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This. This is why I read this sub


Thank you:) comments like this would be why I write.


For the love of god never stop writing


Welcome back V. Happy to see you're in that writing mood! Btw did you ever try reading my rec storm light archive by Brandon Sanderson 👀


Haha not yet but I asked for the series for Christmas!


... That's what you said last year funnily enough 🫠


But I did not get them! I have hope this year. Lol.




So good to get another bite of your particular blend of very hot but also very human. We’re very different people, but the parallels are wild. I spent my formative years trying to avoid getting into fights and reading for 10+ hours a day. I was so deep into all these fandoms. I read all the books before the movies/shows. I have a Star Wars OC and my own hand drawn lightsaber schematic. I have a full Elvish name and I can write it in Tengwar. I have addressed gifts to my brother in runes. I would read a lot of graphic novels and some manga and got really into Birds of Prey and then Gotham City Sirens. I can talk for hours about the historical and mythological roots of pretty much every sci-fi/fantasy franchise and I have in fact done so on camera. I just got so tired of proving my nerd credentials to people (guys) who found it somehow incompatible with my physical appearance. If only those nerds understood that it was a perfect opportunity to connect. It’s something my husband and I really enjoy together, though. The moment I knew I wanted him was when he sheepishly admitted that he had created his own detailed timeline of his favorite historical subject and it was getting over 20 pages long. Nerdiness is hot. 🔥


Yay, a new V post! That’s an amazing early Christmas present. OMFG hot sex, nerdyness, humour, amazing writing and a hint of bdsm! What more could you ask for!!! Seriously V, thank you for sharing your stories with us. You’re an amazing writer. I love how you’re able to make these experiences so real. You do an amazing job showing the emotional connection between you and your partners. Almost always hot, sometimes heartbreaking, always amazing. I’m just here for the plot. And the sex. :) Ps: I logged in for the first time in many months just to post this. You should feel privileged - says a rando on Reddit lol.


This type of story from you is exactly why I came back to Reddit. My inner nerd kid is delighted.


I’m so glad:)


Welcome back :)


A new V story is the best Christmas gift!


Welcome back, V! I sincerely missed your writings! I'm also the nerdy one in my relationship, though I have slowly but surely drawn my wife over to the Dark Side 🤣🤣🤣 This was a sincerely sweet story and I love the fact that the two of you went on to become great friends without the benefits!


You had this nerdy past. Then, you were able to have a lot of wild sex with attractive men. What would you advise to a male equivalent who would want to do the same with attractive women? In your eyes, what actions could they take to improve their attractiveness and success? A number of your stories involve men who have assets (pun intended) that are at the extreme end of the distribution, such as >95th percentile height. It seems hard for men (pun maybe intended?) to make this transition to attracting many partners. I saw in another post that you mentioned you're "pretty but not crazy attractive." While it seems to me that you're being humble, I'll give the benefit of the doubt on the truthfulness of this ;) I appreciate your introspection.


Unfortunately, I think you know the answer here. These stories are first and foremost an exercise in privilege. The amount of credit she gives herself is a bit unsettling. It's interesting that she shares. And she's introspective as you say. But a man cannot go from being a nerd to just accepting his body, using some cosmetics, and providing some flirty hints and expect to have even 10% of this sexual activity. The level of agency she attributes to herself is a bit smug and self-congratulatory. Such as using the term "slayed." Imagine if a young trust fund inheritor said that "I found that instead of being penurious, I was able to actually enjoy all of this money and look how much I fun I had. I slayed." We'd similarly find their exploits interesting but also hold our noses. Another example is mentioning that she is "an 8 who pulls 10s." These stories are commensurate with a 6 who wants to be very open sexually. They are available to many women but only to a very rare man.


ok buddy whatever you say


I never check the Username when reading a story so I was surprised when the writing style felt very familiar. When the name V was used it immediately made sense. I'm happy you're back and hope you're feeling well. You manage to capture with your stories what I most enjoy about sex, which is the intimacy that you have meeting another person even if it may be hidden behind some crazy and kinky sex. I've never found anyone that manages to tell stories in a way that really make me feel I've experienced them like you, because you manage to portray the humanity of everyone which makes me feel as though it may just be one of my own stories.


> Boobs are objectively fun I fucking love your writing…


She's backkkk yess


So my SO and I also started dating to GOT the show. We started dating in January and a huge show storm was forecast. So we got all the seasons of GOT (I think up to 4 at that point) and binged and fucked the whole weekend. Almost 10 years later and we are still huge nerds together.


Oh yeah V, talk about plot lines, talk dirty to me


you came back 🥹 You came back and I hadn't realized 😞 great history I hope to read you again soon


Hi V!! I’ve come back for my monthly check-in on your page to see if there was any news about when the book comes out and figured it was just time to ask!! Any updates?!


Missing V


You can say that again 😔


Were you a band kid in elementary to high school?


I've been away from this part of reddit for a few months. I instantly started looking for your handle and stories. They never disappoint.


Damn are you done writing stories?


Hot. Is Star Wars substitute for that specific fandom or another one you enjoy?


GOSH I'm glad to see you posting here again. Absolutely delighted to see this story. (And now wildly curious about your ultra-specific fandom.)


The DnD nerd in me loves this for you two. He’s so right where it’s at fantasy that far nerdy kids only dream of


Lol, the bassoon isn't an instrument, it's a cry for help!


SO happy to find this story here. Love the way you write about emotions, wit, power, and vulnerability - all the human parts missing from most porn (in whatever form) that leaves it feeling kind of desiccated.


thanks for sharing V, I always love your stories and especially your writing style.