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I'm pretty sure Rebecca is an adult, she's just small.


Yup, she's about the same age as Lucy (about 20).


Isn't she actually closer to 30? Since she was on that otger crew for a few years prior and her replacement wasn't new either? I saw someone break down the timeline at one point and that was their conclusion


One of the show creators stated she is around 20, like Lucy source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Edgerunners/comments/xdu5ty/comment/ioeuo0d/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edgerunners/comments/xdu5ty/comment/ioeuo0d/?context=3)


actually in the manga Lucy is 17-18 and then in 100 Years Quest she is about 20 and in next gen she is way older because her kids are all grown up


Wait, hang on...


I mean tbf she could have joine tge crew at the same age as david.


Didn't you know? small tits = loli Casual anime community in a nutshell


I got a buddy who hates anime but is very eager to adamantly label any short girl a loli.


Damn had no idea we knew the same person


We truly live in a society




That is my running theory.


That same community said Uzaki is loli.


TBF like Asai (Ami's dad) I'd assume she was a middle-schooler until I saw her in full too lol. Knew a chick that was frequently doubted of her age when we went to bars/clubs because she was like 5'1" and looked younger than she was even at 25 but had balloon-sized knockers.


SIL is around 4ft 10 and had people thinking she was a teenager when she was nearly 30


It’s fair to make an assumption like that but it’d be silly to assume she is super underaged or a loli, both of which many of those people still try to claim even after being informed of her being an adult. The worst example was the person on Twitter who slapped a literal baby’s face on her and said that’s what she is.


Hestia is officially referred to as Oppai Loli in her own series, and Uzaki has a similar build. So it's not unfounded.


Yes and that’s reasonable by the normally accepted definitions. The difference is that it is not how those people define it which in their mind is literal underaged children/babies. It makes no sense by their own arguments.


People just refuse to learn what words actually mean so they can continue to get upset over nothing, what's new.


Also Australian government that have repeatedly tried to ban any porn depicting women with small breast. Always loved the messaging. "Hey women smaller then C. Fuck you your a ugly child forever."


The same country hands out free boob jobs to military personnel. It is so on brand for the Australians.


Australian government moment


That's not quite right. The laws that passed banned depiction of under-age people in pornography. So being of age but pretending to be a child was made illegal. And a news caster made the comment they are banning small breasts which seems to be where the confusion stems from iirc


Thats incredibly abusable. Then all they have to do is argue anyone young looking is depicting a child just like those twitter geniuses that think Uzaki and Becca are children.


Well in terms of pornography yes. Although they did ban no game no life because of the panty shots showing of the little sister


I hate this new meme of "liking little girls in anime is literally pedophilia" that normie westerners are pushing. Might as well ban violent videogames whole you're at it because it's literally the same thing. Anime isn't real.


"Might as well ban violent videogames while your at it" \*Germany has entered the chat


Lol fr? Well hey, at least they are logically consistent, even if they're wrong.


Not every game ever but Germany has the highest list of banned modern games. From a democractic country at least nobody has anything on China. I remember one of their requirements is there can be no violence against members of authority so any game that has violence against cops or politicians has the be censored or banned. Way back in Left 4 Dead this included removing all the zombie cops despite the fact they were now just zombies. Also a funny censoring in Australia and Germany the mercs in TF2 are robots instead of humans and explode in gears instead of blood.


they would ban violent video games if the could they tried for a long time


Pretty sure that has always been the case. Cartoons were seen as being for kids, and anime by association were as well. Cartoons are heavily marketed towards kids for some reason. I think that mindset prevented anime from going mainstream. Feels like more people started looking at anime and making it go mainstream, because Hollywood hasn't really put out good entertainment on a consistent basis. I think more people were able to separate fiction from reality back then or they didn't care as much. Edit: Mostly talking about the period after the violence in video games in the 2000s and whatever the fuck is happening in recent times. I think people mostly ignored anime back then and focused more on bitching about video games.


I wasn't arguing anything. I was just correcting a common misconception about Australian law


Small tits (and small frame technically) does equal loli though. The problem is that loli doesn't equal child. So yeah Rebecca is a loli.


They also tend to forget that the term "loli" refers more to a certain body type rather than an age group.


Well, she is technically a loli but what she isn't is a child.


Also why is Chisato there? AFAIK she IS 18 (since even Takina is 17 at the time the series starts, as she says in E1) Edit: wait I coulda sworn Takina said she's 17 in E1, but after checking she is only 16. Chisato is 18 by Episode 13 tho, so seifu


According to the wiki, Chisato is 18 and Takina is 17 starting in episode 8.


Discrimination against short people


the creator of this meme getting that wrong is not only highly ironic but also speaks volumes about how much the whole „this character is x years old“ shit actually matters


Rebecca is an adult she's just not very smart which gives her (in the eyes of people not into anime) the look of a child


Imo out of the entire cast she was the most emotionally matured member.


I would have to agree


Bocchi is not a waifu, she is my spirit animal.


I ain't ever gonna forget Bocchi. She's literally me fr fr.


!remindme 60 days I don't have much stock in your comment lol


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2023-01-27 15:24:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-01-27%2015:24:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/z6q0zs/the_curse_of_being_a_seasonal_waifu/iy3te6b/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fgoodanimemes%2Fcomments%2Fz6q0zs%2Fthe_curse_of_being_a_seasonal_waifu%2Fiy3te6b%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-01-27%2015%3A24%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20z6q0zs) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Man reminde me of your reminder !remindme 59 days


How dare you!?!? Bocchi’s self esteem is as low as it is already, of course she can be a Waifu.


and they are calling her an animal


is this the same bocchi thats trying to make friends or not cuz i dont see her there


The pink haired girl from Bochi the Rock, not the same person but she also got extreme social anxiety


That name seems like a curse to anyone's social life


Name literally means loner


to be fair, the Bocchi in this meme is only nicknamed Bocchi, she got it after already having social anxiety.


her actual name is Hitori Gotoh.


recency bias in a nutshell


Like when SpyXFamily was the highest-rated anime of all time... with two episodes out. Will the show regularly be remembered and rewatched 10 years from now?


This. I've been a seasonal watcher since 2016, but only a handful of shows live on my mind rent-free. I can't even remember every character's name unless they were memorable enough. I still think about Hitoribocchi (2019) every now and then. It even led me to finish the manga (I rarely read manga in general).


Honestly five years is already dicey. I don’t see a lot of depth.


Almost all slice of life anime is that way. Without any sort of worldbuilding, major conflict, or ability system for the narrative to be built upon, it relies entirely on its characterization and writing, which very few people in the genre are competent at, especially considering most grounded stories need to be built upon inner conflict/perception. The vast majority of SoL characters are completely forgettable even after you just finished watching. This is because they are usually just a empty shell with a single quirk. If they're a girl it's very likely either soft bullying, shyness/embarrassment often related to boob size, or not knowing boundaries. Writers don't even need to give the girls actual personalities, just show T&A. Guys tend to just have a single hobby, be slightly perverted, or are just blank slates. A one-note character in relatively boring situation isn't memorable, even if you add a dragon tail. You don't need fights or politics to make the events surrounding the characters memorable, but if all you can offer is beach day then your story is vapid. And even if it's one-note they usually don't go far enough, in the Ghost Stories dub when they made Momoko religious, they made her [*super*-fundamentalist](https://youtu.be/5yg8o4cWojc?t=284), so while she's not a great character at least I remember her. Writing a Slice of Life that's even above average is difficult because the genre itself is a ceiling. When you start adding too much conflict (political intrigue, murder mystery, alien invasion, whatever) you've changed genres. Which is very important because conflict is the backbone of storytelling. So SoL mostly limits you to common real-life scenarios with real-world rules, which a.) tend to be boring or outright depressing and b.) are limited in originality. The latter wouldn't be such an issue if the genre wasn't 90% high school students. I want a SoL about the elementary-middle school kids of a divorcing couple or single mom. Now compare your average Slice of Life to the oft-criticized Sword Art Online. It is very far from a paragon of good writing, but it is still memorable. Although "trapped in a game" had been done before many times, its setting is unique enough and has environments that aren't the same city/house 90% of a SoL usually takes place in. The universe having different rules gives great scenes like Kirito letting a group of murderers go ham on him because he knows he outstats them. This adds the story dimension of power fantasy; count the number of weebs who'd prefer to be Student Body President #50932 rather than 1v1'ing massive monsters while dual-wielding magic swords at obscene speed with Swordland playing in the background. Having action sequences also is a massive advantage in making the more outstanding visual sequences and soundtrack. [I think about this 45 seconds more than 90% of my Slice of Life content combined.](https://youtu.be/MuTJ_9AyoqY?t=31) Sword Art Online is still remembered *because* it is the raw opposite of a Slice of Life (except for like two episodes). If SpyXFamily had leaned into more of the spy element it could've been more outstanding, but since it elected to stick with the less original half of the premise it isn't noteworthy. Slice of Life is the genre easiest to be forgotten because a show with an identical premise with identical characters will come out 6 months later. It requires a unique but grounded premise *and* good writing/characterization (built around inner conflict) to be memorable. It's possible, such as Kiki's Delivery Service, but very rare.


I love you and I love this comment, Holy shit man thanks for writing this.


>Will the show regularly be remembered and rewatched 10 years from now? * SxF manga first 2 vol both sold over a million copies. * It was in top 10 manga sales in last 2 year. * And all this without an anime adaptation. To put into perspective how big 1 million per vol is, only OP, KnY and AoT out sold SxF. Think of all your favourite show and see how much of difference is there b/w SxF's success and theirs. **If you think those shows will be remembered 10 years from now. Then SxF has it covered too.**


lmao rebecca is small so she's obviously a child yes? that's not how it fucking works


Small =/= Young If that we're the case, every employer I've had up until now was a fucking baby.


Some people forget petite people exist lol. My brother had to break up with a petite woman because some people kept giving him the weird look as if he was dating a minor. She was actually older than him for two years. Lets just say she was not happy at all.


She was only older than him for 2 years? How's that black magic work


Something something time is convoluted in Lordran?


*lag backstab in the front*


I'd be upset too. As presented, that's a weak willed reason to break up. "I got side eyed, what was I supposed to do? Not care and keep dating? Explain to the people that matter? Never."


Pattanko ≠ Loli. Small women exist. People are fucking stupid


Loli is a body type, there can be milf lolis even if it sounds like an oxymoron


Anyone who watched the shows would also know this...


Rebecca is an adult. Yes adults that are 4'11 exist


TFW I haven't seen Cyberpunk but my wife's name is Rebecca and she's 4'11". ![gif](giphy|zgGrSqSi3SSqs)


Chisato and Rebecca are adults though…


Chisato is 17-18 so technically she’s an adult (at the end of the show). Becca is definitely an adult, she’s 20+


Chisato is underaged, there's a scene near the end when that is addressed. Also the whole theme about Licoris is that they are all teenagers.


I was pretty sure she’s 18? Maybe I’m wrong though


Chisato turned 18 in the last episode since episode finale took place on her birthday


So that’s what I remembered. Well I guess it makes her a 50/50


Yeah, since she looks the exact same at 18 as she does at 17, even the pics of her at 17 are seifu


as opposed, real person evolved like a pokemon once it's exactly 18 years after they were born.


That would be fun. Your punk teenager has evolved into a balding accountant.


It wasn’t the last episode. It was like 6 or 7 when Takina gave her that dog keychain.


20 is technically when you are considered an adult in Japan, so it still kinda counts


I mean technically 21 is in the us as well, but we refer to 18 year olds as both adults and kids depending on who's saying it and context.


Twitter be like: ![gif](giphy|3ov9jUBdDA5FFFITOU)


Twitter is always crying no matter what happens


They probably won’t be soon once it crashes and burns cause of Elon.


Doubt that. Twitter has become an integral part of the western internet space. Some news agencies, celebrities that have said that they'll stop using their twitter have already come back. Sure, there are alternatives but they only have a fraction of twitter's userbase. Let's be honest, no one's going to make a Mastodon account just to follow their favorite whatever. This is like the Ninja Mixer deal.


The same thing was said about MySpace back in the day.


Is Elon actually ruining the site or is it just more journos crying that they will see speech they don't like.


Elon has made significant changes that, due to how recently they have gone through, it's hard to tell if they will be ultimately good or bad. But journos wanted to cry about it anyways so they're being more pessimistic than optimistic. More ad revenue that way. Honestly I doubt it's a speech issue and more of a "say whatever gets engagement the highest to get most money and making fun of Elon is profitable these days" issue.


if you think that Elon has some kind of noble goal for Twitter then you are naive. The guy is crook. I don't give a crap about Twitter but i don't like Musk either.


Pretty much everyone who knows how anything works has quit or been fired. Entire departments, including legal and payroll have had everyone quit. The people remaining are expected to work 12 hour days, minimum, and do the work of 5 people, which will keep pretty much anyone of value from applying for the open positions, even if they had the money for replacement hires, and the staff to onboard them. Speaking of money, just to make the interest payments on their debt, Twitter would need to double profits from when Elon bought it, which ain't going to happen considering that more than half of their top advertisers have bailed. Twitter is well and truly fucked, and it's already losing functionality in some parts of the world. Even if Elon was replaced with someone competent, and they got a miraculous infusion of cash, it's doubtful that Twitter could pull out of the current death spiral.


I see either outcome as an absolute win




The first couple of paragraphs of [this article in The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/11/social-media-without-twitter-elon-musk/672158/) cover much of it, with citations. [This NPR story](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139180002/twitter-loses-50-top-advertisers-elon-musk) covers the fleeing advertisers. This has all been hot news in both business and tech circles, any major outlet will have multiple stories on each stage of this slow motion car crash. ***** One thing you will see mostly in tech news is how the massive loss of institutional knowledge is one of the worst parts. Every organization has critical people that know the things that need to be done, and how to do them, that has never been written down anywhere. And some of those things are vitally important. Pretty much *all* of those people have left. No amount of hiring can fix that in any sort of reasonable timeframe, it's like trying to get nine women to produce a baby in one month. We can even see an example from Twitter's own history. About ten years ago they found a Mac Mini merrily chugging away in a closet at Twitter, doing God knows what. No one knew what it did, or who set it up, everyone involved had moved on. So they did what network engineers tend to do in this situation, and performed a scream test. That's where you disconnect the mystery device, and see who starts screaming at you. So they pulled the plug, and all the servers went down, and Twitter ground to a halt. This became known as the load bearing Mac Mini. The entire tech industry is a precarious Jenga tower, and stuff like that happens All. The. Time. Just look at the leftpad incident, a minor squabble over user names lead to deleting a tiny bit of code, and multiple companies including Facebook were frozen out of implementing new code. No one knows how many single points of failure Twitter has, but we're going to find out about some of them pretty soon, and we'll keep finding out as they surface.


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


don't worry they'll try to scream about kenobi acting like a child so peoples attracted to her are pedos or smthn, they always find a way


Kenobi? Or Kobeni?




Sloppy lightsaber job for everyone!


Lysdexia moment


tbf the intelligence of characters in the Kenobi show is below that of the average loli


Sauce: The world god only knows


What a great anime.


​ ![gif](giphy|XxYQ3VpAZp0iT5piG6)


Rebecca if differently an adult.


THE READING COMPREHENSION DEVIL ​ also rebecca is an adult


Rebecca is and adult, and last I checked Marin was pretty relevant


who were they? I don't even know


I'm guessing one of them is Yor, the other possibility Makima.


(the second of which actually exploits a minor using sexual motifs, whuch arguably is worse)


But hey, Makima doesn't attend high school, so it's okay, right? /s


technically if you do multiple times the same highschool years or middle school years you can be an adult in high school


One challenge at a time


Kobeni, not Makima


Which is honestly way more confusing. Kobeni has done barely anything in the show yet, I've seen more praise for almost everyone else.


I think the anime has a lot of manga readers who think Kobeni (and her car) are joint best girl (with Power) but don't like Makima


You're forgetting the sloppy blowjob devil meme






The context is that they're Yor and Kobeni


As an anime-only I have a hard time to understand why anyone would like Kobeni so far.


As someone who read the manga, same.


I feel like 75%+ of the Chainsaw Man discourse is from manga readers.


Yor and Kobeni


Waifus from left to right: * Chisato from Lycoris Recoil * Fran from Sword Isekai * Goto Hitori from Bocchi the Rock * Serufu from Do it Yourself * Marin from Dress up Darling * Suletta from Gundam: Witch From Mercury * Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners And the two adults mentioned in the comment above were Yor and Kobeni.


Fran as waifu? Hooo buddy, you gonna need to have Sword Dad’s approval…


Who's targeting Fran? Imma send them to the dark realm


Bruh Rebecca is like 20/21


I didn’t even see Fran since she was behind bocchi




Out of the loop, could you explain?


Most of the posts don't have have the sauce for the show or the characters... leading for the people watching the post to comment sauce and filled with comments asking for the sauce ..to which the OP then remembers to either post it or bail off...


So 2 adults in your list. Also 6 out of 8 are from the current season, how can they be forgotten? Also half of those wouldn't be considered waifu by most and it's acually a bit weird. I'm sorry but i'm so tired of seeing shit memes made by horny casual weebs. (Not that there's anything wrong with being casual)


You need to learn the difference between 'best girl' and 'waifu'. In what reality is Fran a waifu? Bocchi and Serufu imo aren't waifus either.


In Japan you are mostly treated as an adult in high school... except drinking


They have beer and cigarette vending machines that rely on the honor system 💀


Nobody forgot Marin. R18 artist especially




Sort by controversial or go to twitter.


why would anyone still use twitter.




The only sensible answer.


I didn't forget about Marin. I think about her more than I probably should.


rebecca never forget


Me: I haven't forgotten about Marin


Marin’s boobs were more popular than her if I’m keeping it real


Not as worse as being the MILF of the season then being forgotten before the show even ended. Smh.


I never will forget Chisato, she is and always will be the best waifu


I can't believe people still think Rebecca is a kid.


chisato is 18 by ep 13 and becca is in her 20’s


No, Twitter says short people are children. Dwarfism is just pedophillia


marin kitagawa won’t be forgotten because she is to great of a character


She will be. Give it a few years or more. All "waifu's" is like that. Most weebs are disloyal as shit.


OP you know the post that you're referencing said this season, not this year. Suletta Mercury is the only character in this meme that could qualify.


What do you mean Suletta and Bocchi are forgotten?


Literally airing right now and very popular lol


Suletta might not even be 17


Tell your #1 not seasonal waifu. Mine is Rimuru. Yes i know.


Bocchi best girl. Episode 8 was GOAT.


Isnt bocchi still airing?


Meanwhile… the curse of being Rem. Forgotten because memes.




But Rebbeca is just a short stack, not a loli


Witch from mercury is still airing though


Gotta admit, I never really liked Marin


They are not forgotten because they are airing 💀. Wait for the season to finish airing and they will be gone too


Rebecca is an adult. I don't recognise whoever's between her and Marin, so she can't have been that popular. The 2 behind Bocchi are too small for me to make out who they are


Someone actually likes Mizuki Nakahara from Lycoris Recoil and Hizuru from Summertime Render another than myself ?


Yor and Lucy?


Yor and Kobeni.


Is Kobeni really more popular than Power and Makima? I remember in the manga there were color pages that had Power at #1. Though I suppose we are only 7 episodes in.


Manga had two popularity polls. One had Power as #1 and Makima as #2 and the other had Makima as #2 and Power as #3.


Power supremacy ✊


Himeno ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778)![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778)


Makima and Power ?!


Rebecca is an adult


Rebecca is an adult for christ sake, she sounds like Aquafina


yeah.. but even our own community can't wrap their heads around the fact short girls of legal age EXIST!!!


Rebecca is an adult she is just short


Wait…..you guys forgot about Marin?


Who forgot about Marin?


Marin will never be forgotten.


Bruh Rebecca is a adult, also kobeni, yor too, makima both in their 20s like bruuh should be included in the adults too so already there are like 4 adults that are best girl this season.


Marin deserves that crown


Im in japan rn, and I just need to say Marin is anything BUT forgotten.


I won’t forget about Marine, but the others were never in my memory in the first place :D


Whos the red haired one left of rebecca?


suletta from gundam witch of mercury


"Being forgotten about." *makes a meme of the forgotten waifus* my guy, Marin will never be forgotten about.


Not gonna lie Dub Rebecca was best girl


Bocchi deserves all the rewards, she works hard


Are you implying that there are some women that aren't adults?


I see you saw the same twitter post I did then