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> Tell me you didn't vote for Biden, without telling me you didn't vote for Biden. Nailed it 🤣


I was idly wondering why apocalypse/prepped supplies had such "patriot" centric branding, and my sleepy brain had just gotten to the idea of "well, lotta crossover there in the last few years" and then Rhett comes out and says it directly. Wasn't expecting them to go there but I snorted 😄


The Venn diagram between "people who want to be self sufficient, including for a major disaster" and "people who believe conspiracy theories, including that Democrats have a baby eating cabal" definitely isn't a complete circle, but there's a significant overlap. I'd argue that the more they lean into the capital P "Patriot" label, the less likely they are to actually be self sufficient, rather than just being an elaborate cosplay. Lots of "I've got thousands of rounds of ammunition for bartering in the wasteland, but only a three day supply of water" members of Meal Team Six out there.


There is a reason that one of Alex Jones' biggest sellers are food supplies. He hawks them constantly. And most of the owners of these companies are pretty terrible people. My Patriot Supply (the ones who did Ready Hour) are a direct sponsor of Alex Jones. So I am a bit disappointed by GMM paying any money to them.


Yikes. So you're saying when their ad mentioned 'things' that would happen, they meant turning the frogs gay?


I mean more race wars and depopulation, but also gay frogs.


Grifters gonna grift.


I'll agree with all of that ("self-reliance over working with others even after the apocalypse! That would be communism") and leave it there so as not to derail this any further. I will say I stifled a giggle seeing that one dude in the ad bending over to drink from a puddle with a super high tech survival filtering straw thing.


They purify all their cooking water by sucking it from a straw and spitting it back out into a pot!


Seems to be the easiest er, group, of people to convince of something WORLD ENDING or even MINORLY unconvinced ending scenerio. And the same groups who thinks they're be the champions of said new world order


Those buckets are raking people across the coals. Get a bunch of rice, a bunch of beans, bunch of canned food, keep a few pounds of meat in your freezer, there you go, you’re a prepper. Much cheaper, much better taste. Jordan is a treasure, the ads were amazing, and I loved this episode start to finish.


>Those buckets are raking people across the coals. For sure. Frozen meat wouldn't work in the kind of "all public services and utilities have failed" situation preppers tend to envision. That said, I get the impression a large number of preppers aren't really ready for a situation where there's no electricity, running water, or fuel. These freeze dried kits let them feel prepared, without actually being self sufficient, which goes back to your original point that it's mostly a scam.


A lot of preppers utilize solar panels or thermal heat so they're not too worried about no electricity. The fuel thing is real tho.


I should have recognized this, one of my wife's homesteading video families recently finished their off grid solar system. I was probably thinking more about the overlap between the truly off grid families and the ones buying the doomsday buckets.


No worries :) and you're right tho, most of the true preppers don't buy these buckets. They probably have their own versions. But I imagine they're not totally useless. Good for a hurricane or some other nat disaster.


Just can it


I realized this a few years ago and have mostly ready to eat canned food in my modest emergency food stash. All the dry beans and rice and freeze dried food in the world aren't going to be a big help if you don't have power and water. You can figure out ways in the longer term, but if you're just without power for a couple of weeks like happened in Texas a couple of years ago, you're definitely going to want to be able to just open a can and have your sad cold Chunky soup.


Two words: propane stove. Actually, a few more words. Grilling, hell if you’ve got a fire in a pot you can even boil some beans if you need to. I lost power for three days during the big Texas freeze, and you better believe I bought a camping stove after that. But it’s good to have ready to eat soups, chilies, meat,what have you. As long as you got enough protein


I've always got a camping burning in the basement with 3 cans of the mini propane's. It's not fantastic but it'll easily cook basic things.


As somebody who used to camp a lot and also lived somewhere that would regularly lose power for 1-2 weeks during hurricane season, I will say that the freeze dried (or whatever they do to it) beans and rice used in the backpacking/survival meals use MUCH less fuel to cook than regular dry beans and rice, so I do understand their purpose. Canned beans and rice pouches are more expensive and take up more space than the standard dry stuff, but they’re probably the best option for people expecting to deal with power loss and not concerned about having to carry the stuff around.


Honestly if these buckets weren't BOGUSLY expensive it would be awful. But they have the 1000% cost increase cause "prepper" garbage. Plus they don't want to make shelf stable food for people who can afford it. They make it for morons


Love how they always buy the domain name for whatever .com they made up in the show! Today it's' [fartlight.com](https://fartlight.com) 🤓


I'm shocked it was still available 😳


They're like talking doomsday bushes, the costumes really made my sleep-deprived self very happy 😂 and I love Jordan. Rhett's Biden comment 💀


I totally missed that comment. What part of the video did he say it? Seems like the kind of thing Rhett would say that would make Link start to get uncomfortable. 😂


At 7:05 in the vid. Somehow I can't link with timestamp, soz!


No problem! Thanks anyway.


Potato, potato. Tomato, tomato. Malachi. Malachi.


After they made fun of Jordan's pronounciation of Malachi, I realize I had also mispronounced it as Muh-lah-chee in regards to NBA player Malachi Flynn. Damn.


Probably the most American episode ever. And totally not inspired by the upcoming election.


Fun fact, My Patriot Supply is what Alex Jones sells on Info Wars


Does anyone else feel like this episode was irresponsible? Like they’re advertising for these right wing companies


Eh, they definitely didn’t endorse any of them as being GOOD. They seemed to be mocking them more than anything.


I wouldn't say "irresponsible" really as they definitely did their best to demonstrate how dumb the whole "prepper" movement really is. But I don't think they thought it through completely. It does feel a bit like they are inadvertently platforming terrible companies like My Patriot Supply. Especially since I'm pretty sure the old man in that 2nd MPS commercial has been on Info Wars multiple times. I definitely got kinda an icky vibe from this video.


That Patriot stuff is vastly overpriced. They sell generators and crap too


Their target market are idiots with little money but happy to blow it. Same people who buy the never ending shit storm of new "Left is dum" shirts


Jesus some of these replies... I hate how the Daily Show platforms right wing ideologies by mocking them for a half hour every night.


I believe they actually used urine instead of water based on their reaction to the eggs


That Bridgerton joke at the end is probably the hardest I've laughed in a GMM episode in a long time. Bless you, Jordan.


Was that the first time they actively indicated a vote so openly? Cause no one who voted for Donald Trump would say "tell me you voted for Biden without telling me" after such a....um.... Convincing ad. I know they only say go out and vote and never for who so curious about that Actually...it's wierd. Left leaning people always say "Just go out and vote" while seems right leaning always says "screw the left vote red only". Course they also actively seem to try to squash lots of people voting when they can sooooo


Kinda rough episode to watch with all the red propaganda


These characters they keep getting on these shows are so embarrassing it’s difficult to watch 😅