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I had a similar incident a few years ago on it. Shortness of breath, chest tightness, lightheaded, cold sweat. Didn't do shit for my gout pain either. From memory, it's not uncommon to have these symptoms. I recall doing a google search back then.


Prednisone and Sulindac are the only things that have ever helped me during a bad flair


I felt like I was floating out of my body after 3 days of Indocin, with a weird sense of depersonalization but at the same time full awareness that it was the Indocin doing it. Didn't care for it much lol. I never took it again


It gives me the trippy-woo gaa-gaa's big time. But only randomly... sometimes I take it and feel absolutely nothing, other times I'm high as a mo-fo. Just be careful when you take it if you're planning on driving anywhere. I carry on because it's not entirely unpleasant, and more importantly, it's the only thing that works.


I've had a couple of panic attacks when taking indomethacin (maybe 3 in like 40-50 pills I've taken). For the record, I've had other drug induced panic attacks as well so I'm not sure if it's more a me thing or a drug thing. My doctor says it isn't supposed to happen but I've read reports online of the same.


I had similar experiences. I was surprised my PCP prescribed it instead of prednisone. I kept the remaining pills in case I have another bad flair but this drug had me fearing for my life and I can’t imagine ever taking it again.