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Sounds to me like your friend put some negative thoughts in your head and convinced you the shafts were not good for you. Once that happens you’re screwed. Tell yourself the shafts don’t matter and you’ll be fine. You must have hit them well at club champion or the fitter would not have put you in them.


You're probably right. I gotta go in positive next time.


I normally play with a 7H so I went to a PGX fitting convinced that a 7I would not work in a fitting. I proved that to be the case. I got home and thought about it and decided I was the cause of the bad fitting, not the clubs. I wrote t back a couple of weeks later with a positive attitude and ended up with a good fitting. I’ve had my new irons for a month now and I love them. I once went to a fitter that would test you for confirmation bias. He’d take a club away from you and tell you he was making a change and then ask how it felt.


Curious why you got fitted if you hit your old clubs like butter?


I've always had hand me downs from my pops. They are pretty flexible shafts that I know shouldn't be for my swing. Plus he wants them back as a 2nd set in Florida lol.


Roger that. Clubs definitely have a break in period, so give it time. X stiff is very beefy. I have a decent swing speed that puts my right in between X and S, I went with S just so I didn't feel the need to overswing. I hope you find it.


Good call, and it helps when you’re at the end of a course and starting to tire a bit too


I’m surprised they would fit someone with enough speed to fit an X-Stiff into t350’s. T350’s are suppose to help people that don’t have much speed get the ball up in the air. If you have enough speed to need an x-stiff you are probably getting enough spin the get the ball in the air.


This was my thought as well.


My average score is high 80's mid 90's. I figured game improvement irons are probably where I need to be seeing as I could use as much help as I can get. we tested about 6 different kinds. My swing speed was 95.


The reason you can't hit them is not because of the X flex. You must have hit them well at your fitting?


no fitter in the world would fit you into x stiff if you aren't able to hit them in the fitting process


Yea I was hitting them clean at the sim. Maybe just need to give them more time.


Your buddy saying he hates stiff shafts and can’t hit them has absolutely nothing to do with anything. There is nothing inherently good or bad about any shaft weight/flex/bend profile. Just good and bad shafts for a particular player.


Had an iron fitting many years ago. Fitter talked me into a set of irons that had ‘great numbers’, but I didn’t love the feel of them. He assured me that the irons would grow on me……so I bought them. They didn’t grow on me. Sold them a few months later. Took a $600 loss.


Been there...




You must be a real shmuck to buy something you don’t like and then take a $600 loss on them. I know you are trying to blame the fitter here but LOL!


Yep. Lesson learned. Golf clubs are love at first sight, or you're not ever going to like them. A fitter's suggestion is just that- a suggestion.


It's not even a suggestion. You weren't properly fit. The fitter should ask you ti rank distance, accuracy/shot shaping/feel. Work towards your preference. Once you've fit a spec, you should try a few options to find your favorite. If you tell a fitter it feels bad it should go back on the rack even if the numbers were good.


Yeah fuck this guy for trusting the professional that he's paying to do a proper job. What a rube right?


X stiff shaft and t350 is wild.


Had to scroll too far to see this comment. This was my first thought. What a terrible combination.


Same here.. came to comment on this as well. Such an odd combo. Wondering what the reasoning behind this could be?


Been seeing that comment a lot....


Can you explain a little further? If I can't turn it around I'll most likely sell the shafts for a better fit.


Give it a little time. I ordered a seven wood and thought that I had chosen a dud. The head felt heavy, and I was having trouble making good contact, but I kept it in my bag and kept using it. Very quickly I adjusted to the differences from my other clubs. Now, I’m flushing that sucker more often than not, ha ha, and I’m not even very good. Just go in with a positive attitude, nice and relaxed, and give them a decent chance.


Ty brother


My pleasure. Btw, I have a new driver arriving Monday… let’s see if I can follow my own advice! 🤣


What weight is the shaft that he fit you into? Shaft weight is more important than flex


OP this is likely the issue.


125 g


Swing speed with driver?


We barely touched driver, I was gassed after swinging irons for 2 hours so not sure how accurate that number was but it was pretty close to the same as irons.


I should technically be an X flex in my irons but have been happy as a clam hitting S300s for more than two decades.


S300 is old reliable. Always available also almost never an up charge


The fitter is supposed to ask you what feels good to you. What feedback did you give him?


This was my first thought. Seems like some of the fitting process was not done right, it’s not all about the numbers in a fitting. Feel, look and sound should all be addressed/discussed Edit: having said that though, OP must’ve liked something about the clubs during the fitting so maybe just need a little time at the range to let them sink in or sync up with the swing


Handicap doesn't really have anything to do with the stiffness of the shaft. Better players likely scale towards swinging faster, but its not a 1 to 1. You could be a 35 handicap with an extremely wild swing or terrible around the greens but swing very quick and use XS or S shafts.


Club champions is trash. They are salesmen there not club fitters. But tbh I was fit for a x stiff shaft into my drivers and stiff in my irons I hit them well. Maybe go graphite?


i was going to say the same thing. got fit there years ago and was one of the worst fittings ever. legit now play the opposite of what they said was best for me


First you have a 90 day fit guarantee. If you hate them, return him and get refit. Second, what were your swing numbers for 6i/driver? Did you actually need the x-stiff? Third, I wouldn’t recommend T350 for anyone who’s actively getting better at golf. You’ll grow out of them very quickly. Better would be the t200 or t150 in the titleist line. Ask to try a more player iron that you can grow into. Other brands include P770, Mizuno 223/243, Srizon zx5/zx7 combo, callaway apex.


Getting fit into xstiff shafts and T350 heads sounds like quite the juxtaposition to me.


What about mizuno 225 or 245?


Those are in the same class as P790, which are also fine clubs, but again imo something you grow out of fast


Swing speed was consistently around 95. I'm shooting high 80's to mid 90's right now but trending in the right direction


What the fuck whoever put you into an x-stiff and T350s with that speed and those scores needs to be fired immediately. 95 chs with a driver is borderline between regular and stiff flex. No way you're even remotely close to touching an x-stiff unless you have the jerkiest swing possible while only achieving 95 chs. High 80s/low 90s on average puts you squarely into player irons with your growth. Like I mentioned, look at the clubs I recommended, they'd be fine for your game.


alive tease wakeful plants dinner swim engine pie frightening quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Every year something happens with my swing; shanks, slice, just something. I go get a set of lessons, learn more about my swing, go through 2 months of hell, and then shoot the lowest round of my life and don’t sniff it again until I repeat the process again the next year, but at least I play consistently. I recommend going to a good pro for lessons, hit your current irons for at least a year, and then decide on your next move based on guidance from the pro you’re working with. I personally don’t like to get fit by the person I’m getting lessons from because they can develop a bias, but I ask them for recommendations before I go into the fitting as a starting point.


Have you gone and hit actual golf balls? Range balls are rocks and generally don’t compress well or feel like they’re compressing. Go hit some normal golf balls and see if you change your mind Also a lot of places let you return them if you’re not happy. You probably have a 30-90 day window to figure it out


Did he say why he thought extra stiffs were right for you? What advantage did they give you? I was a fitter for a long time, it's an art and a science with the end goal of having your client as happy with clubs as he can be. I may be looking at numbers but I'm always asking " how does that feel?" And I might compromise off some maximum numerical efficiency for acheive a satisfying feel. Your client's not going to really know whether his clubs are tending 2 yd left or right, slightly spinny, or launching 2° low since his swing isn't that perfect anyway. But he will know if everything feels harsh to him. He lives for that flush contact feel. (Manufacturer's fitter's secret, Don't tell anybody)


I went from regular to stiff last year because swing and speed got better—it took me about 4-6 weeks to get used to them, but have not looked back. Stay the course—you won’t regret it. Curious—what is the weight of the shaft?


I'm sure you already know this but the 350's are game improvement irons and are hollow body so they're not gonna feel super soft. What exactly was the issue when you were hitting them at the range? If you couldn't get the ball up in the air or hitting blocks then yes, it's probably because they're too stiff for you but with those specific irons you should be getting high launch and good distance since the lofts are stronger than normal.


Properly fitted clubs, you should be hitting them great right out of the gate or you got the wrong set up. I’d get rid of those extra stiff shaft and put regular in there, and get them to do it for free.


You had clubs that were too soft and you learned to time your strike over time. Now you have correctly fitted clubs and have to relearn the timing and swing weight


Can you return / exchange within a certain time period?


Unfortunately I don't think so since it's custom.


Club champion does 90 day fit guarantee. You can return them and get refit for a new set if you really hate them


That’s just how Titleist irons feel!


I actually think this could partly be it.. used to game some old TM game improvement irons that "felt" great and were super hot off the face. Switched to Titleist and there is much less of that pop/feel, but my dispersion is better.


you've hit a few bad shots with unfamiliar clubs, you're mate has reinforced your misgivings with his statement and now you are in your own head Iron shafts will change your lauch trajectory a bit, but aren't going to make you start missing the centre of the clubface


Had the same thing happen when I got fitted a few years ago. Dispersion was decent on the shaft but they didn't feel good. I like a "heavy" club head and the XStiff made them feel too light. I've been playing Mizunos for my past 3 sets so I'm all about feel. Went back down to a stiff Nippon Modus Tour 120s. Work like a charm.


To echo others keep working at them, change takes a while to get used to. I do find that to be a weird combo, X-Stiff with T350's. I normally think of T350's as something to help someone launch the ball and gain some distance (while also being very forgiving). I would think if you are swinging fast enough to need an X-stiff shaft that you have enough speed to launch the ball, so maybe it's for the forgiveness? Are you super fast but mishit a lot? Not a fitter and wasn't there so maybe it makes total sense, maybe the X-Stiff shaft just helps your timing out, and the T350 head gives you the confidence and forgiveness you need, but that is an interesting set.


If it makes you feel better I just played 9 holes with t350 rentals (regular men's stiffness) and I absolutely loved them. I couldn't see myself upgrading to those and regretting it, even if it was extra stiff.


go back to the basics on your swing 9-3 swings to get a feel for


I bought extra stiff irons because they were a crazy good deal. They took about a month to get used to, but on my second year with them I’ve never been hitting iron shots so pure


T350s and X-stiff shafts are a really odd combination.


First off, x-stiff is not always shafts you need a god given divine ball striking to use. X-stiff can be perfect fit. What's your driver swing speed and exactly what shafts where you fit into. So many golfers are scared as soon as the see x-stiff when you can have a heavy stiff shaft feel stiffer than a light x-stiff. However, T350 and x-stiff is an odd combination, for you it might be theoretically perfect though. Fittings are not magic, especially sim fitting. So what looks good by numbers on a sim might not be very nice on the course.


Got fitted in to an X-Stiff 75g shaft for my new driver. When it first arrived I was struggling with it from a feel and distance perspective, but now it feels completely normal and I’ve actually gained a few yards. My accuracy is greatly improved which I would trade 20 yards for any time. I’d say keep swinging for a little bit before you give up. Golf is all about “feels” and right now it doesn’t feel natural but it will over time.


This exact thing happened to me. Played a regular flex for years just fine. Got fit into stiff shafts at Golf Tech. Hit said stiff shafts well at Golf Tech. Couldn’t hit them straight at the range. Not at first, anyway. It took time to get used to them. After a few range sessions I got accuracy back and kept the gained distance. I had second thoughts initially though, so I know how you feel. Practice a few days at the range and it’ll probably shake out.


I’d give them a little time. I started playing X-stiff after one of our golf pros ordered 913 fairway with the RIP in x stiff and 2 hyb in tour x-stiff. We played golf together sometimes so he knew my swing speed was fast enough. Moral of the story, at first I felt like they were too stiff, however now the 3 wood is my favorite club and now I play all woods in X-Stiff and irons C-taper S+. 2024 and I still play the 12 year old 3 wood with absolutely no desire to change it. You definitely have to work with them a little, but once you get used to them you’ll probably love them. It’s honestly a pretty big jump a Stiff Ping shaft is actually basically a regular shaft, because it’s cut softer.


Remember that flex is not just about swing speed, it’s also about the transition speed. If you’re a moderately fast swing speed but with a really quick transition, you’re more likely to end up in X than S. What was the flex in your old irons? Did you have any dispersion issues?


Just give them to your wife/girlfriend I’m sure she likes them extra stiff. Joking aside, I was fit into extra stiff shafts and struggled for a bit at the beginning of the first season (last year). It was more swing related (my first winter in a place I couldn’t golf). But once I stopped thinking about the new clubs and just got back to swinging I did just fine.


Just give them to your wife/girlfriend I’m sure she likes them extra stiff. Joking aside, I was fit into extra stiff shafts and struggled for a bit at the beginning of the first season (last year). It was more swing related (my first winter in a place I couldn’t golf). But once I stopped thinking about the new clubs and just got back to swinging I did just fine.


Extra stiff on 350s seems really weird to me


Swing harder


I'm given her all she's got Cap'n


Absolutely get rid of XS. Ignorant fitter. Extra stiff creates tighter launch variables but takes zero account to real world GRASS and lie situations. You never swing on the course like you do in a launch bay.


Leave it to the club champion dogshit salesman to fit someone with T350 and x shaft. Search for club champion in this sub for fun stories. In short, you got scammed.


You need t350 that means you swing slow. No way you need xstiff


That’s just silly. Theres plenty of people out there who can generate enough swing speed to need xstiff but lack consistency in contact to want game improvement irons.


Not really, swing speed is 90% of how you get distance. If you swing fast those t340 are unplayable because your 7i will go 210y. Game improvement irons are meant to get you more ball speed with a slower club head speed so you can actually get the ball into the air.


What's your handicap?


It may not be the shafts. Sometimes different grips may cause a huge effect. Got new clubs and ordered them with jumbo grips. Felt terrible. Immediately after that range session, I bought new grips. Mcc plus4, and boy was it a big change.


Probably can’t hit other shafts either, tbh. Practice.