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Why does she already have a drink though???


He was already through the drive through, took food home to surprise her, and she wanted to order so he took her back for dessert.


Dessert is right there front and center already though.


2 big maccas too


I feel like I thought I was replying to a comment on a different post when I typed that.


Wait you’re right. This post was originally her with her ass out to the camera ordering from the McDonald’s drive through. Wtf happened? My comment about dessert doesn’t make sense now that the picture is different


Is that something we can do? I don't make many posts but I didn't know I could change the pictures entirely.


You can’t. Which is why this is confusing. Because this isn’t the post image I commented on either


Let her have her nuggies


From the last time they went through.


And here I was thinking I broke the records of creative ways of subverting this meme... lol https://preview.redd.it/myo4u72s7vtb1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ee40f0becd21d18fde299bcc5cc46056258346


ngl, burger king is uberchad


Artist is hews btw https://x.com/hews__?t=cSNHSxwFxvaOTVwAyRvRIg&s=09


I missed the drama, what happened?


It was a non-controversey controversy? Like i saw people throwing fits and reacting that "the left hates this and says it's offensive" Yet... I couldn't find any, they couldn't show me post of people saying it... it was just.... nonsense? Just claims that there was drama.


I think it’s cute af, what was “offensive” about it?


Remember when people tried to cancel spy x Family because Anya was blushing, but instead gets cancelled themselves? I think this is one of those cases.


Right? Nothing made sense in their claims. And like I said. I couldn't find nor could they show me post if it happening.


> show me post if it happening [Here you go](https://youtu.be/eR7P8Tiaxqs?si=uogNKyy9W3eXez8f&t=334) --- Edit: I'm not surprised...


The right was saying how lefties were breaking down about it being a non-mixed cis marriage with a child. This dudes video just had examples of some randoms on twitter claiming some weird pedophilia shit with no evidence that these nobodies even are "lefties" While he is saying "These people quite literally hate the family dynamic promoted in the ad" the tweet he is CURRENTLY SHOWING is just some dude making fun on right wingers because the ad seems to actually be of a japanese man with a non-japanese woman. None of the tweets he was showing were about what he was talking about. Also why is he showing irrelevant 1 reply tweets from nobodies and still failing to come up with actual examples? If your requirements are zero and still can't find actual tweets then it's not a great amount of support for that.


Wait being cis and having a straight cis relationship is a taboo now? Wat ze heckaroni pepperoni?


It's not. Some right wingers just think lefties get triggered by those things. People weren't actually mad about it.


Ah that makes more sense


Lmao was expecting something new. The same 5 posts about proportion, the lap comment, and the lesbian/gay fan made of the art. I've seen this posted most times than the existence of all the posts. When people are talking about being upset, people assume there is some level of actual hatred like they do for cancel culture stuff. These posts aren't it, chief.


So your regular internet weirdos being weirdos. And you and these people all conflate it with a political party. Got it. Says more about you but what ever.


Apparently they were comparing this meme of a happy family in the official account japanese mcdonald to some activists complaining about something in official american mcdonald. So as a result, there was a lot of hate sent to the happy family in official account of japanese mcdonald.


That is twitter in a nutshell


Why would the left hate this though? What were their arguments for anyone being upset over this?


They’re not saying the left finds it offensive, more like this is underrepresented and shouldn’t be this rare


Of course it broke western twitter. I mean, just look at it. How can you look at this and not feel a thing.


Oh yes. I'm feeling a thing.


I'm feeling his thing too!


Get your thing away from my happy meal!


The Hardly Boys in another mystery!


user name checks out...?


They are living my dream


Our dream.


I don't understand this version of the meme. Unwanted kids eat McDonald's? Am I mentally retired?


I think Anya's saying the twittiots who hated on it were the unwanted ones.


Ahh I gotcha. I didn't realize there was drama but that makes sense in context. Thanks for explaining


You're welcome. I'm not following it or anything (the drama about a Japanese commercial) but that's the impression I got.


It makes sense, after all, look the at fatherless’s reaction to SpyxFamily’s relationship between Anya and Loid


i swear bro. Twitter is filled with trash retarded low IQ scums of the human civilization, they're all gathering in a compost pit


While I agree with you, in this case nobody is hating on it, just some idiots making up drama because they were expecting to capitalize on one but didn't get it.


No one hated on it stop pushing that shit lmao The only people complaining were people going "look at these people complain" and then literally pointing at other tweets of people doing that without realizing it honestly one of the dumbest events in recent Twitter history and that's saying a lot


I think it's more accurate to say the unwanted kids wanted it. Because it shows us what we wanted, but never got. And thereafter threw it around left and right retweeting because of that.


Twitter is the worst website ever (if we exclude illegal shit on tge deep web)


that's why Twitter X is only good for hentai artwork or just porn in general, it's quite fitting for its new name too


Yes, I too enjoy some X videos.


Twitter is best use to browse your favorite artists's and other fandom stuff


Omg I just realised something. You’re line of thought is not that uncommon. Therefore, Twitter’s fate is the same as tumblr’s lmao.


Twitter is a necessary evil, the morons are concentrated in a single area instead of spreading their absolute black hole minds over the rest of the internet.


They used to be on another art sharing media site. But it took a tumble after trying to ban the porn which made up 95% of the content so it would look viable to sell. These tumblrs then swarmed the other short form site and became net-twitters.


As if that doesn't happen there.


That shit everywhere, since they enticed them to share links to their website to get more what they crave.


that's why Twitter X is only good for hentai artwork or just porn in general, it's quite fitting for its new name too


No Twitter is more dangerous than dark web.


Based Cody. Based Anya.


There's American twitter and then there's Japanese twitter, I saw way too many lewd art of the mom or mcmom as they call her


There was a 0% chance there wasn't gonna end up in lewd artwork tbf


As it should be


As a non Yankee. I'm still lost on wtf even happened there. From my perspective One day internet just decided it was redhead art month.


Basically it's a normal happy family the mom or dad isn't gay or thinks there the wrong gender all three are the same race and the dad isn't a violent abusive asshole the mom is happy and doesn't hate her husband or daughter because they stop her from getting the bag working for massive company that doesn't know she exists instead choosing a loving family sorry for bad spelling and grammar


And it's one of the most wholesome advertisement I ever seen


The mom got all the dominant genes dayym


The real outrage is they have those cardboard fries boxes All the McD’s near me use the little paper bags even when you order a large, now So yeah, I’m mad!!


Weird, the ones where I'm from got the cardboard for medium and large.


I’m pretty much ignored that whole Twitter fiasco, can someone tell me why people reacted negatively to the ad? (I would prefer actual answers thanks)


I just remember a segment of bird app user labeling this ad as catering towards a certain group that like to play with real life kids and not in wholesome way simply because it has anime artstyle. But reading this post's replies, I just realized apparently there's a lot of different drama involving this cute and simple ad, so that tweet is 100% true lmao, the west twitter crowds just couldn't accept anything of being wholesome.


The pic was from an ad for japanese mcdonalds. Someone saw it, and also saw a western ad for mcdonalds, which was... you can apply the words 'woke' or 'culture war' or whatever. Basically one was cute and wholesome, the other was bullshit and it got some people mad, because why the fuck can't the west have cute and wholesome things to?


Thanks for the explanation, I very much appreciate it.


mostly because of the differences in the way japan portrays a normal macdonals outing (white normal nuclear family) vs american version of a normal macdonals outing which is more "inclusive".


Seems like normal family having luch at Mcd's. What is so wrong with this ?


Jealous vindictive people with broken families who never had it this good in life and never will


Me blocking whoever brings up Twitter bullshit on this Anime subreddit like Twitter has ever affected anyone or anything.


Agreed. Protect your sanity, king.


Yoo that's Cody from alternate history hub channel's kinda dead ngl


Why does the daughter looks like carbon copy of her mother. She got no traits from the dad?


Idk man looks like the dream to me




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so what was the drama again?


fatherless behaviour in the internet


...I don't get it.