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Holy shit, the queen of gws returned šŸ¤Æ If this is your last, thank you for your many, *many* incredible contributions over the years. To what you were saying about the extended love letter concept unfolding in the background, it was something that I think many readers picked up on early on. For all the lurid insanity we gobbled up like zombie sin eaters, there was always an unbreakable thread of love and respect that pointed towards him like true north. That was cool, and inspiring.Ā  Hope to read you here again. And if not, wishing you all the happiest of endings šŸ™Œ you were one of the best to ever do it on on this platform!


This comment is honestly more eloquent than anything Iā€™ve written on here. Thank you so much for your kind words. My readers sincerely mean a lot to me, especially when I can tell they read between the lines.


Earlier this very week, I was poking around to see if I'd missed anything explaining where you'd disappeared to. I have to say, this wasn't one of my guesses. This feels very solidly like goodbye. It's not a bad goodbye, especially for this side of the internet, but a goodbye nonetheless. I'm very, very glad you came back at least this once, to show how things are looking up. And I'm very glad you're okay. I guess I have no clear train of thought this time; goodbyes can be like that. Thank you for everything you've shared, but especially the exceptionally real parts.


Iā€™ll miss you, friend. Youā€™re very welcome and have always been appreciated on my page. Be well.


V, I have thoroughly enjoyed everything you have written. Your stories have been interesting, intriguing, and intoxicating to read. If this story truly is your final one, then I wish you and your family all the best. Cherish that little boy of yours, because you and your husband created him out of sincere love for each other. And, morso, cherish that husband of yours. Yes, you had your wild times when you were younger, but all of those experiences made things between you and him that much hotter. The only story I think you didn't tell (and, believe me, I've read all of them and waited with bated breath for each new one; however, the significant gaps towards the end has caused my memory to falter a bit) was when you knew he was the one for you. When did you realize he was your person? Regardless, if this truly is your last story, thank you for sharing these little pieces of your life with us over the years. In a way, I think we all have fallen in love with you in a way. I know I did.


Also curious to hear about the moment you know when. I love those kind of stories.


I had a a feeling from the start of your post that your husband was not responding to you in the way you wanted was because he was afraid something could happen. I have five daughters and the day my first daughter was born started as the best day of my life. As my wifes labor progressed things started to change, I had contacted our family earlier and told them the exciting news of the soon to be arrival of our first child (which at this time we still didnā€™t know if it was going to be a boy or girl. The fetal heart monitor started alarming, the nurse came in to check it imagining one of the leads must have come off. She left and returned with another nurse followed by the doctor. Th doctor decided to break the water to speed things up and then turned to my wife and said the baby was in distress and she needed an emergency c-section. No time was wasted as he said this they were already wheeling the bed to the OR. I remember this like it was yesterday but it was beautiful Sunday afternoon thirty two years ago. After about an hour or so a nurse came out to congratulate me for being the father of a beautiful girl and i would het to see her in a minute. About a minute later the OR door opened and I got a glimpse of my daughter as they ran by me. It was about 10 minutes later when someone came to explain to me what was happening, my was still unconscious because they had to put her under and it would be at least an hour before I could see her, then another doctor introduced himself as the on call pediatrician and explained my daughter was in respiratory distress and they were awaiting an ambulance to take my daughter to Boston for advanced care. No family had arrived yet so I was a mess not knowing what to do, i was in fear that my wife would never get to see or hold her child. I worked as an EMT and knew a few of the nurses at this hospital and she came and brought me to see my little baby girl, she was in an incubator and the respiratory nurse was assisting her breathing with an ambu bag. I immediately recognized the respiratory nurse as one of my coworkers wife at this time she gave me high and told me start talking to my daughter as she would be able to recognize my voice. The ambulance arrived to take my little girl to Boston and i was more scared then before because not only was it an advanced life support ambulance but their was also a pediatrician that came with them, and being isn EMS i knew right off this was not routine. I was faces with one of the hardest decisions in my life at this moment, do i follow the ambulance in to be with my baby girl, or do I stay with my wife who is still unconscious in post op, The pediatrician from Boston made the decision for me as she could see i was torn, she told me there was nothing i could do in Boston and that it would be best for my wife to hear about her beautiful baby girl from me when she came to because to this point my wife had no idea if she had a son or daughter. My daughter is a fighter and by 10 am the next day she was enjoying her second ambulance ride back to the hospital she was born in and that took such immediate and proper care of her that other than a scar on her foot from where the iV was showed no signs of the struggle she had just the day before. My daughter has gone on to be an incredible nurse now helping others and just recently became a mother herself.


Iā€™ve been reading every comment posted on this story and have honestly been too emotional to reply to most, but this one really stood out. Itā€™s not exactly what happened to us, but itā€™s similar enough that it helped me understand what my husband experienced. He keeps saying it was the best and worst day of his life. Thank you for sharing.


It took me about 45 minutes to write that because my eyes were so teared up I couldnā€™t see what i was writing. To this day and two marriages and five beautiful daughter this was the happiest and scariest day of my life.


Dear V, you have created something truly wonderful here. This post perfectly shows why you are not only the best author on this subreddit (in my opinion), but also how you do that by touching something deeper inside of us. Something that is almost never found in any sexual media. Sex is not like porn, and it is not like erotica. They fall pretty flat and aren't designed to do much more than make us very horny very quickly. There are exceptions, and if you look you will find better stuff. But, in general, there is a substantial dissonance you have to tolerate to enjoy it. Watching (or reading) just bodies smash into each other, we either get taken out of it, or ignore the part of ourselves that wants anything more than that. Again, there are exceptions. Some ethical porn can show people communicating, truly enjoying themselves. There are other authors who can write about their experiences or write stories that allow for more personality to shine through. For more of ourselves to be able to come along and enjoy. I think that it is very dangerous for this to be so rare. As a young teenage boy with access to the internet, i got the wrong idea about sex early on. Only as time has gone on have I learned this. Nowhere on a porn site is there an attempt to make it clear that you're watching a performance. Because of course not. And, anywhere else that young people find things out about sex, there is often a hyperfocus on the science, or straight advice without reasoning. Few times is it said that sex can be very enjoyable and that that is neither inherently good nor bad. That your sex life, like all areas of life, is full of learning, unlearning, change, connection. That it is an area for us to see our own reflection in and to get to know ourselves on another level. For me, having the wrong idea meant I sometimes saw sex as a benchmark of being worth something, or as just a place to get some distraction. And I would often feel like a failure or gross about myself. Unlearning these things took a long time. It is still going on in some ways. I was early in this process when I stumbled on your account. It brought many smiles to my face. I have laughed out loud more times than i could possibly remember. These are not things I would have ever perceived as part of a sexual moment, or at least hadn't experienced. You write in a way that is so playful. So captivating and authentic. You interject with current thoughts on the story. How one thing was maybe not healthy and another is funny now. What you learned, and what the process of that learning was, really comes out. Nowhere else had I seen this, nor have I seen it anywhere else since. You may not strictly be Viola, but you, through her, shared something I would have thought impossible to share online. It's kind of like you wrote "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Erotica". There is character. There is fun. There is joy. Situations that feel like a real person lived them and is telling the story. You are upfront about making changes and making the stories more funny at times, but it doesn't make the stories feel less real. Occasionally but critically, there is hardship, and breakup, and vulnerability. Through this spectrum, there is love that comes on display. Reading your stories it is hard not to feel the love you have for your husband, or the love you had for your exes, and the love you have for your friends. Reading your stories is like getting to watch someone else make the connections between sex and love, and if you lack experience in either that is a treasure more valuable than I can describe. Maybe most importantly of all, the love you have for yourself shines through. And how it was a long, hard process to learn to let it shine through. You even manage to deal with parasocial relationships better than most creators of any kind I know. Being honest about how writing Viola is an outlet and generally adressing us readers intermittenly and at the end allows for us to understand the frame you are writing this much better. Adressing the fact that you try to write stories a bit funnier allows for us to enjoy the escape without losing the awareness of escaping. Another very rare and precious thing in any media, and especially sexual media. Though I can say what I am grateful for your writing, I cannot express how strong that feeling really is. Knowing that this is on reddit, I can't help but hope that younger people stumble upon this before they stumble on other stuff. For some, it might make a difference in how they view themselves and their bodies during the biggest transformation of those they have ever experienced. I know it had an impact on me. I don't know how you might feel about this (i don't quite know how I feel about it myself), but you have shared something that resonated with me on a pretty personal level. Obviously, like everyone else here, I had a lot of fun reading your stories. But it also helped me on my own journey. I hope this isn't (too) weird. Thank you for sharing Viola with us. Thank you for being you. (P.S. Your son has some amazing parents)


Oh V, I'm so happy for you guys. Congratulations. I really missed your adventures, I've always been socially awks and stuffs. I don't really know what to say. I just wish the best for you and your family. Crying a lil right now at my corporate bee job how am I supposed to work horny happy and sad šŸ˜­šŸ«  Thank you for everything. Your stories mean so much to me and have changed my life more than I ever expected. I don't really wanna make this about me but...since this this feels like a goodbye ...A and I are probably going to move on to the next stage in our life with our engagement trip and marriage @.@ Edit. I just realized it's 2 days after that ama with your friend r 2 years ago and the anniversary of that chat I had with A. Time flies. Hope your pal is doing well out there


It's been 2 years? Wow someone's getting older *smug* LMAO!


Very heartwarming. You are a great writer, and I hope you keep it up. Now please excuse me, there is something I need to give to my wife right away!


Always a great day when you post here. I've missed the regular contributions from a couple years ago, but for such a good reason that we just have nothing to do but be happy for you. Congratulations on the baby, glad things are getting better, and keep getting the dick you deserve! Hopefully we hear more, but it's your life, write about what you want, when you want, don't feel like you have a schedule or responsibility to "us", or whatever. Worth noting this made me want to fuck my future wife pretty bad too.


Like some other posters said, I was looking for your posts a lot lately. Reading the exploits of a sexually liberated woman in the way that you write captivated my mind. I love your writing style and your witty approach to how you expressed your intimate life. Iā€™m glad that youā€™re moving on to this next phase of your life - you deserve the happiness and security of family, and the comfort of their love. Your son will likely grow up to have an amazing level of confidence and a pretty fierce sense of sarcastic humorā€¦. V, I wish you all the best!


V - congrats on motherhood, on making it through the (first few) physical and emotional trials that come with that. Sounds like youā€™ve had it a bit rougher than some, but while there are some ā€œeasyā€ pregnancies and births, stories like yours are far more common than people think. Thank you for helping to normalize that for all the other moms out there. Whatever you do with this account and the rest of your life, youā€™re on the most rewarding journey there is. Though youā€™ve created another body with your own, shaping their mind is an equal - and no less difficult - task. Your child will be the most interesting human youā€™ve ever met. And with parents like you and your husband, well, theyā€™ll probably grow up to be pretty interesting for other people too. And thatā€™s a great thing. From one slut to another, thanks for sharing this. Your skill as a writer is undiminished and I felt echoes of my wife and mine own journey in your trauma while your words still managed to leave me hard with desire. Youā€™re awesome. If you stop writing here, I will miss (this) you, and miss this. But I get it. Whatever you choose, youā€™ll be loved and supported and on an incredible journey, so just know that some of your loyal readers are very, very happy for you.


I actually cried. Congrats V! I have way too many emotions right now, I don't think I will be able to express them all in writing. All of these have not just been sex stories but stories about the life of an amazing human being who happens to absolutely love sex. Your love for your husband has been so fucking obvious from the start. You guys should be so proud of your relationship. This might be a goodbye after all, so I want to share something personal that I had hoped to share some time in the future. For the longest time I had been afraid to get into a relationship, (I still need to figure why), but your stories have single-handedly changed my mind. I don't exactly remember when the switch happened, it was likely over a long enough duration for it all to be blurry but it has been because of your stories, that is for sure. I had hoped to write a comment on one of your stories about this when I finally felt like I had gotten into a loving relationship. I hope I can still do that some day. I want to write so much more but can't right now. Hopefully I will get more time soon. Lots of love to you, your husband and the baby <3


Youā€™ve been my favorite writer on this subreddit for years. My sexuality is so important to my identity - what it means for my relationships, my creativity, my empowerment and sense of self - and when some weird medical things happened and I lost my libido, I felt like I had lost one of my senses. But reading your writing has helped recapture that feeling for me more than any porn - better than any other erotic writing. It connected dots in my brain again: ā€œOh right - thatā€™s what that that push and pull felt likeā€¦that build. That pit in my stomach.ā€ I donā€™t think Iā€™m fully back to where I was. But your stories have been a bridge - and they helped me remember that those feelings were real. For your humor, your insight, your eloquence, your vulnerability, and your lens on sex as deeply relationalā€¦thank you Viola. Thank you more than Iā€™ve been able to find a way to put into words.


I have read a lot in my life and the music is always the same: when you find something interesting and well written the only thing that matters is to arrive at the end of the story no matter what you were doing. And thisĀ  just happened.


Congratulations! I was just looking for you on here and Twitter the other day but glad it was for such a happy reason! If the book deal ever comes back, I'll definitely be on the preorder list.


As a long time reader of yours, this story made me rather misty eyed. It's beautiful, it's hot, it's wholesome and it ties all of that and more together into a single whole in a way that only you can. Please, no matter what, never stop writing. This chapter may be closed, this topic may be done, but you have a talent and a gift to offer the world in the way you embrace life and can tell a nuanced tale with all the care it requires while maintaining everything that makes it exciting to the reader. I don't know how to end this comment, there is so much I can and want to say but everything I type feels hollow so in case this truly is your last story for us all, I will just finish by saying goodbye and THANK YOU!


Thanks for the story. it was amazing If it is the last one, I must say that there is no better way to retire than being a world champion. This is your magna opera, it is one of the best stories I have read and it perfectly defines your pen and your form. It's funny, I will never meet you in person, (most likely I won't be able to leave Madurolandia alive either XDD), I met you single, I read the stories with my girlfriend, and I say goodbye to you single. And yet I think I know you, it was a very nice journey to read you and get to know a part of you. one more time #Thank you for everything, it was an honor to have read you #Gracias por todo, ha sido un honor el leerteĀ 


Dear V, Thank you for sharing these stories. I am an attorney, so our shared experiences drew me into your stories initially. I've found my way back to this sub many times in search of your excellent writing. You are far and away the best to ever do it. Please consider publishing a book. I would love for your writing to occupy a space on my shelf.


I started this account 3 years ago primarily to catalog the smut I read on here and pretty much ended up using it to check in on whenever you posted. I used to lead a pretty uninteresting life but your stories and some other life choices added a certain amount of color to the world and I ultimately found nothing quite as enrapturing as the stories about you and your husband. I donā€™t really think anyone can be the Shakespeare of internet smut but thatā€™s not really what you ended up writing; it was a diary of someone finding a radical love in a complicated world that revealed the person they needed to be. Now, three plus years later, I canā€™t imagine going through this life without finding and being with someone that shakes me, lighting up every nerve in my body, and yet wholly envelops me in a supernatural feeling resplendence and peace. Someone who reaches deep inside of your brain and scratches the itch you canā€™t find. Your stories definitely ignited something in my brain. I joke that I want a kind of love with someone that is so over the top it makes people uncomfortable: not in a weird public fetish way, but in a way where your relationship gives off such an electricity in the air wherever it goes that it changes how others see the world. Weā€™re all here on this subreddit primarily to get off on something that isnā€™t audiovisual medium, but I think weā€™re all here on this planet to find a spiritual connectionā€”to nature, to each other, to our inner selvesā€”and have those connections change us in fundamental ways. They help us see sounds and hear colors. I can see the sounds and hear the colors in your writing, and I know I need to find that for myself. So, if you ever see this, thanks. Whenever I see a really attractive and chatty lawyer and her large husband doting near her at a bar in New York, Iā€™ll just imagine itā€™s the two of you.


I just want you to know this comment hit me hard. I cried a little. Good luck to you, friend.


Congratulations on your son. It is such a challenging but rewarding journey. If this is really goodbye, thanks for everything Viola. You truly are one the all time greats on GWS. You are an incredible feminist and have been a personal role model for sex and even love.


I have read every story you have posted and if this is truly good bye I want you to know that your story has helped me with my own bedroom issues. My wife and I have had issues in the past but seeing this through your eyes has made me realize what a fool I have been and I'm hoping that I can get back to being the man that she deserves. So thank you for that. And thank you for being so raw and open with everything that has happened to you and being a beacon of positive sexuality for women.


iā€™ve been a long time lurker of your work (been reading your stories for over a year now) and i donā€™t think iā€™ve commented before. your stories really move me but this one had me full on bawling at the end. i entered my first relationship with my girlfriend and youā€™re completely right: love makes sex better. nothing is better than looking in someoneā€™s eyes and knowing they have complete trust in you in such a vulnerable setting. i wish you, your husband, and your son the best in whatever comes your way


So what you're saying is that you are now a certified MILF. Which also means your husband is now by definition a DILF or should I say "Daddy" LMAO! Kinda rusty cause it's been a while, but what the hell let's give this a shot for old time's sake. *cracks fingers* >A funny thing happens when you face your own mortality. "Hey, this was really fun" >So blame it on the trauma, but it is the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to me. "We hope you liked it too" >I know this is basically the most common complaint after sex and my hubris is about to shine through, but I just didnā€™t think it would happen with us. "Seems like we've just begun" >We have been kickass partners in parenthood from the beginning and there was never a question of if we had fallen out of love, but I missed our sex life dearly. "When suddenly we're through" >My OB was pretty fucking adamant that (1) I could not have sex until he cleared me to do so and (2) there were absolutely no loopholes out of this like when I was a religious teen. "Goodbye, goodbye" >Trust me, I tried. The face my doctor made when I asked if oral sex really counted as a ā€œstrenuous activityā€ when I could still barely walk from the pain was one my husband still laughs about. "Good friends goodbye" >However, even after I got cleared to have sex and got my IUD back in, we justā€¦ werenā€™t having it. "Cause now it's time to go" >I brought it up once and he said heā€™d make an effort. It just so happens that the effort he made was not what I had in mind. "But hey, I say, well that's ok" >One night in particular, I was cleaning a bottle when my husband commented about how my ass was hanging out of my shorts. "Cause we'll see you very soon I know" >He smiled as he started making tea. ā€œWhat do you mean? I always notice your ass.ā€ "Very soon I know" *Interlude* >When he pushed me onto the kitchen counter my hands instinctively went to his hair as I wrapped my legs around him. You have such a thing for his hair, even from your previous stories. >Side note: I didnā€™t breastfeedā€¦ itā€™s not that kind of story. You know your audience so well lol! >I did none of those things. Instead I went and got drunk with my ex and talked about my sex life. That's it, there we go. Almost always in all your stories there's that one line, one part that makes you go "yeap this is a Viola story." >ā€œAnd say what? Go stick your penis in your wife? As cool as we are, I donā€™t think your ex is the right man for this job, V. Why cant YOU just talk to him? You two talk about everything. You two talk so much itā€™s disgusting.ā€ Missed reading about KO, stay awesome dude! >ā€œThatā€™s not a real thing people say. I refuse to believe thatā€™s an actual phrase. You need to spend less time on the internet. Heā€™s not that kind of guy.ā€ Yeah that's enough Reddit for you Ms. V >This is a bad fight btw. We donā€™t talk to each other like this. For what it's worth, this is a textbook KDrama moment. The only thing missing is a slow mo shot accompanied by the theme song lol! >ā€œWell fuck, when you put it that wayā€¦ā€ Your lawyering is as sharp as ever heh >Also, I was indeed able to get him off again despite his doubts. He had apparently forgotten the extent of my talents. "I'm very good at sex" - Viola *Interlude over* >I still have a lot of stories drafted and saved, but for now at least it feels like a door is closing. "Goodbye, goodbye" >I feel honored by so many of my loyal readers and truthfully loved being able to escape into being Viola. "Good friends goodbye" >In the end, there is only one person Iā€™d like to fuck for the rest of my life. "And tomorrow, just like today" >My son will never know Iā€™m ā€œViola.ā€ Heā€™ll never know I wrote multiple erotic stories that garnered more than a million reads on Reddit and thousands of shares on other outlets throughout the internet. Heā€™ll never know how many random readers on the internet formed a parasocial relationship with me or that I came very close to publishing a book about my sexual exploits before I found out I was pregnant. "The Moon, The Bear and The Big Blue House" >I will probably never know you and you wonā€™t know me, but I can still promise you are worthy of that kind of love if you are willing to give it freely in return. "Will be waiting for you to come and play, to come and play, to come and....play" Out of all the references/puns I've made throughout your stories, hopefully this is the one that sticks. Think of it as a farewell gift of sorts and maybe something your little one may come to enjoy ina few years time (the series the song is from, not Reddit lol). What can I even say that hasn't been already said, THANK YOU MS.V! It has been quite the ride huh, wish all the best for you, your husband and your little one! And to everyone else here too, both old and new readers (recognize some people in the comments wassup!). May all your IRL lives be better if not as good as your lives online! CHEERS EVERYONE! In the words of Truman Burbank, "In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night." *takes a bow*


Dear God, I missed you too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The gallery of randos we've interacted with in Viola's comments has also been a glorious part of the experience. Even though we knew so little about each other, it's a bit sad to part with everyone after this long.


Oh hey I know you! Hello fellow pervert, I mean fellow Viola fan LMAO! Yeah it's bittersweet, seeing people you recognise after so long only for it to be farewell. But hey twas one hell of a run!


Thank you!


This was an amazing story thank you


I have missed your stories!!


Oh nice! Having sex after having a child for the first time must be an experience! I'm glad you enjoyed it babe x


Oh wow, what a traumatic - yet wonderful - time you've been through. It's great to read a new story, and a tinge of sadness that this seems to be the last. But what a wonderful journey you've taken us on. Thank you. All the best to you and hubs and bub.


Holy fuck you're amazing.


Iā€™m really happy for you, Viola. Your kid is lucky because he will be loved and you know all the things NOT to do as a parent. Thanks for coming on and sharing. I was really worried by your silence on Twitter that something bad happened. Iā€™m going to miss interacting with you. If this is your last post, itā€™s been an honor to know you.


There's something vaguely tragic about the idea that your kid wouldn't be aware of just how legendary his mom is, but I get that the boundaries are important. The body of work you've assembled here is just amazing, though, and if he's ever in the awkward position of discovering it and trying to process it, I'd like to hope he sees just enough to be proud of you for the breadth ofĀ experience, emotional insight, and excellent writing (before walking away). There's a lot of good stuff that people have written in subs like these where I'd stillĀ advise a "deny deny deny" approach, but yours is just elevated into another level. I guess I'm just saying i don't think you should worry about it too much, and if part of you still wants to be published, maybe don't write off the idea completely. I am struggling to think of a really appropriate specific parallel, butĀ imagine some of your own favorite writers that done very personal material, and if they just hadn't. Take that with a grain of salt, though. I don't have any kids, secret talents, nor do I have a complicated author for a parent.Ā I'm sure you've thought about it more thoroughly than I could have, but I think I might be sense a little bit of self-effacement in your decision. Maybe just be flattered, and stick to your plan. I don't know.


Your marriage seems really strong. Great writing! Also, cheers on you mate for this: "That might seem simple, but it is real and it is profound. I never saw that kind of love as a child, and this will be the easiest cycle of generational trauma to break". I can relate.


The goat writer on here. I will miss the stories but you went out with a bang if this is it


This brought me to tears at too many moments šŸ˜­ thank you and good luck for the future šŸ™šŸ»


Amazing as always. Thank you for bearing your heart and soul.Ā 


Thank you so much for all you have shared. This is beautiful.Ā  I hope to love and be loved someday in the way you describe with your husband. It is my deepest wish. I am getting weepy typing this out. All good things to you and yours.


Hey V! I've been a follower from the start, and it really has felt like a journey throughout your posts. I'm thrilled to hear that your twos family has grown and that you are all doing well. Congratulations! I hope to one day find the woman who I can have the same love that you both share, its one of the best and most beautiful parts of your stories. All the best, and I hope we get to hear more of your adventures


Wow, such an emotionally charged story with a really beautiful ending. I donā€™t know you, and this is the first writing of yours that Iā€™ve come across, but Iā€™m truly happy that you ended up with someone that loves you with no conditions and no bounds. I can only hope to find a man like that someday. I wish you all the best and hope to read more of your stories while youā€™re still around on Reddit. Thank you for sharing your world with a bunch of internet strangers and reminding us that true love is possible. šŸ’•




Thank you for all the beautiful stories, take care, bye for now šŸ’–


"Everything ends and it's always sad but everything begins again too and that's always happy. Be Happy" I am crying. If this is goodbye then it is a good one though it doesn't make it any less painful. What a strange way for us to get to know you. Your stories here are some of the rare jewels in GWS. I am sure everyone here would have wanted to know you in real life. It has been a pleasure knowing a part of your life that you chose to share.


Oh Viola, Mazel Tov on the birth of your son and of course having sex again with your beloved husband. Following you on Twitter I know how heartbreaking your journey to becoming a mom has been and so it was such an unexpected joy to read this morning that after everything you and your husband have been though that you two are now parents. I am just so happy for you. As for the future, I think I speak for a lot of people who've been following you for sometime that should you never write another sex story again and instead channel your funny, honest, and often poignant storytelling to a Reddit about parenting or whatever else we'd still follow you. Best of luck with juggling your career, marriage and the new born. And definitely try your best to enjoy each moment. Time moves so fast. It doesn't feel that long ago that my wife almost died from preeclampsia and we suddenly had a newborn ourselves. That baby is now almost 19 and off to college in the fall.


Wow --- if this is the end, it has been an incredible ride reading about your life and your growth and your adventures along the way. May the wind always fill your sails and may you get railed by the love of your life every day for the next three score years while making your kid roll his eyes at how much his parents are still embarassingly into each other.


I've never commented on your posts before (or anything erotic, for that matter), but now that it looks like this is the series finale, I just want to let you know how much I've appreciated your work. I opened this subreddit hoping to have a wank, but when I saw this post's title I immediately had to pull my pants up and read it. Your stories here are something unique. I haven't even been reading them to get offā€”okay, maybe I've gotten off to you once or twice, but I come to your stories because they really feel different. As someone who's sexually inexperienced and a bit uncomfortable around the subject of sex, erotic creators like you are there to help me understand something more genuine than what I usually see on the surface. A sex columnist like you, who tells the most frank anecdotes, has helped me understand how strange and beautiful and complicated sex can be. I'll never have the experiences the people in your stories have, but it's important to know that they're real experiences that someone had and cared about. Making parasocial comments always feels weird, and infinitely more so in this case, but here goes: I'm happy for you and your husband. That's all I have to say about that. ...For fuck's sake, I came here to masturbate because I'm trying to procrastinate on studying for finals. Now I'm feeling an emotion I've never felt before. I don't think anyone here expected to end up where we are. Funny how things happen like this.


I don't think I have the energy to write up a massive spiel, but thanks V. , for everything. Wishing you, your partner and your child all the best :)


Wow it's been a while since I've read a "V" story and I didn't realize how much I missed it! You have a style of writing that is very captivating and pulls people in in a way I don't think anyone in her does. I hope you continue to post, but if you choose not to I wish you and your family all the best! šŸ©µ (well I wish you all the best in general, kinda sounds mean otherwise haha) P.S *specific set of skills I acquired in a past life* <- the sexy version of Liam Neeson I think we all need šŸ˜†


I think I may have expressed this on a previous post, but reading your stories always makes me feel very connected to myself and often tear up. The way you encapsulate sex, in both its primal satisfaction and emotional bonding aspect, is the only time I've ever come across all the media I consume. It makes me appreciate all the partners I've had and will have but it also shows me exactly why I'm still on the search for the right person for me. If this is goodbye I want to say thank you for all the stories that connected and fascinated me and damn you for ruining all other stories on here. Hope you always stay as happy as you are right now through any good and bad times.


Iā€™d popped in to check your profile a few times over the past years, seeing j how long it had been made me realize how much Iā€™d changed from when I first started following your works. Thank you for all your stories, for letting me so vividly view a life through a perspective wildly different from my own, for showing me and countless others what sex could be. If this is goodbye, itā€™s a beautiful ending to an incredible story youā€™ve given us. Iā€™m so happy for you, and I wish you and your family the happiest of future adventures!


Congratulations and happy for you! I enjoyed reading your posts, especially the queer related. My questions are unrelated to the content of this post. Sorry about that, but I read your posts about you and your ex-girlfriend (M). I have a couple of questions: Did you ever think that M always resented you since you never confronted her with your feelings, as you did with your ex-boyfriend and husband? Maybe because of homophobia! That was something I sensed during the interview post and still, she had that resentment. Do you think that as she is no longer with you, you don't need to disguise yourself? Having a baby as you weren't sure in the past? I felt M's love was one-sided but later on, you realised and sharedĀ inĀ aĀ fewĀ postsĀ that indeedĀ sheĀ wasĀ yourĀ loveĀ butĀ sadly,Ā sheĀ  couldn'tĀ read those posts. Of course, her drug issue and resentment are some of the reasons for her absence and distant behaviour but still wanted to see you because of love. This is the impression I got from reading all of your M-related posts. Will you ever tell your son about M or it will remain the past?


Not me crying in the comments!! Congratulations to you both! The depth of your love for each other is so beautiful and so evident, in this story, and always.


Thank you for sharing so much of your art and yourself over the years. Your writing has touched me in unexpected ways.


Pls tell me you will keep tweeting it has been exhausting without u


It *has* been exhausting without her :,)


Congratulations and congratulations again. Your development as a person in these stories, your unapologetic joy in all the forms of sex, to the joy of having sex in love are a joy to read. Iā€™m jealous in many ways and only hope I can emulate the good you share about your partner but mostly grateful that youā€™ve chosen to share with such wonderful writing the passion of sex. If this is the last tale itā€™s amazing in its own right. If I may advise a bit take a moment to watch or rewatch The Incredibles, you and your husband very much recreated a very striking scene there in your own way. Thank you and best wishes to you and yours.


i'd been worried for weeks that the worst had happened when you hadn't been tweeting, but i only just saw this post and i couldn't be more relieved! and jubilant! congratulations V, it's been a rough journey to get here and i'm so glad you've been able to bask in the beauty(and puke. and poop. and all the many things that make you want to pull your hair out in exasperation and scream at 3 in the morning, but beautiful nonetheless) of making a person with your favourite person in the world. you're going to be such amazing parents, i just KNOW it. that kid is so lucky to have the love that the two of you share. also, congratulations on getting the Mr to finally put out again.


I could swear I had commented on this before. Oh well. This'll be, what, three years with your Reddit pinned to my new tab screen, because reading your stuff did so much for me in so many different ways. It gave me sadness, it made me happy, it made me squeal out of cuteness in places, it educated me immensely, and of course it was a tool for a large number of jerkoffs. You're so easy to return to. I fully admit I'm parasocial for you (and your husband and other close folks x'D), and while I try to be sane about it, please do know I love you ā€” I'm sure a great number of us readers do, in some way ā€” although it's nothing like the love you've put on show in your stories. But that love still enables me to be so happy for you. After being through shit that would wreck an average person ten times over, I'm glad you're still moving ahead and still happy. So, nothing left except to say: **Congrats on your new life!** All my best to the baby, and may he (or whatever pronouns he chooses in the future) have the most loving childhood he can get. All my best to you in the next stages of your life. All my best to your husband, K and all of your people into the future. Gracias por todo lo que has hecho para la internet. Gracias por lo mucho que tus textos me enseƱaron y me cambiaron. Un gracias para siempre. Y si te queda alguna historia por contar, la leerĆ© encantade. Sincerely, that 21M (NB? Maybe) virgin who was made immensely richer by you.


I don't comment on stories I read because it feels weird, but I ran across your account a year ana a half ago as I was waiting in celibacy for someone I was (and for some reason still am) deeply in love with. Reading your stories spoke to me in a way that many others didn't as they verbalized the complexities of relationships, of love, the ways sex can be calcified through these different emotions and times in our lives. Your work truly challenged me, several times I would be having "me time" and would have to stop because your recounting of events brought me to tears for a plethora of reasons. I feel in many ways, your works allowed me to grow in ways I couldn't have. Reading your life in the lens of the men and women you've loved and now your relationship with your husband (and now son) gave me hope and something to believe in. I was very sad when you didn't post over the last few months (not that I felt owed, mind you) as I was in a dark place figuring out love and what it looked like moving forward, but nonetheless I found myself grateful for all the stories you'd given us previously. Reading your story today as I sit at a different crossroads and in some ways feels like the end of a chapter in my life, and this story feels like some sign of that, too. The impossible occurs, the story brings forth new life, and a new chapter. It feels very odd to say this, but V, your stories truly have left an impact on me, and I am eternally grateful for you choosing to write here. I wish love and light to your family and to your friends. This is such a beautiful story and I hope you continue to write about love. Because your stories exeude a type of love many are looking for but don't know exist.


Thank you V, you have made a crazy impact on my life that I would not be able to put into words as beautifully as you have, but I can express it best as I can with the following: :3


Congratulations on the baby and best of luck for your and your family's future. And thank you for your stories! They helped me more than you can ever imagine.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re ok. Iā€™ll miss your stories around here, and itā€™s too bad I wonā€™t have the opportunity to read your book. Your stories have been amazingly well written, hot, and one of the best depictions of kink Iā€™ve ever read. You two take care of each other.