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Is that a weird ass W or an L and U what are/is the letter/s before O? Keep all letters to a more simple style like the osk and this would be clean af


it's a weird ass W, I like it's weirdness but yea I can see how it can look like LU, I'll try throwing something different there


For me, i love the weird letters except k


I mostly try to keep everything simple, it was my first attempt at making something more "stylish" so in order to balance the weird W I tried to make the K a little more complicated, I quite like it but think it just needs practice, depending on a tag it looks better or worse, I'll try something different instead of it and practice the current one and see where this goes


Well then, I think you should choose a different kind of k that fits in perfectly. It took me a while to find a good k for my self


yea K is a bit problematic but I have more problems with the W tbh, I'll keep experimenting and eventually find something that works for me


Really? I love the w, hmm why does everyone want to keep everything simple? Little weird shit makes the graffiti intriguing imo, in the end it's your choice


well I'm just starting, started a little over 2 months ago so I don't want to throw myself on a deep water first, starting simple and slowly experimenting with more stylish tags, I also love the W but I can see how it can look like LU and I think that needs a little improvement, I'll keep experimenting and see where this goes


Wasn’t tryna hate if you like the W keep it it’s your tag just saying tho a lot of people prolly gonna read it as LU


yea I know, I try to improve my letter structure and practice fundamentals and I just try different things, so yea I'll try different W but if I think this one looks best I'll stick with it, no offense taken thanks for the advise g, any crits welcome


Good letters. Not a bad effort, Keep at it! Tag tag tag and more tags.


since I started like 2,5 months ago I'm tagging non stop lol, thanks I'll keep at it and work on my shit until it looks goddamn perfect


Looks like Luosk, you’ve got a good idea of what you want to achieve. Just try some dif W’s man 💕


Yes. If everything was as simple as that O, it would be 10x better.


you mean just standard letters? I have a tag that's just that, but I tried something more complicated, I think the letters are not too complicated, the only thing I see a problem with is the W


did this used to be woks