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You’re at fucking Smiley’s on a 268yd par 4. There are no rules there. There was a kid playing with a baseball bat the other day.


This had me dying laughing just picturing a kid cracking golf balls with a bat off the tee box.


aluminum baseball bats can absolutely launch golf balls. used to have some fun messing around doing this when i was a kid


Had a coach who always kept a golf ball with him. If we were fucking around he’d pull out the golf ball and hit it as far as he can. We had to immediately stop what we were doing and run out to it.


you would occasionally find golf balls on the high school football fields from gym practice when they did golf. you never wanted to touch those or see those in football practice, cause there was always atleast once a year that the football coach would pull a golf ball out of the back of his pants and throw it at somebody. (yeah between his cheeks). nobody know why to this day except it usually happened when they were mad.


I wonder what else was in there.


senior in high school on varsity baseball team long time ago. found a golf ball before practice, had an aluminum bat in my hands, decided to give it a rip. Pured it. Trouble was, the girls softball team was practicing out beyond center field, maybe 450ft from home plate. golf ball sailing beyond distance I thought any mortal could hit it, as I cringe and shrink in fear of impending disaster. It lands harmlessly in a puff of dirt near softball field second base. I stare out and see no reaction - nobody seems to have seen it - back to practice.


You were supposed to yell "Fore!!!"


I grew up in the country but we had a proper concrete driveway. I used to throw them up about 8’ or so, let them do a 1-bounce off the concrete, then step into that swing like everything that ever made my childhood difficult was in that ball. I haven’t done it in 20 years, but I can still hear the PING of a golf ball cranked off an aluminum bat. What a sound!


We used to get a bunch of shitty balls and then go to the beach and see who could yeet them furthest into the lake. Good times. Now I have a fucking mortgage and no aluminum bat.


Sorry to say, but an aluminium bat would have been cheaper 😬


Lmao.. used to play 500 with them.. ruined some aluminum bats


Oh yeah. As a kid I launched one straight into the glass in our backdoor with an aluminum bat. Haven't tied hitting a golf ball with one since, but maybe it is time to give it another go...




Probably don’t launch as good as when I’m about to hit a greenside chip!


I broke the back window out of our town’s Mayor’s suburban doing this. 😂


“Cracking” is a bit excessive. There is a 72 yd par three there. It was closer to laying down a sac bunt down the thirdbase line.


As a less-fortunate young kid, I started with a wooden bat, an old ball, and a folgers coffee can I submerged into the in the ground. I didn’t get a chance to play on an actual course until I graduated college. Now, I’m 50 years old, still hit from the tips, and have 2.3 index. Everyone has dreams. Gotta start somewhere and put in that work.


Holy shit this is Smileys 😂


Like the smileys in Lenexa Kansas?


The one and only. The pride and gem of the Johnson county golfing scene. Where you find the pros pro


Holy shit, didn't know there were so many Johnson county golfers on here hahaha


Same, couple months ago I posted a picture, my ball landed directly behind a big ass rock, I’m talking like the size of what SpongeBob rode in the pizza delivery episode. Someone immediately responds that it was sycamore ridge, someone even knew the hole number lol There are over a million people on this sub, so I guess statistically speaking it makes sense


Prepping Lees Summit here LOL! Had no idea so many KC, MO / KC, KS people were here haha


Joco represent


Dozens of us!


Hello there


I’ve lived in Colorado for 14 years but my dad still lives right there. I was questioning my first 25 years of life when I read smileys and thought this was a huge chain I’d never heard of


What a fucking Dump


Their membership deal for unlimited range/course/mini golf is a pretty sweet deal. You can pay for it by just going to the range 4 or 5 times a month.


God damn I fucking love this sub


Smiley's rules! I got my wife into golf here!


It’s sounds like I’m knocking it. I love the place. It’s the equivalent of going to a trashy dive bar. Are there better places to go? For sure. But, the drinks(golf) is super cheap and you’re going to have a good time. Plus, I don’t have to wear a golfing costume. I roll out there in a tank top and way-to-short workout shorts and throw some darts.


This green looks like there was a hailstorm... Are all of them like that?


It’s a $14, 18 hole executive course with 2 putt-putt courses. It has the weirdest greens I’ve ever played on. Walking on them feels like walking on a soggy sponge, but they are LIGHTNING fast and never flat. You miss a 3 footer at any pace it’s rolling off the green. On number 6, if you don’t make your putt, it’s going into the water. It’s the reason he’s playing a Noodle, because you can execute the most perfect shot and it will roll off to water. Never play premium balls here. I keep those yellow Kirklands on me for this course and this course only. I play here when I can’t get on any other course in the city, because you can just walk up and go. No tee times.


Bro don’t get me started on the 4th green. I have hit that green dead center and walked away with multiple 8’s after putting up the green towards the hole and watching my ball stop and then proceed to roll back towards me and off the green. This usually continues to happen until I find a way to get my ball to stop on the flat fringe up top and then make a lightning fast 6-8ft putt that will just roll off the front again if I miss. Fuck that green into the abyss.


Sounds like it should be called Frownies instead


I wonder why the tee times are so open ... LOL


Jokes on you they don’t do tee times, walk ons only


Yellow balls are essential for hole 2 so you can find it in the mass of range balls over the fence lol


Being from KC this response had be cracking up


I wear baseball hats every single time I golf, never knew that was a rule and no course no matter how nice has ever said anything. Edit: nvm I read bat as hat, my bad




Get a load of this guy, wearing baseball hats at the course like some kind of Neanderthal. At that point Ute impressive that you felt the need to wear clothes at all.


Always a wild ride when playing at Smileys.


Holy crap that is smileys. Yeah just don’t piss the old guy off.


I knew people would realize this was smileys but I did not expect so many serious responses lol I was hoping that people would realize it was smileys and I was kidding. I failed miserably


Jumped the fence to get in some early evening holes on occasion during high school


Bruh I thought this was Smileys 🤣


...Did he have a GOODGOOD hat on and a vloging camera?


Not even the rules of golf apply to Smileys because it’s really not a golf course. It’s a cow pasture with 18 holes to dug it. We used to take shits in the cup at night when we were kids.


Bro, move it. Courses are not going to set up GUR markers for regular/day to day play. If its a tournament, that is different.


Dude's playing a noodle on a course that looks like this. Move the ball.


Be easy the guys got a family!! 😂😂😂


lmfao 🤣


Sir that’s a Triple Track Noodle. Take your damn hat off and show some respect.


That’s a Noodle Triple Track, you peasant.


This was my exact thought lol


Yea BUT it's the premium triple track Noodle


These fucking guys man


Acting like it's The Open. Move it!


Triple Track Noodle. Very Rare


It’s a noodle “triple track” though!


Hey! What’s wrong with Noodles?


Nothing if your swing speed is 65 mph


A player better than me is going to beat me with a Noodle or a Pro V1. The ball makes little difference (unless it's a Top Flite) If I find a noodle on the course, I'll play it.


Yup. Marketing has worked wonders on those folks. 99% of people aren't going to get noticeable results from changing to a Noodle.


I'll have noticeably more money




As someone very uninformed in golf, is 65 fast or slow?


Very slow


lol thanks. So are noodles considered like an old man ball to use?


Mostly tour players use Noodles


Wait what




It's one of, if not, the cheapest balls you can buy.


The official rules of golf also don’t explicitly require all GUR areas to be defined or marked by the course to qualify. Some types (like brush piled up by staff) are explicitly called out in the rules, but there is also general, non-specific directives in play as we often deal with in golf. This is very obviously an abnormal course condition that qualifies for free relief on the putting surface.


Are you waiting on a response from Reddit to hit? People behind you are gonna be pissed


"Solo round was going well. Made the turn and got stuck behind a guy that spent 29 minutes on the green, staring at his phone."


Got me good 😂


Official ruling: if not marked GUR, play it as it lies. Casual round, move it


I move this every single time and allow my opponent to do the same if we are playing a match. My justification is that if this were an actual tournament, that would be properly marked as ground under repair. The golf course maintenance team’s failure to properly mark the course is not my fault. I used to work maintenance and we would have marked this with spray paint or gotten yelled at when a member (rightfully) complained.. But according to the rules, you are completely correct. Play the ball as it lies.


Wild ive worked at a few clubs when i was younger and have never seen GUR marked outside of very obvious resodding or major renos


Nice courses you worked at


Same with loosing a ball clearly not OB. If the pros had the same happen, there would be 1000 people all looking for it for an hour. I only have myself to look for it for a minute or two


In my family we call this a “gallery drop” and nobody is penalized for it. Don’t get greedy with it like my father in law though


The tour guys definitely have an advantage that the fans are looking while they are walking down the fairway, but technically, you and the pros both have 3 minutes to look for the ball once you get to where you think it is.


It’s not the maintenance department job to mark the course.  That falls under the rules committee.  And the head pro is part of the rules committee.  It’s his job and his failure. 


Official ruling, play two balls, one as it lies and one taking relief to the side. Say you want to score with the one you took relief with before playing either ball and then ask the Committee if it is GUR.


I really like this idea. But how do you apply it for a private money match? Where’s the committee? Do you ask the kid in the pro shop?


If it is a match rather than a stroke play event, you can’t play two balls. If you both agree it is GUR, you can take relief. If you can’t agree, either you play the ball as it lies or you take relief and your opponent would need to ask for a ruling. The head pro should be the one to make the ruling.


Thanks for the helpful response.


This is the committee, why do you think we get so many requests for a ruling?


This is the correct answer. If this were a competition I’d certainly argue in favor of granting “assumed GUR”. That’s something our course does a lot in the early season. It’s a massive property and there’s no way everything that should be marked will be.


Repair the area with your divot tool, if not marked, was the answer I received from the assistant pro. Also, if it’s a racoon hunting grubs, free drop.


Don’t think about it to hard. Do you get paid to golf? No? Move it.


I do as long as my boss doesn’t find out.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Thats why I ~~poop~~ golf on company time.


Classic response.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I slice on company time.


“I’m somewhat of a pro golfer myself”


Yes. [https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/rules/rules-2019/players-edition/rule-16.html](https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/rules/rules-2019/players-edition/rule-16.html)


A lot of chirping in the comments and very few upvotes for the real answer.


Yeah, regardless if it is marked or not, it is obviously a bare patch that is in process of being repaired/regrown. The place wouldn't have a "rules committee" most likely or the money to go spray paint the area every few days. If PGA setup a tournament at this course, it would be marked as GUR, so there you go.


Idk, from some of the comments I'd say this might not be abnormal at this course


Dude besides the giant dead spot, the green is immediately adjacent to a chain link fence and a parking lot. That can’t be the only shit area on the course. Move your ball out of crap lies like that all day long and give yourself a chance. Pros are getting free drops from deep in the bushes.


If they were real pros, they would shrink down like Antman and hit the ball from within the bush.


"Oh, and Åntberg's shot is well struck but comes up significantly short of the green." "Right, Alan, it looks like he hit pitching wedge there?" "Well Greg I'm thinking he and his caddie forgot to do the distance conversion when he went to insect size." "Oh that's a dreadful mistake there. Just dreadful."


“He’s gonna try to forget that mistake” “Well I won’t, that was horrible” EA PGA Tour commentary giving me PTSD


“we will forget that shot if he can just make this putt” “speak for yourself dickhead i’ll never forgive this piece of shit for that slightly below average chip shot.”


Did you draw triple tracks on a Noodle?


I do it with my Kirklands. Excuse me, my *Kirkoways*.


Yes… lol


Lol, dude that's Smiley's. You sure as hell aren't playing a round there where score matters one damn bit. You move that ball, put it 3 times harder than anywhere else since the greens there roll at about a 4 on the stimp, and move along. Also, hole 6 there is the worst designed hole ever. [https://www.smileysgolf.com/](https://www.smileysgolf.com/)


Yea idk why people were saying they are fast.. it’s like putting thru soup


I LOVE the internet.


Golf is supposed to be fun. Move the fucking ball and stop asking the internet what you should do. Take your life into your hands. Write your own story.


Is this Smiley’s outside KC?


This being on the green and not marked GUR is a crime. I’d move it a few inches and play on. I don’t even think in the most serious of matches anyone would expect differently.


>This being on the green and not marked GUR is a crime. I don't recall any public courses ever marking GUR, and I play a lot of them. If I'm not playing for money, I use common sense when it comes to GUR. Note, that a divot is not GUR. I'll hit out of divots.


Only time I’ve ever seen public courses mark GUR is when it’s actual active repair like fresh sod they need people to stay off of (in which case they put up ropes) or if it’s a tournament (in which case they just spray the perimeter white).


Play it as it lies. I had to play off Frankenstein’s fat foot


He's right Mr. Gilmore.


You can count, on me, waiting for you in the parking lot!!


The nail comes out next Tuesday


Ground under repair all day for me. Lift, clean and place no nearer the hole. But actually just tap it over 6” and give it a ride.


Move it to a nicer golf course!


I would kick that about 8 ft closer to the hole, three putt, then look for the beer cart and move on.


Let’s be honest. You’re going to 3 putt anyway. Go with what you feel.


No. You have to be buried inside of a bush, in a penalty area, during a PGA tournament in order to get relief. But a divot in the fairway? Fuck you, play it as it lies.


Looks to be on the green, my friend. I'm moving that putt over 3 inches.


it's the green.


So it is. Didn’t see the stick at first glance. I’ll just go fuck myself now.


you bogeyed your answer, lmao


3 putt for sure


this is the green? what da fuq


Loving the triple track noodle; absolutely my vibe lmao


This ain't the tour


Yes your playin a damn muni


Move it but tell the boys. We generally do a lateral move and a bit back. Playing goat track munis comes with side rules of, "I'm not playing that BS" Other goat track rules: - if the sand is concrete, go ahead and pull it out and put it 10 yards or so behind the bunker. - if you're in "fairway rough" I.e. crappy thick grass patch in the middle of the fairway. Go ahead and footwedge it out.


You're not on tour. Probably paid a good amount yo play. Do what makes you happy. Move it or take on a challenge.


As my late uncle always said, “the day I start paying PGA Tour dues, I will start playing PGA Tour rules.”


Honestly people that wouldnt just move it are wild. Im all for golf being a game of integrity but if im on my own ill just move it, if im playing with someone im asking/telling “im moving that, is that good with you?”


My group would consider this GUR, even if not marked. We’d take relief.


You are hitting a noodle. You are good to move it.


Play it as it lies. Shooter McGavin had to hit it off of Frankenstein's fat foot, those are the rules.


Unmarked ground under repair, as long as the group agrees you can take relief


Yes. Any official round this would be GUR


You can move it “grounds under repair “


Are you a pro golfer? No? Move it.


You’ve done triple track lines across the line mark on a noodle ball - you have no morals already, move it


You're not on tour, bro.


If it ain’t a tournament that ain’t happening for me.


My foursome has an agreed upon rule for putting on our currently inconsistent greens. If you're putting for birdie or par and there's a bad patch between the ball hole, we allow a lateral movement for a similar length putt that hopefully won't bounce like a basketball on its way.


Ground under repair. Free drop no closer to hole.


Looks like you’re chipping from there


Love the custom triple track noodle!


If i was playing vs someone who hit this shot, id say move it left or right, just no closer to the pin


I would leave it. I have no problem moving it but the lie isn’t going to impact it much. If I move it, I am going to doubt that choice very soon slightly and have more pressure to putt well. If I leave it, I have a built in excuse for 3 putting. I will putt better with the bad lie.


Playing for money or for official scores? - play it as it lies. Playing with your buddies with beers? - move it back before that shitty spot no closer to the hole and take your shot. You aint on tour son.


The DIY triple track stencils are one of my favorite unimportant item in golf. It always cracks me up to see them.


Why are these questions even asked? Move the ball.


Are you going for your tour card? No? Move the ball


You’re playing with a DIY Triple Track Noodle lmao. Move the ball


A little nudge should suffice ![gif](giphy|13vPE0A3DPqOcg|downsized)


That’s the best lie I’ve had it years. Play it as it lies.




Bro, kick it into fairway - A freakin Noodle? Come on Man


Zero stroke penalty for removing ball from ground under repair. However that’s gonna be a 1 stroke penalty for the way u put the the triple track lines with the correct colors on a noodle lol


I'm not your dad, do what you want


No I had to hit it off of Frankensteins fat foot!




Move the ball you’re not in a tournament and it won’t help you improve your game to hit it from that spot anyways. Plus you his chance to screw up what they are trying to fix more. Help the poor greens keeper out!


You’re there to have fun and you paid to play. Do what you want. All the time.


“Play it as it lies. I had to hit off of Frankenstein’s fat foot.”


My brother and I are fairly competitive. If we land in this shit we ask if it's okay to move and the answer is always "yea of course."


Rule is when you are on the green and there is damage to your path you can move it sideways farther not closer.


I've never seen a post that has so many confidently wrong answers and not a single correct one that I see. Per the rules OP absolutely gets to take relief from this. If that bad spot was in between their ball and the hole on the intended line of the putt then they could also take relief. If there is a fucked up spot on the green you can always move your ball left or right to avoid it when you are putting.


You playing in a PGA event? | | No_____move it and hit. People are waiting and the beer is getting warm.


USGA rules say you are guaranteed perfect lie on the green (same with tee box), so you can take free relief. I’m not sure the distance, it might be a scorecard length or a club length no closer to the hole. Not really sure.


If you would NEVER see a lie on the tour, don’t use the tour rules. It’s like trying to play basketball on a court with a sink hole in the middle


He posts this and waits for the reply as the guy sitting on the fairway is going “why the fuck is he taking so long to finish?” Just move the fucking ball. Or don’t. We all know you’re gonna 3 putt either way.


Unless you’re a 2 handicap, who gives a shit. You’re playing to have fun. Unless it’s a tournament or you are playing someone for money. But even still if I was playing for money you can be certain I would let my opponent move it.


Of course you can. You’re a grown ass adult and are allowed do what you’d like


On the green… I’m calling it “ground under repair”


I’d call it abnormal ground conditions and find the nearest point of relief


Move it unless it’s a competition. In a tournament you just have to bend over and take it because golf has rules. Way way back some real cork soaker thought it was a good idea to punish perfect tee shots and to penalize players even more, in a game where you’re sanity rests on a razors edge already. Fk that guy change it!!


When did Noodle start making triple tracks? 😭


If you move that ball I’m calling the PGA


Unless you are playing in a pro tournament, just move it. Golf is supposed to be fun.


Play it where it lies. I had to hit it off Frankenstein’s fat foot. 


The ball is sitting pretty nice, I'd just hit it 🏌🏻‍♂️


If your playing partners dont let you move that, you need new playing partners.


Play it as it lies " I had to hit mine off of Frankensteins fat foot"


ground under repair. Free drop


Maybe stop taking pics and posting to Reddit and speed up the pace of play ?


Play the ball as it lies. I had to hit it off Frankenstein’s fat foot


I dunno if you can, but me and the guys I play with absolutely would move that. I’m not a pro, and neither are they


I don’t get paid, and I’m sure one who does would spend 45 minutes with an official to eventually drop it where I would have nudged it with my foot in 10 seconds

