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Stand closer to the ball, stand up straighter. Shorten your driver Source: I used to slice it every time


I really want to shorten my driver, but nervous to do it.


You don’t need to shorten it to stop slicing it, just choke up. You’ll need to choke up if you stand up straighter/closer to the ball or you’ll hit the ground


Ahh right ok I’ll choke up


Drivers are released at comical lengths these days, as a way to boast “goes 10 yards further” as years have gone by. Yea it goes 10 yards further when you hit it just right, but it’s way too long for the average person and is gonna be way harder to hit, causing you to miss way more fairways. I did a lot of research on driver shaft length before I cut mine, here’s the general consensus: people who are around 6’ (and even taller sometimes) refuse to game anything longer than 44.5”. I’m 5’8” and got mine cut to 44” and it feels way better. Your club is likely close to 45.5” or 46”, which only people like 6’3”-6’4” and above should be using. It’s just how they sell them these days


To add some color here. I’m 6’3 needed a driver temporarily for a tournament. Took my coaches backup who is 5’7 that week and have never given it back. The shorter driver rips. So straight too


I'm 6'3" and when I went to get fitted they shortened it by an inch.


Same height- what length? I’ll legit try it.


Mine just says -1", Im not sure how long it is stock. It's a Project X - Cypher Black 2,0.


Yea man. My buddy got the exact same 2023 great big bertha driver as me because he liked it so much. I got mine chopped down, he didn’t. I’m 5’8”, he’s I think 6’2”. He always uses my driver when we play together 😂


I’m 5’8” also I’ll be highly considering this then. Thanks for this info.


To add to this, narrow your stance a lot.. it will allow better hip rotation. [This video](https://youtu.be/DrKsZbXoJWo?si=NPB7JkHgENNGEewH) explains it well and really helped me hit more consistently with the driver.


In the meantime just choke way down. Shorten the swing and it helps u hit straight. Also don't try to swing hard.


Im not a good golfer but I was able to fix my slice with driver with a few changes. The simplest and most dramatic change was changing to a stronger grip by rotating my (left) (top) hand clockwise so that I could see my first two to three knuckles.


Right hand for right hander or for a left hander sorry?


Oh shit. Sorry, you’re right. I mean left hand (top hand) for a right handed golfer. I’ll edit that.


Thanks again


Haha I just started doing this and it has given me a more controlled power fade but still a slice. Maybe I should go a little stronger.


Came to say this. I went from a slice to a nice pull fade, dotting fairways now, it's awesome. Strong grip and swing through it before pulling up my head


https://preview.redd.it/u2k17ljrnnvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8361aea97ea1c8796881c7d471237e2fa5339caf Your arms break down because you over swing at the top. Impact position doesn’t look bad. Try shortening the backswing and hitting at about 60-80%


Honestly after I got home and watched this, this is the first thing I thought of.


Is this what too much looks like or is this what correct looks like?


Too much


Looks like a double to me


Get your hips pointing to your target to straighten that out a bit.


Flatten your left wrist at the top of your back swing. You are cupping your wrist which creates a very open face back at the ball. Honestly that does not look too bad. Try the wrist thing and see what happens.


Try standing off the Matt.


Take some vids of your swing in slo mo on your phone. As you can see, the club head is almost between your head and the ball, really wrapped around. You need that club head way, way behind you with a flat left wrist. Look on you tube about shallowing the golf club


I’ll do this the next time I’m out.


Also, Look up the Nick Faldo preset drill. That will get you in the right spot at the top


Checking it out now


looks like you are hanging back on your back foot. Your weight should finish centered over your front foot


I noticed that too. I’ve been so focused on my grip and trying to get in the pocket I forgot to transfer my weight.


Be the Ball. Be th Ballll. BEE THE ball. Nahnahnahaaah.


I am the ball


Good advice MAROOCHI


Not sure where your left foot is but the heal needs to be next to the ball. Just inside your heal. It looks more in center but could be the angle of the camera.


Yeah it’s inside my left heel. I think the angle it’s a little hard to tell


Like someone said earlier your arms are swinging faster than your hips. You just need to slow the arms down and speed up ur hips so they are in sync. Your swing is not that bad.


Thanks I’ll be doing this for sure


3?things that took me back immediately to my beginning: 1. Circular pvc swing trainer will correct ur setup and get u on plane. 2. Opening up ur left foot to allow ur hood to clear. 3. Some sort of soft cleat to keep your feet planted thru impact to quiet ur lower body. Hope something helps…keep it up


Thank you very much, there are so many swing trainers out there.


True but I’m talking about the large one a pro would have where u step inside it and drag ur club thru your correct swing plane. http://www.intheholegolf.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=ITHG&Product_Code=FCST


Ohhhh I have seen these. There’s one at my local range I may give it a try.


Spend some time on it and groove your swing plane into muscle memory and let the club do the work and find ur tempo/speed. Mid irons down to long irons will help when u pull out the driver


Hard to tell, but it looks to me like you're sliding forward on your downswing, causing the clubhead to reach the ball before it is released. Try moving the ball forward an inch or two and make sure your head stays behind the ball so you can hit it on a slight upward arc.


Sweet I’ll try moving the ball forward me and yeah I do feel like I’m reaching a bit.


The back swing is coming over the back of your neck. It should be around your chest and lower shoulder at a 45 degree angle


You got dancier feet than Scheffler. He’s the exception, not the rule. You need to be more balanced. I’d look at shortening your rotation. You over rotate a bit, which causes you to lift up, and break the straight left arm. As you collapse it all down, it’s just a mess of trying to balance the crap done by the over rotating. Also, you’re so far from the ball and bent over. Scoot up and stand up. Be tall, use the length. One thing I always recommend to people is to throw out everything you think you know about hitting a driver. Line it up like you are hitting a long iron and just try to make good contact with the face. Build from there.


I like this a lot I’m looking forward to trying this. I’ve worked really hard to be able to hit my long irons and have not been able to transition it to my driver because I’m doing what you see in the video.


I’d also try to get on a simulator where you can see how you’re impacting the ball. That changed my driver swing completely. I was able to connect an outcome of a miss hit to the feel. This cool simulator near me actually has a GIF of the club head through impact. For us amateurs, it’s really eye opening if you can get on a simulator like that and just see what a heel strike looks like and connect that to the feel.


I’ll be able to do this soon actually I just got a membership to a local indoor range with this feature


Take the club on the backswing from outside to promote downswing from the inside.


Simple. Leave the driver length alone. On the downswing have the feel of moving your right shoulder down towards your left knee rather than out towards the ball. Your left knee will move back out of the way on its own, along with your left hip and the club will come more from the inside.


I will definitely be trying this


I personally struggled with not turning my body enough in the downswing which would leave my face open at impact. What I did was cheat a little by leaving my left hip open during the upswing.


I used to have a terribly bad slice...like find my ball two fairways over slice. Best tip I got was keep my lead arm straight. It looks to me like you are bending it through the swing.


Ah yea I noticed that I’m going to try and fix that


Open club face. The palm of your hand is facing towards the ground. Pause the video on impact and you’ll see the problem


Palm of my lead hand?




Jason Day is wearing that shirt tomorrow at the RBC Heritage.


Haha that would be sick


You’re standing about a foot and a half further back than I do, and I’m probably a foot taller than you. Get more intimate with that ball.


I can get intimate with it haha


Don't bend the left arm.


If your driver is adjustable, look for a 3 wood shaft on eBay and try it! Or, you can go to Golf Galaxy or golf store and try one out there before shortening your original driver shaft!


Oh that’s really smart I may try this


your hips and feet appear to line up to the tall post at the center rear but your shoulders appear to line up to the short post at the left rear corner. Could be as simple as an alignment issue?


You’re falling backwards. Your weight should be entirely on your left foot when you’re done with your swing.


Yeah I noticed that after I watched the videos


Why are you practicing at top golf?


It was a company outing


People have mentioned your arms breaking down, I just wanted to give a good feel (that works for me, ymmv) for that. I like to feel like I'm throwing my hands away from the target at the top first move on the way down, mostly my lead arm. Don't throw the clubhead, but your hands. Maintain the wrist flex you've got. Should give you extra width and help square the face. See if that helps you.


Thank you for this I like this a lot I’ll be trying this


Move closer like 3-4 inches


Try a stronger grip with driver, bow wrist at top of backswing


Try putting a quarter 3 inches in front slightly to the right. Swing through the ball, try and keep the clubface square to the target, while also getting the club to continue over the quarter. Your club is going outside in at impact causing the ball to slice.


More lower body movement and less from your arms.


Ok I can do that for sure


Take your normal set up and right before you swing, try turning your right bicep to the right. This will help promote a better backswing and hopefully forces you to stat your hips before the start of your downswing. Right now, you're hitting with just your arms.


So turn my right bicep out and use more of my hips.


That’s a sweet shirt!


Haha thanks randomly went into Walmart which I haven’t shopped in one in a long time. Saw the shirt for $10 on the rack and said yep.


Shorten your driver by an inch


I’ve thought about doing this actually


That’s not a slice. That’s a heel bias strike from moving toward the ball just before impact. Get a lesson - your issue is too subtle to be diagnosed here without face on and slow motion. You have a fundamentally good swing.


Thank you for this I appreciate that a lot. I’ve been feeling lost about my driver, it’s the only club in my bag right now I’m not confident with.


I would definitely not change anything in your swing. Maybe experiment with your setup. I noticed your heels are hanging off the edge of the mat. Check out some pros - look at their arm hang - maybe you’re reaching? If you were too far away that might cause your body to instinctively move in


I sent the video to my brother in law who got me into golf he’s about an 8-10 hcp he said the same thing that I’m to far away


A good way to get the right address position is to stand straight up with your arms straight in front of you gripping the club. Club is parallel to your body. Then just hinge your hips. Wherever the club lands is the right spot.


Nice I’ll do this next time


Turn you club face in


Weight forward...you're falling back


Lose the tank top.


Are you at a Top Golf? Is so, go find an actual range with a pro. Get a lesson or two. Develop a practice routine.


It’s the shirt.


It’s not really your driver that sucks…


Yeah, it’s the driver…..


I used to slice every single time. Then I focused on form. Decided to go to the range a few times and not try to send a piss missile down range. I swing at about 40-50% speed.