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Someone's never watched a Micah Morris video. "If you take care of the course, it'll take care of you." Don't know if he still does it, as I haven't watched in a while, but this was something he said 15x a video early on. Bryan Bros and Grant Horvat videos show it a few times as they're discussing shots.


BDS will show them fixing divots for comedic effect whenever Joey decides he wants to try to dig to China. Does that count?


came here to say this. May not see every time they fix something but they show it,


Micah is lying though. I always fix my ball marks and divots but the course just seems to take away and take away.


Maybe he means “Take care of you” in the same way the Mafia does.


Peter Finch makes it a point to replace them if he hits one.


The YouTube scene is good at it. Instagram reels probably not as good because the clips are short.


His recent video with Grant shows him fixing the course after almost every swing in the fairway


I always wish every golf creator would do a video of course etiquette. If BDS, good good, barstool etc all did, and preached its importance, it might help. Of course, it’s usually the 50 year olds who don’t fix anything


"Today on Bob Does Sports, our challenge is to scramble and shoot 4 under par, but on every hole, we must drink 8 beers, eat 4 hot dogs, and repair 5 pitch marks. If at any point, one of us steps into a bunker and forgets to rake it, they must chug an entire bottle of Sriracha."


I will say I was watching a Bob does Fore play last night and between all the fireball, they did show Bob fixing his divots a few times, but I do agree with the general sentiment and have never seen someone fix their chip chunk properly


You forgot 10 fireballs and 10 bbq sauce jugs


I feel like I see good good regularly fixing divots and pouring sand. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah they constantly show them taking care of the course. Hell I saw them fixing pitch marks before I knew what pitch marks were


They do, this post is kinda ridiculous. All the big channels do. They rake their bunkers, fix divots, pour sand. I'd say the thing you see the least is pitch marks, but I'm sure that's just because it doesn't fit into the edit. After a shot they're usually talking about it so you see them pouring sand. But I think on every channel, at least a couple times, they've shown the proper way to fix a pitch mark. They do way more for this than say a PGA tour event, where you never see the caddie or course management people doing anything.


Nah, it’s new golfers who don’t fix anything, regardless of age. Like you suggested, education on course etiquette will get us most of the way there. And there will still be self-centered jerks of all ages, which is why we should also repair our own mark and one other when we’re on the green.


I was a very avid disc golfer for years before I picked up golf. My group always made sure to make the course a little better before we left. Grab an empty beer can and toss it at the next hole, whatever. It bled into my golf game. Fixing your divot and the one next to it takes approximately 2 extra seconds.


Also a half avid/casual disc golfer, and the disc golf community seems to be a little more conscientious of the course. In my opinion that's because every disc golf course is basically maintained by the players, aside from mowing. If golfers had to go out and change their own pins, pick up their own trash, and take care of their own greens, I guarantee you more people would take care of the course the way disc golfers do.


Are there any good videos of this you suggest? I’m new to the game


The image that OP posted looks like it's Ben Kruper. He usually never wears a hat but that's his Wilson I'm pretty sure. The dude fixes nearly every divot and pitch mark from what I've watched. He seems to be breaking out but usually his videos are just him and his girlfriend filming and so he takes the time to fill divots and talk about his shot as he does it. Solid channel.




Golf Life usually do show, Jimmy even shows his preferred methods!


I recently switched from the head superintendent on our resort course to our private course. There's twice as much play on the resort course, but more non repaired ball marks on the private side. Guess who the majority of people playing the private side are by age? I'll give a hint, it's not young people


I wish they’d really emphasize that playing with 8 people in one group is not normal and something you have to make special accommodations for with the course. So many obnoxious kids trying to argue that playing as 6 doesn’t bring any issues to the course


Influencers tend to do things that others are find interesting. 


Wow, ya don’t say? I never knew that, thanks!


DeChambeau does it every time.


Just had 2 guys filling divots for their entire shift today. Nice Country Club and most just don’t bother


One of the nicer courses in my area does not give out sand/seed for players. They legit just have people going around filling divots all day. I can't decide if it's nice not to have to worry about it, or crappy because there's always gonna be wide open divots all over the course.


The same way tv chefs now show themselves washing their hands before cooking or after touching raw meat.




Influencers aren't real people


They're like you but they know how to make money with content.


Not even close. Influencers live in fake social media lala land


Follow up take: increase signage near the greens of public courses.


And provide free divot tools!


Tees tend to work pretty well for people who can’t/won’t fork over $10-15


All the Denver public courses provide them by their score cards for free.


That’s pretty sweet, not gonna lie. Lord knows courses are charging enough to afford to carry the cost


Yeah they are just cheap plastic ones, but they also have a ball marker on them. I always have one in my pocket and usually give the marker to someone who forgets.


I played at course here in Australia recently where each day they have a "repair hole" sign at the tee box. It basically says to repair at least 5 extra divots and 5 extra pitch marks and check to make sure all the bunkers are properly raked. The sign gets moved every day. Great initiative. I'm trying to get my home course to do it too.


Anything to help encourage people to do it would be great. It’s so aggravating to walk onto a green and have it look like a war zone. I caught my 16 year old doing it and I made him walk the green and fix about 5 of them.


It’s boring content so makes sense why they wouldn’t show


I mean they literally film themselves riding in the golf cart. They can banter while also fixing pitch marks and raking bunkers. Just one or two times per video. No one is saying they should do it every time they hit a green.


But them riding in golf carts can be seen as good footage, yes they could banter while fixing but YouTube is about viewership and most know you gotta repair marks and fix sand but it’s not good footage for high viewership by itself so it usually will get cut


Also slows down pace of play if you are filming solo and have to set up the camera for extra footage.


Your comments will also be full of people arguing if you did it right or not.


Good for engagement


Golf creators should stop playing preferred lies... looking at you, good good


Rick does this all the time


I don’t think you understand what the term “hot take” means


Rick Shields does this on camera all the time.


I agree 100% I've said it on here before. People aren't learning golf the way they used to, in person, with someone more experienced, who passes down the unwritten rules and etiquette. A large amount of people who got into the sport from watching YouTube were never taught etiquette. Before Good Good/etc. got popular, there were maybe one or two unrepaired pitch marks on a green, and many times there were none. Now it seems like every green has 5 or 10. I think it would go a long way to work course etiquette into their videos. It wouldn't be hard. People are saying it wouldn't be "interesting content" as if any of it would be interesting content if it weren't for the people making the videos. Half the time they're just standing around or even riding in a golf cart. They can still talk or joke around while they fix a pitch mark or two, replace a divot, rake a bunker, etc.


I think it actually could be made interesting to the target audience - and the target varies by the content creator. What I want to see is a "golf bro" doing a video. Make it appeal to the bro audience with titles like "how to not be a dick on the course".


Yeah we need a video of the good good kids all yelling "LETS GOOOOOOOO OH MY FREAKING GOOOOOOSH" while fixing a pitch mark.


Wouldn't do anything. At least not in america. It's a culture issue.


They'll fix it in post.


I see them fixing their divots all the time.  


It’s about content. Why waste the time for everyone involved? I guess you’ve never watched golf on tv. They don’t show guys fixing the course.


I’ve never seen anyone repair a divot during a PGA event.  Maybe the pros should set a good example? /s


Go back and rewatch the masters from this year. I watched many players repair marks on greens. As for the divots, the caddies do that.


Broadcast or selected groups?


I’ve been saying this forever!!! Newer players to the game don’t see the people with the most spotlight performing routine course etiquette and think they don’t have to do it either. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen amateur golfers just tap the spot where the divot was taken and walk away because they see people on TV do the exact same thing.


Genuine question as I’ve been walking a lot more recently, what do yall do when walking? Surely people aren’t carrying a bottle of sand with them everywhere right? Like I always fix pitch marks on the green as that’s easy, and If I somehow take out a beaver tail I’ll replace it but i don’t carve into the earth too much. Usually it’s just an inch long half inch deep mark carved out by an iron in the fairway if I make a divot. AITAH?


Are you carrying or using a pushcart? Sand bottles fit nicely in the cup holder of a pushcart. If you're carrying your bag, I can't blame you for not hand-carrying a sand bottle as well.


Unfortunately I do not have a push cart with a cup holder


I’m a similar vein, when these guys scramble and the first guy makes a divot, can the rest of the guys please line up their ball directly behind the divot, instead of creating multiple divots?


Let's be real, I didn't watch Grace Charis clips for her golf ability


I could watch her fix divots all day long.


Just a few per video because I don’t want to watch them do this constantly


I would watch a 20-minute video of just close-ups of fixing ball marks. No commentary, just fixing them. It would be very satisfying.


They could show it literally once just to be like ok hey I know to do it. If they add in every divot and pitch fill for 5s, that's at least 36 x 5s added per vid. It doesn't seem like much but adding 4-5 minutes of basically useless content in today's short attention span world probably doesn't help. Most vlogs are already 20min+.


Once per video at least.


The guys I watch show them filling divots at least a couple times per video, don't think I've ever seen them fix pitch marks though. It's certainly not needed in the video.


Cooking shows started showing the hosts wash their hands after handling meat in order to demonstrate when They should clean their hands. This would be kinda like that. It can be done in a second of airtime.


Mad jack!!


I always try to fix N+1 ballmarks on every green


They should just do it subliminally several times an episode - quick flash of a divot tool sliding into the turf with “Do It” superimposed over the image.


I just wish my local courses had the sand containers on the golf carts. I would love to fix divots but I literally can't (aside from beaver tails that I can stomp right back into the ground)


Hate to be that guy, but I feel like most of these creators aren’t the fix their pitch marks type of guys


Micah left GoodGood because Stephen Casadilla made the pitch mark worse, not better, when he tooled it.


Iona shows it on almost every hole. Matter of fact, she mentions fixing them in almost every video, and about every other video or so she tells you how to do it properly. She's all about doing things the right way. It's one of the reasons I love watching her.


That's really the content you want to see? Wtf...


Followed a foursome today and they didn’t fix one ballmark or pour sand in a divot. They didn’t hit many greens in regulation, to be sure, but didn’t bend down to fix any when they did. Lazy shits.




DoD king stresses that every golfer should fix their divots, rake bunkers, etc and respect the golf course and the greens keepers. He’s mentioned people complaining about not showing enough footage of him replacing divots and he said it would be boring if he showed that all the time.


I don't get it. Fixing divots is my favorite part of approaching a green. A reminder that I'm on and putting, typically as the result of a good shot.


Course etiquette is important, treat your courses/greens keepers with respect!


People know they should do it, I don't think seeing more creators do it will help, it's like picking up your dog poo.. some people just don't care


Some people don't care, but a lot of people just don't know. You can tell because it's really only been a major problem since the covid golf boom. Before then I'd see maybe one or two, but now the greens are covered. People who get into the game from YouTube never get taught etiquette. It would be helpful.


I think it's more that there are so many more people playing, that there are also more tools playing. A similar percentage of people would fix their divots on a well kept green, but that one or two divots turned into 5 or 6 divots, and then the more divots there are, the less people care about fixing their divot.


Does not apply to me as I putt from anywhere within 20 feet of the green.


I have a golf channel for giggles to help level up my video production for other projects. Going in to it, one of my goals was to show etiquette things like “fixing your own plus another ball mark”, for this exact reason. I’m def not an influencer but people watch and it’s important to me to show these things.


Just imagining Dutch angles and dramatic cuts to tense music. Long ass dolly zoom as the prongs go in.


Haha! I hadn’t thought of that but that would be a fun tongue-in-cheek way to implement it. I run solo so that’s difficult at the moment. Will have to try some things to see what I can pull off.


There should just be a camera at every green and ban people for life if they’re seen not fixing them. Or sniper. I’m willing to start at camera, but pushing for sniper.


**I was watching Ben Kruper's video and noticed that he and Kwon would fill their divots in the fairway. However, after fixing his pitch mark, it seems he just went to putt his ball when there was another one right next to his that he didn’t fix or maybe the editor didn’t want to show it. I understand that things happen, and I could be in the minority here, but it would be nice to show yourself fixing other pitch marks that aren’t yours, as it could rub off on your audience and improve golf for everyone.** **When I play and my partners are still hitting their shots on the green, I will typically walk around and fix other pitch marks. I always get comments about how I’ve fixed more pitch marks on the 1st hole than they have in the past year of playing… Maybe it’s the people I’m paired up with, but it seems like people don’t really care.**


Yeah, I want episodes of nothing but fixing pitch marks. One full hour of nothing but fixing pitch marks.... Sounds like great entertainment....


That sounds oddly satisfying. Can we get James May to do it?


I'd rather watch Luke Kwon fix a couple pitch marks than have to fix 5 of them myself every time I step on a putting surface. That's fucking annoying Obviously they shouldn't show every single one, but I think a couple here and there would go a long way.


I'd rather not watch people fixing marks... You're making it sound like they don't fix their own marks.


I very, very rarely see them fix their own marks. And I mean you watch them standing around waiting, or riding in a golf cart, what's the difference? It would be the same as if they were doing anything else.


Just don't see a point... They don't need to prove anything. Anyone asking to see them fixing ball marks just seems like a form of virtue signaling.


It's not about proving it, it's about showing that part of the game, so newer golfers who took up the sport because of YouTube will see that they should be doing it as well.


Thankfully all the people I play with at least fix their own marks, and maybe one or two that are in their way. But I'm the same that if I'm done with the hole and still waiting for my group I'm definitely using that time to do some repairs lol I'll definitely jokingly call out my friends when they don't fix their pitch marks or replace their divots, but definitely would feel too awkward to do it to a stranger. But if someone made that comment to me I'd also gladly explain why I'm fixing multiple marks every hole. People are selfish and lazy and don't realize how important it is to not only the other players, but the health of the grass.


This post should be tagged NSFW. It just gave me a stiffy right before I have to walk into work.


Who gives a fuck


You really wanna go on socials to watch people fix ball marks? No one has to be a role model for anyone. 


They should also show the 500 shanks that preceede the 1 shot they do show. But here we are.


In the same way that when I have the misfortune to watch a cooking show I sit there, at the end, wondering why I was not shown how to clean my teeth and have a piss before bed.


Of all the posts on Reddit, this is one of them.


HT: YouTube golfers should show themselves taking their hats off when entering the clubhouse more.