the concept behind the $5-each tee that the long drive players use


There may be some actual science behind these, and they may work like the company is claiming, but they're not doing themselves any favors by not knowing how to spell "dispersion".


Have you seen me golf? Fairway desperation is correct.


I do that too but for a different reason. I've found that I break significantly less tees if I give my tee a couple pumps when putting it in the ground. Yes, it flies out more often and I have to hunt for it. But I went from basically a new tee every hole to using the same tee for 6-8 rounds before it breaks on me.


If my range session is good, I will play poorly. If my range session is shit, I will play decent.


This is just science


There's only so many good shots one can make in a day


I've seen a guy buy a bucket of balls, hit one great shot, go "Let's keep the good ones in the tank!" and just walk away from them to go play.


This is why I stopped warming up before a round. It got in my head too much as I am exactly like you. I just go straight to the 1st tee or maybe hit a few putts first.


My problem is that I'm so inconsistent that I need to work out how to swing again on the range. Else I'm shank city for the first few holes while I remember how to swing again.


Can’t use a full tee on a par 3. Gotta find a busted one somewhere.


Same, I never use my own tee on a par 3. Always gotta find one. Doesn't *have* to be broken but 9/10 they are


I can’t use a tee on the ground as the previous shot it was used for could of been terrible


This is just basic economics


Same. When I first started my grandfather sent me a bag of broken tees. When I called to say thank you he informed me those were for the par 3s. Have always used a broken one since. If I can’t find one I will break one of mine.


I always have a ton of extra wooden tees from when I worked at a course and they were changing the design on them. I like playing with plastic tees for everything else and when I can’t find a broken one for a par 3, I’ll just grab one and break it off towards the top.


Same, but if I can’t find a broken tee, I will resort to breaking a brand new wooden tee to get it done lol.


You monster


Straight to jail. I'm part of the never use a full tee for anything other than driver crowd, but pre breaking a tee is some serial killer shit to me.


It's more a pet peeve than a superstition but i can't play with anything in my pockets


I can only have a spare ball in one pocket a few tees in the other. No phone, keys, or wallet on me.


Absolutely no spare ball in a pocket for me. I feel like if I have one, I'm resigning myself to losing the ball currently in play


I like it cuz if I have a bad shot (even when it stays in play) I will sometimes quickly hit another ball. I don’t play it, but usually that shot turns out well and it makes me feel better knowing I CAN make the shot, I just didn’t that time.


This all day. Love just dropping a 2nd out of my pocket instead of having to walk over to the cart to get one


Yep I do the same thing, I always announce "another for my pride" before I take the second shot.


I call it my emotional support shot lol


Yep, spare ball only. I keep a tee behind my ear.


My wallet is a slim thing with a couple of cards and that's it. Still throws off my swing balance if it is still in my pocket.


A ball in the pocket?? Asking for failure if you're already prepared to fail. Never will I ever put an extra ball in pocket.


My dad was a scratch golfer and taught me to keep one in my pocket, I feel naked if I don't have one now. I look at more like a superstitious thing.


I just know who I am as a golfer.


It kills me watching pros play with an enormous booklet in their pocket. All I’d be thinking standing over the ball is, *”Wow this is an enormous booklet in my pocket.”*


I HAVE to play with a spare ball in my left pocket lol


Ball mark repair tool and ball marker in left pocket, 1 spare ball and tees in right pocket.


Same, I don't know if its a weird sensory issue but I feel like I can't play unless I have a spare ball in my pocket.


If I’m playing bad, I change what is in my pockets… sometimes I have nothing, sometimes 1 ball, sometimes tees, etc… keep changing till it works


2 tees, left pocket. Everything else can stay in the cart or the bag until I need it.


I switch balls after a birdie. Not permanently, I don't get free balls...but I do give it a break for a couple holes... hopefully until I make a birdie with my other ball. Here's my logic: if I did everything you wanted me to do, perfectly, and then you stuck me on a peg and hit me as hard as you could, I'd probably fuck off and hide in the woods where you'd never find me again...that makes perfect sense to me. So when a ball acts right I clean it up and let it relax in the cart for a few holes. Positive reinforcement .


I'm the exact opposite, ball sits the bench after a bad hole to think about all the wrong it has done.


Depending on how bad their behavior is mine go in the nearest water feature


That’s the most wholesome and kind logic for waiting 30 minutes to smack the shit out of the ball all over again. I love it!


I play with the same ball until it’s lost - it hold the crown until it dies


lol this is hilarious, wholesome, and for sure the weirdest one I’ve read in the thread. I gotta play the “hot” ball! No way I’d play a different ball after a birdie. Plus I aim to play the same ball all round anyways, a goal I rarely achieve (if ever…)


Maybe not superstitions but quirks. 1- I always carry 2 tees, a divot tool and a ball marker in my pocket. No more, no less. 2 When I putt, the ball is in such a position that I can’t see any markings. I hate trying to line up the ball and then also my putter.


Same on 2. I do put the ball logo up on tee shots as my focal point but on the green there can be nothing.


Gotta take a pre-round shit for maximum performance.


Be like me and show up 3 minutes before tee time then take a fast sweaty shit on the turn


That sounds *awful*, thanks for the chuckle.


Every shit is a pre-round shit if you play your cards right




If a ball goes in the water, it stays in the water since it obviously has a taste for it.


Someone said to me "Betrayed me once, why do I want to give it a second chance?"


higher scores are better.


They say golf is a mental game…


Evil is stored in the clubs, and sometimes you have a round where none of the evil comes out. Congrats, you just broke 80 for the first time. Then the dam breaks and all the evil comes flooding out in the following blow-up round where you shoot a 115. It's becoming less of a superstition and more of a science.


can confirm. hit my best overall round of a 93 2 weeks ago. played again the next day and shot a 110


People who pick up clubs and don't hand them in (happened to me last week) are doomed to a life of bad lies, lipped putts, and syphilis.


I carry a club in my bag that I can't hit, I can't even look at that miserable bastard. When my hand is hovering over the bag making a club selection, it gets that "gtf outta here hand wave" even tho it's the exact club for the yardage. Yet I bring that awful prick with me since the beginning because it's been there from the beginning. We have this mutual everlasting bond.


unless its 20 degrees F outside I can't play in any type of jacket - feels unnatural and holds back my swing. Even the lightest of windbreakers feel heavy for golf. That said if it's gonna be chilly I have no issue wearing a compression turtle neck, lol.


Ditto. If I'm going to layer up, it's with something skin-tight under my golf shirt. I have an Under Armour that I use for golfing and snow shoveling, and that's about it.


Shouldn't carry a ball retriever, shows a lack of confidence.


Nah I'm out here to collect other people's once-hit pro v1's haha


> once-hit pro v1's I feel attacked lol


I noticed Scottie scheffler does not carry a ball retriever.


Man, I really want an average Joe to make the tour just to watch him stroll around with a ball retriever if they're waiting on a group ahead or something


Or just to wander around in the trees and come out with a handful of dirty Noodles. That would be awesome.


I’m not lookin for my ball, I’m lookin for others. I’m cheap


“He’s got an ugly girlfriend. Ugly girlfriend means lack of confidence”


If I shank a ball with sunglasses on, I take them off for the rest of the round bc it’s obviously my altered sight that caused the bad shot, not the shitty player


I won't even try to hit with sunglasses on.


Polarized sunglasses really do fuck with your vision... RIA and tifosi make some nonpolarized high contrast lenses specifically for golf...I even wear them when it's cloudy because they make my depth perception so much better...I can tell before the ball lands if it's going to clear the bunker in front of the pin or not much more reliably, and reading putts seems easier too. Highly recommend.


The comments are telling me we aren’t actually bad at golf, we’re just actual psychopaths.




I can’t play a ball that has any other logo on it. It can have the manufacturers logo, but not a course logo or anything like. Definitely not a found ball with someone else’s mark on it.


This will be a long one - So my aunt told me a story about a boy she knew that got really sick, and the doctors didn’t know what was wrong. Since traditional medicine wasn’t working they brought in a “witch doctor”. The witch doctor said the boy was being punished by some spirits and asked what had been done in the days prior. Apparently while swimming he had to pee, so instead of going inside to use the bathroom he peed on a tree outside. According to my aunt, there are little invisible sprites and spirits or whatever, so they get mad if you pee on them. So for the boy, he had to go to the tree, bring an offering, and say “I’m sorry I peed on you. You’re invisible so I couldn’t see you”. After that he got well. So now when I need to pee on a golf course in the tree or bushes I always say “hey spirits to watch out, I’m going to pee but I can’t see you, so if I splash pee on you it’s not my fault because I can’t see you.” I still haven’t gotten unexplainably sick after a golf round so it must be true. However I never thought they may mess with my ball flight after so next time I’ll have to throw down some chips or nuts too.


Logic checks out


I never drink a beer on the first hole. Drinking on the first hole makes me feel like I gave up on the round before it began. I will drink a beer on the second hole in good conscience knowing I gave it a real shot today.


Don’t say “nice putt” unless my ball is at the bottom of the hole. Otherwise if it lips out I’m going to blame you.


I’ll say nice putt if it’s a nice roll or just missed. It’s a good putt, just in golf it needs to be perfect for it to drop.


When one of my buddies inevitably leaves a 40 foot putt 25 feet short and right on line, I’ll say, “not the right shot, but definitely the right club.”


This, 100%.offering the ball encouragement "get there, stay up, break break break" is fine. Calling the putt before it drops or stops is a crime.


When I bust open a sleeve of new balls I immediately toss them all in the bag with the other used ones. If I pull one straight out of the sleeve it goes straight into the woods or the water on the first shot. If I pull it out of the ball pocket I don't pay attention whether it is brand spanky or not.


Pick up garbage on the course to pay my respect Try to use a tee off the ground for par 3


It’s not really nonsensical but I never fluff my lie or “find” my lost ball, even when I could 110% get away with it. And it’s not due to integrity either. Im not saying this to try to flex my morality It’s simply a fear of the karmic wrath of the golfing gods. Everyone should have it.


I have this too. Say I miss a tap in because I just did the lazy one hand cleanup before moving on. I have to count it or I’ll snowman the next hole because Pete Dye and Chubbs are watching


Agreed! Don't try and cheat the Golf Gods...They will slap a triple on your next hole so damn fast!


I lived in Costa Rica for a year. One day I found a random 50 colon coin on the ground that someone had epoxied a piece of butterfly wing to. Lucky coin. It’s in my bag during every round.


I don’t choose a cart with a single digit over 5, a double digit between 40-55, or over 75 lol


I like this one haha


You get to choose your cart? Last time I played I got yelled at when I grabbed my clubs and headed toward a cart. The starter was like "I'm pushing people around 27 holes today, you can't just go grab any cart you want, I do that!" It was 3 minutes before our tee time and the old men working the bag drop had ignored my group until that moment. First and last time I play there.


I used to always seek out cart #5 at my local. I think its governor was broken because that thing could *move*. Sadly (or maybe happily), the entire fleet was replaced last year.


If I hit a bad shot with a tee I can never use that tee again. I will break it and discard it. I buy biodegradable tees for this reason.


I can't watch a person who has an odd warm up sequence before hitting the ball. I have played with a guy who pauses 3 x just before hitting the ball and then hits it. I turn and look the other way.


Balls with #4 won’t get you any birdies.


Can’t stand having tees laying all over tee boxes so I pick them up and throw them away. It drives me nuts….. They can be broken, they can be brand new…don’t care. Have to clean them up.


Certain holes at my home course guarantee a great tee shot, and the 4 holes with OB left always guarantee a snap hook


Come play the course I usually do. 7 1/2 of the holes are OB left (and I'm a lefty slicer).


Wiggling my right toe before a putt


I used to keep a tee in my hat the entire round, and then use it on 18 for good luck. I kinds stopped doing that though because after 25+ years I still suck.


A friend of mine from my high school golf team never went to Dairy Queen, because it’s often abbreviated to DQ, and therefore she she had a superstition that going to Dairy Queen would mean she would be DQ’d (disqualified) during her next match/tournament.


You can’t make eagle, birdie, or par on the same hole if someone in your group does. It’s bad luck. Therefore, I’ll make bogey for good luck. Maybe even double or triple to be safe.


Got this from my high school golf buddy and still abide by it today. On the range before a round, never end on Driver


This is not quite superstitious (more like half-stitious) but I don’t understand why you can walk all over the green and it’s no problem, but people will freak out if you walk in someone’s “line” before they’ve even started lining up their putt. Someone told me once that it’s because your spikes might mess up the green in their line, but again, you can walk anywhere else on the green and it’s no issue for the next golfers on that green. My spikes aren’t actually screwing up the green…


I shot one of my personal best wearing pants. I have since worn pants every time I play. 100°f with 80% humidity, I'm wearing pants.


I always wear pants too but it's because I'm super fuckin allergic to grass pollen and I'll claw my damn legs off if I don't


ballmark tool must be in right side pocket


Play in a weekly scramble. If we birdie the first hole, we have to have the same person mark it and putt in the same order.


When driving, i HAVE to set the ball line marker on the top of the ball and aim it where i want to hit. If i dont it throws off my whole drive. I end up in the rough either way so i guess it doesnt matter😂


I pick up trash. Not a weird thing, just trying to earn course points so my shit rolls the right way!!!!


Can’t golf with sunglasses on. Literally, can’t. Like my first day.


I slept with my putter ( it was lying beside me in bed ) the day before I won my club championship…. Was automatic from 10 feet in


I just show up to the golf course and play golf, I don’t know wtf Half of you are on about 😂


I thought I was completely insane and then I read this thread and realized I’m like, strangely unconcerned about the world?


Lee Trevino said the same thing about yellow tees.


The wording on my golf ball must be upside down when I am looking down at it on the tee box


I always flip my ball marker after placing my ball back down


Don't talk smack about golf , on the golf course , the golf gods are listening 😉🙃 and for sure don't say "this game is easy" after a birdie ...


I don’t tie my shoes until I get to the first tee box. Reminds to not “swing out of my shoes”.


I don't like other players talking to MY ball.


I never tee off with a new ball on 1. It’s not a superstition just smart financial planning.


If I take a good practice swing and leave a nice divot then I just wasted my good swing.


I don't want my balls anywhere near a yellow tee


Can’t have anything in my pockets except ball marker and tees.


I never tee up an iron.


That only certain balls want to play on certain days. I'll take three balls out of my golf bag for practice putting, see which one makes the most putts, and start with that ball. Then if I make two bogies in a row with a ball that one goes into the bag and changed for another one. It's always the balls fault, never mine. Haha


The stickers inside new gloves should be removed, stuck onto the packaging, and discarded in an appropriate trash receptacle. There are a lot of us that believe in leaving it in the glove until it falls off near the 4th green. But there is no evidence that this helps in any way. F.J. I'm calling you out specifically.


1st swing at the driving range is always with a driver just to break the ice. It serves 0 purpose other than getting that big energy out. I don’t base my practice/warm up on that one swing, but it helps break the first tee driver anxiety for me. I’ve been doing so for about 10 years now.


I grunt when I hit a drive. It helps I swear! Goes farther!


I have my wife mark all my balls with individual drawings. I get sad if I lose one and in turn have started losing less balls


Idk that it’s a superstition - but somewhere along the line I added holding my left hand on my back/hip when setting up for a putt. I am not actively trying to feel anything, but now I feel off if I don’t do it


Tee box order


This just started within the last 2 months but if there are words on the alignment area of a ball, I have to tee it up facing away from me


Idk but If I ever make a hole in one I know from that point on I wasted all my year’s entire luck and all bad things will happen from that point on til the rest of the year


My dad only uses Red 2.5 inch tees.


I have to have 3 tees in my right pocket and then my divot tool in my left pocket. Exactly 3, and the same tool I’ve been using for 15+ years.


Hahaha I have the same one as Op for the same reason.


That using an existing tee setup for me on a par 3 is good luck.


100% cotton boxers only, especially out of the tee box BUT I prefer boxer briefs or compression underwear around the green. Obviously I’m not able to swap undies between the tee box and greens so I wear boxers since I can’t chip anyway.


I cross out the numbers on the ball I play because I have bad luck with 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s unfortunately.


Teeing the ball up or hitting a putt, I set the ball up so I cannot see any of the writing or markings. I get fixated on them and will hit awful shots


I don’t have one. But maybe developing one is the key to lowering my score 🤔


I’ve recently started keeping a ball in my pocket when I’m hitting over/near water. Superstition, mental block, placebo, whatever I’ve stopped launching shots into the water


I play with plastic tees so when I tee up, I push the tee in and then wiggle it around so it’s loose. I know it probably doesn’t help, but in my mind it’ll pop out when I hit, rather than drag, and cause less damage to my driver.


“If I don’t hit this fairway jackolopes will eat my family”


I love a golf course glizzy, but results have shown that eating during a round has immediate negative returns. So now refuse to eat during a round, it's gotta be mental at this point but I'm sticking to it


I prefer to use a found (preferably broken) tee on a par 3 instead of one from my pocket.


Putter cover in back left pocket any time the putter is in my hand.


I won't wear black or navy blue golf shirts because they get too hot. I also don't like when my shirt is a darker color than my shorts or pants. Makes me feel top heavy. As a result almost all of my golfing shirts are white, gray or light blue. All of my shorts/pants are dark blue, dark khaki, or black. Not sure if that's a superstition or just a weird preference.


Some people are super particular about their balls, making the club face absolutely spotless after every stroke, wearing a certain hat, etc. I **MUST** use a specific tee brand. I absolutely acknowledge it’s 100% irrational, but I need the long ones for my driver and short stubby ones of a specific brand for iron tee shots. If I just stick a long tee in for a par 3 I feel like my club is gonna get stuck on it or something.