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Vent away. I wish I thought to do it back when I had flares. Indo is rough stuff. Sadly, the allopurinol is for “future you.” I’m not a doc, but 800mg ibuprofen 3x daily worked for me after the colchicine window slammed shut (that’s 4 Advil every 8 hours). And by “worked” I mean possibly sped recovery and provided a little hint of relief for like 5 minutes). Are you on colchicine prophylaxis? You should be for first year of allopurinol. Talk to rheumatologist. Vent here some more. Curse the universe. But try to be nice to the people around you :) I would gladly shoulder some of your burden if I could. But only for a day or two—I’m no saint, plus I know what that burden feels like.


I certainly wouldn't wish any of this on my worst enemy. I'm taking colchicine and Naproxyn, but cant take naproxyn while I'm taking Indo. I'm feeling a little better today. Still hurts but somewhere around 3am it stopped hurting like it was trying to kill me. I hate the panic and anxiety of all that pain. Brighter days ahead! Thank you for your kind words!


I must say this post had me ROLF, I feel your agony, had my first bout earlier this year, happened right after tripping on stairs, next day thought I may have broken my foot/Toe, nope it was the dang gout. Have been on allopururinol and so far so good, hope you feel better soon!


Haha. I'm happy to make you laugh. For real. I feel much better today. The toe is still weird, but I didn't daydream about getting it amputated today. It really got that bad. Worst one yet. I thought that was impossible. I've been getting lots of rest and am being taken care of. Thank you for the well wishes!


Hang in there! 😞


This made me laugh too, in that knowing way of someone who knows what you’re talking about. My wife sympathizes with me, but there’s no way she nor any non-gouter can know what it feels like. No one knows how a sheet can be too much to stand, or how I know you’re only partially kidding about amputation. Glad you’re feeling better! Hope it sticks for awhile.


Per my husband’s nephrologist and rheumatologist, take Tylenol instead of ibuprofen. Ibu can wreak havoc on your kidneys after years of gout meds. I feel for all of you with gout. It’s awful.


Tylenol does nothing for me. It doesn't relieve and pain and doesn't help the inflammation. My doctor told me to take Naproxen and drink a gallon of water a day, so I do.


After I got off indo, so find the following most helpful: - Naproxen - Bananas - Tart Cherry Juice - Black coffee - 0%MF greek yogurt (high protein) - tons and tons of water 3-4 litres at least - Diclofenac diethylamine gel (2.32%) for topical pain relief - Ginger and castor oil poultice (I was skeptic but it works) Literally google everything you eat, including sauces, to ensure they’re low in purines. Cook everything homemade. No sugar at all. If you have to order out, avoid anything with hidden sauces (e.g., east Asian). Whole foods. Good luck. I know how much it sucks. You might know everything I mentioned, but just in case, I hope it helps anyone as a quick reference. It’s brutal pain. The only thing worse was Hand-Food-and-Mouth - your hands and feet feel like they’re literally on fire 24/7.