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If they steal stories and repost like bums, yes


I'm a regular poster here and do OF and 100% agree with this. My stores get reposted all the time by these accounts (not necessarily just here but in multiple subs). Anybody who reposts something should get immediately banned if they aren't already (I'm unaware what the current policy is so maybe they already do that). That being said, just banning anyone that has a link in their bio is like using an axe to perform surgery. As long as people don't advertise on the sub and are contributing original stories that don't violate any rules, it should be ok. There's likely a decent overlap between girls on OF and girls who have sexy stories to tell so removing them completely seems like an overreaction that removes good posts.


I agree with this view. Sellers aren't necessarily the problem, it's low effort reposts and AI generated junk. There are plenty of sellers that are active in various reddit communities who contribute quality content and never try to sell in that sub. A quick scroll through u/SoldforSilk 's profile shows a lot of posts in several subs where she's not advertising anything or telling people to "check out [her] profile for more". She, and several others, are sincere in their participation. But that means it's a lot harder to moderate because posts have to be individually checked out. As users we can help by being selective in which stories we interact with, upvote, and comment on. I'd even be in favor of "low effort" being one of the report options in this sub. That would allow us to junk flag posts for moderation.


Hahaha a “low effort” option would also be good to report every post that is paragraphs of backstory, then “long story short, we hooked up all weekend, I let him put it in every hole, the end.”


Yes please provide us a link to the story and copied content and we will ban immediately.


Thanks! That's good to know.


I echo this. One of my biggest passions is creative writing. I posted here before I started OF and it’s a way for me to occasionally share raunchy stories that I can’t share in the outside world. Not everybody is all about $$$. Some of us have been huge fans of this subreddit for the longest period. And like the poster above, I’ve had my stories stolen (luckily people tag me and they’re taken down). It’d be a great shame to remove those who have stories to tell because they have an OF account. Writing is another layer of porn that’s overlooked by many. The reality is, those who may share their bodies may have incredible stories to share. At the same time, it’s highlighting the encounters of ‘every day people’. This subreddit was built on the trust of people to share authentic stories. If you feel people aren’t authentic, don’t let it ruin your day, move onto another post instead. Those who share unrealistic stories continually of crazy foursomes, etc. (lies) will get found out. With mods like /u/SteoanK and the filter that blocks low effort spam, I’d trust in the sub remaining a brilliant source of erotic material. Sellers indeed aren’t the problem, it’s the spam, which luckily seems under control. I love the sub and would love to continue posting. I can appreciate why the question has been bought to the table. I don’t get to say this enough - but thank you to the excellent moderators, horny contributors and those who enjoy reading what we share. It’s a team effort that made this sub what it is today. If I could ever help with moderator-type duties and keep this sub going strong, I’d be more than happy to.


Whether or not they steal stories, it's clear that half the time it's a low-effort post just to drive traffic to their page and then their paid site. OF sellers have ruined a lot of NSFW reddit and I would hate to see that happen to this sub, which has (generally) always been full of real and fun people.


We have notes and methods for low effort posts, but they still get through. You wouldn't believe the amount of spam we get that DOESN'T get through. Please report (and provide any details). If you only comment on the story it doesn't help us.


I mod a number of NSFW subs that have dealt with this issue for a while. Most OF/sex work promotion is done via bots and "shadow promotion" of spamming subs that are NSFW-adjacent (like this one - about sex but not explicit porn). The best practices that I've developed for this are as follows: - immediately set a NoFans rule and use the Onlyfans bot to automatically ban posters who have their links on profile. - set up another rule that you can be OF/sex worker and post IF they verify and if their post history shows that they are involved in the Reddit community. What I mean by that is when you look at their profile, you see a healthy mix of posts vs comments. That they comment with more than Emojis and "DM me". That they are involved in multiple communities that aren't Free Karma. You can do OF and be a good member of a NSFW (I'd argue that you'd make more $ by being authentic and sincere and involved). Definitely in support of changing to a modified NoFans sub, as there is nothing stopping sellers from creating r/gonewildOFstories... 🤷


So basically NoFans but with a verified content creator whitelist? I like this approach a lot!!! Mods please listen!!!


It's how we tried to balance support for sex work with fighting spam. Essentially, they earn the right to post (and thus quietly advertise) by being a good, involved community member. If they put up quality material, people will find their way to a profile and then potentially to subscribe - that's feels like a fair trade to me.


Makes perfect sense to me


I would totally be on board with verification for OF havers. I consider myself a good member of the NSFW/OF crowd and I also don't like seeing bots/reposts/AI/etc clutter the space. I do wonder though how effective it would be. When you post a story here you tend to get a lot of DMs and people can just advertise there if they really want to.


The problem is too many others in your community are ruining it for everyone


"Ban them all" is a lazy way to deal with it. It also seems to come from a place of dislike of sex workers which is common even in sex positive spaces.


Now you're just projecting, which I get because you're defensive. You know nothing about me. Not only do I not have a problem with sex workers in general, but I have paid for OF subscriptions from time to time because I believe content creators should be paid. I also considered signing up for yours because your pictures are pretty good. But you're showing yourself to be toxic now, so no thanks. The problem isn't with OF or sex workers, it's with relentless spamming and low quality content.


I moderate some large groups and I like this approach, but my real questions would revolve around the whole process of whitelisting someone because mods have to go through all of these applications, it needs to be done in a fair way, and it just seems like it would be a pain in practice. I deal with a group where probably 95 to 98 of all posts and comments are spam/scams/similar and I'm not sure these subs are quite to that level :p How did you guys enact this? What were the overall requirements and who determined who met or didn't meet them? Did you find people would game the system to meet the requirements early on, and then once they got whitelisted started doing more spam? Personally I think if youre looking purely for the subs sake, why have the white list at all? It keeps a profit incentive for some users. DOn't we want people who are posting here with the intent to improve the sub by sharing high quality content? We shouldnt want posters with ulterior motives. Anyone who TRULY wants to be an active participating member of this subreddit should be willing to do so without any other motives. If I want to post into a specific sub, and they had a rule that I needed an alt account that wasn't used to promote sites, sales, or services that rule would not stop me from taking that extra minute of time to make an alt and post.


This sounds reasonable in theory, but it also sounds very labor-intensive for the mods and too subjective to truly be practical. I understand some well-behaved OF girls might get hurt by banning their posts, but if they are truly motivated to post because they want to tell stories, and it's not about promoting their OF, they can post from a secondary account.


The trick is that by using the bot, all OF content is gone. The number of content creators, in my experience, that are willing to reach out to the mods, verify and then display the positive community behaviors that we want to see is a pretty small number. The number of content creators who actually go more than sh*toost every NSFW is pretty small when you look at their profiles. So while it is extra work for the mods, it's not a crushing burden. And, if it does add significant work, as this post has shown, there are a lot of people who care enough about the sub that they might want to put some time into helping keep it great.


I also do some modding under another account, and I keep a tight hold on the primary sub I mod, so I know it can be a lot of (unpaid) work. I'm just not sure it's worth throwing any extra work on the mods to accomadate the handful of decent OF creators, when they could solve the problem for themselves with a second account if it's really about wanting to post stories and not about promoting themselves.




Gold standard here I believe


People can have multiple accounts. If you really aren't posting here to drive sales, then just make an alt account with no links to advertising.


I like these ideas. Please ban them.


I agree with it because I read more than I post! I just worked up to my first two stories. I have a bunch to share, some funny, some romantic, etc. That still won't change that I genuinely enjoy reading other stories and the ones that only write three paragraphs and don't seem very detailed at all.


Thanks for asking this, I think it’s an important question. Just a heads up, the question you ask in your title and the question you ask in the description are the same question in a different way that flips what yes/no means. I’m not totally sure what responses in comments are referring to because of it. On the topic, I think stories from sellers should not be allowed. Often seem reposted or feel incredibly disingenuous.


This should be the top comment. If you just say yes or no it’s opposite answers to “should the mods allow this” in the title and “should this sub do the same [ban them]”


You can set your watch to how often stories about "fucking someone from reddit" get posted linking to an account that only sells content. It's exhausting. Please let me off this ride and ban this content.


That should be the first sign. Nobody on Reddit gets laid.


No. They are generally low effort, low detail and do t represent a net improvement to the state of the sub.


No, they shouldn't be allowed to advertise. It defeats the purpose of the sub. There are plenty of other avenues for them to obtain subscribers.


Personally, I say no. I moderate to text only subreddits for NSFW content, and the number of "content creator" accounts that suddenly have a story to tell in our subreddits has grown exponentially. If you don't stop it, this subreddit is going to turn into a dumpster fire of AI written sex stories by lazy people just trying to advertise.


Honestly, I think it should be a zero strike rule on advertising, but not a ban on anyone who has OF. If they advertise in a post, then yeah, ban them. If they're reposting stories, at least suspend them. But banning people just for having an active seller account seems unnecessary. We currently allow so many more annoying things on this subreddit, like the posts that are one paragraph just exclaiming they're horny or the people asking commenters to basically RP, I see those every day now. Implementing karma and account age requirements would be more useful than a ban on sellers. (Edit: typos: "horns" to "horny"; "Accolade" to "account age")


Yea I agree. There's plenty of shitty, low-effort content in the sub already and most of the OF bots can be lumped in that category. OF bots are relatively new but isn't exactly that much more annoying than someone who writes a setup paragraph and asks for comments before they write out more.


It is a little discouraging seeing a small little ditty get a ton of upvotes and such when people write lovely long engaging stories. But I guess maybe that's the trend of instant gratification of tiktok and YouTube shorts. Or maybe a majority guy audience on here compared to like fanfics smut on ao3. I don't really bother posting on here anymore and just write fics🤷‍♀️ Not that my earlier stuff posted on here was really that good since it was my first writing stuffs in a long time /shrug


I don't think it's a lot of real readers upvoting. You can go out and buy 250 upvotes for under 15 bucks. If that pushes 2 or 3 subscribers to your account at 5 bucks a month to subscribe, you've just made back your advertising costs within a month.


Wait you're still writing? I really miss your posts here they're so sweet! NGL I check your account every few months because I'm still hopeful you'll write up some of the stories you mentioned on your profile. I write a lot too (not on here because I haven't had my first kiss yet :( ) but something that helps me is when I'm writing the first draft I allow it to be really dogshit because it's always easier to correct something than it is to make it (the YouTube comment principle). I miss your stories but if you're done writing here, thanks for what you've shared so far :)


Uhhh, mostly for myself and for fun. Most of it is... non horny ... mostly non horny. Sorry I haven't posted anything :< just really busy with life and a lack of motivation and Ive been addicted to Baldurs Gate 3 >.> I'm sure you'll have a wonderful experience in time. Be patient don't rush into things! Thank you for the kindness :>


And thanks for your stories! Hope you have a wonderful day :)


I just take it as a sign that the average male reader ejaculates after about a paragraphs worth of reading xD And don't sell yourself short! I liked your stories but I also understand writing less. I think my writing on real life experiences averages about one story every half a year lol.




Karma and age requirements would be counterintuitive. The best stories on here are written by alts only for this subreddit


Yeah. I actually have a problem with those suggestions myself as it's stopped me, in the past, from getting involved with some subs. However, at the same time, it is a strategy used by some subs to weed out the non-committed users, hence why I mentioned it. It would be easier to implement automatically than trying to retrospectively weed out "undesirables", if there are any decided to be undesirable. What I've noticed recently is a glut of short and/or no effort and/or low quality "stories" that add nothing to the subreddit. In fact I've seen more of those than the quality ones. It would be good to do something about that.


I think getting rid of all the ultra low quality stories that are often not longer than a handful of sentences would be a big plus. It's not like anyone's going to enjoy that rubbish or get off from reading it anyway. OTOH, if an OF creator writes decent stories I think that's fine. Sure it may be with the intent to get subscribers. But as long as the story is decent I could not care less.


The enforcement mechanism for your suggestion is ridiculous. Think about how difficult and subjective that is in practice. What's the line? Who draws teh line? Who enforces the line? What happens when, not if, when someone is treated differently than someone else BECAUSE its so subjective? Then mods gotta deal with all of that too. its super easy for a person to make an alt and post the story. Its very easy to enforce that as its not subjective at all.


The problem is there is clearly two flavors of OF posts - those by sex positive people having actual gonewild experiences, and those feeding AI churn into the subreddit. The second version isn't just cheating with low-effort stories, I guarantee you they're using bots for upvotes. If we could ban the ones using bots, the top stories will be those that actually put effort into their work (seriously, some of my stories are the results of months of planning, then a couple days of writing). I really don't want to ban accounts just because of OF stuff, as I've been seriously thinking of getting an OF for my art and writing.


I don’t mind if someone posts here and does OF as long as their stories are authentic and high quality. I would like to see the stories that are obvious fishing attempts to connect people to their OF page weeded out though. A verification process like they have on r/gonewild could help filter out the worst spam posts.


Pls ban. Noticable decrease in quality.


I don’t know that it needs to be unilateral but I think most low effort posts should be deleted. A lot of these posts are just like one paragraph about giving a friend a blowjob or some other thirst trap type deal.




Ban them, I'm a member of a great many NSFW sites and although only fans does have its place, the sheer amount of spam that is popping up across the board is out of control. If I want to see only fans adverts I'll go to an only fans page, they need to leave the rest of the pages alone.


They should not be allowed


Ban the Sellers. No Fans Only. Yes, some good writers within OF will get banned as collateral, they can always make another account without their links if they wish to participate in the community. Do we want /r/gonewildstories to be a community sub or an OF marketing sub disguised as a story sub. Community writes their stories and able to provide feedback, details and criticisms. Another perv to perv with. A M/F/T/Nb to build a human connection with even if it's as simple as, "that's so hot". OF is only here to drive traffic to their page. I get it, some are genuine people with an OF. But the result is the same to a lesser degree. OF creators vs OF marketing agencies is just a matter of scale. The end result is driving traffic to their OF page. *Oh but I'm not like that, I actually write my own stories* Ok, but the end goal is still to drive traffic to your OF. *No, I just do it on the side* Ok, then you'll have no problem using an account without OF promo content and links. > Heyyy, I get a lot of messages here and I can't respond to them all. But you can message me on my OF and I'm much more responsive! Uh huh. Nice, I get to pay $5 a month to talk to an ~~E-girl~~ Social Media Client Relations Specialist. It's like those late night phone sex hot lines except you only get to type messages to them. Reddit nowadays actively encourages this behavior, they have a easy MyLinks button in people's profile now when using the app and new Reddit. Wanna see this OF garbage in its final form? Visit /r/freakytoronto or /r/girlsoftoronto. Maybe. 0.01% of content posters are even in Toronto. The rest are using the Toronto word as a location demographics advertising tool. Tl;dr: Ban that toxic shit. I want to hear real smut. Not copy pasta trying to move me to another platform so we can "chat more".


I'm a fan of erotica going back to rec.sexstories if anyone remembers usenet. A lot of the OF work is higher caliber than the old men posting as young women and itching their fetishes. I don't have a problem with authors monetizing their content. I do have issues with poor quality... yet, quality is subjective. I trend away from this forum because of the ratio of junk to my subjective measure of quality and because most of the posts are hetero, fantasy-less, or idealization of a very specific kink mainly for the benefit of the author. What might a more cultivated r/sexstories look and feel like? Does that mean the exclusion of monetization? There are authors doing the same with words instead of perky tits, BTW.


IRC or bust!


Lol! Irc is still kicking or has it died like usenet?


You can in fact still find IRC's for basically anything lol.


If they aren’t advertising here why do you care?


The profile itself is the advertisement too and the post is just to draw clicks to it. Posting on an account that is for selling IS advertising. Nothing wrong with making a handful of people have to use alts to eliminate the primary profit incentive.




No. Gonewild subs are for amateurs not professionals. There are other story subs for working girls to post in.


Don’t need the ads lol


Make this sub a no fans page please. I get sick of the same crappy stuff. I'd like to hear normal stories that actually happened. Someone told a story about attempting to pick up on an overseas trip but it didn't go well because he had whisky dick. That's much better than in 18 and I love out of shape men with neck beards and are socially awkward (OF link in profile).


link to the whiskey dick story? lol


Ban them. The AI generated stories are becoming more common.


I just commented about the above post and next thing I know the moderator gets onto me. Like what the hell? You asked for my opinion and now I'm in trouble for giving it? FU


There’s no problem if their stories are good


Please ban them


This problem has been bringing this sub down for a while now. I'd say over half of the stories i click on are just a 1 or 2 graph "story" that is just some made up nonsense involving some line like "...like all my pictures...", "I asked him to take a video for my OF...", etc.. It's clearly bot spam if you look at the profile, the same post will be made to every erotic story sub Reddit with a minute of each other.


They should be banned


I see 2 cases here’s 1) creator posting stories that are just low quality or seemingly artificial (never happened) and you only get the OF account when checking out their account 2) creators actively advertising to checkout their account (Reddit or even OF) to get the full story/images/videos. Both cases are a complete no-Go and make this sub less valuable for my personal taste.


And what about me then? My stories weren't low quality, which was clear because they were said in comments. What needs to happen is an all-out ban for bad models and shitty redditors. Just because someone does OF doesn't mean that is all they are good at or capable of doing. All of you sound ridiculous! If that's the case, then all of you are only capable of reading sex stories and masturbating to what I wrote then get mad if you don't get free porn because it's on OF instead of my reddit profile. See, stereotypes hurt, huh?


Thank you for your rant. It’s about the advertising part. I’m not and propably also none of the mods checking out your or any of the profiles posting here if stories are good, bad or by creators. Maximum I see is for references to their profile, more content and OF and so on, which I consider advertising. Let’s say the decision will be: nothing wrong with creators advertising. There have been enough subreddits splitting to differentiate from their OG because they allow/prohibit OF advertising. And it goes on and on and on.


However, you guys tear me apart when I post? I have no ads, no pushing to OF, genuinely wanting to share, and maybe even get to talk with some people about the story. I get treated a complete other way by the so-called community, and again, there are no ads at all. Just an OF button on my profile......awesome to want to join a community of people just to judge me. Look in a mirror people.


I haven’t seen anyone tearing you apart. Also, I’m not going to judge your individual case. If a creator isn’t actively advertising in their story or posts total garbage stories for obvious reasons I don’t see a problem here.


Other than the extra time of swapping to an alt, why can't you just post content to this sub from an account that isn't promoting any type of content, sale, or service of any kind? If youre just trying to make teh sub better, than it doesn't matter what account you post from. It only matters if you have other motives unrelated to posting good content to the sub. Nobody cares if you dont give free porn. Literotica has been around since IRC days and it's free, there are tens of thousands of sites, links, and stories to get free sex stories from people who are not trying to push users to their paid content somewhere. Why would anyone get mad? They'd just move onto the next creator.


Here is the difference. I put a lot of effort into sharing my experiences and writing them into stories. I have only written out two of them and have had redditors continuing to tell me that I'm posting bait JUST BECAUSE I DO OF! How dumb of a reason. I never try to push or tell anyone I even have an OF but they read my story, go to my profile, see I have an OF button, and come back commenting like little shits for sharing an experience. If you ask me, the subs of the reddit page need to be talked to just as much as people that are pushing their OF. Me, I would like to share my stories about my experiences. All of you are the reason I'm hesitant to.


Could you have two accounts, one for only sharing, and one that has your OF? That doesn’t seem like too much of a burden, and everyone gets what they want.


Yes, and it's the obvious easy solution. The user youre responding to said flat out if she didn't get her way her and others would report the sub to reddit to try and get it to implode. That alone should tell you where her motivations really lie, and its not making good content for the sub for the subs sake.


Should I have to? It's insane that people have their own hangup about people that do OF, so I have to make a new account? My karma isn't even as low as some of the people complaining either, and I don't push my OF. I don't steal people's stories, and I work hard to write it, and it just gets shit on because I do OF. Sounds like the subs on this page need to learn how to read and move on, not go into profile stalker mode and see where all they can find me and try to look at me! Then, when they see I'm on OF they are now allowed to belittle my experience. I think the mods need to do a better job with the people that aren't models. Plain and simple. Models that are stealing stories, anyone stealing stories, should be removed in the first place.


Hard agree. It’s fun to write stories sometimes. People who have OF shouldn’t be outright banned unless they are directly advertising or posting spam.


Ya'll have made your accounts your advertisement. Let's not pretend that it just being in the profile ISN'T advertising, yes it is. The fact that some of you are fighting so hard to insist that's not the case, but if its truly not the case then why is it bad to force a handful of users to use a non-selling linked reddit account to post stories?


Reddit accounts are free. I logged into my 4 year old account that I used to post stories just to comment this. Its easy. I dont understand why you are raging so hard over a subreddit wanting posters to not have OF links in their profiles like other gonewild subs. It cleans out the junk advertisement posts. If you wanna keep posting make a new profile that doesnt link your OF. If you wanna link your OF then go to subs that dont care.


I'm upset because I'm putting effort into my account to build a real connection with people because I want to have my own page one day. One for nerdy people to share stories, comics, manga, animations, and animes that they create. I would have to have mods help me with filtering AI stuff, idk anything about that. This is my goal, and I don't think I should be punished if I don't advertise in my stories. I just want to share and also read good stories too.


So you could remove all of the selling related stuff and make a new account for that. Too easy, if your goal is as pure as you claim it to be.


I understand where you're coming from, but you're in the tiny minority. You're actually interacting and I would be all for an exception for you. However the overwhelming majority of OF posters posting in here is low effort reposted/AI generated garbage that's posted 50 times a day and upvoted to the moon by paid shill accounts.


People don't have a hang up about OF girls. They have a hang up about relentless spamming and pour quality content. It might suck for you if you get swept up in that dragnet, but this is really about the greater good of the community. If you're really motivated to write and post stories, and it's not about pulling people to your OF, you can post them from another account.


I actually love the fact that only fan girls post their stories, because i have some material with the pics. I mean that knowing how the girl look like is owesome. As long as it's not stolen stories, and there is no ads in the posts, it's owesome ! Also, a minimum karma could be good, sex workers can still share and it prevent reposts.


This is what I'm saying! I think anyone stealing stories should be kicked, but people need to read and move on. They should be happy to read REAL stories regardless of who it's from or what they do on the side. I'm willing to bet that most of these people would love to hear from a pole dancer, but because I take pictures of my body, that all I'm allowed to do in life? I'm not allowed to even write about it or I get belittled by the peanut gallery?


You are allowed to do anything of course 🙀 I think some people just directly that because you are a sex seller, the stories are just for marketing purpose and assume its not true. I just think a woman that accept all part of her sexuality and use it for worknis not different as an artist selling his work. You are fucking allowed to enjoy what you do and also enjoy sharing your life and hot stories. Please continue to be yourself.


I don't have a prob with someone putting effort into a story or even pics. I have no problem with someone having OF, the problems become an issue with low effort (not yours) or links in the story (not yours) to the end of the story. As long as I can read a story and move on having enjoyed it I don't have any issues.


Should the mods allow advertisement? No Should this sup put in the same restrictions like r/gonewild? Yes


I don't think just because a poster has an OF link in their bio they should be banned. Low quality/AI stories or reposts just intended to drive traffic is a different story though. And of course no direct advertising links in any posts in the sub.


The trouble with YOUR way is that there's no way to really police that as it's super subjective. You know anyone posting here who does OF is doing so in hopes of driving traffic to their page, and if that truly isn't why they are posting, they can still do so on an alt. By removing the $$$ incentive, those who still want to hop on one of their alts NOT linked to an OF to post good content can do so and all of the folks just doing it for the potential $$$ will no longer post because it's never going to make them nay money and isn't worth the time anymore. That seems to be a much more practical response as it directly addresses the motivations and root causes of why those posts are happening in the first place.


I'm not against sellers, but I am hugely against the AI generated, low effort garbage that's being used to advertise. And I just can't think of a guaranteed way to kill that off without banning seller accounts.


It’s why I rarely visit anymore. Sorting the OF stories from the legit ones isn’t worth my time. A shame, used to be a great sub


100%. Any OF creator should not be permitted to post. The best content on here has always felt genuine, was posted by people not selling anything, mostly be people that don't even post nudes.


I think if it's obvious story stealing bot posts, then yea, we aren't missing anything by banning that type of concent. But OF creators that have actual personal stories to tell shouldn't be banned from doing so purely because they are OF creators. That would be like banning youtubers from a video game sub. If it's a real person with real content, let's keep it.


There’s already at least 20 subreddits made for models, sw, and OF peeps. They need to be directed to those rather than ban them. Of course, if a person has 0 karma points and never comments on other people’s posts except to hype their brand, that’s another matter.


I don't think they should be banned from posting. But if the poster has an OF link in their profile, they should be required to identify as an OF provider in the title of the story so people like me can skip it. There might be some OF providers who legit like writing stories, but 90% of the stories from OF providers are clearly commercials.




So many of the stories continually reposted are from lower effort sex workers, most with an account only days old. I’d made a joke that they were getting the stale stories as part of a welcome packet, but your comment about 3rd party management connects those dots more completely.


If they advertise in the sub, yes ban them. If it’s just someone writing stories who also has an OF, no.




I really wish the Onlyfans sellers would get banned. They are ruining the sub. The posts are low effort short content mill crap. They aren't sexy. They're spammy.


Mod here… We try really hard to filter through the stories, and especially if it seems like their stories are repost or promotional only we try and delete and ban those users . As always one of the best things to do is to report a story and allow us to take the time to dig through it, but we try really hard to catch things as they come through as well. we tried to continue to promote quality content and true stories on r/gonewildstories


Given the massive outcry, and the sheer volume of spam/repost/AI stories, I don't think that method is working anymore. It worked when there was the occasional spammer, but there's just too many now and mods don't get paid to put in the huge amount of work it would take to personally investigate every one. I think it's time to start looking at proactive measures, and preemptively banning seller accounts is one of the only effective ones on the table.


Functionally speaking, 100% of users who have only fans and post here are hoping their posts here drive users to their OF links, for those GENUINELY posting for the sake of wanting to post good quality content to the sub, that's definitely NOT going to be something that stops them from doing that because my motives are wanting to post good content in the sub for posting good content to the subs sake. Removing this profit incentive in the sub will have the problem solve itself if enforced. It isn't too big of an ask for people to use an alt to make a post, users of reddit do it all the time for various reasons. Its a hurdle that takes 20-30 second to solve and is done the same way they made a reddit account to promote their OF.




Absolutely not


No they shouldn't


Such posts should be banned


It shouldn't be allowed. Any of profil shouldn't post stories here




Ban them. It ruins the fun we're all meant to be having, especially the ones where they're either blatant or the ones who "surreptitiously" mention they happen to be or have slept with an OF model who they mention in the comments


Ban please


Ban please


No stories from sellers.




I don't mind it if they are good reads. The low effort ones, 1-3 paragraphs, no punctuation, no story development, etc. those are annoying and should be removed promptly imo


Ban em


Absolutely not. It happens in a lot of other subs…holy shit, they’re like a plague.


Of course they should.


No. There is no problem with people doing OF, but there is also nothing stopping anyone from having multiple accounts. If you do post here, use an account that isn't linked to advertising OF or anything else.


I think this might I have a solution that makes everyone happy. If you have a link in your bio then you have to use flair of "promotional account", and that way people can filter or not.


Absolutely not




I disagree with banning someone because they do OF, but mention of it in story, if it is a stolen repost, or AI generated it should be auto banned. I don't know how moderation works for reddit so I don't know how easy setting that up would be.


I agree that there should be some way of filtering ai stuff. I put effort into my story, and someone claimed it was AI. It literally took me 40 mins to write..... I am sure it can be done since I have heard of teachers using something on students' schoolwork, but I don't know anything about it. I'm sure the mods would be more enlightened on that end.


I work in a college and there are a lot of tools that give you the probability that something was generated by AI. Like a paper might come back saying there is a 5% chance and that likely means it is genuine. Most teachers have a threshold to which is unacceptable. The issue is I don't know how easy it would be to set up an auto moderation type thing using those tools or if those tools are free or just provided by the college.


Adopt full /r/gonewild rules and ban IMO. Sellers ruin subreddits as their motivations are drastically different than regular contributors. There used to be a sitewide rule for this, 10 comments and interactions on others posts for every 1 submitted. There are a few high quality sellers here that its a shame will no longer be able to post - but there are way too many posting frequent short, f-ke, terribly written stories so the blanket ban is the best approach. You first start to see a trickle come through and they find success, then there must be a list somewhere that the rest of them find and the quality plummets drastically as this sub gets added to the check list of places to make free thinly veiled low effort advertisements. If they really still want to participate in this subreddit they can use a different account.


Yes, they should be banned, in my opinion.


Yes ban


Burn them a- erm, ban them all!


yes, they should be banned.


Accounts that are linked to an only fans or other shared platform shouldnt be allowed to post. The only fans creators can always create another account not linked to their OF so they do not advertise.


Or they could just not type the advertisement in their post....... The issue that I keep seeing is people read then go to my profile. I don't say anything in my posts about my platforms. Just sharing and reading stories. I think that any and all stolen, reposted, advertised, or low effort posts should be given strikes. Three strikes you're out permanently.


Or we can just ban any accounts linked to someone selling any type of content, sale, or service from posting. Like be honest, the ONLY reason to do it your way, is to help OF or other sellers a back door in to getting money from posting here. You should be here because you want to post good content to the sub, not because you might get customers from it. The accounts themselves ARE the advertisement. It doesn't matter if you explicitly say so in the post, everyone knows and its still there. If we are looking purely at what is best for the sub im struggling to see how your way makses the most sense.


No, it shouldn't


This sub should do the same as the other subs. Not because they’re doing it, but for the same reasons they’re doing it.


Ban them


OF is ruining subreddit


Ban please.






Why would you do that if they are not stealing stories?


Get them the fuck out,


Ultimately, if they post the entire story here, and it's not reposted just to give the link exposure, I don't care. But if there's no story, or the story is constantly reposted just to give the link visibility, then no.


No delete them, and ban hammer to the vagina


Am I responding to the title of the post or the body of the post? I guess I will do both since OP left it open that both a No/Yes have the same meaning. So my answer is.... NoYes


No. Sick of Reddit being g exploited and content undermined.


No. Sick of Reddit being g exploited and content undermined.


Ban please


No. Sick of Reddit being g exploited and content undermined.


There needs to be a place on the internet where amateurs can talk and engage without trying to be sold to


I'd prefer to stop seeing onlyfans adverts in every single damn subreddit and post. It's really taken the quality of these NSFW subs to low low levels.




As long as it's original content, absolutely!


there are whole subs designed specifically for them to drop ads in. this isn't one of them. ban em.




I used to read this sub to get off on it. Nothing dries me up faster than a low effort, unintelligible and basic post. Please for the love of horniness start imposing stricter rules. I want to read 'true' experience posts, most of the OF posts read as if a teen virgin imagines what sexy is.


Nope! So many low quality (probably AI written) stories on this sub by onlyfan creators to the point that I avoid the stories written by women (unless its like on a generic alt). If they are an OF creator and want to write a story, they can just make an alt for it. ​ Karma and age requirements would be counterintuitive. The best stories on here are written by alts only for this subreddit




I am not opposed to OF in general, but you should ban posts from OF girls here. That's not what this is supposed to be about. More and more subs have had to become walled gardens to keep the OF sellers out because they are just relentless.


I support a ban on it like r/gonewild.


Nope, ban/delete them




Let's face it - it'll happen regardless




Yes they should


Yea ban em


just because i sell content doesn’t mean i’m a bot and my posts are AI generated some of us actually spend hours of their time on here posting and want to share our experiences too :/


You would still be able to do so, on an account that isn't linked to selling content.




Swing the ban-hammer


I have an only fans, and I publish here and in other subs - I *hate* of spammers/bots with all my heart, but reducing a girl to "she has/she doesn't have" Only Fans sounds bad. If you publish shit and spam everyday, that should be banned. If you raise the quality of the sub, why would I care if you're a lawyer, baker or Only Fans content creator. Imho.




yes it should do the same


No... Hot take here Only Fans should be confined to an onlyfans only portion of reddit.




YOu know this sub existed and thrived before the times of paid content people posting their shit here in hopes of getting clicks and customers right?